Fun literacy activities for preschoolers

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Learning to read is one of the most important tasks for a preschooler. Having mastered this skill, the child will be able to independently explore the world with the help of books and find answers to his questions.

Development and education of children from 2 to 11 years old in a playful way

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However, this is not so easy to learn. We suggest using game techniques that will help turn a difficult learning process into an exciting quest.


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Games and game exercises in “Literacy” lessons

Game “Name the word with the right sound”

It is advisable to play this game at the end of the lesson after the sound analysis of the words has been carried out. You can choose to play any sound from the words analyzed in the lesson. For example, the teacher puts a chip in the first cell of the diagram of the sound composition of the word moon

and asks the children what sound they should name the words with.
You can, by moving the pointer along the diagram, once again “read” the word moon
with the intonation highlighting of this sound, but you will have to resort to this technique only in the first lessons.

First, we advise the teacher to give examples of words in which this sound is in different positions, highlighting it intonationally each time: lllampa

Then the children name the words. Since the activity of students in this game is extremely high, it is better for the teacher to move gradually from desk to desk, listening to the answers of each
First-graders do not immediately learn to pronounce a word with intonation highlighting the desired sound. There is no need to reprimand them: remember, this is a game. Therefore, if a child says the word horse
, the teacher simply repeats after him: “That’s right,
, there is a sound [ll].”
If a student answers you who, in your opinion, can already distinguish the sound intonationally, tell him: “Please repeat your word louder so that everyone can hear the sound [l] in it,” and the child repeats: stolll
If you are not sure that the student will cope with your requirement, suggest to him: “Excellent, but let’s say it again so that the sound [l] is clearly heard,” and repeat with the child, emphasizing the desired sound with intonation: bell

At the moment when you notice that the children’s vocabulary is gradually depleted, change the task: “And now we will name words with a soft pair of sounds [l] - with the sound [l'] - lllisa

. Who's next?

No matter how much we would like to play this game without dwelling on mistakes, we can never completely avoid them. Someone is bound to make a mistake and either name a word with a hard consonant sound instead of a soft one, or the word will be similar in meaning to what another student has already said, but will not have the right sound (it should be noted that in children of this age, errors of this kind are not uncommon). What to do in this case? No wrong answer should be ignored. The teacher immediately, slowly, emphasizing each sound with intonation, repeats the word and, together with the child, makes sure that there is no such sound in it. What to do? Move away from the erring student and onto the next one? Leave him alone with his failure? In no case! You should always have a set of words and riddles ready for such an occasion. You just praised his neighbors for saying stol

Naturally, the child names a piece of furniture that, from his point of view, is more suitable for the school situation - a desk
- and waits for your approval.
And you repeat: pppaaarrrrtttaa
- is there a [l] sound?
No! And you immediately ask him a riddle: “What is the name of an animal that has a long trunk instead of a nose?” The child does not yet understand that his answer will contain the right sound - he simply hurriedly says: elephant
, and you rejoice: “What a great fellow you are!
Listen, guys, what a wonderful word Slavik named with the sound [l] – sllon
. And the child, who was sad, joyfully joins the common game again.

There are children who will not take part in the game unless you specifically activate them. When you pass by a child who sits quietly and does not raise his hands, do not let him pass, but also do not focus the class’s attention on the fact that this student is not ready to answer. Immediately ask him the question: “What is under my feet now?” – and knock on the floor. “Paul,” such a child will quietly whisper, and you will praise: “Very good! What an interesting word you said! Listen, children: in this word the sound [l] is in the last place - poll

." It is important for you to show every student in the class that it is easy and interesting to play, and that you will definitely praise them. And, naturally, the worse a child studies, the less self-confident he is, the more often he hears reproaches from his parents that he can’t do anything, the more important it is for him to hear words of approval from the teacher and the more often he needs to say them.

Don't be afraid to overpraise your students. Be careful not to instill in them self-doubt!

It is advisable to play the game “Name the word with the right sound” in every lesson. Children name words with any sound. Carrying out this game is very important for expanding the vocabulary of children and activating their vocabulary. At first, children name only objects. Gradually, when the vast majority of students begin to independently cope with the task of intonation identification of sound in a word, introduce an additional condition of the game: you can name only those words with the sound [s] that denote tasty things, or words that denote objects in the house, etc. .d. Gradually, the teacher can introduce other parts of speech into the game - adjectives, adverbs, verbs.

It must be remembered that the teacher must specially prepare for each such game, since his vocabulary should be much larger than that of children. Only in this case will you be able to truly lead the game, involving all students in it.

The game “Name the word with the right sound” is especially interesting and emotional if for each correctly named word the child receives as a reward some kind of chip or any other small object - a mosaic element, etc. At the same time, we must not forget about the characteristics of first-graders. If you try to make the set of these “rewards” more diverse, you can disrupt the game, as children will begin to look at these rewards from each other, change them, etc. The rewards should simply be a symbol so that at the end they can be counted to determine the winner with the most words.

Game "What's your name?"

This game exercise is introduced to consolidate children's knowledge of vowels and consonants.

The teacher invites all children whose names begin with a vowel to come to him. Each child's name is called loudly, and the class determines what sound it begins with, whether it is a vowel or a consonant.

Please note that among the children who come to the board there will certainly be those whose names begin with consonant sounds, and at the desk there will be someone with a name beginning with a vowel sound. We have already repeatedly talked about how to get out of situations when children make mistakes. Don't forget about this in this case too.

For your next lesson, invite children whose names begin with a consonant to join you. Children listen to their names with pleasure and compare them.

Game “Name the Similar”

This game is introduced to practice the next educational operation - distinguishing between hard and soft consonant sounds. The game is good to play with the ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls a word that begins with any consonant sound. The child must return the ball to the teacher, saying another word with the same consonant sound or with any solid consonant (the conditions of the game are agreed upon in advance). Please note that it is easier for the student to name a word with the same sound.

  • 1st option:

    teacher -
    , student -

  • 2nd option:

    The teacher is
    the cheese
    , the student is
    the hammer

  • 3rd option:

    teacher -
    , student -

  • 4th option:

    teacher -
    , student -

Then you can complicate the game: the teacher calls a word starting with a hard consonant sound, the child answers with a word starting with its soft pair or with any soft consonant sound.

When conducting these games, the teacher must very gradually complicate the task, moving from one option to another, and remember the need to provide discreet assistance at any time.

In these ball games, it is also important to take into account the “technical” side: the ball must actually be given almost into the child’s hands, situations where the ball falls and the whole class rushes to catch it with a squeal should be avoided. That is, in this game you are not working on children’s dexterity or their coordination - you (and the students) are faced with the educational task of distinguishing between hard and soft consonant sounds.

Game "Live Sounds"

We have already discussed this game in detail when we described a fragment of a lesson on teaching children sound analysis. Here we will show what form the game takes on at the moment of learning, when children already have a fairly good command of the sound analysis of words, distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonant sounds.

Let us remind you that the game “Living Sounds” takes place after the children have conducted a sound analysis of a word. For example, during the lesson the word river

. After sound analysis, a model of this word is laid out on the board: green chip, red, green, blue and again red chip.

Children can be invited to the game “Live Sounds” in different ways:

  • 1st option

    - played by those children who solved the teacher’s riddles about the sounds of words: “What is the first sound in a word? third? fourth? second? fifth?"

  • 2nd option

    – the teacher invites the children to the board and tells them what sound each of them will make; sounds can be named in a row, as they appear in a word, or separately.

So, at the board, the students lined up in accordance with the order of sounds in the word. The teacher calls one of the children to “read” the word, pointing at the chips that the children are holding in their hands. Then he begins to call “sounds” to himself: “The first vowel sound in a word, the second vowel sound, the second soft consonant sound, the first soft consonant sound, the hard consonant sound will come to me.”

Children must quickly come up and line up again in a word. After “reading” the word with a pointer, the teacher returns to the board and continues: “The second sound in the word will come to me, the first sound, the fifth, the fourth, the third.” The word is read again, and the teacher suggests: “The second consonant sound of the word, put your chip in place and sit down; the first consonant sound, put your chip in place and sit down; first vowel sound... second vowel sound... third consonant sound..."

Notice what challenging tasks your students are doing. Every child who plays the role of sound must know and remember everything about his sound. For example, a child playing the role of the sound [k] remembers that it is the fourth sound in a word, the third consonant, the first hard consonant: after all, your tasks can concern any characteristic of sound.

At the same time, the teacher, when conducting the game, must constantly remember that he, in essence, gives children very complex educational tasks, and the form of the game turns them into a game - emotionality, lightness, ease.

This game allows the teacher to focus on the real knowledge of each child, take into account the individual characteristics of children, constantly bringing the class to a general high level of knowledge. When calling on a poorly performing student, the teacher should give him an easier task - no one will notice this in the game, and the weak child will grow in confidence in his abilities and knowledge.

The game gives the teacher the opportunity to tactfully and unnoticed by others to help someone who is lagging behind. That is why children with learning difficulties willingly play and gradually master all the program material.

And let's remember again: it is easier to prevent a mistake than to correct it.

In the above game, if you call a lagging schoolchild, you give him a task in a different form: “Go, Natasha, you will be the sound [h']. Let's “read” the word river

. Here it is, your sound [h'], it is a soft consonant and is in third place in the word. Go stand third in the word.” And when you call the children to you, you again, looking at Natasha, will say: “The consonant sound [ch'], the third sound in the word, will come to me,” and Natasha will confidently go to the teacher.

And you give the strongest students the most difficult tasks. And don’t look at them, so as not to suggest with your eyes - they already master all training operations, and the more difficult their task, the more pleasure they perform it.

Gradually, the teacher passes on some of the tasks in this game to the class.

For example, calling children by sounds or putting them in place can be suggested to students. And they do this with pleasure, enthusiastically coming up with more and more complex tasks: “Let the sound [k] sit in place, but first name a word with a soft pair of its sound,” “Let the sound [l'] sit in place, but first name in in the class there are three subjects that begin with him or with his solid pair,” etc. Sometimes children get carried away by these tasks and require the “sounds” to name breeds of dogs, planets, etc. It is necessary to warn the class that questions can only be asked about sounds, and all other questions will be asked in lessons on the subject “The world around us.” The effect of enriching knowledge about the world around us, expanding the range of this knowledge can only be a side effect, but in no way replaces the main goal of literacy lessons.

Game “Come up with a word based on the model”

This game is introduced at the end of the training course, when children have already mastered the sound analysis of words, easily distinguish between vowels and consonants, know that consonants can be hard and soft, and hear them well in words.

But keep in mind: this game can be interesting and useful for your students only if you have specially prepared them for it. How to do it? First of all, after conducting a sound analysis of each word, it is necessary to draw the class’s attention to what model was obtained. For example, parsing the word fox

, you ask the children to tell you what can be seen from the model of the word, what sounds it consists of.
Very often, children name specific sounds: “It can be seen that the first sound in the word fox
is [l'].”
Be surprised when you look at the word model: “Do you see that the first sound in the word is [l']? But I don't see. I only see that the first sound is a soft consonant, but I don’t see which one. What is the second sound in this model? Yes, it is a vowel, we don’t know which one - we only see a red chip and therefore understand that it is a vowel sound,” etc. And when in one of the following lessons the children carry out a sound analysis of the word saw
, ask them to remember whether this exact model of the word was already present in the lesson. In this case, of course, you need to try to ensure that no more than 1-2 lessons pass between the analysis of words of the same sound structure.


Make it a rule to compare each parsed word with the previous ones: were there already words in which the chips were the same? Which? At first, it is difficult for children to answer this question; their answers can be completely random. Therefore, try, as always with a new task, to prevent incorrect answers - lead the students with you, lead them to the correct solution.

Only after the class has basically learned to cope with such comparison tasks can a new game be introduced. The first game task of coming up with words in accordance with a given model should be simple - a three-sound model. You put chips on the board - blue, red, blue - and ask the children to say what words they should name, how the sounds will be located in them. Since you have sufficiently prepared your students, they can easily “read” the sound model: the first sound is a hard consonant, the second is a vowel, the third is again a hard consonant. Remind the children that they know a lot of these words and have studied such words in class - poppy

... “Who else remembers?”
Children will definitely name all the words they learned in class. But be prepared for the fact that along with the correct answers you will also hear the words whale
and even four-sound words.
Be sure to “read” each named word, moving the pointer along the model. Be happy if the word “fits” this model, and show the class why some words “do not fit”: kkyit
- the first sound in the word
is a soft consonant, but we need it to be hard.

It is very useful to suggest to the class that each student lay out the same model from their chips in front of them and, before saying the word out loud, quietly “read” it, moving the pointer along the model.

Show me how to do it.

“Listen, guys, how I will come up with words. I will first look at the model: what sounds should be in my word. And I’ll come up with a word made of three sounds: salt

But I won’t immediately raise my hand and say this word, but first I will quietly “read” it according to the model: ssol

The first and second sounds in my word are the same as on the model - a hard consonant and a vowel.

And the third sound in my word is salt

– a soft consonant, and on the model – a hard consonant.

So this word is not suitable. I'll think again: juice

Again I read according to the model - ssookk
- all the sounds match. So, I came up with the right idea, you can raise your hand.”


In any type of activity in the lesson, you continue to develop learning activity in your students - the ability to control their actions, evaluate their correctness and incorrectness.

Of course, such work is carried out only in the first lesson, when you introduce children to a new game. But we advise you to leave the model in front of each child for a while: it is still difficult for children to correlate their pronunciation with the model without moving their hand over it (after all, you specifically taught them this!).

To make the game interesting for children from the very first lesson, prepare in advance a set of words that you can suggest to your students. For every correct word there is a reward, as in the game “Name the word with the right sound.” And the winner is determined in the same way.

When the game starts to go easily and quickly, you can change the chips during the game: instead of the blue one, put green ones and, of course, draw the attention of the class: “Now what words are we going to name?” Depending on the degree of advancement of the students in the class, such replacements can be made twice or three times: change only the first or only the third sound to a soft consonant, make both consonants soft, add a vowel sound at the end.

This greatly enlivens the game, each permutation gives a new surge of answers. But complications should be carried out gradually, remembering that in this game children perform a very difficult task: before naming a word, they must mentally conduct a complete sound analysis of it, assess the qualitative characteristics of all sounds.

Of course, in every class there are children who masterfully navigate the sound structure of a word and complete even the most complex tasks with amazing ease. But, no matter how tempting it may be, you cannot focus on such children - after all, if the tasks for the class as a whole are too difficult, the game will turn from a joy into a boring chore.

Game "Who is attentive"

This is, in fact, not a game, but rather a didactic exercise.

During the lesson, children are given the task of placing two chips in front of them, indicating hard and soft consonant sounds.

The chips are placed one below the other.

Then you need to put after the blue chip those vowel letters that are written after hard consonants, and under them, behind the green chip, those vowel letters that are written after soft consonants.

Students must complete this task in almost every lesson, gradually increasing the number of letters: first, there is one letter behind each chip - ( a

), then their number increases, reaching five in each row.

After all the students have basically completed the task, the letters are laid out on the board in the same way. This is done by one student or several, sometimes by the teacher himself under the dictation of the class.

When supervising the work of students at the blackboard, the teacher can, without waiting for the child to put a letter, ask: “After a hard consonant, did you put a

. What letter means the sound [a] after a soft consonant?” If you do not ask such questions, there is a danger that children will mechanically remember the letters and will put them out without focusing on the learned rule.

A correctly completed task looks like this:

a, o, y, s, e
i, e, yu, and, e

If the letters are placed in this way, the teacher immediately sees that the student remembers the rule of Russian writing, which is currently being studied in class, and accurately correlates the vowels with each other. If the letters in the rows are not correlated with each other (under the letter a

, etc.), the teacher cannot have firm confidence that the child has understood the learning task.

When this task is completed, the game begins. The students close their eyes, and the teacher quickly rearranges two letters from one row to another, changes their places, that is, in place of the letter a

puts the letter
, etc.

Then the children open their eyes and have to guess what has changed.

Here it is very important to swap exactly pairs of letters in order to unobtrusively focus students’ attention on which vowel letters are written after hard ones and which ones after soft consonants.

If you act differently - rearrange the letters randomly, the children's attention will, of course, develop, but the educational task will fall out of the game.

Sometimes the teacher, conducting this game-exercise, after each correct answer of the student asks him to repeat the rule.

For example, a student noticed that the teacher swapped the letters o

, and he said it correctly.

The teacher asks: “Why can’t this be done?”

In a learning situation this question is quite legitimate, but in a gaming situation it is not. After all, the game’s task is to find what has changed. And only this can be discussed in the dialogue between teacher and student.

Of course, sometimes you can ask a child about this, having previously praised him for the correct answer, but you should not abuse this kind of conversation, since the game will immediately stop.

Game "Find your house"

This game is introduced to remember the rules for writing vowels after hard and soft consonant sounds.

All students receive one vowel letter, and two children take chips: one - blue, the other - green. These kids are the leaders. Leaders are selected from schoolchildren who have perfectly mastered the educational task and do not make mistakes in independent work. Letter children walk around the classroom; at the teacher’s signal, they must take their place in the blue or green house.

Each presenter checks the letters and allows into his house only those that are written after his consonant sound.

The teacher does not interfere with the game and does not replace the presenters. If one of them made a mistake and let a letter into his house that shouldn’t be there, the letter children themselves discover this at the request of the teacher: “Check everyone together to see if any extra letter has entered your house.”

Children love this active game very much, play it with pleasure and want to be the presenter-inspector. The teacher should in every possible way emphasize the importance of the presenters, their good knowledge, and the responsibility necessary to fulfill the role of sound. This encourages the rest of the class to strive to take this place, and therefore to correctly solve the relevant learning tasks in the lessons.

Series of messages “Teaching literacy...”:
Part 1 - copybooks Part 2 - “A” ... Part 36 - Letter E. Part 37 - Corrective educational activities: “The Journey of Little Raccoon.” Theme of the letter E, e Part 38 - Games and game exercises in the "Literacy" lessons Part 39 - Phonetic fairy tale "Koshcheevo Kingdom" Introducing the letters Ya, E, Yo, Yu

Literacy training in the senior group

It is at the age of 5-6 years that children usually begin to actively teach literacy and spend time developing speech: distinguishing sounds and letters, reading individual words and sentences, putting emphasis.

Preschoolers learn to find the right words to name objects in pictures, make sentences, and draw diagrams of words.

Children also train and prepare their hands for writing: they draw and paint a lot, shade, trace the contours of objects, and learn to write letters little by little.

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