Abstract for children of senior preschool age “Living and inanimate nature”

The purpose of the didactic game “Living and Nonliving”

The game is aimed at the cognitive development of preschoolers on the topic “Ecology”; it fosters interest and respect for natural objects.

The goal is to expand and consolidate ideas about nature, develop the skill to distinguish between living and inanimate objects, and find connections between them.


  • developing the ability to identify objects of living and inanimate nature, as well as man-made ones;
  • improving speech skills;
  • learning the skill of formulating questions and answering them;
  • enrichment of individual thematic vocabulary;
  • training in the skills of solving emerging problems and formulating conclusions;
  • developing an interest in nature and a desire to positively influence the environment;
  • fostering curiosity and cognitive interest;
  • development of memory, creative and logical thinking, concentration.


Microorganisms can rightfully be considered the first living beings on the planet. They originated long before the appearance of humanity and even animals. This is the longest living form of life.

Microorganisms originated millions of years BC, however, having come such a long way, they are still the most common forms of life. They can be found in every ecosystem. Microorganisms are microscopic single-celled creatures found absolutely everywhere. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, but a microscope is used to study them. Among the wide variety are bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The survival rate of microorganisms is simply colossal - they do not care about almost all environmental conditions. These creatures can be found in hard rocks. The main feature of microorganisms is intensive reproduction in favorable conditions. Genes are transmitted horizontally - they do not need to pass on genetic data to descendants to spread their influence.

Development occurs thanks to other living beings. This factor is decisive in any habitat. Some types of microorganisms survive even in the vacuum of space.

There are dangerous and beneficial microorganisms. Thanks to the latter, life on the planet develops, but the harmful ones only worsen the situation, destroying everything around. Sometimes harmful microorganisms are beneficial - some viruses can cure serious illnesses in people.

Interesting: Common fox

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