Summary of a drawing lesson in the 2nd junior group. Topic: “The house where I live.”
“Furniture” GCD in the second junior group Completed by: Elena Yuryevna Ivanova, teacher of the Borovsky Children’s Children’s Educational Institution
“Communication training” - a series of psychological and pedagogical classes for preschoolers (for children 6 - 7 years old)
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF "Training techniques in the formation of communication in children of senior preschool age." In the century
The use of gaming cultural practices in organizing the educational process in kindergarten
Game-based cultural practices for educating humane feelings in children of senior preschool age Bibliographic description: Kondrashova,
Making plasticine cars: instructions with photos for children and beginners
Learning how to make a car out of plasticine will be interesting not only for boys, but also for girls.
Card file for studying indoor plants in different age groups
Plants in a kindergarten group, in addition to aesthetic ones, also have a number of educational functions. Children study
Drawing a still life of autumn fruits. Summary of an open drawing lesson with children of the preparatory group “Autumn Still Life” (reverse graphics technique). Different pictures of autumn
Translated into Russian, the word “still life” means “dead nature”. To put it more simply, then
Poems for children on the topic “mathematics” and “reading”: quantity, length, number 4, counting, reading a book, bread
Poems about addition *** Addition is an action Very, very simple Let's add together
Teaching preschoolers to depict trees of different species in object drawing
Analysis of software drawing tasks in accordance with age group In the first younger group tasks
project “Gifts of Autumn” project (preparatory group) on the topic
Project “Gifts of Autumn” To instill interest in the animal world, plants and trees in the forest
Summary of GCD in the senior group. Where did the book come from?
Summary of GCD in the senior group. Where did the book come from? Summary of educational activities for children 5-6 years old.
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