Summary of the modeling lesson “Meeting of Ivan Tsarevich with the Frog Princess”

Although every child knows what frogs look like, it can be difficult for him to depict them from memory (or even looking at a photo). The body of these amphibians has a unique shape that is difficult to immediately replicate. To figure out how to make a frog from plasticine, you can use step-by-step master classes that offer various ways to create these cute swamp inhabitants.

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to make a frog from plasticine
  • Rules for sculpting small parts and recommendations for working with plasticine
  • What is the difference between light plasticine and regular plasticine?
  • Options for which frogs can be molded from plasticine
  • Application of plasticine frogs on cardboard for beginners and children
  • Simple volumetric crafts of frogs from plasticine
  • Princess Frog
  • A simple frog for kids and beginners
  • Realistic frog
  • Combination with other materials
  • Detailed crafts of the frog princess
  • Photo examples of finished crafts and paintings of frogs molded from plasticine

Once you learn how to collect a frog, you shouldn’t stop there. You can fashion him a friend, a family, or create a whole large lake full of amphibians - the baby will get better at each new craft, and repeating the same actions is useful for the development of logic and fine motor skills.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a frog from plasticine

Amphibians are not only green. The frog can be made beige, brown, or even yellow.

We sculpt a frog from plasticine step by step:

  1. Roll into a ball and flatten it slightly to form a body.
  2. Make two identical sausages and mold their ends.
  3. Attach the legs to the body.

  4. Stick eyes made of white and black circles onto the face.
  5. Create a “face” with a stack.
  6. Roll two paw balls, flatten them and scratch your fingers on them.
  7. Make a water lily sheet from plasticine of a different color.
  8. Glue the paw to the base, and the body on top.

The figurine is ready, all that remains is to decorate it with a pink flower.

Rules for sculpting small parts and recommendations for working with plasticine

Subtleties of working with plasticine and useful tips:

  • It is best to sculpt crafts on a special mat, but you can replace it with a sheet of plastic or linoleum.
  • The plasticine should be cut in small portions, and the remaining pieces should be immediately glued onto a block of the desired color.
  • The mouth, nostrils, fingers and other small details are cut out using stacks or toothpicks.
  • To prevent the plasticine from sticking to your fingers, they are periodically moistened with water (to do this, you need to place a convenient container on your work table).
  • It is better to assemble crafts starting with large parts and gradually adding smaller ones to them.
  • By mixing pieces of different colors you can get new shades.

When working, you must ensure that the plasticine does not fall on the floor and does not get tangled in your hair.

What is the difference between light plasticine and regular plasticine?

Light plasticine (also called air plasticine) is a colored self-hardening mass that does not stick to your hands and does not have an unpleasant odor. The material hardens completely in the open air within several hours (this depends on the size of the finished product). After this, crafts made from light plasticine cannot be deformed or stick together, and they can be played with like plastic figures (or put on a shelf and admired).

If a child is interested in modeling, then the Frog Princess made of light plasticine can become the first figurine in a collection of fairy-tale characters that he will gradually collect.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 185 "Yubileiny"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 185 “Yubileiny”

(MBDOU “D/s No. 185”)

Date of establishment of the educational organization – 1980.

Let's decide together

Can't enroll your child in kindergarten? Would you like to tell us about the teachers? Do you know how to improve your diet and exercise?

About the founder(s) of the educational organization

The founder of the Institution and the owner of its property is the urban district - the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory. Address: Barnaul, st. Union of Republics, 36-a Email address:

Website: Chairman of the Education Committee of Barnaul Mul Andrey Genrikhovich - tel. (8-3852) 56-90-45

The functions and powers of the founder of the Institution on behalf of the urban district - the city of Barnaul of the Altai Territory are performed by the Education Committee of the city of Barnaul. The functions and powers of the owner of the property of the Institution on behalf of the urban district - the city of Barnaul of the Altai Territory are performed by the committee for the management of municipal property of the city of Barnaul.

On the names of representative offices and branches of the educational organization (if any) (including those located outside the Russian Federation)

There are no representative offices or branches of the educational organization. There are no representative offices or branches of the educational organization located outside the Russian Federation.

About the location of the educational organization

Legal address: 656062, Barnaul, st. Shukshina, 17

Actual address: 656062, Barnaul, st. Shukshina, 17

About the mode and work schedule of the educational organization

Working hours: five-day work week. The kindergarten is closed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.

Working hours: Monday from 7.00 to 19.00 Tuesday from 7.00 to 19.00 Wednesday from 7.00 to 19.00 Thursday from 7.00 to 19.00 Friday from 7.00 to 19.00

About the contact numbers of the educational organization


8 (3852)
About educational organization email addresses

About the addresses of official websites or pages on the Internet information and telecommunications network


[email protected]
Address of the official website of the educational organization


The organization does not have official pages on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

On places of educational activities, including those not specified in the annex to the license (register of licenses) for educational activities

  • places of educational activities for basic training programs: 656062, Barnaul, st. Shukshina, 17 ;
  • places of educational activities for additional educational programs: 656062, Barnaul, st. Shukshina, 17 ;
  • places of implementation of educational activities when using the network form of implementation of educational programs: no ;
  • Places of practice: no ;
  • Places for practical training of students: no ;
  • Places for state final certification: no .

There are no places for carrying out educational activities not specified in the annex to the license (register of licenses) .

Options for which frogs can be molded from plasticine

Detailed master classes explaining how to make various frogs from plasticine.

Application of plasticine frogs on cardboard for beginners and children

Assembling a mosaic applique from plasticine is not only exciting, but also useful. Rolling a large number of identical balls develops fine motor skills and the baby's eye.

Plasticine frog applique for children step by step:

  1. Draw (or print) a diagram of the drawing.
  2. Fill the outline with green balls, starting from the top.
  3. Make a mouth out of the red sausage.
  4. Decorate the knees with light spots, and the tips of the paws with brown pieces.

For applique you should use thick paper or cardboard. Regular office sheets are too thin for such heavy material.

Simple volumetric crafts of frogs from plasticine

When sculpting figures, it is not necessary to completely repeat the proposed master classes: starting from them, you can create your own unique crafts.

Princess Frog

To interest your child in modeling, you should invite him to make a cute Frog Princess. To do this, you need to sculpt an ordinary figurine of an amphibian and decorate it with a crown (you can add an arrow if you wish).

Step-by-step sculpting of the Frog Princess:

  1. Make a body out of two balls, slightly flattened horizontally.
  2. Roll two pairs of sausages and shape them into paws, as shown in the photo.
  3. Glue the hind legs to the sides of the workpiece.

  4. Attach the front legs.
  5. Form a stack of fingers.
  6. Make eyes and draw a muzzle.
  7. Make a crown from yellow plasticine.

Depending on the age of the author of the craft, you can increase the number of details.

To make the teeth of the crown neat, they are cut with a stationery knife on a plane, and then the part is twisted, and if it is difficult for a child to make an arrow from plasticine, it can be replaced with a toothpick.

A simple frog for kids and beginners

Following the step-by-step photo of how to make a frog from plasticine, an older child will be able to assemble the figurine on his own. Adults can prepare the blanks for the baby, and all he has to do is assemble the craft.

Modeling in the preparatory group “The Frog Princess”

Group: preparatory (age 6 to 7 years)

Program content:


  1. To develop children’s ability to convey the proportional relationship of parts and details (torso, head, paws, eyes).
  2. Strengthen the ability to cut out a variety of objects using previously learned techniques.


  1. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordinate the work of the eyes and hands.
  2. To develop children's creative abilities, attention, thinking, memory.


  1. To cultivate perseverance and interest in artistic creativity and modeling.
  2. To cultivate a love for Russian folk art and fairy tales.

Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”, looking at illustrations for the fairy tale.

Materials: plasticine for each child, a set of stacks, modeling boards, multimedia projector, DW disk for each child.

Progress of the lesson

(children enter the art studio and stand in a semicircle towards the multimedia projector screen)

Teacher: Good afternoon, guys, look at the screen. Today we will start our lesson with a journey through a fairy tale.

Try to guess what this fairy tale is called? Several objects appeared here (arrow, bow, needle).

Children: (list fairy tales).

Teacher: That's right, these objects are from the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess.” Today we will sculpt one of the main characters of a fairy tale, or rather one heroine of this fairy tale. Who do you think we will sculpt?

Children: The Frog Princess.

Teacher: Now let’s remember the fairy tale a little.

  • What words does the fairy tale begin with? (In some kingdom, in some state)
  • Where did Ivan Tsarevich's arrow hit? into the swamp)
  • What is the real name of the frog? (Vasilisa the Wise.)
  • Why did Vasilisa the Wise become a frog? (She was a princess who was bewitched by Koschey the Immortal.)
  • Where and when did Ivan Tsarevich first see the frog in the guise of Vasilisa the Wise? (When the king invited everyone to the feast)

Teacher: You know the fairy tale very well. Now I invite you to a fairy-tale workshop, where I will first tell you how to make a frog (children stand at their convenience in front of a multimedia projector and perform movements to the music that are projected on the screen)

Teacher: Go to the board and carefully look at the picture. Who is in this picture? What does the frog hold in its paws, what is on its head?

Children: (they list the arrow, and a crown shines on its head)

Teacher: Let's look at the sequence of sculpting a frog (the teacher shows how to sculpt a frog)

  1. First we’ll make the body: roll it into an oval. Don't forget about proportions (the head is smaller than the body)
  2. Now let's roll up the future head of the frog princess - a small ball, make a mouth out of red plasticine with a crescent, and make two nostril points with the tip of the stack. For the eyes we will need to roll two small green balls, which we attach to the head. We attach a small white ball to each eye and a small black pupil in the middle. Now the frog looks at us and smiles.
  3. Now we need to connect two main parts - the body and the head. Attach the two hind legs to the sides of the body. Now our frog can sit comfortably on the water lily. Also mold two front legs with membranes at the tips, which we make using a stack, and connect them to the finished craft.
  4. The frog itself is already ready, but we still need to sculpt a few additional details. For example, a crown, because without it she would not be a princess. Make an accessory from yellow plasticine. Plant the swamp princess on a green leaf - a water lily.
  5. The habitat for our future frog is ready - it will be a pond (the discs are coated with blue).

Teacher: Come in and take a seat in our fabulous workshop.

First, heat the plasticine in your palms until it becomes soft. Pay attention to the sculpting sequence. Those who sculpt quickly can sculpt Ivan Tsarevich if they wish (pupils sculpt on their own to calm music)


Teacher: Look what a wonderful pond we have, and what frog princesses live in it.

  • Which frog did you like best? Why?
  • What was the hardest thing to put together?

Teacher: Funny little frogs invite you to dance their playful dance with them.

Musical physical school

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