Summary of direct educational activities on reading fiction on the topic: “Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” for children of middle preschool age.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Fairytale therapy class for the senior group. Topic: Along the roads of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”

Goal: To develop children’s cognitive abilities and a friendly attitude towards heroes.



  1. To develop such moral qualities as empathy and willingness to help;
  2. Teach children to give a complete answer to a question;
  3. Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes;
  4. Strengthening the ability to solve problem situations.


  1. Develop coordination of general and fine motor skills;
  2. Develop the ability to express one’s attitude towards the characters of a fairy tale;
  3. Develop interest in Russian folk tales.


  1. Develop the ability to listen to the speaker, not interrupt, and empathize with the characters of the fairy tale;
  2. Foster a desire to be responsible;
  3. To cultivate a love for Russian folk art.


  • recording calm music
  • Magic wand
  • tabletop theater “Geese and Swans”
  • bowl of water
  • napkins
  • apple tree with apples (red, green, yellow), baskets
  • pebbles, strainers
  • salty dough
  • Baba Yaga's hut

- dolls of the characters Baba Yaga and Sister, Brother.

Preliminary work.

  • learning the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”
  • learning proverbs and sayings about friendship
  • listening to the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”

— examination of illustrations for the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”

— work with the tabletop theater “Geese and Swans” .

Form - group


Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's say hello to them. (Hello!). Children, I suggest we start our lesson with a handshake. In a circle, quickly stand tightly by hands and smile at each other. Let's wish ourselves an interesting and good lesson.

Children, do you like fairy tales? (Yes). And with the help of what magical objects can we get into a fairy tale? (carpet - airplane, boots - walkers, Baba Yaga's stupa, flying ship). Today we will go to a fairy tale with the help of a magic wand and magic words. We close our eyes: one, two, three. (The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” , the teacher touches the children with a pointer). Open your eyes, the fairy tale comes to life! Look carefully! (children open their eyes).

Oh guys, I hear something. Someone is crying here behind the screen. Look at this girl, let's ask why she's crying. Girl why are you crying?

Guys, please help me, the Geese-Swans took away my brother, please help me find him. Children, from what fairy tale did the girl come to us? (Swan geese). Well, guys, let's help the girl find her brother. (We'll help). But first, let's remember why my brother was kidnapped by the Geese and Swans? (Answers). Yes, that's right, because she didn't look after him and left him to play alone, and didn't listen to her parents. What happened next in the fairy tale? (The girl ran to look for her brother.) Who did she meet on the way? (Stove). Let's go on our way to the stove. So we came to the stove. Guys, in the fairy tale the girl also encountered a stove, but for some reason it didn’t help her. Why do you think the stove didn’t help the girl? (Children's answers). Who remembers what words the girl said to her in the fairy tale and in what tone? Stove, stove, tell me, where did the geese and swans fly? And what did the stove answer her? (Eat my rye pie, I’ll tell you). What did the girl answer? (My father doesn’t even eat wheat...). What was the right way to ask her for help? (Answers). Guys, let's listen to what task we need to complete so that the stove can tell us where the geese and swans have flown.

An audio recording sounds: Wow, wow! Is no one going to help me? The firewood burned out, but the pies were left unbaked. And I really wanted to treat good people with delicious pies! Who will help me?

Hear, the stove is asking for help. Let's make some pies and put them in the oven. (Making pies: working with salt dough). Oh, guys, look, there’s a note in the chimney near the stove. Let's read what is written here. . Well, guys, let's go further to the apple tree. So we came to the apple tree. Let's remember what the apple tree asked the girl for? (Eat my forest apple, I’ll tell you.) And what did the girl answer? (My father doesn’t even eat garden ones...). Guys, let's listen to what task we need to complete so that the apple tree can tell us where to go.

Audio recording - the voice of an apple tree. - Guys, help me: collect ripe apples from my branches.

Let's pick some apples. To do this we need to split into two teams. Take a card each from the tray. Look what is shown on them? (geometric shapes: circle and square). What colors are they? (yellow and red). Children with a red circle stand in one column with a yellow square in another. You need to collect apples of the colors of your geometric figure and put them in your basket. It is necessary to collect them carefully without interfering with each other. One, two, three start. Well done kids, we helped the apple tree. Let's count how many apples we have collected. (the teacher takes apples out of the basket and puts them on the table). Children, look how many apples each team collected (the same, equally). Oh, and on one of the apples the apple tree left us a message, let’s read “Go straight along the path and ask the river for help .

Here is the river. Guys, let's remember what the river asked the girl in the fairy tale? (Eat my simple jelly with milk, I’ll tell you.) And what did the girl answer? (My father can’t even eat cream...) Guys, let’s listen to what the river will ask us for.

An audio recording sounds (the voice of the river): - Guys, help me. Remove the heavy stones and give space to my water.

The river asks to free its bottom from stones. Let's help her. Using a strainer, you must remove the pebbles from the bottom. We get up again according to commands and take turns taking out pebbles from the bottom. (Children remove pebbles using strainers.) Our friendship helped help the river. Tired? I suggest relaxing on the bank of the river. Listen to her thank us with her song! (Children sit on the carpet and listen to the river song “Melody Stream” ). The river was babbling at me that I had to go straight. Shall we go guys? (Let's go to). Here are the guys and the edge of the forest, and on it there is a hut. Who do you think she is? (Baba Yagi). Yes, guys, we came correctly, but she is standing with her back to us, so we need to tell her to turn to us in front. (children's answers). The hut turns (the melody “Hut on Chicken Legs” ). Baba Yaga appears and says: “Well done guys, for your friendship and responsiveness, I will give you a brother . “And you, sister, don’t leave him alone again . Sister: Okay. I won't.

And it's time for us to return. “If you went on a journey with a friend” plays . Children follow me and stand in a circle. (Children walk around the hall one after another.)

Children stop. We close our eyes: One, two, three. Let's leave the fairy tale, open your eyes guys. (the teacher touches the children with a magic wand) Here we are again in kindergarten. Well done boys.

Author: Cheraksheva Galina Pavlovna,

teacher of MADOOU TsRR d/s No. 31

village of Medvezhye Ozera, Shchelkovsky district.

Next >

Progress of the lesson.

Part I. Organizing time.

someone is hiding in our . Whoever guesses the riddle will recognize him.

He loves to walk around the yard,

Loves to flap its wings

Laugh at the top of your lungs (goose)


Educator: “Do you remember the song about the grandmother who had geese ? (Children's answers)

What about geese , what kind of birds? (Children's answers)
What do they eat? (Children's answers)
geese like to do ? (Children's answers)
In which fairy tale do you see geese ? (Children's answers)
I brought you a book and it’s called
Geese and Swans .
Would you like me to read it to you? (Children's answers)
. Then sit back and listen carefully.

A. Reading a fairy tale .

b. Physical school


The geese have arrived (running in circles, flapping their wings)

They sat down near the sea (crouched)

The geese wanted to swim in the blue sea (swimming movements)

The paws were washed (they rub their hands alternately with their palms)

Wings were rinsed (waving hands below)

the geese did not drink salty water (turn their heads to the sides)

Let's fly home, to our native shore (running in a circle, waving our arms)

There we will drink some spring water from the spring.

V. Analysis of a fairy tale .

the fairy tale about ?

2. Where are mother and father going?

3. What does the mother ask her daughter to do?

4. How did the daughter behave after her parents left for the city?

5. What happened to my brother?

6. Who are geese and swans ?

7. What decision does the girl make?

8. Why didn’t the stove, apple tree and milk river want to help the girl?

9. Where did the girl run?

10. Who did she see in the hut?

11. How did the girl manage to save her brother?

12. Why do the stove, apple tree and milk river help the girl on the way back?

13. Is it possible for a stove, an apple tree and a milk river to talk to a girl?

14. Where can we find talking animals and talking objects?

(Possible answers from children: “In fairy tales ; in fairy tales "


— Is it possible for children to leave home without permission? What can happen? (Children's answers)


Part III. Final.

Educator: You guys are great! They listened to the story carefully and answered questions. Did you like the fairy tale ? (Children's answers)

Look, I have more books in which this fairy tale . You can take them and look. And the goose, which hid from grandma, will remain in our group .
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Summary of educational activities for reading fiction for children of the middle group “Geese and Swans”

Oksana Dolgusheva

Summary of educational activities for reading fiction for children of the middle group “Geese and Swans”

Topic: Reading the fairy tale Geese and Swans

Integration of educational areas “Cognition”


Reading fiction Goal: Introducing children to the origins of Russian folklore through a fairy tale.

Continue to teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​fairy tales;

Strengthen the ability to guess riddles based on descriptions

Develop emotional responsiveness to the content of fairy tales through voice and character

Pictures with episodes of fairy tales "Kolobok"

“The Ryaba Hen”
“Three Bears”
“Masha and the Bear”
Geese and Swans

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