Snowman Andersen's fairy tale read ☃️ watch and listen

A winter tale about a snowman - the main character of the season. The baby will learn why it is important to be friends and try to do everything together. Although this does not always work out, it happens to everyone. Some kids are embarrassed to make new friends. A fairy tale for young children 3 - 4 years old, helps to overcome shyness. They foster a love of nature. Every time of year is wonderful and you can find interesting things to do. There are plenty of winter games to play outside. If it's cold in the evening, there are fun activities you can do at home in the warmth. The snowman talks about this in a fairy tale. Now the baby will not cry if he has to go home from the playground. A fairy tale for children 3-4 years old explains that there is a time for everything. Playing in one place for a long time is boring. Remind your child of the story about the snowman and invite him to go home. Think of something interesting you can do.

Tale about a snowman

It doesn't matter where this story happened. Is it a fairy tale about a snowman or is it true, probably true. It could have happened in any courtyard in the city or on any playground in the village. There were many children on one playground. You look in the summer, and they are there like hares in a clearing: they run, jump, hide from each other, play tag, kick the ball.

But now it was winter, it got dark early, the children went out for walks, gloomy. They make one snowball and ask to go home, crying that it’s cold. They don't want to play. These children walk on their own. They're bored. They don't know how to have fun. Moms and dads ride in sleds, but you still can’t please the kids. And then one day it snowed. There was a lot of snow on the ground, covering the ground with a soft blanket. The children came out in the morning and couldn’t believe their eyes - there was a man made of snow standing in the yard. They had only seen this in pictures.

The body is round, the arms are made of twigs, the nose is a carrot, and there is a bucket on the head. Standing, smiling, holding a broom in his hand. Children surrounded him, looking at him with wide eyes and studying him with curiosity. They stood there for a long time, did not look away, but were afraid to come closer.

— Kids, aren’t you interested in asking who I am? - the little man spoke.

The little ones shook their heads and immediately began to back away. “My name is Snowman,” he smiled at the children, “let’s be friends?” What is your name? “I’m Kirill, and this is Katya,” the bravest boy began. “I’m Daniil, and this is Sasha,” the next one picked up. “I’m Alena, and here’s Vitya,” the girl almost sang.

The rest of the kids also started saying their names.

- How did you get here? - Children made me out of snow. I have been watching you for a long time, when you were flying like snowflakes. I watched how you were afraid to play together. — It’s cold outside and we were shy. — Do you know the best way to stay warm in winter? These are games! And the most fun is to play together. It turns out you knew each other’s names and saw each other in the yard more than once. So let's start being friends now! Here Vitya is holding the sleigh, and Danya took his. You can race children or toys, taking turns changing. Let the start be one football goal, and the finish another. Whoever is faster wins. But the main thing is not to fight or call names. The most important thing is that everyone has fun. Only something is missing... - the Snowman thought thoughtfully - who is watching the competition? - Spectators! - the children answered in unison. - Exactly, let the rest of the kids cheer on our sled racers. - How do they do it? - Shout their names, wish them strength, praise them.

Shout: come on, let's run to the finish line!

The kids competed, ran around, laughed until their cheeks turned red. - How are the kids? Cold? - Nooo! - they shouted back. - Now build me a brother snowman. But smaller, so that he is younger.

The children tried to make 3 circles of a snowman, but it didn’t work. Either one falls apart, then the other does not come together.

- Try to do it together. And let Katya and Alena look for twigs, from which they will later make hands. Instead of an iron bucket, you can put a plastic bucket on it. He's small, let him have a bright hat. And sing a good song, it helps your mood and whiles away the time. I know one that fits, you’ve probably heard it too. And if not, then memorize it.

And the Snowman began to hum the words, and the children picked up:

“White snowflakes have been swirling since the morning, Snowdrifts have grown in the middle of the yard. The street has become brighter from the snowflakes, You just need to dress warmly...”

When the guys united, everything worked out for them. We made three snow circles. They placed them on top of each other according to size: here is the bottom, top and head.

— I thought it would be boring and long, but when you do it with friends, it turns out faster and easier. And it's even more fun when you eat. We weren't cold at all! “Guys,” the Snowman began, “it’s time to say goodbye.” It's getting dark and it's time to go home. “We don’t want to go home, there’s nothing to do there!” - Daniel shouted. — Previously, you thought that there was nothing to do outside in winter. But there are many games: making a snowman, snowballs, skating, sledding, drawing in the snow, building houses. At home, read a fairy tale about me, watch a cartoon about winter. You can make me another brother and put it in your room, in the hall, under the Christmas tree. There are many snowman crafts that you can make yourself. I love when there are Snowmen in yards and in forests and in your warm houses.

The guys went home and waved goodbye to their new snowy friend. Let's go read books about winter and make a snowman craft with our own hands.

Snowman: what did he symbolize in the past? The story of the snowball...

This fun winter activity has been known to people for centuries. But not many people know what supernatural meaning the snowman had in the past...

According to popular legend, at the end of the 15th century, around 1493, the Italian sculptor, architect, poet Michelangelo Buonarroti first sculpted a snow figure. According to historical research, the first written mention of a snowman is found in an 18th century : it talks about a “beautiful snowman” of gigantic proportions. And the word “schneeman” , that is, “snowman”, originally arose in the German language. The image of a snowman first appeared as an illustration for a children's book with songs published in Leipzig.

The first snowmen were portrayed as evil, ferocious snow monsters of impressive size. This is no coincidence, because in those ancient times, merciless winters with severe frosts and dank blizzards brought a lot of trouble. Most likely, it was then that beliefs appeared that snowmen pose a real threat to people. They thought that it was dangerous to sculpt them during the full moon: for a person, disobedience could result in obsessive nightmares, night terrors, and generally all sorts of failures.

Michael Hague, “The Snowman” Source:

And in Norway there was a legend that it was dangerous to look at snowmen late in the evening from behind a curtain. In addition, it was considered a bad sign to encounter a snowy figure at night: it was recommended to avoid it.

Only in the 19th century did the snow creatures “get older” and soon became an indispensable attribute of Christmas and New Year. Greeting cards featuring a cute, smiling snowman surrounded by cheerful children quickly gained popularity. It is curious that in the minds of European peoples, a snowman is always a male creature; they never had snow women or Snow Maidens. In English there is only one word for it - “snowman” .

According to an old European parable, Saint Francis of Assisi considered the creation of snowmen to be a unique method of fighting demons. And according to another Christian legend, snowmen are angels . After all, snow is a gift from heaven. This means that the snowman is none other than an angel who can convey people’s requests to God. For this, a little snowman was sculpted from freshly fallen snow and their wish was quietly whispered to him. They believed that as soon as the snow figure melted, the wish would immediately be taken to heaven and soon come true.

Jane Maday, “Snowman with a Bird Feeder” Source:

In Europe, snowmen were always made next to houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and given branchy brooms. The mystical can be discerned in the details of their “robes” . For example, a nose in the shape of a carrot was attached to appease the spirits who sent harvests and fertility. An inverted bucket on the head was a symbol of prosperity in the house. In Romania, there has long been a known custom of decorating a snowman with “beads” made from garlic heads. It was believed that this promoted the health of household members and protected them from the mischief of dark forces.

Wonderful children's fairy tales are dedicated to snowmen. The most famous is the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen “The Snowman” . The dog tells the snowman about his life, about people and about the stove where he loved to warm himself when he was a puppy. And the snowman also had an inexplicable desire to get closer to the stove; it seemed to him that something was moving inside him. All day long, instead of enjoying the bitter frost, he was sad, looking at the stove through the window... Spring came, and the snowman melted. And only then was an explanation for his sadness found: the snowman was fixed on a poker, which moved in him at the sight of his native stove.

Photo: Depositphotos

The hero of another good German fairy tale by Mandy Vogel “Der Wunsh des braunen Schneemannes” (“The Brown Snowman’s Dream”) is a chocolate snowman. He dreams of seeing snow, and his friend, the boy Tim, takes him outside. The snowman is delighted with the white winter day and children playing snowballs. In the end, the chocolate snowman himself becomes covered in snow, he sincerely rejoices at this, thinking that now he is as white as everyone else. But Tim, seeing that his fabulous brown friend is still far from perfect whiteness, does not dare to disturb his happiness.

In Russia, snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times and were revered as the spirits of winter . Any child knew perfectly well how to make a snowman with his own hands; after the first snowfall, a bunch of kids poured out onto the street and started rolling snowballs. The molded figures, like Frost, were treated with due respect and asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts.

By the way, snow women and the Snow Maiden are our Russian cultural tradition. Our ancestors believed that winter natural phenomena (fog, snow, blizzards) were controlled by female spirits. Therefore, to show them their respect, they sculpted snow women.

It’s not for nothing that the expression “mother winter” or “father frost” exists. And the month of January was sometimes even called that way - “snowman”. For our people, the snowman is also one of the favorite New Year's characters. In the glorious Soviet cartoons “The Snowman-Postman” and “When the Christmas Trees Light Up,” the snowman acts as Santa Claus’s faithful assistant around the house. In the Soviet Union, snowmen were artfully painted on greeting cards.

Today, in our civilized world, creating snow figures remains not only a favorite pastime for children, but also a socially organized holiday . Records are being set all over the world for sculpting the tallest snowmen. Interesting Facts:

  • The tallest in Europe flaunts on the slopes of a ski resort in Austria, in the city of Galtür: its height has reached 16 meters 70 centimeters.
  • And the record for creating the tallest snowman in the world was set in the United States of America in 1999, its height is 37 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight is 6 thousand tons of snow.

We are not lagging behind in this matter either! Snowman Parade competition has been held at the estate of Father Frost in Kuzminsky Park . Our snow figures may only be as tall as a person, but their number (several dozen) is very impressive!

Find time to enjoy winter and be sure to build your own snowman! Happy holiday!

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Tags: symbols, interesting fact, snowman, cultural traditions, idea

Listen to the tale about the snowman

There is another fairy tale about a snowman that you can listen to. Just play the recording for your baby, cover him with a blanket and kiss him goodnight. The baby will listen to a fascinating story while his eyes rest.

A fairy tale about a snowman: listen and imagine.

Listening time: 13:52

Snowman cartoon

And we also have a cartoon about a snowman - a postman. Remember the good childhood hero? Every child dreamed of meeting him and believed that his snowy friend would come to life. In this story, funny adventures await the little viewer. The video is convenient because it is short - your eyes won’t have time to get tired. You can turn it on for your baby before bed after bathing. Get ready for roaring laughter and join in the viewing. It won't take much time. Let's turn off the lights, like in a movie theater, and turn on a cartoon about a snowman and his friends. Children may have already heard this story from V. Suteev’s book “The Christmas Tree”.

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