Abstract of educational activities for the cognitive development of children of the middle group on the topic “My Street”

Summary of an educational excursion in the middle group of a preschool educational institution. Street of my village

Summary of a sightseeing and educational excursion on the topic: “The street of my village”

Program objectives: - Continue to introduce children to their native village of Cherlak. — To give an idea about the hero S. M. Mikryukov — To introduce Mikryukov Street and its landmarks. - Practice remembering your address (street name, house number). — Strengthen the ability to follow traffic rules. — To educate the basics of cultural behavior. — Foster a sense of respect, pride and gratitude for the heroes of the Afghan war. Preliminary work: • Conversation on the topic “My home address.”
• Conversation on the topic “The street where I live.” • Outdoor game “I walk around the house.” • Role-playing games: “Home”, “We are going to visit”, “Drivers”, “Shop”, “Hospital”. • Didactic games. Excursion progress

“We get up early in the morning and see the village outside the window.
He woke up, he lives, he’s calling us out into the street.” Organizational mood - Guys, now you and I are getting dressed and going on an excursion. / The children, together with the teacher and assistant teacher, get dressed for a walk.
They go out into the kindergarten yard and line up in pairs .
— Guys, each of you lives on your own street, in your own house. — Sasha, what is the name of your street? / Survey of 2-3 children about consolidating their knowledge of their address
— Today we will visit Mikryukova Street, which is located not far from our kindergarten. We will find out why it is called that and what is on it a little later, but now let’s remember the rules of the road. / Children pronounce the rules of behavior on the street and begin to move
Conversation - Guys, we came to a street called Mikryukov Street. -What do you see on this street? / Home, shop
— That’s right, on this street there are the same houses as everywhere else. People like you and me live here, our fellow villagers. Look, only one house has a plaque called a memorial plaque. It says why the street got its name. — Do you want to know why this street is called that? / Yes
The teacher's story about the hero S.M. Mikryukov - This street is named in honor of Sergei Mikhailovich Mikryukov, who was born in 1959 and died in 1984 while performing his international duty in Afghanistan. When Seryozha was a schoolboy, he studied at the Cherlaksky boarding school. He studied well, loved to play sports, participated in various sports competitions, and was involved in a dance club. He was a reliable and loyal friend. After graduating from school, he entered the Omsk Higher Tank Command School. He graduated and was sent to Afghanistan. On January 16, 1984, the crew under the command of Senior Lieutenant Sergei Mikhailovich Mikryukov honorably completed the combat mission assigned by the command. Returning to the camp, driving across the bridge, the tank unexpectedly exploded. Sergei died, but he died as a hero. He was awarded the Medal for Military Merit and the Order of the Red Star, but only posthumously. Sergei Mikhailovich Mikryukov is buried in our village of Cherlak. Literary word You lived little, but you mean a lot For those who are just beginning to live. An example of your spiritual qualities Calls to remember and love. - Guys, let's remember what is the name of the street on which we are located? /Mikryukova Street/. I think that you remember why the street got its name and will be able to tell others about it.

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SUMMARY OF GCD “What is a Street” outline of a literacy lesson (middle group) on the topic

Software tasks:

Fostering respect for traffic rules. Development of memory and observation. Expanding children's horizons. Enrichment of vocabulary. Expand and concretize children’s knowledge about the street. Continue to form ideas about traffic lights and their purpose. Introduce children to the rules for crossing the roadway.

Key words: street, street name, house number, sidewalk, pedestrian, road, intersection, traffic light.

Equipment: Paintings depicting a street and an intersection, signal cards (green, yellow, red), traffic lights, cubes with green, yellow, red circles (according to the number of children), disk “Lessons from Aunt Owl. Lessons of caution", multimedia installation, Charlie the Gnome toy, "Road" layout (signs, road signs, houses, cars).

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

Introductory conversation.

- Guys, look who came to visit us? That's right, our friend and assistant gnome Charlie. You remember that together with Charlie we are preparing to fly to the planet of Traffic Rules. Let's go and sit on our training chairs and continue. And Charlie will watch how we prepare for the flight.

2. Conversation “What is a street.”

Guys, every day you go to kindergarten down the street. Tell me, what did you see on the street today? Angelina, what did you see on the street? (children's answers). Well done, you are very observant. The street is a long row of houses with a road running between them. Look at the picture. What is shown here? (answers). That's right, the street. Cars, buses, bicycles, motorcycles - all of this can be called in one word - transport. Where is he moving? On what part of the street?…. - on the way to. Timur, please show us the way in the picture. And people who walk along the street are called….- pedestrians. And you and I must, i.e. pedestrians walk along... the sidewalk. Danil, show us the sidewalk.

Each street has its own... name. And any building, house has its own number. What are street names and house numbers used for? (children's answers). Right. Vika, can you tell me what street you live on and what your house number is? (I ask other children). Our kindergarten is also located on the street and has its own number. How many of you remember the address of the kindergarten? … Red Street .

There are many streets in our village: long and short, wide and narrow. Sometimes streets intersect between each other. And the place where they intersect is called a crossroads (I show a crossroads in the picture, we pronounce this word together and individually). People, pedestrians and vehicles, move along the streets in different directions. And to avoid trouble, each of them must move, observing the rules of the road. Do you know these rules? Then let's play. The rules of the game are very simple: Charlie asks us a question, and you only answer “Yes” or “No”. Be careful.

  • Driving very fast in the city. Do you know the rules of movement?
  • The traffic light is red. Can I go across the street?
  • Well, the green light is on. Then, can we go across the street?
  • I got on the bus, but didn't take a ticket. Is this what you're supposed to do?
  • Will you give up your seat on the bus to an old lady who is very old?

Now guess the riddle:

To help you, my friend,

the path is dangerous,

lights burn day and night

Green, yellow, red.

( traffic light)

Let's play the game “Green, yellow, red” (an outdoor game). Let's remember the rules: green light - we walk, yellow - we jump in place, red - we freeze in place.

Tell me, guys, is there a traffic light in our village? Seva, at what traffic light will you cross the road? Vika, if the light is red, what will you do? What about yellow? ... in our group we also have a traffic light, let’s take a look and remember how it works:

If the red light flashes, then there is no crossing, if the yellow light flashes, stop and wait, and the green light - go!

Now Charlie wants to see if you can make a traffic light out of blocks.

Didactic game “lay out the traffic light” (with cubes)

Charlie said that we showed our knowledge well and he had a surprise for us. He came to us not alone, but with his friends Auntie Owl and the brownie Naughty.

(children watch a lesson on traffic rules)

You see, Aunt Owl told us about how to behave on the street. And today we will definitely remember these rules.

It's time for us to say goodbye to Charlie, it's time for him to go to other guys. But he brought us another gift. (The “Road” model is displayed to the children) Let’s thank Charlie and say goodbye to him. And now you can try to build your own town with different houses, vehicles and traffic signs.

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