Summary of a lesson on introducing the profession of a firefighter

THEMATIC MODULE “All professions are needed, all professions are important” Topic: “Profession firefighter”



— implementation of successful socialization and personality development of a child with disabilities;

— familiarization with the work of firefighters, the fire truck and its functions;

— formation in children of generalized ideas about the structure of the firefighter’s labor process, the role of modern technology in human labor activity, understanding the relationship between the components of labor activity;

— enriching children’s vocabulary on the topic “Profession – firefighter”;

— developing the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation.


— instilling respect for fire department workers;

- development of dexterity, courage, speed of reaction;

— developing a sense of responsibility for one’s actions and personal attitude towards compliance and violation of fire safety rules;

— actualization of real life experience;

— helping children understand the importance, necessity and indispensability of each profession;

— fostering a caring attitude towards the work of adults and its results.


— development of cognitive interest and an active position in choosing a profession, self-confidence, positive attitude and respect for the work of a firefighter;

— development of mental processes: speech, attention, memory, thinking, imagination;

— stimulation of the development of cognitive, communicative, creative abilities of children;

- development of general, hand and fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination.


Module creation time: October 2022 - January 2022

Presentation: 02/07/2019


: Firefighter theme.


: cognitive, speech, social and communicative, physical, artistic and aesthetic.




1. Basic data (general information on the topic):


- this is the person who got into the fire and suffered from the fire.
Or someone who is not a firefighter by profession, but is simply interested in this matter. And those people who put out fires, the real brave fire fighters, are correctly called “firefighters.”
A real firefighter will never call himself a “firefighter”!
That’s why the fire fighters are always referred to only as “firefighters.” What is the job of firefighters?
Firefighters put out fires, but it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This process is very dangerous and complex and requires the coordinated work of the entire fire brigade, and the ability to work as a team is very important. Firefighters also rescue people who are trapped in burning buildings. They provide first aid to victims both in fires and in other emergency situations. Firefighting is one of the most difficult tasks in a firefighter's job, and in addition to human resources, it also requires special equipment. This includes suits made of fire-resistant material, gas masks, helmets, picks, axes, and firefighting equipment. A fire truck is specially equipped to carry large volumes of water, sometimes over long distances, to extinguish fires. In addition, there are portable fire extinguishers inside to fight small fires.

Pedagogical project in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic: Firefighter

Pedagogical project “Firefighter is a heroic profession!”
for children of the senior group No. 2 Developed and conducted by: T.I. Karpenko Age of project participants: children from 5-6 years old. Composition of the project group: teachers and students of the senior group, parents of students, society. Type of project: educational and gaming, group, short-term, Project implementation period: from 09/18/2017 - 09/29/2017. Relevance: Sooner or later a person faces the problem of choosing a profession. I paid attention to the profession of a firefighter; nowadays in our country, young people increasingly consider the profession of a firefighter to be prestigious. Every day, more and more people need the help of rescuers and firefighters. Many years ago people learned what fire is. Later they came up with ways to fight fire, because fire becomes a real disaster. The firefighter profession is a very ancient one. The first firefighters appeared in Ancient Rome. This profession is suitable only for strong and courageous people. Project “Firefighter is a heroic profession!” dedicated to: developing in children a conscious and responsible attitude to the implementation of fire safety rules. The desire to constantly discover something new often puts them in front of real dangers. Every year the number of fires caused by children, who become victims of their ignorance and frivolity, increases. This cannot but cause concern. Preschool children do not know the purpose of fire or how to act in case of fire, and this raises concerns for the safety of children. In this regard, we decided to introduce the pupils to the profession of firefighter and tell them what danger fire brings. Goal: to develop in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards compliance with fire safety rules. Objectives: Create conditions for children to learn and consolidate their knowledge of fire safety rules. Create conditions for the formation in children of a conscious and responsible attitude to the implementation of fire safety rules. Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations. Conduct sports and entertainment activities. "Young firefighters" Objectives: 1. Introduce students to the profession of firefighter. 2.Explain a general understanding of the purpose (function) of fire, knowledge of the causes of fire. 3. Develop basic skills and abilities in behavior in the event of a fire. 4.To consolidate and expand ideas about fire safety through reading works, visual and play activities. 5. Introduce the heroic profession of a firefighter through an excursion to the fire station. Expected results. 1. Expanding children's knowledge about fire safety rules.
2. Formation of correct behavior in an extreme situation (dial the telephone number of the fire department, conduct a dialogue with the dispatcher by phone: clearly state your address). 3. Formation of knowledge about the firefighter profession. 4. Expanding knowledge about fire extinguishing agents. 5. Fostering respect for the profession of firefighter and rescuer. Stages of project implementation
The project implementation period is designed for 2 weeks. Stages of the project: 1. Preparatory stage: 1. Conduct a survey of children. 2. Prepare didactic games, manuals, and fire safety attributes for children. 3. Select fiction, toys, and attributes for play and theatrical activities on fire-fighting topics. 2. Main stage: Implementation of fire safety measures for preschool children. Event plan. 1. Lesson – situation “If there is a fire in the house.” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about the everyday causes of fires. 2. “Firefighter is a heroic profession.” Purpose: to introduce the history of the creation of the fire service, fire extinguishing equipment, the telephone number of the fire service, and to cultivate respect for the work of firefighters. 3. Retelling of L. Tolstoy’s story “Fire Dogs” Purpose: to expand knowledge about the fire service and fire service dogs. 4. Compilation of stories based on plot pictures about the fire. Goal: to develop children’s ability to compose a story using pictures and invent events. Artistic and aesthetic development: 1. Drawing: “Fire truck.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to depict fire equipment, strengthen the ability to draw large, and place images in the middle of the sheet. Reading fiction: 1. S. Marshak “What’s Burning?”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, “Cat’s House”; 2. B. Zhitkov “Fire at Sea”, “Smoke”; 3. K. Chukovsky “Confusion”; 4. T. Fetisova “Where the red cars are rushing”; 5. S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”; 6. Solving riddles, memorizing proverbs and tongue twisters on the topic. Educational activities in special moments. Conversations: 1. “There is such a profession...” Purpose: to talk about the profession of a firefighter, to reveal the significance of his work. 2. “Fire safety in kindergarten” Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​their own safety while in kindergarten. Watch the video: Cartoon "Cat's House". After viewing, group and individual conversations are held with the children. Solving problem situations: 1. “If there is a fire in the house?” 2. “If the fire siren sounds.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to act correctly and quickly in an emergency. Dramatization of a fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak "Cat's House" Games: Didactic: • “What firefighters need” Goal: quickly and correctly select pictures depicting fire-related objects. • “Dialogues on the telephone.” Goal: to teach children to dial a number correctly on the phone and give accurate and clear answers to questions. • “Flammable objects” Purpose: to teach children to find among dangerous objects those that cause a fire. • “What is useful in a fire” Purpose: to teach children to find an object that will be useful when extinguishing their choice of fire. Explain your choice. Role-playing: “Firemen rush to the rescue” Goal: to develop in children a holistic understanding of the profession of firefighter and fire safety. Interaction with parents Consultations: 1. “How to teach a child the correct behavior in case of fire.” 2. Folder “Fire Safety”. 3. Final stage: 1. Sports and entertainment: “Young firefighter”. 2. Presentation “Firefighter is a heroic profession” 3. Excursion to the fire station. 4. Design of a fire safety corner. Resource support for the project. Fiction, sports equipment for groups and kindergartens, television, the Internet. Effectiveness: Children have developed knowledge about fire safety rules. — the correct behavior in an extreme situation has been formed (dial the phone number of the fire department, conduct a dialogue with the dispatcher by phone: clearly state your address). - children have basic knowledge about the profession of a firefighter. — children know fire extinguishing means. — children are instilled with a desire to choose the profession of firefighter. Project product: Presentation “Firefighter is a heroic profession!” Sports and entertainment activities: “Young Firefighter” Children’s drawing competition “Firemen rushing to the rescue” Design of a fire safety corner Excursion to the fire station. List of used literature: 1. E.N. Petukhova. “Fire Safety Week in Preschool Educational Institutions” Preschool pedagogy. - 2009 - No. 1. 2. N.B. Pikuleva. "Fire safety". Preschool education. - 2007 - No. 4. 3. T.A. Shorygina. “Basics of safety for children 5-8 years old.-M.: TC Sfera, 2007. 4. T.A. Shorygina. “Fire safety rules for children 5-8 years old.” - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008.

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