Calendar-thematic plan for the senior group on the topic “Safety in Nature”

Long-term planning for life safety for the senior group (March, April, May)

Yulia Polishchuk

Long-term planning for life safety for the senior group (March, April, May)


Week 1: Work according to traffic regulations

Conversation “Dangerous Crossroads”. D/i "Trip around the city". S/r game "Chauffeurs"

Program content: Expand knowledge about the characteristics of traffic at an intersection; continue to introduce the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cars using a three-color traffic light.

Literature: Polynova V.K. p. 75

Week 2: Fire safety.

Playing out the situation: “There was a fire in the house!” Phone "01". Reading and discussion of I. Tverabukin’s poem “Andreikin’s Watch.” Funny game “The Most Loud One”.

Program content: To teach children, through playing out difficult situations, various ways to get out of them.

Literature: Kolomeets N.V. p. 61

Week 3: Personal safety on the street.” (Not everyone you meet is a dear friend)

Getting to know the rules. Relay race “I’ll run away from someone else”, D/i “Say a word”, D/i “Watch” (description of the person, signs, what he looks like). Reading the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault.

Program content: To warn against troubles associated with contacts with strangers; promote the development of caution and prudence; teach children how to behave correctly in a situation of violent behavior by an unfamiliar adult.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. p. 189, Presentation “Personal safety on the street and at home”

Week 4: Personal safety on the street (Continued)

Repetition of home address, full name of parents.

Modeling the situation “They are calling you to the next street...”. "You were treated to a stranger"

Program content: Discuss dangerous situations that may arise when contacting strangers at home; teach the correct behavior in such situations

Literature: Volchkova V. N. p. 189, Presentation “Personal safety on the street and at home”


Week 1: Work according to traffic regulations

“Rules of conduct on the railway”, introduction to the rules.

Program content: Formulate rules for safe behavior on the railway; replenish children's vocabulary by speaking with them complex words: locomotive, train, turnstiles, driver, conductor, railroad worker; educate children to be attentive and careful.

Literature: Kolomeets N.V. p. 139, Presentation “For children about the rules of safe behavior on railway transport”

Week 2: Fire safety.

Conversation: “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy” Actions in case of fire using illustrations and posters.

Looking at illustrations of a fire truck.

Drawing "Fire Truck"

Program content: Teach children to talk about the benefits fire brings to humans; consolidate children's knowledge of what can result from careless handling of fire; know and follow the rules of behavior in case of fire; instill in children respect for the work of firefighters.

Literature: Garnysheva T. P. p. 91, Presentation “About good and evil fire”

Week 3: “Safety when interacting with animals.”

Getting to know the rules. Simulation of the situation “Meeting with a stranger’s dog.” Assignment: remember what the calf Gavryusha did with the postman Pechkin in Prostokvashino. Conversation “Cats can be dangerous too”

Program content: To provide knowledge about the rules of conduct when meeting various pets; teach children to understand the state and behavior of animals, how to communicate with them.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. p. 192, Presentation “Safety rules when communicating with animals”

Week 4: Poisonous mushrooms and plants.

Getting to know the rules. Looking at pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms. D/i “Edible - inedible”, “Find mistakes.” Drawing “Draw to remember and not touch!” (Amanita)

Program content: Give an idea of ​​edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries; teach to distinguish mushrooms by pictures and the signs that are given in the riddles and explanations of the teacher.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. p. 198, Garnysheva T. P. p. 39, Presentation “Poisonous Plants”


Week 1: Work according to traffic regulations

Communication situation “We are on the street.” Game situations “How do I know the rules of the road.” Illustrations "Situations on the road." D/i "Rules of Conduct".

Program content: Continue to introduce children to what can happen if you go for a walk alone; where you can and cannot play. Literature: Polynova V.K. p. 47, Presentation “Rules of conduct on the road”

Week 2: Fire safety.

A conversation about safety rules in nature during a fire, looking at relevant illustrations. Reading of N. Belyanina’s poems “At leisure, children...”, “From a burning match in the summer...”, conversation on the content. D/i "Fire extinguishing agents"

Program content: Introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature during a fire.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. p. 195, Presentation “Safety rules and behavior in case of fire”

Week 3: “Water Safety”

Getting to know the rules. Looking at illustrations. Reading the poem "The Diver's Tale." Assignment: what rule of behavior on the water was violated by the heroes of S. Marshak’s poem “Three Wise Men in One Basin.”

Program content: To form ideas about the rules of safe behavior near water and on water, about the causes of accidents on water; to develop knowledge about actions in case of danger on the water.

Literature: Garnysheva T. P. p. 40, Presentation “Rules of conduct near bodies of water”

Week 4: “Safety in nature”

Getting to know the rules. Looking at illustrations and pictures.

D/i So – not so.” Simulation of situations “We are in the forest...” S/r game “We are going to the dacha”

Program content: Introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature during a thunderstorm. Give children knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting different insects.

Literature: Volchkova V. N. p. 195

Long-term planning of life safety classes in the senior group “Gems”

Continue to introduce children to traffic lights; consolidate children's understanding of its purpose and traffic signals; continue to learn to distinguish and name the colors of traffic lights, as well as what they mean.

Develop children's speech, memory and thinking; activate the words “pedestrian crossing, roadway, sidewalk, traffic light” in your speech.

Teach children the rules of behavior on the street, where they can and cannot play. To form in children an idea of ​​the street and its main parts. Bring to the understanding that playing on the roadway is prohibited: it is dangerous; instill in children the need to take care of their safety.

Introduce children to the layout of the street, where there is a road

part, road, traffic light and pedestrian crossing. Teach children to understand what road signs mean.

Consider the various dangerous situations that may arise in urban environments when riding a bicycle,

Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. Explain that health is one of the main values ​​of life; to instill in children the need to take care of their health through healthy eating.


Provide children with basic information about medications: what benefits they bring and what dangers they can pose. Talk about the benefits of vitamins, their importance for life, the relationship between health and nutrition. To instill in children the need for healthy eating and the desire to take care of their health.

Develop children's speech, memory, thinking, observation, attention; consolidate in speech the names of healthy products (milk, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

Clarify and expand knowledge about the organs of vision, hearing, their structure and functions; cultivate a caring attitude towards the health of oneself and others; cultivate respect for the profession of a doctor and nurse.

Develop children’s coherent and dialogic speech, their memory, attention and thinking; enrich children's vocabulary with new words (pupil, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, hearing, dentist); consolidate the words in speech: eyes, ear, teeth.

To develop personal hygiene skills in children. To develop in children an understanding of the importance and necessity of hygiene procedures. Explain why you should brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your hands, etc. Instill in children the desire to keep their bodies clean.

Develop children's coherent speech, memory, thinking; activate the words in speech: soap, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel.

Teach children to take care of their lives and health, be careful, and avoid obviously dangerous situations; teach how to behave correctly in such situations; tell children about the dangers of contact with unfamiliar adults; explain that appearances can be deceiving (using the example of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”). Give other examples from fairy tales (“Zayushkina’s Hut”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).

To develop children's dialogical and coherent speech, their memory, thinking, attention, and imagination.

Continue to teach children how to behave correctly when meeting strangers; consider and discuss possible situations of violent behavior of an unfamiliar adult (grabs the hand, picks you up, drags you into the car). Teach children to scream loudly and call for help when danger arises.

Develop children's coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking.

Teach children to play out dangerous situations, stage them with the help of the teacher; develop the ability to behave correctly in such situations.

To develop children's dialogical and coherent speech, their memory, thinking, and imagination. Enrich children's vocabulary with the words “stranger”, “stranger”.

Teach children to say “no” if an older friend tries to involve him in a dangerous situation; Explain to children that not only unfamiliar adults, but even their peers or slightly older children can also drag them into dangerous situations.

Develop coherent speech, memory, and thinking in children.

Invite children to remember well the main objects that are dangerous to life and health, help them independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of such objects; consolidate the idea of ​​sharp, piercing and cutting objects, warn against accidents in everyday life; Explain to children that such items should be stored in specially designated areas. Develop children's coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking and observation skills; enrich children's vocabulary with words: needle, nail, scissors, knife.

Continue to familiarize children with the rules for handling sharp objects; consolidate the idea of ​​piercing and cutting objects; instill in children a desire to handle sharp objects carefully and carefully. Introduce children to new sewing items (pin, spool of thread, thimble) and talk about their purpose.

Enrich children's vocabulary with new words: pin, thimble, spool of thread; consolidate the words in speech: needle, scissors, knife. Develop children's coherent speech, memory, and thinking.

Teach children to be careful when using water in the home. Tell children in an accessible form what wrong behavior can lead to; instill in children a thrifty attitude towards water. Talk about the benefits of water. Develop children's speech, thinking, memory; consolidate the words in speech: washcloth, soap, water, tap.

Expand children's understanding of objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house. Continue to familiarize children with indoor safety rules. To instill in children a desire to take care of their health. To develop children’s coherent speech and thinking; encourage children to speak in complete sentences; activate children's vocabulary with words: iron, glassware, open window.

Give an idea of ​​the role of water in nature, its properties; instill the skills of environmentally conscious behavior in everyday life (learn to use water sparingly), understand the need to treat water as an important resource.

:Develop coherent speech in children, their memory, thinking; consolidate the words in speech: snow, icicle, snowflake, ice.

Continue to teach children to take care of their native nature; develop an idea of ​​what actions harm nature, spoil it, and what actions contribute to its restoration; teach to feed birds without reminders and not to break branches; instill environmental behavior in children.

Develop coherent speech, memory, thinking and attention in children; encourage children to speak in complete sentences; enrich children's vocabulary with words: Motherland, native nature, bird feeder.

Introduce children to fire safety rules, give an idea of ​​the causes of fire; develop the ability to respond adequately in extreme situations; introduce the fire safety corner and the items that are located there; develop an understanding of the dangers when using fire.

Develop children's coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking; expand children's vocabulary with words (fire extinguisher, diagrams, fire, fire).

Help children remember well the main group of fire hazardous items that cannot be used independently; continue to familiarize children with fire safety rules; develop an understanding of the dangers when using fire.

Develop children's dialogical and coherent speech, their memory, thinking and attention; expand children's vocabulary with words (candle, matches, smoke), consolidate words in speech: fire extinguisher, fire, fire.

Continue to introduce children to fire safety rules; to form in them an understanding of the dangers when using fire; instill in children a desire to take care of their health; Explain to children the meaning of the expression “children’s pranks are small things that can lead to big trouble.”

Develop children’s coherent speech, memory, and thinking; consolidate the words in speech: fire, matches, fire extinguisher.

Teach children to talk about the benefits fire brings to people and how people learned to control fire. To consolidate children's knowledge of what can result from careless handling of fire; continue to teach children and follow fire rules; instill in children respect for the work of firefighters.

: To develop children’s coherent speech, their memory, attention, observation, and thinking. Expand children's vocabulary with words: firefighters, smoke, foam, burn.

Give children a basic understanding of infectious diseases and their causative agents (germs and viruses); to educate children to care not only about their own health, but also about the health of others.

Develop children's speech, memory and thinking; replenish children's vocabulary with new words: virus, microbe.

Teach children to take care of their health and avoid situations that are harmful to health; cultivate respect for the medical profession; teach children not to be afraid of visiting a doctor, dental treatment, talk about vaccinations and their importance for the prevention of infectious diseases.

Develop children's coherent speech, memory, attention and thinking; consolidate the words in speech: doctor, nurse, vaccination.

Tell children about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health; continue to teach how to take care of your health; Teach children about ABC vitamins, what vegetables and fruits contain them, and how they benefit our health.

Develop children's coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking; consolidate the words in speech: vitamins, healthy foods.

Explain to children how vitamins affect the human body; instill in children the need to take care of their health.

Develop children's speech, memory, attention, thinking; consolidate the words in speech: health, vitamins, healthy foods.

Introduce children to dangerous situations that they may encounter on the water, in the forest, in the yard, on the street, on the road and teach them to avoid these situations; draw children's attention to the fact that they need to take care of their lives and health; instill environmental behavior in children; develop their understanding of what actions harm nature, spoil it, and what actions contribute to its restoration.

develop children's coherent speech; encourage you to independently compose short stories based on pictures; consolidate the words in speech: river, forest, forest clearing, roadway, sidewalk, traffic light.

Continue to teach children how to behave correctly on the street; acquaint them with dangerous situations that may arise on certain sections of the pedestrian part of the street, and with the corresponding precautions.

develop children's speech, memory, thinking and attention; encourage speaking in complete sentences; consolidate the words in speech: pedestrian crossing, roadway, sidewalk, traffic light.

Introduce children to the rules of movement

on a bicycle; teach rules of behavior in various dangerous situations that may arise when riding a bicycle; learn to discuss possible dangerous situations from personal experience; consolidate knowledge of the names of the main parts of a bicycle; teach how to sit on a bicycle correctly; encourage careful listening to a short story; cultivate respect for other people (children, women, the elderly).

develop children's coherent speech; introduce new words that denote parts of a bicycle: frame, handlebars, saddle, pedal, front and rear wheel.

Consolidate knowledge of the location of your home, address, telephone number.

To consolidate knowledge about safe behavior on the street. Where you can and cannot play.

Card index of didactic games on life safety for older children

Card index of didactic games on life safety for older children

"Dangerous Items"

Sources of danger


consolidate knowledge about objects that may be objects of danger, develop the ability to select pictures of objects according to the described situation, cultivate a sense of camaraderie


do not push, do not take objects from each other.


layout or game corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures)

Progress of the game:

The teacher turns away, and during this time the children must take from the model or in the play corner those objects that, in their opinion, may be dangerous. Then everyone explains their choice. Answers are rewarded with prizes.

"Dangerous Items"

The game is serious business


exercise children in choosing safe objects for games based on pictures, consolidate knowledge of what objects can be played with.


pictures depicting various objects (dangerous and non-dangerous), two hoops

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to arrange the pictures into two hoops. In one hoop, children select pictures depicting objects that can be played with, in the second, pictures depicting objects that cannot be played with, and explain their choice.

"Dangerous Items"

A hundred troubles


consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.


pictures of children in dangerous situations.

Progress of the game:

Several pictures lie face down on the table. The child chooses any one, examines it and tells: what is depicted on it, why this happened to the child, what he did wrong, what should the child do now.

"Dangerous Items"

We are rescuers


consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.


pictures depicting children in specific dangerous situations, a set of cards depicting the actions that need to be performed in a given situation.

Progress of the game:

The teacher places a picture depicting a dangerous situation on the table, the child examines it and, from all the cards depicting actions, selects the two correct ones and lays them out sequentially.

"Dangerous Items"

Put it back in its place


consolidate ideas about the rules of safe behavior, develop knowledge that for safety all objects must be put back in their place; develop observation and attention; foster a desire to maintain cleanliness and order at home, foster a sense of camaraderie

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