Scheduling in the middle group on the topic Security

life safety week calendar and thematic planning for life safety (middle group)

May: Topic of the week: “Life Safety Week” “Home Alone. Alone on the street." Duration of the week: 20.05.- 24.05.. 2022 Gyulmalieva E.V. Kormilitsina E.L.

Goal: to teach children to follow the rules of behavior on the street and at home. Develop stable skills of safe behavior in emergency situations. To instill in children a sense of responsibility, to make children aware of what violating safety rules in life can lead to.

Final event: exhibition of drawings: “It’s dangerous to play with fire - this should be clear to everyone!” “Eco-fashion” competition (on the theme of the week “Country of Clothes”)

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Name of centers Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment
Movement Activity Center Contribute: caps for outdoor games
Book/Literacy Center Place: card index of riddles: “Dangerous objects.” S. Marshak “Fire”. B. Zhitkov “Smoke”, “Fire”. A. Shevchenko “How they caught coal.” Korkut N.L. a series of fairy tales on life safety “Cautious Tales”. Card index Emergency situations (additional riddles and reminder poems on life safety)
Music Center Add: cartoon “Safety Rules with Auntie Owl.”
Art Center Insert: drawings, illustrations on the topic “Life Safety Rules”. Coloring pages, stencils on the theme of the week. Scene pictures, theme of the week.
Center for Nature and Experimentation Enter:
Toy center Place: demonstration material: “Don’t play with fire”, cut-out pictures on the topic of the week. N/a games: “It’s possible - it’s not possible”, “Dangerous - safe”
Role-playing games center Add: attributes for the game “Firemen”
Constructive Play Center Place: different constructors. Building diagrams

Interaction with parents/social partners

Interaction with parents Interaction with social partners
secondary school Theater Library Other
Informing parents: about the goals and objectives of the thematic week. Memo: “Safe behavior skills at home.”

Involve parents: in collecting illustrative material on the topic of the week

Offer to select illustration material to create the collage “Dangerous Objects”

Involve parents in a joint craft project: costumes made from waste material for Eco-fashion. Draw a picture for the exhibition: “It’s dangerous to play with fire - this should be clear to everyone!”

______________________ Cheremkhovo Drama Theater “Goat in Love” House of Culture “Khimik” ______________________



Organization of educational activities

Time Days of the week
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
7.00- 7.50. Labor assignments for children: wipe the toys with a damp cloth and put them in their places. Organize your bookshelf.

Nature calendar: weather observations. Recording observations.

Reading fiction: S.Ya.Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.”

Goal: to consolidate fire safety rules, to cultivate respect for the actions of people in emergency situations.

Work in a corner of nature: “Spraying and watering plants.”

Goal: to enrich children’s understanding of operations for caring for indoor plants, to maintain cognitive interest.

Conversation: “How to behave with unfamiliar adults

Goal: review with children the rules of personal safety with strangers while they are alone at home or on the street.

Draw children's attention to dangerous situations with strangers that can happen at home and on the street.

Conversation: “Visiting Aibolit”

Goal: to develop the ability to provide first aid for bruises, cuts and burns. Learn to talk on the phone, become familiar with the emergency phone number - 03.

Riddles-additions and poems-reminders on life safety)

Goal: to consider and discuss with children dangerous situations that may arise at home, to teach children how to avoid and how to behave in such situations.

Conversation-story: “Medicines - friends or enemies?”

What items from the pharmacy can you take yourself? Can I take the pill or mixture myself? Why? How should you behave with unknown medications? The ones that don't have labels or have their names erased?

Solving problem situations: “What happens if...”

Goal: find out why you need to know life safety. Develop the ability to systematize your thoughts and listen to each other.

Conversation: “It’s not time - don’t leave the yard.”

Goal: to explain to children that they cannot leave the yard without adults, that they cannot talk to strangers and that they cannot go anywhere with them.

Conversation: “Rules of conduct in transport”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior in public transport.

Work in the book corner.

Goal: to attract attention to illustrations depicting safety in the home.

7.50- Morning exercises. Complex No. 25 (exercises with objects)
8.05-8.10 Preparing for breakfast: washing, being on duty (education of CGN, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)
Breakfast, rinsing the mouth after meals (education of CGN, self-care skills, table manners, formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle)
8.50-9.00 Creating motivation for GCD: organizing a stimulating environment, surprise moments, problematic situations
9.00- 9.40 Classes

Type of activity: motor.

according to the instructor's plan

Type of activity: visual (drawing)

Theme: “Tili-bom, tili-bom.”

Goal: learn to depict a house, a flame. Learn to draw a plot. Establish fire safety rules.


Type of activity: educational - research activity F.C.K.M.

Topic: "If you're lost"

Goal: to bring children to the understanding that if they are lost on the street, then they cannot turn to any adult for help, but only to a policeman, military man or seller. Help children understand the importance of knowing their home address and telephone number.

Type of activity: musical according to the plan of the music director.


Type of activity: motor.

according to the instructor's plan

Type of activity: educational and research activities F.E.M.P.

E.V. Kolesnikova lesson No. 22 page 57

Topic: sample invoice. Consolidating knowledge about numbers 1,2,3,4,5. Correlating numbers with numbers. Yesterday Today Tomorrow. Sphere, cube, cylinder.


Type of activity: musical.

according to the music director's plan.

Type of activity: communicative activity (speech development and familiarization with fiction).

A. Shevchenko “How they caught coal.”

Goal: to teach to listen carefully and understand the meaning of what is read.


Type of activity: fine art (applique)

Topic: creating a collage “Dangerous objects”

Goal: to involve in cutting out and creating a collage “Dangerous Objects”, using a visual aid to teach how to correctly carry and use scissors and glue.

Type of activity: motor (street)

Development of movements: exercise: “Who is next”

Goal: to strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance.

9.20-11.40 Walk

Card no.

Dog observations.

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the dog’s appearance. Remind the rules for handling animals.

Garbage collection on site.

Goal: to develop the ability to carry out collective assignments, to negotiate with the help of the teacher about the distribution of work.


Card no.

Observation: “Coniferous and deciduous trees”

Goal: to teach children to find familiar trees by description, form thought processes, and develop speech. Clarify children's knowledge about the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten.

Labor activity: cleaning feeders from food residues and feeding birds.

Goal: to cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds.


Card no.

Weather observation.

Goal: invite children to characterize the weather; compose a story “Weather yesterday and today” using comparative characteristics of the main weather indicators: cloudiness, temperature, wind, precipitation.

Labor activity: Collect sand around the sandbox.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to keep the area clean.


Card no.

Observation of natural phenomena: wind.

Purpose: to clarify children’s ideas about wind, to introduce them to the various characteristics of wind. Help establish the relationship between the movement of tree branches and wind.

Work assignments: sweeping asphalt paths.

Goal: to encourage children’s desire to maintain order on the site, select equipment, observe the rules of personal hygiene and safety at work.


Card no.

Street surveillance. Why are there no bicycles and scooters on the roads? At what age can you drive a bicycle, motorcycle, or car?

Goal: talk about the rules of riding a bicycle and scooter.

Labor activity:

tidying up the playground

Goal: to teach children to collect toys in the designated place after playing, to form a conscious attitude towards order.

12.00-12.25 Preparation for lunch, lunch (education of CGN, self-care skills, table manners, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)
12.25- 15.00 Preparation for daytime sleep, daytime sleep (education of CGN, self-care skills, preservation of psychophysical health)
15.00-15.10 Getting up, hardening, gymnastics after sleep (preserving psychophysical health, forming initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)
15.15- 15.25 Afternoon snack (education of CGN, self-service skills, table manners, formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle)
15.35- 16.00
Individual work:

Daniil, Ilya, Sasha, Ivan M.

D/game: “Put a picture together from parts” (on the topic of life safety rules)

Goal: to consolidate the ability to assemble a whole from parts. Develop logical thinking, memory and attention.

Reading fiction: C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”

Goal: to develop skills of safe behavior with strangers.

Individual work:

Angelina M, Lera D, Kirill,

Misha, Arina, Lenya S.

D/math game: “Fold the pattern”

Goal: learn on your own, lay out the paths according to the pattern, in accordance with the chosen color.

Game - travel: "Dunno's Journey to the Big City."

Goal: to consolidate practical skills of behavior when crossing the street in a playful way, to teach how to apply them in various situations.

Individual work: Dasha, Lenya N, Artem, Alexandra, Daniil, Lera L, Dasha.

Speech game: “Where is the little bear hiding?”

Goal: to teach children to correctly use simple prepositions in speech, to coordinate nouns and adjectives with them.

Situational conversation: “Service 01, 02, 03 is always on guard.”

Purpose: to introduce rescue services 01, 02, 03; teach children to tell stories based on the proposed pictures, based on impressions from personal experience

Individual work: Angelina M, Kostya, Ilya, Roma,

Sasha K, Olya.

Playing out problematic situations: “Caution! Open window, balcony, doors!”

Goal: teach children to act in problematic situations.

Watching the cartoon: “Safety rules with Aunt Owl.”

Goal: use examples of cartoon characters to reinforce the rules of life safety.

Simulation of the situation: “Meeting with a stranger’s dog”

Goal: to give children knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting various pets and when communicating with them.

Individual work: Roma Yaroslav Anya Angelina M Nastya.

Situation games: “What will you do if...”

(Polynova V.K., p. 190);

“Rules for life” (Volchkova V.N., p. 150)

S/r game: “We are firefighters”

Goal: to improve and expand children's playing skills. Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners.

16.00- 17.00 Walk

Card no.

Movement development exercise: “Standing jumping ups”

Goal: to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.


Card no.

P/game: “Don’t miss the ball” -

Goal: learn to pass the ball to each other without dropping or stopping.


Card no.

P/game: “Fox in the hen house.” Goal: To teach children to land softly by jumping off a bench, bending their knees and maintaining balance when landing. Increase physical activity.


Card no.

P/game: “Don’t be bored—get through the hoop!”

Goal: to teach children to group themselves while climbing through a hoop, to develop coordination and dexterity.


Card no.

Game exercise: “Naughty ball.”

Goal: to teach children to throw the ball to a partner, catch the ball, throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, develop arm muscles, dexterity, and perseverance.

17.10- 17.30 Preparation for dinner, dinner (education of CGN, self-care skills, table manners, formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle)
17.40- 19.00 Walking, independent activity of children, interaction with children’s families on the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education
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