Drawing of a Balloon for children in pencil and gouache
Drawing in the middle group on the theme of colorful balls
The depiction of objects of different geometric shapes develops a child’s sense of volume. Balloon - drawing
Abstract of an open lesson on environmental education in the senior group “Water and its properties. “The sorceress is water.” Water is in the life of all living beings.
Notes for a lesson on speech development in the middle group “This Amazing Water” Anastasia Shokhina Notes
Summary of GCD for modeling using waste material in the middle group "Car"
Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group: Traffic rules and modeling “Truck” Complex lesson: Rules
Rules for safe behavior in the city - what you can do and what you can’t: memo
Rules for safe behavior in the city, on the streets, in public places, in nature: a reminder. What not to do in the city, on the street, in public places, in nature: basic rules
Correct actions in society allow us to feel like a polite, cultured person. Compliance with generally accepted standards
Summary of an integrated educational activity on cognitive development for children in the preparatory group. Introduction to Electricity
Imagine, you and your child are about to watch a cartoon or an educational program, lie down on the sofa and
Trees (for senior group) lesson plan on the world around us (senior group)
Structure of a tree The root nourishes the tree, absorbing necessary substances and moisture from the soil and transferring
SUMMARY of educational activities on cognitive development on the topic “Pisces” for children 6-7 years old in the preparatory group for school; lesson plan on the world around them (senior group)
Arranging fish pictures into groups There are a lot of cards in the set, you don’t have to use them all. Choose pictures
Notes on drawing in the middle group using non-traditional techniques (drawing with foam rubber) “Bear cubs”.
Non-traditional drawing techniques in classes in the middle group Children 4–5 years old often experience
round dance of snowmen
Application "Round Dance" and its modifications for the preparatory group
Application “Festive round dance” and its modifications Children of the preparatory group already have sufficient skills and
Lesson on unconventional drawing in the middle group “Colorful butterflies”
Goal: introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques. Objectives: Educational – strengthen children’s drawing skills
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