Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic “Flowers” ​​outline of a drawing lesson (senior, preparatory group)
Summary of GCD in the middle group “Beautiful Flowers” ​​GCD for drawing “Beautiful Flowers” ​​Purpose: To teach
Bright star
The Tale of the Star Who Didn't Want to Sleep
A fairy tale about a star who did not want to sleep. Once upon a time there lived in the kingdom of stars the Golden Month. How
Summary of an open design lesson in a senior group on the topic: “Boat” (origami)
Origami constructor made of cardboard This method is suitable for those who are just developing hand motor skills. Constructor
Long-term plan for the summer in the secondary drawing group
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Draw a picture about summer” Gulnaz Sagitova Summary
Application made of colored paper for Sparrow elementary school. Templates. Master class with step-by-step photos.
The first option is a basic sheet of brushes and watercolors, cotton pads, glue, plasticine Prepare the basic work
Painting using mosaic applique technique
The theme is broken applique. Lesson: abstract application: abstract, autumn tree, vegetables, pond with frogs, first, second, third, fourth grade
Application is an excellent activity designed to comprehensively develop a child. Break applique is a separate direction.
Notes on drawing in the senior group “Portrait of a Beloved Mother”
Objectives of the lesson The educational process always has certain goals that the teacher strives to achieve.
Bird applique: assembly, possible addition of crafts and photos of beautiful appliques from scrap materials
Poultry As a rule, children's acquaintance with the world of birds begins with poultry, because
"Physical education in the fresh air" for the senior group
"Physical training in the fresh air" for the senior group "Physical training in the fresh air"
Safety rules on the street: what is important to teach a child when he is left alone
As we get older, we know that when crossing the road, it's important to look both ways first, with some strangers
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