GCD summary (communication) Topic: Observing the puppy
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes “Getting to know the dog.” Application “Dog Kennel”.
Summary of the integrated lesson “Mysterious Space” in the preparatory group.
Ethical conversation “Lesson of politeness” with older children
Summary of an ethical conversation in the preparatory group “Polite words and actions” Summary of an ethical conversation in
Article Ecological lesson in the younger group. Observing the work of an adult in a corner of nature.. Author: Sadkova Galina Leonidovna
A new cycle begins - observing a parrot in a corner of nature. Observation. "How many wings
Summary of a lesson on speech development, memorizing the poem “Winter” in the second junior group
A short poem about a lion. The father of the lion gave me a gift! Oh, I was chicken at first! I
Summary of educational activities on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the preparatory school group “Learning to be healthy”
Conversations about health in the preparatory group “Jolly Guys” Conversations about health in the preparatory group
Walk summary: “Observing the work of adults” methodological development on the world around us (middle group) on the topic
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the environment in junior group 1
Website for kindergarten teachers Appendix No. 2 from the Work program in the 1st junior group
Summary of a lesson in the educational field “Child and Society” for pupils of senior preschool age “Journey to the city of professions”
Open integrated lesson in the first junior group “For a walk with the sun”
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the nursery group “Our Pets”. Abstract of GCD for
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