Short-term project in the preparatory group “My family is my wealth”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lesson summary: formation of a holistic picture of the world in the senior group. Topic: “My family”
Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: “Telling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Jug”
GCD summary in the senior group “Retelling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Jug”” Tatyana Chesnokova GCD summary
Lesson summary: Application “Our friend - Traffic Light”
From a plastic bottle It would seem that an empty plastic bottle is a waste item, but how many
Abstract of OOD on plot drawing in the senior group on the topic: “Golden Autumn”
Lesson on plot drawing Educator: Children, let us also become artists. Let's
GCD for children of the preparatory group “The Magic World of Theater”
Types of theatrical activities in each age group Category: Consultations Updated 02/17/2017 11:09 Created 02/10/2015
Summary of the excursion to the library “Visiting Books” for children in the pre-school group
Introducing preschoolers to the library Getting to know the library for preschoolers is the discovery of a new, magical
Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the first junior group “Geometric Figures”
Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the first junior group “Geometric Figures” The teacher suggests circling
Lesson “What do we know about birds” in the preparatory group
Thematic week on the topic “Let's help birds survive the winter” in the preparatory group. find? Goal: summarize knowledge
Outline of a lesson in decorative drawing in the senior group
The importance of decorative drawing in working with preschool children author: Fokina Inna Olegovna Educator
SUMMARY of GCDs in the senior group “These amazing stones” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic
Basic classifications of stones and their natural strength The characteristics of minerals allow them to be divided into subgroups.
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