SUMMARY of GCDs in the senior group “These amazing stones” lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) on the topic

Basic classifications of stones and their natural strength

The characteristics of minerals make it possible to distribute them into subgroups. There are 3 types of stones: precious, jewelry and ornamental, simple ornamental.


The first type is considered strong; it includes diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. The energy of minerals influences the thinking and actions of its owner, fuels his vitality. Precious stones are shown in the photo.

The second subgroup has no fewer positive qualities. Crystals make the owner lucky, protect against negative energy, improve well-being, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Jewelry and ornamental stones include malachite, rock crystal, and agate (see photo).

For skin diseases

Warts, growths - aventurine, amethyst, lapis lazuli, sapphire.

Skin diseases - aventurine, diamond, amethyst, jet, hematite, pearl, emerald, lapis lazuli, malachite, copper, jade, pyrite, sapphire, carnelian, amber, silver, topaz.

Burns – amethyst, clay, rock crystal, emerald, lapis lazuli.

Psoriasis – emerald, cat's eye, tiger's eye, ruby.

Eczema – diamond, pearl, emerald, sapphire, topaz.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapy helps fight various diseases with the help of certain types of crystals. The table shows natural stones that help fight ailments and their properties.

Garnet stone

NameCharacteristics of natural stones
AgatePreference is given to yellow, red, blue, moss. Used for diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and thyroid glands. Helps prevent the negative effects of radiation, relieve dermatological and viral diseases.
NephritisUsed for infectious pathologies of the genitourinary system, stomach colic, migraine. Treats hemorrhoids, eczema, lichen, cleanses the blood, strengthens bone and muscle tissue, increases potency.
AquamarineNormalizes psycho-emotional state, prevents seasickness. The stone improves the functioning of the immune system, treats pathologies of the skin and lungs.
OnyxHeals wounds, fights excess weight, stress, insomnia, suicidal thoughts. Improves vision, hearing, memory, and increases concentration.
DiamondRemoves stones from the kidneys, accelerates metabolism and blood circulation. Relieves joint pain, bronchitis, hepatitis. Used in the treatment of drug and nicotine addiction.
MalachiteRelieves cramps, high blood pressure, arthritis. Reduces the effects of epileptic and asthmatic attacks, menstrual syndrome.
PomegranateRed (see photo) – cleanses the blood, fights diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, and endocrine departments. Transparent - eliminates rashes on the mucous membranes, stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Green – normalizes sleep, treats the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Brown and yellow – relieves allergies, skin rashes, burn marks.
ChrysoliteHeals eye pathologies, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, alleviates neuralgia, and stops stuttering. Helps quickly recover from serious illnesses, stabilizes hormonal balance, treats insomnia, and eliminates nightmares.
BelemniteRelieves ulcers, psoriasis, eczema, burns. Increases resistance to tuberculosis and osteoporosis.
AmberRelieves headaches, removes physical and mental fatigue. Reduces the risk of infertility, improves the condition of weather-sensitive patients, and prevents the development of oncology.
Rose quartzPreserves beauty, recommended for pregnant women and gynecological patients. Removes swelling, acne, warts, depression, sleep problems, nervous system diseases.
JasperRemoves waste, toxic substances, stops bleeding, relieves pain. Normalizes the functioning of the female reproductive system.

Jasper jewelry
Alternative medicine suggests using natural stones during massage sessions. During the procedure, crystals stimulate the functioning of certain organs and accelerate blood circulation in them. Washing and taking a bath with water charged with the energy of the mineral will improve the condition of the skin and heal minor scratches, cracks, and abrasions.

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