Labor education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For classes with children 2-7 years old
Cultivating hard work in the senior group Hard work is a character trait that consists of positive
Lesson summary of the world around us “Indoor plants”
A program of developmental classes to prepare children for school “In the Land of Knowledge.”
Developmental practical tasks to prepare a child for school Developmental tasks for children are optional
Lesson summary for the senior group “Introducing children to the properties of water”
Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age “The benefits of water” Summary of the lesson “How important water is”
Summary of a modeling lesson for the second early age group topic: “Berries for the birds”
Card index of games for labor education of children in the 2nd junior group
The work of children of the younger group in nature The work of children of the younger group in nature In the second
Methodological development. Walk: “Observing the birch tree in winter and the birds flying to the site” with children of older preparatory age with mental retardation. Kalyuzhnaya Tatyana Ivanovna
Notes on the organization of labor in nature, (middle group)
Summary of GCD in the middle group “Friendship is a miracle!”
Communicative game “Friendship” (middle group) Construct of organizing joint educational activities according to PM.02 Organization of various
Card file of game situations for the development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age.
Game situations card index (middle group) on the topic of Mail games. Game-situation “The package has arrived” No. 1 The teacher brings
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