Summary of outdoor physical education in the middle group - Note on the physical development of NOD (physical education in the fresh air) in the middle group on the topic: “Bears.”
Outline of a lesson on physical development in the air in the middle group Bogdanova Tatyana Aleksandrovna Structural
Abstract of the GCD for sculpting “Fish” in the second junior group
How to make a fish from plasticine step by step When planning to make a fish from plasticine step by step, follow some
Frontal speech therapy lesson “Voice Fairy Tale”
Article card index of work assignments in the senior group. Author: Bogdanova Olesya Dmitrievna
Article card index of work assignments in the senior group. Author: Bogdanova Olesya Dmitrievna Task No. 1.
Card index of didactic games on the formation (clarification, activation) of vocabulary (on the topics “Cookware”, “Wintering Birds”)
Didactic game “Dishes” Didactic game “Number. Sign. Subject" on the lexical topic "Utensils" The game is intended
The plan is a summary of direct educational activities with preschoolers in the senior group.
The plan is a summary of direct educational activities with preschoolers in the senior group. Plan - summary of direct educational
Summary of educational activities with children of the middle group using communicative, cognitive and gaming technologies on the topic: “ECOLATE against garbage and dirt!”
Summary of a lesson on environmental education in the secondary group “Spring” Municipal state preschool educational institution
Calendar-thematic plan for the senior group on the topic “Safety in Nature”
Long-term planning for life safety for the senior group (March, April, May) Yulia Polishchuk Long-term planning
Summary and presentation of an educational lesson on the topic “Space” (1st grade).
How to tell Given the characteristics of childhood, it is very important to make the story simple and effective. For
Abstract of the OOD on environmental education “The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group.
Abstract of the OOD on environmental education “The World of Indoor Plants” in the senior group. Abstract of OOD on
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