"Didactic games for preschool children on art activities"

Lesson notes on fine arts for preschoolers

Summary of GCD for children 6-7 years old on the topic “What color is the rainbow”

Author. Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity, Syava village. Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children 6-7 years old, 1 year of study in the additional educational program of the Art Studio club.
On the topic “What color is the rainbow.” This lesson summary will be useful for kindergarten teachers and 1st grade teachers in secondary schools. This summary of an educational lesson is an introductory one to the additional educational program of the Art Studio club. The teacher can select images for computer-based accompaniment of the lesson at his own discretion. The topic of the lesson is “What color is the rainbow”
Purpose : To familiarize children with the content of fine arts classes in the “Art Studio” circle. Identification of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children in the field of fine arts. Objectives: EDUCATIONAL: • To introduce the rules of work in the classroom and materials for fine arts classes. • Develop workplace organization skills and brush and paint skills. • Learn to depict a natural phenomenon without a preliminary drawing. DEVELOPMENTAL: • Develop the ability to accurately paint with watercolors. • Develop aesthetic responsiveness to the beauty of the surrounding world. • Develop visual memory in children and the ability to depict from memory and impression. EDUCATIONAL: • Cultivate interest in visual arts. • Cultivate a love for native nature and a caring attitude towards it. • Cultivate friendly relations in the team, the desire to help each other. Type of lesson: Learning new material. Type of lesson: Practical lesson with elements of conversation. Methods: Explanatory and illustrative, partly exploratory using the practical method. First year of study. Introduction to the additional educational program. Children's age. 6-7 years. Class time. 35 minutes. Equipment: For the teacher: - lesson presentation, - exhibition of children's drawings made in different techniques, - tape recorder, cassettes with melodies, - gouache. — For children: — album, — watercolor paints, — brush, — jar of water. Lesson plan. Organizational stage. 1 minute / greeting / • Preparatory stage. 8 minutes / message of the topic, goals and objectives / • Main stage. 20 minutes a/ theoretical. b/ practical. • Final stage. 5 minutes / summing up the lesson / • Reflective stage. 1 minute / self-assessment of the lesson / Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational stage. Goal: Organization of the workplace, psychological attitude towards the upcoming work. Greetings, checking the group for class. 2.Preparatory stage. Goal: Preparing children to perceive new lesson material. Teacher: - Let's get acquainted. My name is Svetlana Sergeevna, I am a fine arts teacher. - Now introduce yourself. (children say their names)
I really like to draw Trees, birds, and animals. I like to think and dream about the future life of the children. Smile, sunshine, for us more often. Smile, sunshine, for our happiness. (Slide 2: children’s drawings)

Teacher: - Look how many children's drawings are in our exhibition. Do you think the children who drew them like to draw? (exhibition of drawings, children's crafts), (children's answers)
Teacher: - Guys, do you like to draw?
(children's answers)
Teacher: - In fine arts classes, you and I will draw, sculpt, make various crafts, learn to depict all the amazing things that we can see around, invent, fantasize.
Teacher: Purpose of the lesson: Today we will draw a beautiful natural phenomenon - a rainbow. Let's learn the first techniques of working with paints and a brush. We will develop imagination, creative thinking, and the ability to work in pairs and independently. Teacher: - Guys, “The Cheerful Pencil” came to visit us and now he will play an interesting game “Artist’s Briefcase”, you need to guess the accessories necessary for drawing lessons. Guys, whoever knows the correct answer, raise up the signal - a colored pencil. (The game “Artist’s Briefcase” is played. The teacher asks riddles)
- In the morning I go to school and take the supplies.
I carry my house on my shoulders, and in it for drawing.... (Album) (slide 3: after the children’s answers, pictures of riddles appear on the screen)
- Who will color our album?
Well, of course... (Pencil) - Without fear, She dips her pigtail in paint, Then drags the colored braid across the page in the album. (Brush) - If you give her a job - The pencil worked in vain. (Eraser) - Multi-colored sisters Are bored without water Uncle is long and thin Carrying water with his beard. And the sisters together with him will draw a house and smoke. (Paints, brush) Teacher: - Well done, guys, you guessed the riddles correctly, and now let’s together correctly arrange our supplies on the desktop. 1. All accessories should be placed on the desktop so that they do not interfere with your work. 2.The drawing paper lies exactly in front of your eyes and is not blocked by anything. 3. Water and a box of paints are placed above the album. 4.On the right side (for left-handed people - on the left)
there is a pencil and a brush eraser.
Teacher: - Check whether you have correctly positioned the tools and materials for drawing (self-test by children using a reference signal) (slide 4)
Teacher: - Guys, what are the names of the paints that artists use?
Children: Watercolor, gouache, oil, stained glass paints. - Now we will play an interesting game “Colorful Paints”. There are jars of gouache on your tables. Name the colors of paints and say what you would paint with this color. On the children's tables there is a jar of paint (everyone has a different color). Work in pairs. (slide 5: paints are depicted on the screen. After the children answer, drawings of the sun, clouds, grass, etc. appear.)
3. Main stage.
a/ theoretical. Goal: To introduce children to the natural phenomenon of the rainbow and its characteristic features. Someone built multi-colored gates in the meadow. But it is not easy to pass through them, Those gates are high. The master tried, he took paints for the gates. Not one, not two, not three, look at seven. What is this gate called? Can you draw them? (rainbow) (slide 6: image of a rainbow)

Teacher: - An amazing phenomenon - a rainbow.
How does she appear in the sky? (children's answers, teacher's addition)
On a summer day, when there is warm rain, the sun's rays are refracted in water droplets.
- What is another name for this kind of rain? - Mushroom. - The rainbow has many names - rocker, ring, bridge. Teacher: - Guys, look at the image of the rainbow and name all its colors (children's answers) Teacher: - The colors of the rainbow are always arranged in a certain order. In order to remember this order, listen to the little rhyme: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. Teacher: - Using the initial letters of each word of this phrase, it is easy to remember the order of the colors located in the rainbow. Name them. Children: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. - Guys, now listen to what good advice for young artists “The Cheerful Pencil” will give you. — Gently wet the brush in water, wipe off any excess on the edge of the jar, or use a cloth to blot the brushes. — You can’t rub the brush on the paper and spoil its “hairstyle,” or keep it dipped in water. (hair becomes distorted)
- Rinse the brush every time so as not to stain the paint. - After work, the gouache must be tightly closed so that it.
not dry, and the watercolor, on the contrary, do not cover it, let the paint dry. — While painting, you need to sit straight so that the sharp tip of the brush does not get into your eye. Teacher: - Our friend “Cheerful Pencil” has prepared an interesting riddle for you - exercises. Physical education minute. I run on paper, I can do everything, I can do everything: (running in place)
If you want, I’ll draw a house,
(stand on your toes, arms up, depicting a roof)
If you want, a Christmas tree in the snow,
If you want, an uncle, if you want, a garden.
(turns to the sides, hands on the belt)
Any child is happy to see me!
(jumping in place)
b/ practical Goal: Formation of practical skills of children in depicting a natural phenomenon - a rainbow.
Teacher: - Now let's all draw a rainbow together: - place the sheet horizontally; - take paints that need to be moistened with water in advance; -draw the first arc-shaped line in red, pressing the entire bristle of the brush to the paper; — place all the stripes of the rainbow close to each other. / independent practical work of children, accompanied by musical accompaniment / (slide 7)
4. Final stage.
Purpose: Summarizing the work done in the lesson. • Game “Colors of the Rainbow” Teacher: Guys, the colors of the rainbow are mixed. Help place them in the correct order (children place colored pencils at the board in accordance with the spectrum of the rainbow) (slide8)

• Summarizing the material learned in class. — What will we do in fine arts classes? — What laws of young artists do you remember? — So that you would like to tell your friends and parents about our lesson? • Exhibition of children's works and their discussion. Teacher: - Guys, you made a wonderful rainbow. What helped you portray her? Children: - Multi-colored paints. 5. Reflective stage. Goal: Self-assessment of the emotional state of children in class. Teacher: - Guys, on your table there are pictures of the sun and drops of water, if you liked the lesson and you are in a good mood, raise the sun, and if you are in a bad mood, then show a drop of water.

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"Domino" Didactic task. To consolidate an idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting. Material. Rectangular cards. Divided into two parts. Each of them depicts a pattern element; The options differ in colors and details. Game rules. The player lays out cards so that the image of any element exactly matches the same image of another card. The first one to lay out all his cards wins. You can only play one card per turn.

Progress of the game. Two or more children can participate. All cards are laid out in the center of the table with the pictures down - this is the “bazaar”. Each player collects a certain number of cards, which is agreed upon before the start of the game. “Find a pair” Didactic task. To consolidate an idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by craftsmen, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting. Material. Rectangular cards, divided into two parts, one with pattern elements, the other empty. Cards with variants of pattern elements, forming a pair with drawings on the strip. Game rules. Players select cards according to the pictures on large cards. The first one to pick up all the elements on their cards wins. “Loto” Didactic task. To consolidate an idea of ​​the main elements of any painting, to teach them to distinguish and compare them with each other, to name them correctly, using names invented by masters of the craft, to develop observation, attention, speed of reaction, and to arouse interest in painting. Material. Large cards with images of objects, decorated with some kind of painting. Along the edges of the cards there are up to six cells depicting elements of this painting. Cards with variants of pattern elements. Game rules. Players select cards according to the pattern on the large cards. “Cut picture” Didactic task. To consolidate knowledge about the means of expression used in various crafts, to practice compiling a whole picture from individual parts, to develop attention, concentration, the desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, and to arouse interest in objects of decorative art. Material. Two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into pieces.

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Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"House of Children's Creativity of the Orenburg District of the Orenburg Region"

“The use of didactic games in arts and crafts classes with primary schoolchildren”

Antsiferova L.V.,

DDT methodologist

Orenburg, 2017

The leading activity of preschool children is play. A didactic game is both a gaming method of teaching preschool children, and a form of teaching children, and with independent play activities, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

Didactic games promote:

- development of cognitive and mental abilities : acquiring new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; developing the ability to express one’s judgments and draw conclusions.

— development of children’s speech: replenishment and activation of vocabulary.

- social and moral development of a preschool child : in such a game, knowledge of the relationships between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. .

The structure of the didactic game is formed by basic and additional components. To the main components

include: didactic task, game actions, game rules, result and didactic material.
Additional components
: plot and role.

Conducting didactic games includes:

1. Familiarize children with the content of the game, use didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas are clarified).

2.Explanation of the course and rules of the game, while strictly following these rules.

3. Showing game actions.

4. Defining the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, questions, reminders).

5. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management. Based on the results of the game, one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used by children in independent play activities. Analysis of the game allows us to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means properly organizing individual work with them.

Types of didactic games:

1. Games with objects (toys).

2. Printed board games.

3.Word games.

Didactic games - differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher.

Didactic game on artistic and aesthetic development “Fold the Rainbow.”

Goal: consolidate knowledge of the main colors of the rainbow and teach

form a rainbow of parts in successive colors.

Didactic material: a sheet of white cardboard with a dotted image of a rainbow,

colored strips, cut into pieces.

Moving games: The child needs to make a rainbow from the proposed colored stripes.

Didactic game “Pick a color for each object”

Goal: to form children’s idea of ​​color; teach children to match objects with the proposed colors. Didactic material: pictures with objects of a certain color, squares of different colors. Progress of the game: the child is offered a picture with an object of a certain color. He must select a square of the same color as the object.

Didactic game "Magic Carpet"

Goal: To develop aesthetic taste in children, to teach how to make simple patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), to develop the ability to select the color scheme of a pattern. Didactic material: cardboard circles, squares, strips of different sizes and colors, cut out decorative elements. Progress of the game: the child is asked to choose the basis on which he will make the pattern, and decorative elements for the composition.

Didactic game “Make a pattern of squares and circles”

Goal: to develop attention, the ability to analyze a sample, select the necessary geometric shapes to create a composition. Didactic material: cards with sample patterns made of cardboard, separate parts for making patterns. Progress of the game: the child is asked to choose a picture depicting a pattern, and then make the same one.

Service decoration.

The didactic game for artistic and aesthetic development “Let’s Decorate the Service” is complex and consists of several options that allow it to be used with children of different levels of development, as well as to maintain children’s long-term motivation for this game.

Age of children: The game is intended for children from 5 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: introduction to fine arts; development of aesthetic perception, figurative representation, creative imagination, artistic taste and sense of harmony; promoting the development of independence and creative activity of children; inducing a joyful mood, an emotionally positive state.

Objectives: - expand children’s cognitive abilities in designing a tea set;

— develop the ability to find dishes for each individual set;

- decorate objects according to the model;

— enrich children’s understanding of the variety of decoration methods;

- encourage you to come up with new types of decorations for dishes;

— to initiate children’s independent choice of artistic images and composition options;

- develop the ability to decorate a service, taking into account the chosen style and plot;

- to develop an interest in drawing and experience in artistic activity based on mastering the “language of art” and general manual skill.


- cards with a picture of a tea set;

- separate pictures with a teapot, sugar bowl, saucers and cups from identical sets;

— pictures with a silhouette of dishes from a tea set;

- various decorations cut out of paper and fabric (flowers, circles, squares, butterflies, bows, and so on).

- scissors, colored paper or cardboard, fabric for creating decorative elements yourself;

- chips for correct answers.

Children decorate the tea set, lay out patterns according to their own ideas, creating original design solutions. Purpose of the game: development of creative imagination in decorating objects; consolidation of knowledge that in one set the dishes should be similar in plot and design style.

Didactic game “Wonderful Forest”

Goal: To teach children to create situations in their imagination based on their schematic representation. Material: Sheets of paper on which several trees are drawn and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places. Colour pencils. Assignment: The teacher gives the children sheets of paper and asks them to draw a forest full of wonders, and then come up with and tell a story about it.

Didactic game “Symmetrical objects”

Goal: To reinforce with children the idea of ​​symmetrical objects,

introduction to the potter's profession.

Materials: Templates of jugs, vases and pots, cut along the axis


Assignment: The potter broke all the pots and vases that he made for

sales at the fair. All the fragments were mixed up. We need to help the potter

collect and “glue” all his products.

"Guess and Tell"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about folk toys as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts ; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste .

Progress of the game : The presenter shows the silhouette of a folk art product, and the child selects the item and explains why he chose it.

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