Didactic games for children of the younger group based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Didactic game "Teremok"

Exhibition participant:

Datsyuk Olga Yurievna,


MADOOU TsRR – d/s No. 50 of the city of Tyumen

Didactic game "Teremok"

This educational game is intended for preschool children from 5 to 7 years old.

Main goal: Development of all components of children's oral speech, formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world.

The game set includes a panel in the shape of a house with opening doors, 11 pockets, sets of cards on a leg with images of letters, syllabic division of words, animals, birds.

Guidelines for implementing the game

With the help of this game you can solve problems in the educational areas “Speech development” and “Cognitive development”. It is recommended to use it as a method within the framework of organized educational activities for speech development, cognitive development, and introduction to fiction. It can be used especially successfully for individual work and for working with small subgroups of children on speech development, correction of speech development disorders. Can be used by children independently.

The game includes several didactic tasks.

1 task “Remember the fairy tale”

Task: to develop children’s coherent speech, practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows object pictures of fairy tale characters.

— Guess which fairy tale the heroes came from?

- Tell this fairy tale (the child tells the fairy tale independently or with the help of a teacher).

- Who was the first to find the tower? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

Task 2 “Come up with your own story of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Objective: to develop children’s coherent speech, imagination, and fantasy.

The teacher offers to come up with and tell your own story of the fairy tale “Teremok” using other characters.

Task 3 “Guess whose voice?”

Objective: To develop the pitch and timbre of the voice, intonation expressiveness of speech.

The teacher depicts fairy tale characters: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher change roles.

Task 4 “Who lives where?”

Task: Learn to use prepositions over, under, between.

The teacher places animals in pocket windows, asks them to look carefully and guess who they are?

This beast lives above the wolf. This... - This animal lives above the fox. This...This beast lives under my arm. This...This beast lives under the frog. This...This beast lives between the wolf and the hare. This... - This one is between the mouse and the bear. This …

Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words above, below, between

Task 6 “Settle the tenants”

Task: To consolidate spatial representations on the left, right, above, below.

The teacher offers to move the animals into apartments.

The mouse will live on the third floor on the left. Fox is on the second floor on the right. The bear is on the first floor on the left. The hare is on the third floor on the right. The frog is on the second floor on the left. The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

Task 7 “Select pictures with the given sound”

Task: to develop phonemic awareness, learn to isolate a given sound in a word, automate the sounds [w], [h], [ts], [l], [zh], [p] [z] in words.

The teacher puts a letter in the top window indicating the sound [w] (or another sound being assigned) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

Task 8 “Divide into syllables”

Task: practice dividing words into syllables.

The teacher places syllable patterns in the windows on the right side and invites the child to place residents on the left side in accordance with the pattern. - Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which apartment.


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