Report on the topic: “Content, types and main areas of activity of preschool educational institutions. "

The work of a kindergarten teacher is extremely important for the future of the entire country, because he is entrusted with the most valuable thing in every family - children. And today’s preschoolers are the future of the state, which is why the government pays so much attention to issues of education and training, starting from the very “starting” levels - nurseries and kindergartens. For the full development of pedagogy, each employee of a children's educational institution must know the main directions of the teacher, directly related to his work as a specialist in the education of young children.

The main activities of a preschool teacher

In preschool activities, mental, moral, labor, physical and artistic-aesthetic education are distinguished, but in recent years more and more attention has been paid to environmental and legal education. This is due to the fact that the socio-economic and political situation in the country and throughout the world is rapidly changing, and modern children in these areas are much better developed than their peers of previous years. In addition, the requirements for the development of a full-fledged personality provide for the all-round development of the child, so ignoring the issues of modern times will not bring anything good. Preschool teachers have to use much more knowledge and skills than in previous years, as this is required by the environment and the changed rules for assessing the activities of the teacher and the requirements for them.

The main directions of the teacher’s pedagogical activity include the following sections:

  • Self-education.
  • Organization of problem-search work for a children's team.
  • Expanding the skills and abilities of students through the introduction of new information technologies into their activities.
  • Expanding the educational space of pupils.
  • The use of special classes to prepare students for school using ICT.
  • Expanding the teacher’s own horizons and educational space using the latest information technologies.

The work of preschool teachers and educators is carried out in different directions, but, in essence, is aimed at one most important goal - the formation of a child as an integral creative personality. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of any educator is the harmonious unification of all areas of their activities to achieve their goal.

In the pedagogical literature, there are often 5 main areas of activity of a teacher in a preschool educational institution. These concepts resonate with the job responsibilities of a teacher, but do not copy, but complement them.

You can find many different definitions of the main directions of a teacher’s work, but they all, in essence, boil down to the following brief and succinct formulations:

1. Care.

2. Education.

3. Supervision.

4. Organization of educational work.

5. Conducting educational work.

This can be deciphered as follows:

  • Care is caring, patronizing and providing assistance to a pupil. It concerns both training and education, and purely human feelings, as well as the health of the child. The teacher creates a psychologically healthy atmosphere in the children's educational institution, thanks to which the child feels calm, confident, and safe.
  • Education is a broad concept that includes both the inculcation of universal human norms and the formation of a free, fully and comprehensively developed personality.
  • Supervision involves monitoring not only behavior and academic performance, but also identifying various violations for the purpose of their subsequent correction and correction.
  • Organization of educational work is planning and preparation of the entire learning process in a preschool educational institution. It includes numerous stages - from self-education to the production of the necessary visual material.
  • Carrying out educational work is the actual learning process, which involves all the knowledge and skills accumulated by the teacher.

Also, the directions of the teacher’s work can be formulated as follows:

  1. Sports and recreation.
  2. Spiritual and educational.
  3. General cultural.
  4. General intellectual.
  5. Social.

The presence of several formulations does not introduce different interpretations into the definition of directions of educational activity, but only explains, “deciphers” them.


The rights of an employee are secured by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On Education”. Among those that employers list in the job description of a kindergarten teacher are the following opportunities:

  • make proposals to improve the educational process;
  • receive social guarantees and benefits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • demand improved working conditions;
  • have paid leave;
  • with mutual agreement, exchange shifts with a second employee;
  • demand the elimination of faults in the entrusted territory and the creation of normal working conditions.

The main activities of the senior preschool teacher

A methodologist, or senior educator, acts as a link between the state education system, pedagogical and psychological science, advanced professional experience and the practical activities of the teaching and educational staff of a children's educational institution. As a result, the main directions of the methodological work of the teacher-methodologist become the promotion of the formation, development and implementation of the professional creative potential of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution.

According to the requirements of modern legislation and professional pedagogical standards, the main activities of the senior educator and the entire methodological service are the following:

  • Education and training of preschool children in kindergarten in accordance with the requirements of modern standards of pedagogy and psychology.
  • Formation of the educational standard of preschool educational institutions on the basis of universal human values, the free development of the child as a full-fledged individual, in compliance with the priorities of the health and well-being of pupils. In the work of preschool educational institutions, adhere to the principles of respect for human rights and freedoms, love for one’s native country, nature and the environment, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and the absence of bad habits. It also requires the formation of the principles of citizenship, hard work and social responsibility, taking into account the age of the students.
  • Adaptation of kindergarten activities to the characteristics of the physiology and psychology of preschool children, as well as to social orders.
  • Ensuring the secularity of the educational process.

In his activities, the senior teacher of a preschool institution carries out methodological and educational work in order to achieve the following indicators:

  • Introducing proposals and changes to the work plan of the preschool educational institution.
  • Improving the qualifications of teachers and educators.
  • Support and assistance to the teaching staff in self-education and improvement of professional knowledge.
  • Drawing up a schedule of classes taking into account the age groups of students.
  • Providing methodological assistance to educators, primarily young professionals and newcomers to the work of a particular preschool educational institution.
  • Exchange of employee experience.
  • Working with parents.
  • Providing groups with the necessary aids, books and toys.
  • Analysis of the state of educational, educational and methodological work in preschool educational institutions and the adoption of measures to improve and improve it.
  • Certification of educators and teachers of children's educational institutions.

Ensuring the fulfillment of all these complex and multifaceted tasks is possible only with coordinated collective work of all representatives of the educational and educational process.

What does he do?

In general terms, upbringing, education, care, and supervision of children is what a kindergarten teacher does, regardless of the form of ownership of the preschool educational institution. But to complete all the documentation, the employer will need a professional standard from the Ministry of Labor, which clearly states the functional requirements for the employee. The order of the Ministry of Labor indicates, among other things, what is the responsibility of a kindergarten teacher and teacher when admitting children to a group:

  • regulating children's behavior to ensure a safe educational environment;
  • implementation of educational opportunities for various types of child activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic, etc.);
  • development of students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creative abilities, formation of citizenship, ability to work and live in the modern world, formation of a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle among students;
  • the use of constructive educational efforts of parents (legal representatives) of students, assistance to the family in resolving issues of raising a child.


The legislation defines not only the duties, but also the responsibilities of employees. In particular, the teacher is responsible for:

  • preserving the life and health of children in the group;
  • safety of pupils’ personal belongings;
  • compliance with safety and labor protection instructions;
  • the use of unacceptable methods of education, violence and rudeness;
  • inappropriate performance and failure to complete one's work;
  • use of working time for personal purposes;
  • abuse of authority.

Violation of assigned duties may result in disciplinary action, and for “particularly serious” offenses the teacher may be dismissed.

Classification of kindergartens by focus - what they are like

Classification of kindergartens by focus - what they are like

Kindergarten is the most common type of state preschool educational institution. It provides supervision, care and health improvement, education and upbringing of children. Kindergartens have different educational programs.

A general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of any direction or directions of development of pupils - physical, intellectual, artistic and aesthetic. The kindergarten for care and wellness operates with an emphasis on sanitary, hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures.

Child development center - kindergarten. Such centers have gaming and fitness centers, an art studio, a computer class, a children's theater, and a swimming pool. An integrated approach is used to organizing work with children - physical and mental development, correction are carried out, and the emphasis is on intellectual, artistic and aesthetic development.

A combined kindergarten includes several different groups: general developmental, compensatory, recreational, and also in various combinations.

A compensatory kindergarten with priority implementation of qualified correction. These kindergartens accept children with various pathologies, for example, with mental retardation, tuberculosis intoxication, musculoskeletal disorders, hearing impairment, speech impairment, visual impairment, intellectual impairment, and children who are often ill. Highly qualified doctors work in such kindergartens, and special conditions are created for children - sometimes dietary meals, swimming pools, saunas, massage rooms, a small number of children in groups. In compensatory kindergartens they not only treat, but also educate and train in accordance with a special program. At these kindergartens there are consultation points where parents can get advice and recommendations on what to do in a particular case. To get into a compensatory kindergarten, you need a referral from a pediatrician and certificates from specialists in the kindergarten’s profile.

Four types of kindergartens

In addition to classification by focus, kindergartens are divided into four large groups: municipal, departmental, private (commercial) and home (family). Depending on the type of kindergarten, the curriculum, the number of children in the group, the quality of food and toys, and even the psychological atmosphere will vary in many ways.

Municipal kindergartens are our own childhood. A lot about them depends on the head or director - all things being equal, some kindergartens are known throughout the district, and parents try to get in line for several years in advance. In the state kindergarten there is a “general education program”, walks, physical education, modeling, drawing and music. Some provide paid additional services that you have the right to refuse, even if all the other parents in the group want to use them.

Advantages of a municipal kindergarten:

    low cost. It is established by law and amounts to 150 rubles per month. There are categories of beneficiaries, for example, single mothers, mothers of many children, widows, etc. proximity to home. In addition to the fact that doctors do not recommend taking your child to kindergarten if the journey takes more than 20 minutes, in a nearby kindergarten the child will have the opportunity to make friends with whom he can spend his free time on weekends.

Disadvantages of a municipal kindergarten:

    groups are too full. 25-30 people for a state kindergarten are not uncommon. As a result, they still have to teach, say, reading or writing at home; the teacher does not have time to explain incomprehensible points to so many students. low quality of care and supervision, uniformity in activities. There is no question of an individual approach to each child. This is also partly due to the problem of "overpopulation". lack of any delicacies in the diet. If the child refuses to eat any food, he will have to remain hungry until the next meal.

Choosing the best municipal kindergarten

In many kindergartens there are real queues. To send a three-year-old child there, you have to get in line immediately after birth - and this, unfortunately, is not an exaggeration. You can line up in several kindergartens at once so that you have time to make your final choice.

Find out if the kindergarten has a so-called “adaptation group”. It is intended for young children who have never attended kindergarten before.

Find out the kindergarten's operating hours. All state kindergartens are divided into 12-hour, 14-hour and 24-hour. There is a regime of ten - or five-hour stays. By the way, if educators try to demand from parents that they pick up their children earlier, this is their personal initiative, to which they have no right. The so-called “short days” are also a violation of the law; the kindergarten must work the same on all working days.

Pay attention to the number of children in the group and the number of teachers. In municipal kindergartens, there are violations of the Standard Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions (preschool educational institutions), according to which a group should have no more than 20 children and 2 teachers - one in the first shift and one in the second, with an assistant teacher (nanny) working with them. These are full-time employees. But sometimes, due to insufficient funding, such an assistant may not be available and the teacher takes on all the functions of a nanny.

Departmental kindergartens are not directly controlled by the Department of Education; their programs and procedures are determined by the enterprises and organizations in whose department the kindergarten is located. Such kindergartens are more expensive, but children of company employees are given discounts. There are few departmental gardens now, and their number is declining.

Advantages of a departmental kindergarten:

    a relatively small (compared to municipal) number of children in the group; better living conditions for children (again, compared to municipal kindergartens); thoughtful menu.

Disadvantages of a departmental kindergarten:

    quite high payment (up to several thousand); Sometimes there are difficulties with enrolling children from outside.

Choosing the best departmental kindergarten

When choosing, you should consider two important points:

    Check to see if the kindergarten is state certified and licensed. Pay attention to how well the social base of the enterprise in whose department the kindergarten is located is provided, how rich the organization is. Otherwise, you risk paying for dubious quality.

Private kindergartens are an ideal option if there are no financial difficulties. They work, as a rule, until 20-00 or 21-00, or around the clock. Private kindergartens have a very intensive and rich development program. Private kindergartens, as a rule, are well provided with games and toys, visual aids; children can be taken for a walk to the nearest forested area. Control over the work of non-state preschool educational institutions is carried out through licensing, accreditation, certification of programs and certification of teachers.

Advantages of a private kindergarten:

    a small number of children in the group - about 10-12 people, the child receives enough attention; children adapt to kindergarten more easily; varied and tasty food, the opportunity to please every child, an individual approach to children, which makes it possible to maximize their abilities. Each group has several educators, and children’s development is monitored by speech therapists, psychologists, pediatricians, and subject teachers; parents have the right to influence the educational process - for example, through boards of trustees. In particular, they can inspect the kitchen, demand a report on financial activities, and even attend classes. Many private kindergartens operate on the “kindergarten-school” system.

The only disadvantage of a private kindergarten is its cost.

Choosing the best private kindergarten

Pay attention to the proximity of the kindergarten to the house. Even a very good kindergarten will not be suitable if the journey takes more than half an hour by car. By the way, some private kindergartens provide delivery of children to the institution and back.

Read the license for educational activities, the Charter of the institution and the agreement. Find out if the kindergarten has a document for the area it currently occupies. The contract must contain the range of services provided, terms of payment and the regime of the child’s stay in kindergarten. All rights and obligations of the parties must be specified in detail and included in the contract. And to protect yourself from unexpected expenses, look in the documents for the phrase “the price paid under the contract cannot change during the child’s stay in the preschool institution.”

Check out the menu. Inspect the premises, toys, walking area, pay attention to the behavior of the teachers and their communication with the children.

Find out about the program and the methods used in the kindergarten. Find out which school the kindergarten is aimed at - private or general education.

You can ask an additional question about the education of the person who runs the kindergarten and the qualifications of teachers, doctors and educators - a good kindergarten will provide you with detailed information. Ask who will teach special subjects.

Find out what mode the nurse and doctor work in.

Pay attention to the period of operation of the kindergarten: five years for our country is already a considerable period of time.

Home kindergarten (family kindergarten) is another type of private kindergarten. Usually it is kept by a married couple in their apartment, or the founders rent a room in which they set up a bedroom and a playroom. They invite a teacher, a nanny and a cook, and for older children - teachers of a foreign language, music, and drawing.

Advantages of home kindergarten

    maximum care and attention, absence of injuries, conditions close to home, to the life of a large family; a small number of children - 3-5 people; individual approach to nutrition.

Cons of home kindergarten

    very high pay; possible problems associated with a lack of equipment or premises.

The rules for choosing a kindergarten are the same as in the previous case.

Looking for the ideal kindergarten

The very first option is the most important and most banal: interview parents whose children attend nearby kindergartens. They are the ones who will tell you how well or poorly the children are looked after, whether the kids love their teachers, how the kindergarten is equipped, what toys are there, and many other important details that no one else will tell you.

Pay attention to the territory of the kindergarten - how clean it is, whether it is cluttered with garbage, whether the sandboxes and swings are broken. Naturally, there should be a children’s playground on the territory, and the territory itself is fenced, and the gate leading to it is closed - don’t be surprised, but many kids are so inquisitive that they try to escape outside the kindergarten.

Get to know the staff, look at the environment in which your child will be. Are there enough toys? Is the room comfortable? Do you like the teacher? Be sure to talk to the doctor who should be in the kindergarten.

Find out from the head what program the classes are taught in, the number of children in the group, ask to tell you about the classes and the staff who conduct them.

If the choice of kindergarten is made

Let's say you have already chosen a suitable kindergarten, and this kindergarten is municipal. What documents are required to enroll a child there?

Medical card No. 20 with a note on vaccinations: polio, DPT, mumps, measles, Mantoux test (done no more than a year ago). Tests: blood (general), urine, enterobiasis, worm eggs (done no more than 10 days ago). Notes from doctors: orthopedist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, dentist, pediatrician (epicrisis and referral to a health group).

Birth certificate;

Insurance policy;

"There are no seats!"

What to do if you have already collected all the necessary documents, brought them to the head and heard that there are no places in the kindergarten? This is a typical situation at the moment, since most gardens are overcrowded, and even waiting lists are drawn up 1-3 years in advance. In this case, you need to contact the district education department, and they will definitely find you another kindergarten closer to your home, where there are free places. To avoid this situation, get in line early. This can be done officially - now in every kindergarten there are “Registration Books for Future Pupils”. As soon as the baby is born, you come to the kindergarten you like and enroll the child in this book. The manager will give you a notification of registration and will subsequently inform you when the group will be completed. There are also preferential categories accepted into kindergarten out of turn - these are children from large families, children of the unemployed, children of refugees and migrants, children of student mothers, children of disabled people of groups 1 and 2, children under guardianship, children whose one of their parents is in military service, children of single working parents, children of judges, prosecutors and investigators, children of employees of educational institutions of the Department of Education system, as well as children whose brothers and sisters already attend this kindergarten.

To pay or not to pay?

Another common problem is the so-called “sponsorship” assistance. In some kindergartens, parents are required to provide more and more financial income almost every week. In fact, neither the teachers nor the manager have the right to take any money from you in addition to payment for the garden, made on the basis of a receipt. If you do not agree with their demands, call the district office.

A list of questions to ask the administration when choosing a kindergarten of any type:

    Find out the operating mode of the preschool educational institution. Ask to see your license and charter. Ask about the programs and methods that educators work with. Pay attention to the number of children in the group and the number of teachers. Ask to tell you about the staff. Inquire about nutrition. Find out what groups there are in the garden. Ask what extracurricular activities the kindergarten offers and how much they cost. Pay attention to the founders and sponsors of the kindergarten.

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