Report from work experience “Innovative experience of working with preschool children on civic-patriotic education”
Workshop for teachers “Modern health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”
Workshop for teachers “Health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions” Workshop for educators “Health-saving
From the work experience of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution “Innovative pedagogical experience of a speech therapist at a preschool speech center”
Business game at the teachers’ meeting “Modern educator - What is he like?”
Development of the pedagogical council “Business game” Pedagogical council – business game The pedagogical council is one of the most
Development of coherent speech in preschoolers using mnemonic tables
An important condition for the development of preschool children is coherent speech. The child’s ability depends on the level of its formation
Work program of the experimentation circle “Do-it-yourself miracles”
Houseplant passport. Indoor Plants in kindergarten
Slide captions: The success of the upbringing and development of children, their favorable emotional state are associated with
The concept of a didactic game, its structure, specific features and place in the pedagogical process of a preschool institution
The role of didactic games in the development of children of senior preschool age Bibliographic description: Vasilyeva, L.N.
A fairy tale as a means of educating the spiritual and moral qualities of a preschool child
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF "Fairy tale as a means of educating the moral qualities of preschool children" All adults first
Educational program “Painting with plasticine” (additional study program for children 4-5 years old).
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