Houseplant passport. Indoor Plants in kindergarten

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The success of the upbringing and development of children, their prosperous emotional state is associated with the creation of a favorable environment, a developmental environment. In our kindergarten, each flower bed has its own content and, of course, a name: “Visiting the Heron”, “Mill”, “Miracle Well”, “Ladybug Flower Garden”, “Frog Gardener”, “Hare in Flowers”, “ In the gnome's garden", "Swan Kingdom", "Chicken in the garden"

Daily observation of nature, during which children learn a lot about the life of plants and animals, and admire the beauty of nature in all seasons. The vivid impressions that children receive from communicating with nature remain in their memory for a long time and contribute to the formation of a love for nature and a (natural) interest in the world around them.

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