Features of the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age

  • When to start developing?
  • 6 tips for developing aesthetic taste
  • How drawing develops aesthetic taste

What is aesthetic perception - the ability to understand art, the desire for beautiful things, the ability to harmoniously combine colors? This is a question many parents ask. There is no definite answer, but one thing is clear: aesthetic perception presupposes an emotional response to beauty. In an art school for children, the development of such a response is one of the goals of the program, but it is important to develop it in the home environment.

When to start developing?

From birth, a child learns to distinguish between the beautiful and the ugly. Bright, colorful and shiny objects arouse his interest; he reaches out to beautiful toys, listens carefully to the music his parents play, and looks at the sky and trees while walking. Parents draw the child’s attention: “look, what a beautiful cloud”, “what a bright flower” - and this lays the foundation for the formation of aesthetic thinking in the future.

The first response to beauty in children comes unconsciously, intuitively. However, in the future, aesthetic perception needs to be developed. In children's centers it is included in comprehensive development programs.

Aesthetic perception of the world is associated with a feeling of joy, inspiration, elation; this is a strong feeling of deep familiarity with beauty. People who have been brought up with such a feeling feel art more subtly. They have no destructive desire to spoil or destroy other people's work. They admire the beauty of nature and art, which means they treat them more carefully.

Contents of aesthetic education

Aesthetic education is aimed at the formation and development of a full-fledged personality endowed with the necessary aesthetic skills and competencies. In this connection, aesthetic education is interconnected with all other types of education (labor, moral, mental, etc.).

The main objectives of aesthetic education:

  1. Formation and development of a child’s aesthetic perception of works of art and the surrounding reality.
  2. Development of emotional responsiveness, empathy and a number of other aesthetic emotions when contemplating the beautiful or ugly.
  3. Development of the creative abilities of the individual, as well as the creative inclinations inherent in it from birth.
  4. Development of aesthetic taste and aesthetic culture.

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Organizing the process of aesthetic education requires adherence to a number of principles:

  • The principle of an integrated approach to education.
  • The principle of the relationship between aesthetic activity and everyday life.
  • The principle of maintaining the unity of general mental and artistic development.
  • The principle of maintaining aesthetics in everyday life.
  • The principle of taking into account the individual and age characteristics of pupils.
  • The principle of polyphony of activity means.
  • The principle of highly artistic orientation.
  • The principle of the relationship between the process of aesthetic education and national traditions and culture.

The main means of aesthetic education are:

  • various types of activities;
  • environment and nature;
  • works of art;

How drawing develops aesthetic taste

One of the best ways to develop a child's aesthetic taste is to enroll him in drawing classes for children. During the learning process, the child learns not only to reproduce real images on paper or canvas, but also to see the essence, character, and mood of the picture being created. In addition, contact with your own feelings and emotions is restored. He can manifest them through drawings and live them safely in his creativity.

And during the classes, the teacher introduces students to the works of classics and modern artists. By comparing, finding similar things, forming his preferences, the child penetrates deeper into art and awakens a love for beauty in his soul.

Drawing lessons for children at the Children's Producer's School are structured in such a way as to reveal the artistic talent in each student, form imaginative thinking, develop fine motor skills and develop an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them.

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Features of the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age


The formation of aesthetic feelings in preschoolers is a pressing problem. A child who is able to feel the beauty around him receives a source of inexhaustible positive energy, which creates a good mood, a feeling of happiness, and inspires play, learning, work or communication. This problem can be solved most effectively in older preschool age. In modern conditions, the content and methodology for the development of aesthetic feelings must be updated. We should look for new approaches that will not only contribute to the development of a sense of beauty in everyday activities, but will also make the preschooler in general more sensitive to beauty, ready to see, hear and feel the beauty around him. One of the effective, but little studied means are works of the animalistic genre.

Outstanding foreign researchers in the field of preschool pedagogy F. Frebel, O. Dekroli, as well as well-known representatives of domestic preschool pedagogy and psychology E.I. Tikheyeva, N.P. Sakulina, N.B. Wenger believed that the formation of aesthetic feelings constitutes the foundation of the general development of a preschool child. The formation of aesthetic feelings in children contributes to the formation of cognitive interests, introduces them to the unique and diverse world of animals, the interaction between humans and animals, teaches love and understanding, forms responsiveness to beauty, and develops aesthetic feelings.

According to N.A. Vetlugina, deep artistic and aesthetic feelings, as well as the ability to perceive everything beautiful in the surrounding reality and in creativity are an important condition for a person’s spiritual life. She notes that this process must be targeted, organized and controlled.

The essence of the animalistic genre, its value in social and aesthetic terms, is reflected in the works of Yu.M. Kirtsev, N.P. Kosterin, V.S. Kuzin, A.E. Terentyev, and others.

The relevance of the issue under study is evidenced by the fact that there is more and more modern research in this area, but it is not fully used in the practice of preschool educational organizations. Educators underestimate the possibilities of using the animal genre in educational activities and rarely use it in the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age.

Topic of the study: “The animal genre as a means of developing aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age.”

Purpose of the study: to identify the possibilities of forming aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age using the animal genre.

Object of study: the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of research: the animalistic genre as a means of developing aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age.

Research hypothesis: the education of aesthetic feelings in older preschoolers will be successful if

— to identify the features of the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age;

— carry out a selection of works of the animalistic genre for familiarization with children of senior preschool age;

- in classes, systematically, purposefully use paintings of the animalistic genre and apply various methods and techniques for educating aesthetic feelings.

Research objectives:

1. Study psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem.

2. To study the process of education of aesthetic feelings in older preschoolers and to identify its features.

3. To identify the most effective methods and techniques for educating aesthetic feelings in older preschoolers in the process of becoming familiar with the animalistic genre.

4. Test a series of classes on the formation of aesthetic feelings in older preschoolers in the process of becoming familiar with the animal genre.

Research methods:

— theoretical (analysis, systematization of information, comparison, generalization);

— empirical (observation, conversation, pedagogical experiment);

— statistical (data processing).

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the developed materials can be used by college students in practical training and by young educators in their professional activities.

Base of experimental and practical work: Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 44” of the urban district of the city of Sterlitamak of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations for the formation of aesthetic feelings in senior preschool children using the animal genre

Features of the formation of aesthetic feelings in children of senior preschool age

Aesthetic feeling is a person’s direct emotional experience of the ability to relate to expressive manifestations of reality and the consolidation of this ability in various types of aesthetic activity.

Ideas about the essence of aesthetic feelings, its tasks, goals have changed, starting from the times of Plato and Aristotle right up to the present day. These changes in views were due to the development of aesthetics as a science and understanding of the essence of its subject. The term “aesthetics” comes from the Greek “aisteticos” (perceived by the senses). Philosophers and materialists (D. Diderot and N.G. Chernyshevsky) believed that the object of aesthetics as a science is the beautiful. This category formed the basis of the system of aesthetic feelings.

The formation of aesthetic feelings is a process of purposeful, systematic influence on the child’s personality for the purposeful development of his ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world, art and create it [3, p. 45].

Adults and children are exposed to artistic and aesthetic processes every day. The beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic play a significant role in everyday work, in everyday life, in interpersonal communication throughout the world around us. Beauty brings aesthetic pleasure, develops work activity, makes meeting people pleasant, and on the contrary, it rejects the ugly, tragedy teaches compassion, comedy helps in the fight against shortcomings.

The formation of aesthetic feelings occurs in children at all “stages of their natural and cultural activities and in all types of behavior to harmonize the world and the products of their activities, themselves and their communication with other people” [25, p. 142].

In the works of A.I. Burova, V.E. Druzhinina, B.T. Likhacheva, S.N. Naumova, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, G.Kh. Shingarov's aesthetic feelings included: satisfaction, disinterested aesthetic pleasure, aesthetic joy, feelings of beauty, aesthetic perception, contemplation, experience, fantasy. They believed that aesthetic feelings serve as a stimulus for improving the positive qualities of a person, social traits such as empathy, compassion, kindness, responsiveness, mutual assistance, generate in a person the ability to enjoy work and knowledge, tone up psychophysiological functions, activate socially significant activities, unite and enrich person.

Aesthetic feelings in preschoolers include: positive emotional responsiveness, joy from their achievements and about the successes of other children, a sense of beauty and an emotional and valuable attitude towards the surrounding reality. In addition to the formation of children’s aesthetic attitude to reality and art, aesthetic feelings simultaneously contribute to their comprehensive development. Aesthetic feelings contribute to the formation of a person’s morality, expands his knowledge of the world, society and nature [5, p. 14].

Preschool educational organizations solve specific problems aimed at developing the aesthetic feelings of children: developing the ability to feel and understand the beautiful in life and in art, respond emotionally to it, appreciate the beautiful, strive to complement the beauty of the world around them to the best of their ability. All these tasks can be successfully solved only if children develop aesthetic feelings for the surrounding reality. The formation of aesthetic feelings and ideas of children, familiarization with beauty is carried out in a certain system, in various types of activities, in the perception of the surrounding reality and works of art [13, p. 12].

The aesthetic properties of a person are not innate, but begin to develop from a very early age in the conditions of a social environment and active pedagogical guidance. In the process of forming aesthetic feelings, children gradually master the aesthetic culture of our society, the formation of aesthetic feelings, as well as ideas, concepts, judgments, interests, needs, feelings, artistic activity and creative abilities.

By the end of senior preschool age, a child can listen more intently to musical and literary works, examine works of fine art, and also perceive them more deeply, empathize, sympathize with the positive, the good, and condemn the evil. The child develops an ear for music and poetry. Children exhibit stable preferences for certain genres of musical, literary and visual works. They develop an interest in the beautiful in the surrounding life and art [36, p. 135].

Modern aesthetic and pedagogical literature identifies the abilities necessary for creating an artistic image by older preschoolers: the ability to convey the generalized imagery of objects, to comprehend emotionally and aesthetically, to combine form and content. The conditions for the formation of these abilities have been identified: children’s independent choice of artistic and expressive means (according to the plan); harmonious color scheme in accordance with the theme and emotional attitude to the image; the dependence of visual materials and execution techniques on the nature of the transmitted image.

In modern conditions, the following tasks of forming aesthetic feelings are put forward in kindergarten:

1. Systematically develop the perception of beauty, aesthetic feelings, and ideas of children. All types of art, nature and everyday life contribute to this, causing immediate emotional responsiveness, joy, excitement, admiration, passion.

2. Involve children in activities in the field of art, cultivating in them the need and habit of introducing elements of beauty into everyday life, nature, and social relations.

3. To form the foundations of children’s aesthetic taste and the ability to independently evaluate works of art and life phenomena.

4. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of children [30, p. 54].

The main task of developing aesthetic feelings in older preschool age is to form a creative attitude towards reality. The formation of aesthetic perception, aesthetic and artistic abilities, aesthetic and artistic activity is based on the modern development of sensory systems, the activity of various analyzers, providing the necessary accuracy and precision of differentiation.

Solving problems in the formation of aesthetic feelings is closely related to the formation in children of such qualities as initiative, the ability to foresee certain results, strive for them, and the ability to dream.

Meeting the beautiful in art with well-organized work evokes an aesthetic feeling in children. By influencing feelings and evoking them, beauty gives rise to thoughts and shapes interests. In the process of forming aesthetic feelings, the child makes his first generalizations. He makes comparisons and associations. The desire to find out what the picture and music are telling about makes children look closely at the colors and lines, listen to the sound of music and poetry. Children begin to notice a certain connection between the surrounding reality and the art that reflects it.

Many teachers have been and are studying the problems of forming aesthetic feelings in preschool children: N.A. Vetlugina, T.G. Kazakova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerina and others. Thus, aesthetic feelings as a psychological category were considered by psychologists such as G.S. Abramov, R.S. Nemov, S.L. Rubinstein. A.M. Vinogradova, A.V. Zaporozhets, T.S. Komarov considered the issues of the formation of aesthetic feelings through the artistic activities of children.

Thus, in the process of formation and training, the tasks of aesthetic education in preschool age are carried out. By shaping children’s artistic abilities, their aesthetic feelings, and aesthetic attitude towards beauty, the teacher lays the foundations on which a person’s spiritual wealth will be formed in the future.

B.T. Likhachev notes that the formation of “aesthetic feelings is a purposeful process of formation of a creative personality capable of perceiving, feeling, appreciating beauty and creating artistic values.” IN AND. Loginova noted that the aesthetic feeling evoked by a person’s actions, his relationship to work and everyday life, to all life, approaches a higher concept - to beauty as the highest moral ideal. Aesthetic feelings are characterized by complexity, depth, variety of content and are in unity with the human intellect [41, p. 26].

The aesthetic sense is characterized by creative aspirations. It makes you want to act. A. S. Makarenko excellently showed how he formed in children the desire to “see a better tomorrow and strive for it in a joyful general tension, in a persistent, cheerful dream.” The preschooler enthusiastically surrenders to these experiences, strives to act if this “musically tuned energy” is evoked in him.

The process of forming aesthetic feelings plays a big role in the development of a child’s personality. The main assistants in this labor-intensive process are adults - teachers, parents. It depends on them whether children will develop the foundations of aesthetic taste and the ability to independently evaluate works of art and life phenomena.

When working with children to form aesthetic feelings, the following tasks are necessary: ​​to form the perception of beauty, aesthetic feelings; involve children in activities; introduce elements of beauty into everyday life, nature, and social relations; to form the foundations of aesthetic taste, the ability to independently evaluate works of art and phenomena; develop artistic and creative abilities [19, p. 56].

The category of beauty is the main aesthetic category. It reflects not only an aesthetic assessment, but also a moral one. The formation of knowledge about beauty occurs through everyday objects that reflect children, for example, toys or works of art. Gradually, by older preschool age, the study of beauty in natural phenomena, life, and evaluation of people’s activities and actions comes.

At this age, preschoolers evaluate their actions, which ones are beautiful and which ones are ugly. They are taught that a person who works is wonderful, and being lazy is ugly. Children are taught the beauty of working conditions, and are taught to take care of the results of these works through different types of arts: poetic activity, song creativity, musical activity, visual arts. “Preschoolers are given knowledge about beauty, and they can give an aesthetic assessment: beautiful or ugly, ugly or ugly.

The task of any education is to form certain needs in the individual. The formation of an aesthetic need, which is defined as a person’s need for beauty and, in fact, according to the laws of beauty. Teachers should pay special attention, first, to the breadth of aesthetic needs, i.e. “the aesthetic abilities of a person to relate to the largest possible range of phenomena of reality; second, on the quality of aesthetic need, revealing the level of artistic taste and ideal; third, on active creative activity, both performing and authoring, which concerns not only art, but also all forms of human activity. These signs can be considered a criterion for a person’s aesthetic feelings” [36].

In kindergarten, classes on the formation of aesthetic feelings are associated with all aspects of the educational process, since a variety of forms have a beneficial effect on this, and the results are visible in a wide variety of activities [38, p. 123].

Classes include:

— formation of aesthetic feelings through the means of art;

- formation and development of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world through familiarity with social and natural phenomena in everyday activities, in work activities, and in play activities.

The next important condition is the presence in everyday life of works of art, such as fiction, works of decorative and applied art, sculpture, paintings, prints, musical works, etc. From early childhood, a child should be surrounded by authentic works of art.

The third condition is the activity of the children themselves, due to the fact that the creation of an aesthetic environment does not yet determine the success of the formation of aesthetic feelings in a child. The joint work of a teacher and a child to develop a preschooler’s creative abilities to accept artistic values ​​and to engage in productive activities underlies the methodology of aesthetic education [15].

The variety of methods for the formation of aesthetic feelings depends on many conditions, such as the volume and quality of artistic information, forms of organization and types of activities, and the age of the child.

Pedagogical science and practice determines a number of the most effective methods that contribute to the formation of children’s aesthetic feelings, attitudes, judgments, assessments, and practical actions:

- a method of persuasion, which is aimed at developing aesthetic perception, evaluation, and initial manifestations of taste;

- a method of training, exercises in practical actions that are aimed at transforming the environment and developing skills of a culture of behavior;

— a method of problem situations that encourage creative and practical actions;

- a method of inducing empathy, emotionally positive responsiveness to the beautiful and negative attitude towards the ugly.

A preschooler who observes aesthetic phenomena in life not only develops aesthetically, but also spiritually. But at the same time, the child does not “realize the aesthetic essence of objects; for him it is entertainment, and without the intervention of an adult, the child may develop incorrect ideas about values ​​and ideals” [21].

“In artistic activity, as a rule, there is a reproductive factor and a creative one. A child cannot create unless he learns to reproduce, both factors are necessary and interconnected.” The first and main condition for the formation of aesthetic feelings is the cultivation of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, evaluate and create beauty in life and art. The process of forming aesthetic ideas in children covers two important groups of tasks. The first group is a task that is aimed at forming aesthetic ideas about the world around us. These are the skills to see beauty in nature, actions, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty. The second group is associated with “ideas about the imagery of the artistic language of various arts: teaching children to sculpt, draw, move to music, design; singing; formation of verbal creativity" [18].

Based on this, the general concept of aesthetic feelings is associated with the ability for artistic and aesthetic creativity in art and life, behavior, and relationships. This ability includes the following elements: artistic taste, the ability to admire, experience and judge, elements of aesthetic education - aesthetic ideal, aesthetic development and aesthetic education [18].

In preschool age, we introduce children to beauty, but we must understand that a child cannot fully understand where the truth of beauty is and where it is fake. The teacher needs to know the features of the formation of the aesthetic culture of children of senior preschool age [19, p. 54]

When talking about beauty, the teacher focuses on feelings rather than content. The teacher connects the aesthetic sense with sensory development, because the beauty of all objects is in the unity of shape, color, size, line and sounds. Therefore, it is necessary to organize didactic games for sensory education of children. The child is imitative, so the teacher should give only positive role models.

Thus, senior preschool age is a special age for the formation of aesthetic feelings, where the teacher plays the main role in the life of a preschooler. Taking advantage of this, skillful teachers are able not only to lay a solid foundation for an aesthetically developed personality, but also, through aesthetic feelings, to lay down a person’s true worldview, because it is at this age that the child’s attitude to the world is formed and the essential aesthetic qualities of the future personality are developed.

Stages of aesthetic education

The stages of aesthetic education are usually divided depending on the age of the child and depending on the acquisition of aesthetic knowledge, skills and abilities.

Age stages of aesthetic education of a child:

  1. Stage (2-3 years). The child reacts emotionally to colorful images, cheerful music, as well as to familiar objects, pictures, etc. At this age, the motive for evaluating objects and actions does not have an aesthetic orientation, since the child does not yet have such experience. The child’s reaction is determined by his everyday character. For example, a child chooses a book because they read one to him at home and it is simply familiar to him. Or the choice may be determined by the brightness of the cover design, the image of any hero, etc.
  2. Stage (4-5 years). At this stage, the child no longer just sees, but also begins to understand the elementary aesthetic qualities of the work. That is, he sees in the picture not just something familiar, but aesthetically attractive. At this age, children begin to experience elementary aesthetic feelings, which are based on their first aesthetic experience. For example, while looking at a painting, children are able to receive elementary aesthetic pleasure from the combination of colors, much less often from the shape and, in general, from compositional techniques.
  3. Stage (6-7 years). Children are already able to perceive more than is contained in the external image. That is, aesthetic awareness of the meaning of the work, the author’s intention. For example, when listening to a piece of music, children not only experience pleasure from the harmonious sound of musical instruments, but can also mentally imagine the picture, actions or plot that the music “paints.” They “see” the aesthetic meaning of a piece of music that the composer put into it.

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Stages of aesthetic education depending on the acquisition of aesthetic knowledge, skills and abilities:

  • Education of aesthetic perception and aesthetic feelings.
  • Formation of aesthetic judgments, assessments and concepts.
  • Education of aesthetic culture and aesthetic feelings.
  • Nurturing a child’s aesthetic activity.
  • Development of creative abilities, in accordance with the child’s aesthetic interests (music, drawing, modeling, etc.).
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