Sports fun with parents (middle group)

Sports and physical education entertainment. Scenarios

Are you planning to hold a sports event? Or add variety to physical education and leisure activities? In this section you will find a great variety of ready-made solutions for this.

Here are detailed scenarios and notes of sports competitions successfully held by your colleagues, “Fun Starts”, family physical education competitions, Small Olympic Games, thematic events dedicated to important holidays and memorable dates of the calendar. We will help you bring freshness and variety to physical education activities with children both in summer and winter.

Do with us, do as we do, do better than us!

Contained in sections:

Includes sections:

Scenario of the sporting event “Fun Starts” “Fun Starts”

Presenter 1: Hello, dear guys, we are starting the most fun of all
sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”
! Today you will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, and speed! And now I want to ask you... Such that s.

Scenario of physical education leisure for children of senior preschool age “Journey to the Land of Health” Objectives: to instill a love of sports and physical exercise; bring children to the understanding that every person must take care of his own health from childhood; increase the body's defenses through massage, breathing, kinesiology and vibration exercises; secure.

Leisure scenario for Cosmonautics Day for senior preschool children “Star Relay” Leisure scenario for Cosmonautics Day for senior preschool age “Star Relay.” Goal: to arouse interest in outer space, expand children’s ideas about the profession of an astronaut pilot, cultivate respect for the profession, develop imagination and fantasy.

Summary of physical education entertainment “Take care of our planet” for the senior group Summary of physical education entertainment “Take care of our planet” for the senior group Goal: to educate children to respect nature. Objectives: • To introduce children to the concept of “ecology”, its properties and role in human life. • Give children a basic understanding of sources.

Article “Sports entertainment in the middle group “Merry. » Sports entertainment in the middle group “Fun Starts” Progress of the event Presenter: Sports, guys, everyone needs it We are strong friends with sports Sports is an assistant, Sports is a health, Sports is a game. To all participants - PHYSICAL HURRAY! Host: Hello, dear guys! We are starting the most.

Parent meeting in the form of a sports event for parents “Country of Healthy People” Sports competition for parents “Country of Healthy People” Presenter: Today we have an unusual parent meeting. Today we will play with you and you will show your agility, speed, strength and intelligence. Host: Everyone knows, everyone understands that it’s nice to be healthy. You just need to know How.

Entertainment scenario “Small Olympic Games” “Small Olympic Games!” The purpose of the event: the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, the development of accuracy, dexterity, imagination; developing children's interest in sports. Objectives of the event: 1. Popularization of sports activities at school; 2. Give to students.

Scenarios for sports events.

This section contains various sports games, physical education activities, as well as all kinds of relay races and fun starts for children attending preschool institutions.

Here you can find both individual games and forms of entertainment for children, as well as entire physical education and sports programs. There are scenarios designed exclusively for children, and there are those in which children take part together with their parents. A fun holiday will turn out if you add a musical component to sports competitions, and you can also learn from this section how to do it correctly and interestingly.

The material will be useful for both parents and kindergarten teachers. The presented games and programs will not only diversify your time with children, but also strengthen them, develop dexterity, reaction and dexterity. The scripts are written clearly and competently. They will allow you to create a fun holiday for kids from scratch. Each of the scenarios was presented by employees of preschool institutions, which means that it has already been tested on children and received a positive assessment from preschool children and their parents.


Physical education entertainment in the middle group with parents. Scenario

Scenario of physical education for children and parents “The Adventures of Kuzi the Little Brownie.”
Middle group Compiled by: Britko Natalia Vladimirovna, physical education instructor at the Municipal State Enterprise "Nursery Garden No. 2" of the akimat of Rudny, Kostanay region, Kazakhstan Description: This event will be useful for physical education instructors, educators, during sports events, leisure and entertainment for middle school children. Goal: Promoting and developing a healthy lifestyle for kindergarten families. Objectives: To teach children to actively participate in entertainment; develop physical qualities, speed, agility, endurance, courage, resourcefulness, moral and volitional qualities: endurance, perseverance. Organize active recreation for the whole family; create a joyful, cheerful mood. To foster physical culture and moral unity of the family. Equipment: a pair of large underpants, 2 pairs of skates, 4 skittles, 2 umbrellas, a ball per team, 2 hoops per family, cones according to the number of participants, a key, a hut, a chest. Characters: Brownie Kuzya, Baba Yaga. Venue: sports hall.
The course of the entertainment
Little Brownie Kuzya got lost in the kindergarten and accidentally wandered into a group where parents and children had already gathered. The guys and their parents help Kuza find the house, completing tasks prepared by the teachers, gradually approaching the gym. There is a hut in the gym. Everyone enters the hall and sits down.

Kuzya: Oh, guys, look, here’s my hut! My dear! (Tries to enter, but cannot)
Help, good people!
Someone took the key and bewitched the hut! How will I get home, where will I live? Instructor: Don’t worry, Kuzya, we’ll figure something out. There is noise, loud music, roar. Instructor: What is all this noise and commotion? Someone is eager to visit us. Well, let's sit down. Who is this? Let's see! Baba Yaga flies in on a broom. Baba Yaga: I can cast magic, I can fly dashingly on a broomstick! I see a lot of guys here... What is this? Children: Kindergarten! Baba Yaga: Hello, kids! Girls and boys! And so do their parents! Why didn't you invite me? They forgot about the beauty! Instructor: Who are you, grandma? Baba Yaga: Like who? I am the grandmother of this boy - brownie Kuzya (Tries to hug Kuzya). Kuzya: She is no grandmother to me. I don't have a grandmother. This is Baba Yaga from the forest. Always wants to steal me. Leave me alone, old man! (Breaks out and hides behind the instructor). Baba Yaga: Oh, yes! I will not forgive the insult! I will take revenge on you now! Wow! Instructor: Stop it, Yaga, he’s angry. Well, what good is this! Don't waste your energy in vain. We are not afraid of you! Kuzya (addresses Baba Yaga): Better speak, did you take my key and bewitch the hut? Baba Yaga (pleased): Of course I am, my dear! Who else? Yes, my dear, don’t worry. Complete my modest tasks, and I will give you the key. You have so many friends. They will help you (sarcastically)
And if not, I’ll take you into the forest (stomps his foot)
and... eat you.
Instructor: Of course they will help! Don't be afraid, Kuzenka, we will help you. Really, friends? (addresses the participants)
Our teams are brave, strong, and skillful! Baba Yaga: Well, then come out, show your courage. (Teams go to the start). (Introduction of teams) Baba Yaga: That’s nice (rubs her hands)
, and my first task...
(speaks in a mysterious, intriguing voice) Instructor (interrupts her): No, wait, dear. You have a reputation among us as a not very decent woman, you will take us and deceive us, so I will give the tasks, and our strict but fair jury will evaluate them. (Introduction to the jury) Instructor: You and Kuzya sit and look at us. (Addresses the teams)
Teams, please note, these are our fans, let's welcome them!
Fans, how can you clap? How can you stomp? And shout “hurray”! Let's rehearse. (Children scream, stomp, clap) Baba Yaga: Okay, just give them more difficult tasks! Instructor: So, is everyone here, is everyone healthy? Are you ready to run and play? Well, then pull yourself up, don’t yawn and don’t be lazy! 1 “Bridge” relay race. Mom lies face down with support on her hands and feet, and dad lies next to her. The child crawls on all fours under the “bridge.” As they move, parents run across and again stand as a “bridge,” etc. to the landmark. Then, everyone runs back together, holding hands and passing the baton. Instructor: Girls, pay attention! Boys, attention! There is one more Fun task for you. 2nd relay race “In one team”. Dad puts on his relay shorts and runs around the landmark. At the finish line his mother joins him and together they cover the same route. Then, they take the child with them and the three of them finish the relay race in their underpants. Instructor: We played well, together, now we need to rest. Sit down, sit down, relax. Instructor: Guys, your mothers, like you now, in childhood dreamed of being famous actresses and singers, artists and gymnasts. So, now they will have the opportunity to prove themselves as figure skaters. 3rd relay race “Mom is the best figure skater”. Mom puts on “skates” (made of plastic bottles)
, slides to the landmark, going around the pins and returns back.
Passes the baton to the next mother. Instructor: Hey, whoever is brave, come over! Strong, dexterous - come out! Play, have fun and ride on dad! 4th relay race “The Strongest Dad”. All the teams are rushing to the stadium; it is raining outside. The father carries the child behind his back, and the mother runs after them, sheltering the child from the rain. Instructor: Dads, moms, come out and show your dexterity! 5th relay race “Dance with the ball”. Instructor: I ask moms and dads to take a ball, press it with their foreheads (stomachs, backs) and perform a fiery dance. The couple that can hold the ball the longest without dropping it will be considered the winner of this competition. Instructor: And now attention - the final competition! Everyone should experience the taste of victory! 6th relay “Taste of Victory” - all-around. Participants “spider” (moms and dads stand with their backs to each other, clasping their elbows) run to the mark where the child is standing with a hoop, then return back, stepping from hoop to hoop, as if through a swamp. Instructor: We have completed the last type of competition. And now the result of all our competitions Let the judges bring it to us. Instructor: In the meantime, the judges decide whether you completed the tasks, and which family was the best in the competition, we will play with you. 7. Game "Cones". Families come out. The instructor gives everyone a cone. While the music is playing, everyone dances with a cone in their hands; when the music ends, the cone must be removed from their hands. You can’t throw it on the floor and you can’t put it in your pockets either. The team that completed the task wins. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury. Jury: We whispered a little, Slowly, consulted, And decided without embellishment All teams, top class! Winner's reward ceremony. Instructor (addresses Baba Yaga): Well, Baba Yaga, do you agree that we did an excellent job with all the tasks?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I have to agree. Well done! Kuzya: Then give me my key. Baba Yaga (teases Kuzya a little, does not give him the key)
: Here, take your key!
(Starts crying loudly) Ah-ah-ah. What am I going to do now! Kuzya: Grandma, why are you crying? Baba Yaga: Oh, grandson, how can I not cry. Look how many friends you have: fathers, mothers, and even their children. And I have no one. Nobody loves me or respects me. Kuzya: Okay, don’t cry, I will be friends with you, and you will come to visit me. And thank you very much, good people (bows)
, I went home.
( Enters the house and runs out screaming)
Wait, wait, I completely forgot.
I have a magic chest in my house, and in it are gifts for the bravest, strongest and most dexterous children. (Kuzya distributes gifts) Instructor: Even if this is all just a game, But we wanted to say with it: “A great miracle is family!” Keep it, take care of it! There is no more important goal in life! The participants leave the hall to the music.

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Summary of the Sports Festival Together with parents “Fun Start”


1 Summary of the Sports Festival Together with parents “Fun Start” Developed and conducted by teacher A.L. Golova. teacher Yashina L.N. teacher-defectologist Narizhnaya T.M. physical education instructor L.V. Voronina 2015

2 Goal: to introduce families to a healthy lifestyle, improve health, and develop a positive attitude towards physical education. Objectives: maintain and strengthen the physical and mental health of children; form ideas about a healthy lifestyle; develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance; contribute to creating an atmosphere of joy and fun. Attributes: balloons, chocolate medals, certificates, 2 stands, 6 rings, 2 tunnels, 2 correctional tracks, 2 baskets, fruits and vegetables, emblems, ties.

3 HOST Hello, dear viewers, children and parents. We are glad to welcome you to our competitions. And the competitions today are unusual, different from others. Our mothers and fathers are with us at the start. Parents know that playing sports is very useful, and now they will talk about it. (parents read poetry) 1 PARENT My greetings to all the children And this word: Love sports from an early age You will be healthy. 2 PARENT Everyone knows, everyone understands that it’s nice to be healthy. But everyone needs to know how to become healthy! 3 PARENT Accustom yourself to order, Do exercises every day, Laugh more cheerfully, You will be healthier. 4 PARENT Sports, guys, are very necessary. We are very friends with sports! Sports health, Sports game! Physical training! HOST Thank you, parents. Before starting the competition you need to warm up well. Go out for a warm-up and show off your agility. Let's stand in the loose. So let's begin! (to the music, the presenter performs movements, parents and children repeat after him)

4 HOST Well done. A good warm-up strengthens you, and exercise helps. Everyone knows, both adults and children, that our day begins with exercise. The guys will tell you how useful it is. (children say poetry) 1 CHILD We go out onto the playground, exercise begins. By training, we grow. We are stronger every day! 2 CHILD Exercise is useful for everyone, Everyone needs exercise! She saves us from laziness and illness! (parents and children stand near the chairs) HOST Two teams “Fast Bunnies” and “Dexterous Squirrels” take part in our holiday. Let's greet each other. Hello to the “Fast Bunnies” physical education team! Hello to the "Nimble Squirrels" physical education team! The teams take their seats and the competition begins. (parsley appears with a bunch of balls) PARSLEY La-la-la-la. Oh, where did I end up? HOST You came to the kindergarten for a sports festival. We will run, jump, dance, and do exercises. PARSHKA My cheerful cap is dashingly pushed to the side I am a cheerful toy And my name is (children and parents “Parsley”) HOST Parsley, what beautiful balls you have, why do you need so many balls? PARSLEY I like to throw them up and catch them. Like this!

5 HOST Our guys also love to play with balls. Parsley, you can give us your balls for the relay race. PARSLEY Of course, with pleasure. (gives each team a balloon) 1 relay race “Pass the balloon” Two teams stand opposite each other. They pass the ball to each other and back to Parsley. Which team will do it faster? HOST Petrushka, did you like the relay race? Parsley I really liked it, everyone is so fast and dexterous. HOST And our dexterous guys can overcome any obstacles. PARSLEY It can’t be! Even the ones I prepared for them? HOST Yes, look! 2 relay race “Obstacle Course” You need to go along the correction track, jump from hoop to hoop, crawl into the tunnel and run around the counter (only children participate, and parents provide backup) HOST and PETRUSHKA Praise the children. HOST And now, kids, a game for your dads and moms. Moms and dads, come out and show your dexterity. 3 “Funny Balloon” Relay Race Parents must carry the balloon onto the rackets around the stand and return to the team.

6 HOST How clever our parents are. Well done! Children, all attention Adults, attention An interesting, fun task awaits you. 4 Relay race “Drag the ball with a snake” Parents place 3 pins at a distance, take the ball from the hoop and pass the ball with a snake around the pins, give the ball to their child, he passes the ball with a snake and puts it in the hoop, collects the pins and gives it to the parent of the other child. The relay ends when all players pass the test. Well done, the presenter, children and adults. PARSLEY These are great fellows. The game generously gives us strength, dexterity and dexterity. I think it’s time for even adults to play! Come out into the circle as quickly as possible. Show off your dexterity Game “Third Wheel” Parents stand in a circle facing each other, in pairs - one person, and the other behind their back. One pair becomes the leader - one of the pair runs, the other catches up. They run around the outer circle. The one who runs away can escape the chase by standing third to any pair. You need to stand in front of the first player of the pair, then the player standing behind him becomes the third, the third wheel and must run away from pursuit. Anyone who is caught up and touched by the “Lovishka” himself becomes a “Trapper” and must now catch up.

7 PETRUSHKA And I like to ask difficult riddles, I wonder if the kids will guess them. (Appendix 1, Appendix 2) Riddles of Parsley PETRUSHKA Well done, adults and children guessed all the riddles HOST Our children are not only dexterous and fast, but also very smart and perceptive. And you, Petrushka, are a great fellow, played with the guys, asked riddles. And we will teach you to dance. For the sake of our friendship, let's dance together. (Everyone stands in a large circle and dances) PETRUSHKA It’s great, I really enjoyed playing and dancing with you, but it’s time to go back. Where are my balls? HOST Yes, here they are. (Parsley bursts the balloon and treats the children with chocolate medals, hangs one of ours for each child. Awarding certificates to parents) PRESENTER 1 let it all be just a game But with it we wanted to say Great miracle family! Keep it, take care of it There is nothing more important in life than a goal! HOST 2 Today there are no losers, There are simply the best of the best. Let friendship in each heart Light up the light of good deeds! HOST Our sports festival has come to an end. We wish everyone health and the best happiness!

8 Riddles about sports equipment for children Appendix 1 They beat him with a hand and a stick No one feels sorry for him Why are they beating the poor guy? Yes, because he is inflated. (ball) I spin it with my hand And on my neck and with my leg And I spin it around my waist And I don’t want to drop it. (hoop) A stick in the shape of a comma Drives the puck in front of him. (stick) This horse doesn’t eat oats. Instead of legs there are two wheels. I’ll push off with one leg. I’ll swing forward like an arrow. (scooter)

9 Riddles about sports equipment for adults Appendix 2 Head of a sports team (captain) Skates for the summer (roller skates) Playing with rackets and shuttlecocks (badminton) Children's winter transport (sled) Complete success in the competition (victory) What a tourist wears on his back (backpack) Skier's path (ski track)

10 Plan for a sports festival Poems for adults Warm-up Poems for children Greeting the teams Entrance of the hero Relay Race Pass the ball (joint) Relay Race Obstacle course (joint) Relay Race Fun ball (parents) Relay Race Pass the ball with a snake (joint) Game Third wheel (parents) Riddles Scooter Round dance Rewarding

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