“Model of physical education and health work using health-saving technologies”

Introduction of technologies to support children's health

Kindergarten belongs to the state system of compulsory universal education. Teaching preschoolers the basics of life, health and hygiene rules is a priority activity of the preschool educational institution. What is the purpose of health-saving technologies? The main task that teachers face during the educational process is to set the child up to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In fact, the concept of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions and the concept of developing a healthy lifestyle are identical. They are paramount in the work of participants in the educational process of each preschool institution.

The basic rules of health are as follows:

  • maintain a daily routine;
  • show physical activity;
  • pay attention to balanced nutrition;
  • maintain a normal psychological atmosphere and positive mood.

When working on the creation of health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to take into account adapted forms of work and the characteristics of the age group. Teachers in kindergarten use various methods to maintain the health of children and their comprehensive development.

Corrective exercises

In addition to basic physical education, in some preschool institutions children are taught yoga, self-massage, acrobatics, sports dancing, and rhythmic gymnastics.

I wonder what is the purpose of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions, during the application of which music is used? In fact, experts assign a special role to music in health improvement and treatment and preventive programs for children. Music lies to help develop cross-functional training. Music classes significantly enrich and enhance the health-improving focus of all forms of physical activity and help prepare children for school.

The goal of using health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions is considered by many experts to be the implementation of comprehensive pre-school training, which is aimed at developing motor skills, honing the mechanisms of memory, speech, reading, thinking, artistic and visual activities, and musicality.

A lot of attention and time is paid to teaching the basics of a healthy lifestyle, as one of the important conditions for maintaining the health of preschoolers. The teaching staff is forced to carry out extensive work on the valeological education of children and talk with parents. For children, special techniques and techniques are selected that allow them to present information about the structure of the body in an accessible form, explain how important it is to eat right, sleep during the day, go for a walk, etc. Thus, children are taught a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

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