Summary of a lesson in a preparatory group using health-saving technologies “Book of Doctor Aibolit “Magic Secrets of Health.”

Summary of the game - quiz in the preparatory group of kindergarten on the topic: Healthy lifestyle

Summary in the preparatory group on the topic: “Growing up healthy”
Author: Oksana Nikolaevna Kyalova, teacher of the MBDOU CRR kindergarten No. 51 “Rostok”, Stavropol. Lesson summary: Quiz on healthy lifestyle “Growing Healthy” in the preparatory group. Goal: to generalize children’s knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: - to form a correct idea of ​​health; — cultivate a desire to maintain one’s health, adhere to a daily routine, and proper nutrition; — continue to teach how to establish cause-and-effect relationships; - develop memory, attention, thinking and imagination. Materials and equipment: pictures - puzzles for the game “Daily Mode”;
dummies of fruits, vegetables, food; two hoops, chips, laptop, interactive whiteboard, presentation. Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment. Educator: - Hello, guys, today I invite you to take part in the “Growing Healthy” quiz. You need to divide into teams, come up with a name and choose a captain (children are divided into pre-agreed teams). One team is called “Big Men”, the other “Strong Men”. And what is a game without a jury, and today we invited kindergarten nurse Inna Aleksandrovna Malieva to visit us (the group includes a nurse). Nurse: - Hello guys! Tell me, what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers) Educator: Today, you and I will learn what you need to know and do to be healthy. Our jury has chips on the table; for each correct answer, the team will receive one chip. At the end of the quiz, the jury will count the number of chips and announce the winner (the jury and children sit on chairs). 2. Main part. Task No. 1 “Daily routine”. Educator: I invite the captains of the “Big Men” and “Strong Men” teams. Here is a game, a picture of 3 puzzles. Place the first part of the picture, which shows the daily routine (getting up, washing, exercise, lunch, walk, etc.), then add two more puzzles. And now the task: “Arrange the pictures in order of the daily routine.” Whoever completes the task first will receive a chip (the captains complete the task, and the jury notes who completed it faster). Task No. 2 “Personal hygiene”. Educator : Guys, look at the board, we have a question from Moidodyr. The box contains some hygiene item that we need every day. Each team takes turns naming one personal hygiene item and what it is needed for, and the jury makes sure that the answers are not repeated. The team that guesses what the item is will win and receive a chip (there is a towel in the box). Task No. 3 “Blitz survey”. The teacher invites the teams to answer the questions:
- If a person is very sick, what does he take?
(medicine) - What color is blood? (red) - What does a dentist treat? (dentist) - How many times a day should you brush your teeth? (twice) - A bird has feathers, but a person......? (hair) - What does an ophthalmologist treat? (eyes) - Which organ is responsible for hearing? (ear) Educator: - Well done guys, both teams coped with this task! The jury notes how many correct answers each team gave and awards the winners with a chip. Task No. 4 “You can - be careful!” Educator: - Guys, to be healthy you need to eat right. And what does proper nutrition mean, which foods are healthy and which are harmful, we are now learning. I will give each child a replica of vegetables, fruits and food items. On command, the guys who have a dummy with healthy products should go to the green hoop, and those with harmful products should gather at the red hoop (the children complete the task). Educator: - Let's check what we did. Children take turns naming their product, and everyone says in unison, “Yes, you can,” if the product is really healthy, and they say, “No, be careful,” if it’s not. Task No. 5 “Vitamins”. The teacher asks the children to remember which foods contain vitamins: A, B, C. On the screen there is a slide - vitamin (C), for the “Strong Men” team, which must name as many foods, vegetables and fruits as possible in which this vitamin is present. The “Healthy People” team must also name all foods, vegetables and fruits containing vitamin (A). The jury notes which team has the most correct answers and gets a chip. 3. Physical exercise “Fun video exercise!” (on the interactive whiteboard). (After physical exercise, the children sit down in their seats.) Task No. 6 Didactic game “If you want to be healthy, play sports!” Educator : - Do you know what kinds of sports there are? (children's answers). There are a lot of them, but now we will only remember those that are practiced in winter. Pictures of a winter sport appear on the screen, each team takes turns naming the sport. Whose team names the most sports will receive a chip. 4. Reflection: Educator: To be healthy is the desire of any person. Today at our quiz you showed your knowledge of what you need to do to grow healthy. Let's remember and remember again: - Why is it necessary to maintain a daily routine? (children's answers). — Rules of personal hygiene? (children's answers). — What is proper nutrition? (children's answers). — Why should a person play sports, do exercises? (children's answers) The jury sums up the quiz. Nurse: - Guys, you are all great guys, you know a lot about health. You know what to do and what rules to follow in order to grow up healthy. Tell your loved ones about them. And we will consolidate our knowledge with a vitamin drink! (juice is distributed) Be healthy!

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