Construct for a role-playing game - Clinic The teacher organizes a dialogue to discuss the plot, game actions,
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Ecological project for children 4-7 years old. Medium term.
Long-term plan for developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of the preparatory group Author: Martyukhina Irina Fedorovna
Project: “What do we know about water?” Introduction. Project type: information and research. Duration: medium duration (November
Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children. Berezenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children
Summary of entertainment for young children “The little train is coming to visit” Goal: Formation of positive emotions in
Choosing the material First of all, you need to decide on the material. Do you have wooden boards available? Great
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Lesson summary: formation of a holistic picture of the world in the senior group. Topic: “My family”
GCD summary in the senior group “Retelling the fairy tale “The Fox and the Jug”” Tatyana Chesnokova GCD summary