Summary of entertainment for young children “The little train is coming to visit”

Summary of entertainment for young children “The little train is coming to visit”

Goal: Formation of positive emotions during the game with peers and the teacher.


1. Develop new knowledge about the world around us.

2. Introducing children to Russian folk nursery rhymes and dances, and original children's songs.

3. Development of basic movements.

4. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

5. Sensory development.

6. Development of communication skills.


Children's chairs (according to the number of participants), toys: a bunny, a bear, natural materials (pine cones), a basket, red and blue runners, a suitcase with bows in four colors (red, yellow, green, blue), a tape recorder with a recording of “Songs of Friends” (author of words S. Mikhalkov).

Progress of entertainment

The kids sit on pre-prepared chairs, which stand in a row, one after another (carriages), the teacher (driver) sits on the first chair, he holds the steering wheel in his hands.

Educator: Guys, today we are going on a trip to a magical forest. Our train is ready to start moving, I ask everyone to take their seats.

A signal is given and the recording of “Songs of Friends” is started. Children tap their feet while music is playing. At the end of the recording (one verse is enough), a stop signal is given.

Educator: Attention, stop! I ask everyone to leave the carriages! Well, here we are in the magical forest. Look, there's a path here. (Points to the red track). Let's walk through it and see where we get to. (The children walk one after another along the path; at the end they are greeted by a bunny sitting on a chair).

Educator: Look, guys. Looks like someone lives here. Tell me whose house this is.

Children: Bunny.

Educator: That's right, but our bunny is kind of sad, let's pet the bunny. (Children take turns petting the bunny.)

Educator: look how beautiful his fur is: soft, fluffy, white. Does your bunny like to be petted?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Let's dance our “Ah yes” dance for the bunny.


A-a-a-ay-yes, (Children dance in pairs, holding hands, swaying smoothly)


The feet stomped loudly,

But we are not at all tired,

The feet stamped loudly, (Children, holding hands, stamp their feet).

But we are not at all tired,

Yeees! (Bow to each other).

Educator: Well done, look how the bunny liked our dance. Now he won't be sad. But our train is already waiting for us, it’s time for us to go, but I suggest giving the bunny a gift. Let's give him a bow. (The teacher takes bows of four colors from the suitcase.) Look, what color is the path leading to the bunny's house?

Children: Red!

Educator: Let’s give him a red bow too. Find him.

(Children pull out a red bow, the teacher ties it around the bunny’s neck).

Goodbye, bunny! (Children say goodbye and go to their “cars”, a signal is given, the recording of “Songs of Friends” is turned on. At the end of the recording, the children leave the “cars”).

Educator: Look, guys, there is already a different path here. What color is it?

Children: Blue.

Educator: That's right, let's see who we'll visit this time.

(Children walk along the blue path and visit the bear cub).

Educator: Look, who are we visiting?

Children: To the bear cub!

Educator: Look what is in the hands of the bear cub.

Children: Basket!

Educator: That's right, our little bear is gathering for some cones. Let's help him collect them.

(Children collect cones, which are laid out in advance by the teacher’s assistant).

Educator: Well done guys, you picked a whole basket of mushrooms. Our little bear smiles and offers to play with him.

The game “Teddy Bear” is played, during which the children repeat the movements after the teacher.

A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest, (We move like bears)

Collects cones, sings songs, (Pretend that we are collecting cones)

The cone bounced off, straight into the bear’s forehead (Put a fist to the forehead)

The bear got scared and stomped his foot. (We stomp our feet)

Educator: Well done, let's give the bear a bow so that he too will be beautiful. What color will we choose?

Children: Blue.

(The teacher ties a blue bow to the bear)

Educator: What color bows do we have left?

Children: Green and yellow.

Educator: That's right, let's say goodbye to the bear cub, we'll definitely visit him next time.

The children say goodbye and go to their “cars”, the recording is turned on, after the loss, a signal is given to stop. Children get out of the "cars".

Educator: Look guys, we are back in our kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip?

Children: Yes!

Educator: I am very glad that you liked it, we will also go on our little train to the magical forest and meet new friends. But that will happen next time. Let's say goodbye to the engine and say "Thank you."

(The children say goodbye and thank the train.)

Family leisure with young children

Kyle Pruett, a professor at the Center for Child Studies at Yale University, notes that babies react differently to their parents. In the presence of his mother, he relaxes, awaits gentle treatment, gentle hugs, and affection. Meeting his father excites and stimulates him. He expects unusual games from his father, and he, in turn, is forced to maintain a high bar of childhood aspirations. However, when the little one manages to get his dad’s undivided use, both are happy. K. Pruett states: “Even in cases where the main nanny, due to some circumstances, is the father, he does not become the mother.”

Fathers tend to give more space to the child’s personality and more often let him out of sight, giving him freedom. Mothers, on the contrary, follow on the heels of the little one. When a child approaches something dangerous (from her point of view), she instinctively appears nearby, as if asserting that the baby is under her protection. As soon as he decided to climb onto the sofa, she was already there, ready to help. Often, seeing the tension in the mother’s posture, movements, fear in her eyes, the child refuses independent attempts to test his own capabilities.

Excessive caution, excessive willingness to help in everything, fear that the little one will certainly harm himself without her care, lack of patience, and sometimes even time - this is a small list of common mistakes of loving mothers. And the baby needs to be supported, trusted, and instilled with faith in his own strength. He longs to demonstrate to his household his skill, dexterity, and courage. This is greatly facilitated by playing with dad. The father prefers not to interfere, seeing his baby stuck in a box among toys, giving him the opportunity to cope with the situation himself, to gain his own experience, even if not always successful. He stoically treats his pet’s bumps and bruises, with approving statements and friendly pats he allows the naughty girl to feel “on an equal footing” with him.

In outdoor games, mother tends to use toys and accompany the game with poetry and singing. Dad prefers to use his hands, his own body as an ideal gymnastic apparatus. Men like to bring something new and unusual to any game every time.

The kid doesn’t know what will happen in the game in the next moment, or how dad will behave. This is what he comes to adore about men's games. They keep the mischievous person in a state of psychological tension. He squeals with delight, either flying up in his dad's strong arms, or dropping down to touch his adored dad's nose with his nose. But he doesn’t let up, turns the baby from side to side, lowers him onto the carpet, now to his right, now to his left, now growls, now purrs peacefully. Dad himself absolutely loves it when this irrepressible creature puffs, climbs over him, jumps up, straddling him, or stretches along his body, looking with enthusiastic little eyes into the eyes of his beloved parent, with all his appearance inviting him to extend the game.

And now the baby, with fear and delight or with laughter, tries to stay on his swaying foot, not even trying to predict whether he will fly up onto his father’s chest, or end up sitting on the carpet. And so every time surprise after surprise. Just some 10-15 minutes, completely given over to having fun together, but so many deep, vivid memories for many years. The baby vitally needs both the gentle, affectionate touches of his mother and manly games with his father. This is one of the secrets of the baby’s heartfelt closeness to each of them.

Outdoor games allow the child to discover his own capabilities of independence, dexterity, and courage. By the age of two, a child begins to show himself as an actively developing personality; he develops a strong positive position in relation to the world of people, to the world of objects and to himself.

The little one will always be happy to keep you in excellent company in a variety of outdoor games.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Entertainment in an early age group "Snowman's Birthday"


  • Creating a favorable emotional state;
  • introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;
  • to teach joint musical activities with adults and peers.


  • Develop attention, coordination of movements, encourage children’s activity; cultivate interest in musical activities.
  • consolidate children's ideas about winter, ideas about the environment
  • develop fine motor skills
  • cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

Equipment: snowman costume, icicle game, paper snowflakes, musical accompaniment, coloring books.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Hello, children! “hello” to each other, we wish health. I wish you good health. And for a good mood, we will dance.

  • Dance "Winter Dance"

Educator: Guys, today we have gathered for a reason, but to have fun and celebrate the Snowman’s birthday. Every year when winter comes, all the Snowmen celebrate their birthday. So today we will celebrate the birthday of our friend the Snowman. Let's call him.

– Snowman – 3 times.

Snowman: I am a funny Snowman,

I love to harden myself

And in winter I'm used to

Play sports!

Why did you call me?

Educator: Today is Snowman Day, which means it’s your birthday today. And we came to congratulate you.

Snowman: How cool is that! I'm very pleased! Hey guys, what are you doing?

Come out and play soon! Look, the whole clearing is covered with snow. Let's clear it now. Let's collect all the snowflakes.

  • Game “Collect snowflakes” (children collect snowflakes laid out on the floor into a basket)

Snowman: Oh, I've played enough.

Educator: Snowman, what would a birthday be without a loaf of bread? Guys, let's sing the song “Loaf” for our Snowman.

  • Song "Loaf"

Snowman: Thanks, guys! They made me happy. Well, that's it! Now give me gifts.

Educator: Snowman, we will make a portrait for you as a gift.

Game put together a portrait of a “Snowman” (children, with the help of adults, assemble snowmen from paper on a magnetic board)

Snowman (in a sad voice): How fun it is to be with you, how friendly and cheerful you are, but I’m all alone, I have no friends.

Educator: Don’t be sad, Snowman, now we will help you make a friend - a snowman. Close your eyes and don't peek.

Educator: Guys, you and I know how to sculpt a snowman

Finger game "Snowman"

Tra-ta-ta, Tra-ta-ta! children making snowballs

Happy snow kids!

Tra-ta-ta, Tra-ta-ta!

We're making a snowman!

Let's put someone on top of someone, join our hands in front of us in a circle, raise them up

We line the eyes with the thumbs, and connect the index fingers and put them to the eyes

Nose – insert a carrot, put a fist to the nose

Let's find a hat, put your palm on your head

Here's a snowman, put your hands on the belt, turn it

Snowy white fatty. body right, left.

The music director brings out a model of a snowman in which soft icicles are laid out.

Educator: Snowman, open your eyes!

Snowman: Hurray! Now I have a friend. Oh, how funny he is, he looks like me. And you guys are my friends too.

Snowman: Oh, what is this snowman hiding? Icicles! Now I'll eat them!

Educator: Guys, is it possible to eat icicles?

Children: No

Educator: It’s better for me and the icicles to play a game.

Game "Icicles"

(The teacher and the Snowman stretch the canvas into which the children must insert icicles).

Educator: That's how fun we played. Shall we show the Snowman how we dance?

Dance "Pencil Kids"

Snowman: I had a lot of fun! Thank you guys for the holiday!

I also have a surprise for you - coloring pages with my portraits.

And now I have to go, I’ll go find Santa Claus and tell him about the friends I’ve found for myself. Goodbye!

Educator: We guys will now go to the group and color the pictures that the Snowman gave us.

Compiled and conducted:

Musical director

Oskolkova V.A.

Next >

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Ivanova Arina Petrovna, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 142” in the city of Cheboksary
Russian folk tale is a treasure of folk wisdom. It is distinguished by the depth of ideas, richness of content, poetic language and high educational orientation (“a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”). The Russian fairy tale is one of the most popular and beloved genres of folklore, because it not only has an entertaining plot, not only amazing characters, but because in the fairy tale there is a feeling of true poetry, which opens to the reader the world of human feelings and relationships, affirms kindness and justice , and also introduces to Russian culture, to the wise folk experience, to the native language.


Russian folk tales, magic words, kindness, responsiveness, help.


consolidating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.


• teach to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations and riddles; • strengthen children's skills in retelling fairy tales. • consolidate the names of Russian folk tales. • develop children’s speech and cognitive activity, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions and inferences; • develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation. • cultivate interest in Russian folk tales. • develop the skill of cooperation and goodwill. • to form children’s own attitude towards positive and negative characters.

Preliminary work:

  • reading Russian folk tales, foreign, literary (author's)
  • examination of illustrative material;
  • organization of theatrical activities based on fairy tales;
  • watching animated films based on literary works;
  • making baby books;
  • carrying out artistic and creative activities.

Equipment and material:

  • cards with images of fairy-tale characters;
  • fairy-tale heroes - toys;
  • exhibition of children's works: baby books; albums of children's works “Heroes of the works of S. Mikhalkov”
    “Favorite heroes of literary works”
  • multimedia equipment;
  • a ball of thread;
  • Musical accompaniment: audio recording of V. Tolkunov’s songs “Fairy tales walk around the world”
    “Visiting a fairy tale”
    words by Y. Kim, music by V. Dashkevich.
  • Decoration of the music hall: the walls are decorated with illustrations of fairy-tale characters; 3 houses (Teremok, Zayushkina hut and goat hut)

Surprise moment :
– Goat (adult)

Progress of entertainment:

Children with a teacher enter the music room to the music of Dashkevich
“Visiting a Fairy Tale”


Do you guys like fairy tales?




Do you know many fairy tales?




Now you will meet them!


Today we will go on a fabulous journey. (A goat sits on a chair and cries)


Guys, look who's sitting there?




:What is she doing?




Let's find out why she's crying? (Children with a teacher approach the goat and find out that the goat went into the forest and got lost and cannot find its way home. And the worst thing is that a wolf can get ahead of it and eat the kids).


(pulls a ball out of his pocket): I have a magic ball, but it only shows the right path to those who guess the riddles correctly. I'm afraid that I won't be able to solve all the riddles because they are difficult (the goat is crying)


guys, let's help the goat?


Yes! (
children are given riddles and answers, which are displayed on the screen at the presentation if the children answer correctly
) (Appendix 1)


What great fellows you are, how many fairy tales you know. Now let's throw a ball and say the magic words: You roll, roll, ball Across the sea, ocean Show us the way [5]. (The ball rolled to the tower)


Oh, look, guys, this is a tower! To check who lives there, let's do an exercise together. (Fizminutka "Teremok")

Our cheerful little mansion: it is not low, not high ( stand on your toes, sit down

) In it the frog jumps and jumps, (
) Little sparrow chirps, (
waves his arms
) the cockerel pulls his toes, (
walks in place with his knees raised high
) and the little bunny hops and hops.
( jumping in place
) The fly flaps its wings, (
running in place
) The mouse dances with a handkerchief.
( children dance
) The hedgehog closed the door lock, He is guarding the little house (
) [5].


No, this is not my hut.
Let's move on ( throws the ball again
). You roll, roll in a ball Across the sea, the ocean Show us the way.


Let's see where the ball has taken us.
(There is a bast hut from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”). Look what kind of figures they are? (The teacher plays the game “What has changed?” with the children (Appendix 1)
Teacher :

Did you guys like this game?




But again this is not my hut.


Let's let go of the ball and see where it takes us?
(the teacher lets go of the ball while pronouncing the words)
You roll, roll the ball Across the sea, the ocean Show us the way
(Children reach the house with the kids


Look guys.
This is a hut where seven kids live with their mother goat. Shall we call them? ( game “Wolf and Goat”.
The game promotes the development of speech, memory, auditory perception)


Let's remember how the kids recognized their mother (she sang in a thin voice). Why didn't they let the wolf in when he sang the goat's song (he sang in a rough voice). “Let's play goat and wolf. I will be a wolf and sing in a rough voice, and you will be a goat and sing in a thin voice. And then we’ll switch.” Sing first separately, then together. Play little goats. Try to imagine what voices they would sing this song with. (A thin voice means the door opens, a rough voice closes.”[3].


Guys, we went to visit the kids and to make sure everyone had fun, let’s play the game “Kids and the Bunny” (Appendix 2). In conclusion, the teacher recalls with the children the positive and negative characters they met and concluded that fairy tales give good.


There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny, and we cannot live in the world without them. Even if evil plays cunning tricks, But good still wins!


Guys, remember who we visited? (Thanks the children for their answers and participation).


Yes, we remember, the kids have


Yes, the kids have. The Goat has prepared a surprise for you in gratitude. (
The Goat gives out gifts (coloring books))
Children leave the hall to the music of V. Tolkunova “Fairy tales walk around the world

Annex 1.


  1. He is kinder than everyone in the world, He heals sick animals, And once he pulled a hippopotamus out of a swamp. He is famous, famous. This is (Doctor Aibolit)
  2. A wonderful hut - two chicken legs, such as in a fairy tale (Baba Yaga)
  3. One day a small mouse dropped an egg onto the floor. The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying. What a fairy tale, give me the answer! (Chicken Ryaba)
  4. Animals lived in this house without worries, but then the Bear came to them and broke the animal’s house. (Teremok) [4].
  5. Although he was without arms and legs, he was able to escape from the house. The wolf and the hare and the bear could not keep up with him. But the fox knows the deal - “Am” quickly ate it. (Kolobok)
  6. It's hard for Grandma and Grandpa to get Turnip out for dinner. Granddaughter, Bug, even the cat Helped them a little Who else came to the garden? Guess the riddle. (Mouse from the fairy tale Turnip)
  7. In the fairy tale, the trickster fox cleverly deceived the bunny, driving her away from the hut. The bunny cried day and night. But in trouble one brave cockerel helped him. (Zayka's hut)
  8. Angry birds dragged away my little brother from my sister, But my little sister, even though she was small, still saved the baby. What kind of birds were they in the fairy tale and who did they serve? (Geese swans and Baba Yaga)
  9. Oh, you simple Petya, You made a little mistake, Didn’t listen to the cat, Looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel)[2].

Appendix 2.

Game “What has changed?”[1].
Purpose of the game :

  • development of attention;
  • visual thinking;
  • coherent speech;

Material :
table, figurines of
fairy tale
from a tabletop theater.
Progress of the game:
The teacher, using figures, reproduces the plot of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” on the table and asks to name the fairy tale.
Then all the children turn away. At this time, the teacher swaps two or three figures or adds a new figure (from another
fairy tale )
The children turn around and say what has changed. Appendix 3.

Verbal and didactic game “Kids and a Bunny”
Didactic task:
teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale.
Game rule:
listen carefully to your interlocutor.
Game action:
First, the children remember the fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.” The fairy tale ends, but the teacher offers to listen to what happened next: “The goat went into the forest again. The kids were left alone at home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The kids got scared and hid. And this was a small... (toy is shown) bunny. The bunny says: (“Don’t be afraid of me, it’s me, the little bunny.”) The kids... (let the bunny in). They treated him (cabbage, carrots). The kids ate and began... (play, have fun, frolic). The bunny played ... (on the drum, and the little goats ... (jumped merrily). After the children have come up with a new fairy tale, the children begin to perform the actions that they themselves came up with. - Now guys, let's turn into bunnies and little goats and have fun! Right and left turn around, turn into bunnies and kids![1]

Links to sources:

  1. Vetchinkina T. Game activity as a means of correcting speech disorders in preschoolers // Teacher. - 2009. - No. 3. - pp. 14-15.
  2. Volina V.V. Riddles from A to Z. – S. Petersburg: Didactics Plus, 1997. – P.5
  3. Galanov A.S. Mental and physical development of a child from 3 to 5 years old: A manual for employees of preschool educational institutions and parents. — 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 96 p.
  4. Lysakov V.G. 1000 riddles. – M.: AST; Donetsk: Stalker, 2006. – 318 p.
  5. Shvaiko G.S. Games and exercises for speech development / Ed. V.V. Herbovaya. - M.: Education, 2000.
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