Spiritual and moral education of preschool children
Spiritual development of a child Human spirituality is a complex harmonious combination of personality qualities and properties
Summary of a lesson in the senior group on the topic “Mail”. Plan of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic
Boris Zhitkov In the north, where the Nenets live, even in the spring, when the snow has already melted everywhere,
Summary of a lesson on drawing in the non-traditional technique “Cosmos”.
Progress of the lesson: Educator: - Our familiar cartoon character came to visit us today
How to draw a clown with paints and pencils: the subtleties of drawing and the rules for creating a sketch step by step
Children adore clowns; they amaze with their bright costumes, funny actions and jokes. The nature
Speech at the Moscow Region on the topic: “Modern pedagogical technologies within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”
Project activities at school Formation of project activities is the task of a comprehensive school. As practice has shown,
Lesson summary of the conversation on the topic “Forest - multi-storey building” in the preparatory group
Conversation about the forest in the preparatory group Synopsis of a conversation about the forest for children 5-7 years old
Using the author's manual "Magic Circle" for the development of speech in children of senior preschool age
Educational didactic game "Magic Circle" Alena Chumak Educational didactic game "Magic Circle" Presentation of the author's work
Sports fun with parents (middle group)
Sports and physical education entertainment. Scenarios Are you planning to hold a sports event? Or add variety to physical education
documents on fire safety in dow
Ensuring fire safety in preschool educational institutions: organizing fire safety measures for kindergartens
Article update date: 03/02/2021 There are about 58,000 different preschools operating in the Russian Federation
Personal and professional qualities of a modern teacher: what should a kindergarten teacher be like?
The teacher’s speech is the main thing in raising a child in kindergarten
The teacher’s speech is the main education of a child in kindergarten Gulnara Nagaeva The teacher’s speech is
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