Didactic games for children 6 - 8 years old based on fairy tales Educational games for children
For children from one to three years old, crafts that develop fine motor skills will play an important role
Basic methods and techniques in teaching preschoolers to draw Basic methods and techniques in teaching
Mini-laboratory “Know-ka” - experimental research activities of preschoolers Relevance of the chosen topic 2 Advantages of experimental research activities 3 Modern
Preview: Drawing lesson for the middle group. Theme “Beautiful napkins” Purpose: To teach children
The main components of a role-playing game: Plot - a series of events occurring in a given area. For example, the game
What is it needed for? A place that will introduce kids to the world around them should be in every
Game didactic manual “Smile!”. Introducing preschoolers to human feelings and emotions Module “Magic Mirror”
Children love to celebrate together. But a birthday in kindergarten is
Organization of a speech therapy corner in a group of combined and compensatory orientation. The effectiveness of correctional and developmental work with children.