Sports and recreational quest game “Journey through the islands of health and sports”
Sports quest for older preschoolers of preschool educational institutions Summary of a sports quest with children and parents in
Aesthetic education of preschoolers is according to the Federal State Educational Standard in pedagogy
Aesthetic education of preschool children
Aesthetic education of preschool children It has long been known that for the harmonious development of a child’s personality, it is necessary
Phonetic stories with pictures. Sound L.
Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”
Phonetic stories by T.A. Tkachenko. We learn to pronounce the sound L correctly. The manual contains 15 stories and
conclusion Speech development in young children.
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the first junior group on the topic “Pets”
Conclusion on Chapter I In children from the very first days of life to the end
Research activities during a walk in the preparatory group
Card file of observations for walks in the preparatory group. Spring Senior preschool children attend the preparatory group
Abstract of the NOOD application in the senior group on the topic: “Into space on a rocket.”
Space crafts. How to make a rocket with your own hands The easiest way to make a rocket for Cosmonautics Day
child observation diary
Protocols for observing children in various activities
Example of observation and interpretation of results Child: Nastasya, 1 year 2 months Observation time: s
Extracurricular activity “Travel through the branches of the military”
Educational presentation “For children about the branches of the Russian military” for older preschoolers Presentation progress Slide 2,
Lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Topic: “Dishes”
Purpose: To introduce children to the history of various types of dishes. Summarize children's knowledge about the purpose of various
Lesson notes for the senior group “Care for indoor plants”
Caring for indoor plants GCD joint activities with children on organizing children's work in
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