Summary of a lesson on speech development in the first junior group on the topic “Pets”

Conclusion on Chapter I

From the very first days of life until the end of the preschool period, children have the most important task - the formation and development of speech. Each year of a child’s life is divided into stages and at each of them speech is improved - from the first infant cry to the composition of complex sentences.

During early childhood, children undergo intensive speech development. During this time, the child’s active vocabulary exceeds the passive one; the child learns that each object has its own name; after he hears the word, he tries to repeat it; he learns to compose simple and complex common sentences.

The development of a child’s speech is closely related to communication with adults, and a lack of this communication can lead to delayed speech development and also affect the development of the baby’s psyche. A child’s communication with the people around him allows him to increase his passive and active vocabulary, improve his pronunciation and the content of his speech.

Conclusion on chapter 2

The most effective method of developing the speech of a young child is his participation in various types of activities.

Productive activities (appliqué, modeling, drawing) form a child’s idea of ​​the shape, color or properties of a particular object. During the lessons, the child develops imagination, fine motor skills and, most importantly, speech activity. The child discovers a lot of new things and wants to know about everything, this is how the child’s dialogue with an adult or teacher is formed.

Playful activities allow the child to improve not only the coordination of movements while playing with objects, but also the quality and quantity of words in his active vocabulary, as the child gives a name to the object/toy, comes up with a situation in which he is and explains his actions. Thus, we can say that play is a fruitful way to develop speech in children.

All the methods we propose contribute to the development and improvement of the child’s speech, and also help prevent its delay.

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