A selection of consultations for parentsconsultation on the topic

Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old

Recommendations for parents on developing communication skills in children of senior preschool age Recommendations for parents on developing communication skills in children of senior preschool age 1. Support the child’s constant need to communicate with all family members. In preschool age, communication is always expressive and emotional. Communication…

Consultation for parents “Development of motivation for learning in older preschoolers” Consultation for parents “Development of motivation for learning in older preschoolers”

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and do math. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn it all.” Wenger L.A. The child’s readiness to study at school in the same...

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - summer, design ideas

Consultations for parents - Consultation “Teaching retelling in older preschool age”

Publication “Consultation “Teaching Retelling in Senior Preschool...” Our kindergarten operates according to the program “From birth to school”, edited by Nikolai Evgenievich Veraks. In this program, speech development is presented in different directions: the formation of vocabulary, sound culture of speech, grammatical structure and coherent speech. We decided to complement our...

Consultation for parents of older preschoolers “How to raise a boy” Boys usually have special needs that are less important for girls, and girls have special needs that are less important for boys. Of course, the main need for both is love. But love can be expressed in different ways. The love of parents, first of all,...

Consultation for parents “Outdoor games during a walk in the winter with children of senior preschool age”

Winter is a wonderful time of year: a light frost pricks your cheeks and noses, trees and bushes are covered with frost, like lace, everything is covered with white fluffy snow. Carved snowflakes, so fragile and weightless, fall on clothes and houses. Beauty is all around. And how nice it is to see this beauty...

Consultation for parents of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders “Preparing for school” Summary of an educational event for parents of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders. Topic: “Preparing for school. Features of voluntary attention" Prepared by Dergacheva D.V. Format: group. This form of educational…

Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules

Parent's corner according to FROGS in kindergarten: important design rules
Most people don’t even think about the fact that parent’s corners in kindergartens must be designed in accordance with some rules. But in fact, there is even a special passport that specifies the characteristics of the corner.

The passport contains the following information:

  • Initially, the name of the parent’s corner is written in the passport, for example, the “Health” corner, the “First-Grader” corner.
  • Next comes a description of the group - its number is indicated, as well as the exact age of the children who attend it.
  • Further, the passport indicates the purpose for which the parent corner was created, for example, in order to tell parents what the children did today, or when the holiday matinee will be held.
  • It also indicates what visual materials were used, as well as their quantity, for example, wall posters or special maps.
  • If the corner has a thematic focus, for example, helping parents teach their children, then the passport contains a card index of games and exercises that are recommended to parents.

Parents' corner according to FROGS in kindergarten - important design rules:

  • The parent's corner should satisfy not only the interests of parents, but also children, according to their age. This means that while mom or dad is studying information, the baby should also be busy with something. For example, even looking at funny pictures.
  • Visual aids and materials also need to be selected taking into account the age of the children in the kindergarten group. So, in the nursery group there is no need to place stands with the alphabet. This age category is currently only interested in bright pictures.
  • The parent's corner should look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. It is best to use bright colors and more beautiful fonts for headers and titles.
  • The corner should be located in the most convenient place. It should be well lit, otherwise it will be difficult for parents to read the information that is written in small print. If it is not possible to place the stand in the brightest part of the room, you need to consider an additional light source.
  • In the parent's corner of the kindergarten there must be information that takes into account regional characteristics - life, crafts, types of art, language.

Decorating a parent's corner in a kindergarten locker room - educational material

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room:

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Decorating a parent's corner in the kindergarten locker room

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring: design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - spring, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn: design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas:

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

Parents' corner in kindergarten - autumn, design ideas

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