A selection of artistic words about labor card index (senior group)

Modern professions

The word “logistics” is not familiar to us, but we all know its meaning perfectly well.
This is “delivery” to the buyer, and they approach the matter very thoroughly. They deliver goods, everything accurately and on time, to any region and any road. © Accountant.
The company's profits are counted, and everyone's salaries are paid.
All expenses, all income, Every ruble - they know for sure. They count everything all day long and don’t know the word - laziness. © Lawyer.
There is a profession called lawyers. They are great specialists.
Their job is to ensure that every law, to everyone and in everything, is always observed. Any sales, transactions, decisions require legal permission. © Advertiser, PR specialist
Known to all people on our planet: Adults, schoolchildren, grandmothers, children.
What is popular, what is tasty, what is beautiful, what is actively worth buying today. The whole world knows about this and you and I, thanks to excellent advertising. © HR Specialist
In every company, it is necessary and important, So that everyone here feels good and comes to work with joy, The comfort of employees is their concern.
And when improvement is required, they organize urgent training for everyone. © Programmer
To make the computer count quickly, the programmer worked hard. After all, a computer from the beginning is just a blank sheet.
And for this, a special language must be known to him, So that everyone can see, What he has always been accustomed to. So programmers create program after program to make your computer work easier for you, dad and mom! Marketer.
He is always up to date with the news.
He studies the market and promotes many good ideas in the company. Where to sell what product, what to offer as a new product. He simply must know everything about every grain of sand. Top Manager
manages a large company both wisely and skillfully.
He distributes the money in such a way that the business grows and becomes stronger. He gives instructions to all his employees, so that the company moves forward and brings profit to them. Animator
The holiday needs a fairway, And fun for the guests, Know that a children's animator Will be able to captivate the children.
He is like a small theater, But delivered straight to your home, He is the hero of any fairy tale, He is your favorite hero. He has games with him, Jokes, laughter and miracles, Funny tigers made of balloons, A stripe of soap foam. Bubbles the size of the sun, Clouds made of paper, An animator is called, A man from a holiday. © Blogger
There is one profession, it’s amazing, Officially it doesn’t exist, it was created by the Internet, But now all over the planet both adults and children are involved in it. Experts in everything: money and intelligence, cooking, dexterity, makeup and gait. This is an omnipresent blogger, he knows what’s best! He rinses the minds of his subscribers from morning until late at night. He speaks, dances, eats, he will go to Everest, Into the forest, into a cave and into a swamp, just someone subscribe... Don't skimp, like, share and glorify, And then maybe he will have a million. Well, no, taxis are expensive, there are a lot of former bloggers there. ©

If you did not find the verse about the profession you were looking for. Write to us by email and we will write about this profession and post it here.

Children's poems help shape the development of a child's speech and diction in a fun way, and teach expressive intonations. Unlike narrative text, thanks to rhymes, they are easy to remember. But most importantly, all children adore poems, because they are like verbal songs, each poem has its own musical rhythm and beat, which is why they are so fun to read, teach and tell.

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Beautiful poems of gratitude and congratulations for Teacher’s Day (September 27)

Let’s say to the teachers: “Thank you! » For a happy childhood in the Garden For an abundance of caresses and smiles! Here's to a series of fun days! Stay always young And meet other kids And during your everyday work Don’t forget to be more fun!

Educator – what a word! It contains light, goodness, warmth. Who will make the children happy with the game? Who will scold them not at all evil? Thanks to them, children grow up, knowing how to behave and live. Educators! There is no kinder person in the world! We wish you to be happy!

You give us joy and care, Although sometimes it is not easy, And every day, at any time of the year, You and I feel fun, cozy and warm! Thank you for your love and understanding, After all, the kindergarten has become a second home for us! May your wishes come true, We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Thank you for the kids From grandmothers, fathers and mothers. We appreciate your hard work. Decades will pass, But we will remember that our children had a home in which it was good. In which you want more.

A teacher is like a second mother for any child in the world. The teacher still has to become the very best teacher for the wards. And you succeed in all this, After all, you are a teacher from God. May luck smile on you, May your dreams always come true!

You taught the kids how to write letters, how to find out the time from a clock, how to add three and eight, and subtract four. And you talked about the stars and the world. Have you read fairy tales where there are elves and fairies. You taught your children to believe in their dreams. We want to say thank you today. After all, every child was loved by you.

We will now congratulate the educators - Teachers and creators, Feeders with delicious porridge for children, Substitutes for main parents, Takers for walks, Offers of fermented baked milk and buns. Interesting books from readers, sleep in the beds of the guys who lay them out. Understanders and explainers, All conflicts are immediately sorted out. And lovers, no – admirers of all children! Dear teachers!

Your work is more important than anything else in the world - We have been convinced of this more than once. Thank you! After all, our children grew up in your arms; Yes, here they are, very big! And therefore you cannot be silent: And I tell you from the bottom of my heart: Happy Teacher’s Day, friends!

My favorite teacher in my kindergarten! We sincerely congratulate you on this long-awaited day! We promise to behave well today: Put away the toys on time, We can sweep the floor! Today we wish you Happiness and spiritual strength! So that every day of work feels like a holiday!

We praise the teachers! Congratulations on this bright day! Oh, the work is not easy... You are a reliable hand for Moms and Dads of all generations. Happiness, joyful moments! And a cheerful child's laughter is the best gift of all!

Beautiful, touching poems for a kindergarten teacher

Second mother - they call you! Educating is our life and calling! Give your children care, love, kindness and attention! Thank you for your tenderness, for your affection and kind words, for always being able to comfort any child! May your life be bright, May only years add to your health, May our children leave only a pleasant memory when they leave!

You are not just teachers for children, you completely replace their mother. They don’t need sweet candies, If they are happy and comfortable in their souls! For children, after all, the main thing is care, and care, attention, day after day. A teacher is a difficult job if the house is full of wards! We are grateful to you for your efforts, for children’s smiles and laughter! Let everyone's problems and worries be left behind! We wish you good health, a lot of strength, perseverance and goodness. Let your children greet you with love and never forget you!

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Thank you for teaching our children, to always help them, you, like mothers, were in a hurry, fed, nurtured all the preschool children... Every parent is glad to see you! We will be sad without your care, But we wish you wonderful work, Happiness, health, success, good luck, So that everything will be this way and not otherwise!

Igor Shaferan

You say - a mine, You say - a construction site, You say - space: All this is serious, but - But still a kindergarten, The kindergarten will remain, And we will never live without it. After all, every geologist And every botanist, And even a scientist Among the many books Could not appear Without education, And it is the kindergarten at the start of their life. That's why we all found this thing. And we are unlikely to find a better share. We ended up here of our own free will and that’s why we sing today. We are educators, We are obligated to love our profession. We have a task - All our knowledge - To raise children.

For a long time you were like mom and dad to us, And days, And weeks, and even years. For this we are very grateful to you. We will always love and remember you. More patience and health to you, be satisfied with your work. We wish you success in your work, which is so difficult, and many bright and juicy ideas.

There are magical fairies in the kindergarten. They all know how to get along with children. The teachers have a lot of love, we are very grateful to them for this! Well, today is your graduation. The children will leave their own kindergarten. Let's say "thank you!" We thank you for your work, for affection, smiles and care! And we wish you fabulous days, sweet, obedient, cheerful children. Be happy, warmed by goodness, We will not forget your warmth!

Thank you teachers for spending time, caring, teaching, and loving them like they were their own! We wish you great achievements, Have a wide circle of friends, So that you go through life laughing, You have no equal, you are simply class!

Kindergarten staff We are very happy to congratulate you, Your work is difficult to evaluate, You must love children so much! Your sensitivity and patience evoke admiration, and the children eagerly jump into kindergarten. But the time has come to say goodbye, To part with the best garden, We thank you for everything, We want to wish you well!

The teachers became family, we will always remember them. They gave warmth and kindness, After all, there are no strangers’ children for them. Today we are parting with you, and we are very sad, to the point of tears. After all, the children learned a lot from you, They managed so much with you! Thank you for your affection and love, patience, support and care. For so many of your kind words, For a ray of happiness even in bad weather.

The toys are all in order on the shelves. The childish laughter and noise and din have died down. Kids are getting ready for important steps outside of kindergarten! Thank you to the teachers and nannies for your kind, attentive welcome. Because we perceived the kindergarten as a warm and dear, cozy home! Our kids are getting ready for school. Time has flown by so quickly. We wish you exciting work, May you all live in happiness and love!

Kindergarten is behind us - School is coming soon, first grade is waiting for us. We are parting, teachers, you and I, But we are sure that we will not forget you! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your warmth, care and attention. We will forever keep your kindness and understanding in our hearts!

The kids have grown out of their pants and are leaving kindergarten now. Our teachers look at the girls and boys with sadness. We thank you for your care, for your attention, warmth, and your daily work with the children. The children are very lucky to have you! We wish you strength and inspiration to raise new generations. May God give you health, patience, and opportunities to live long and prosperous lives!

Popular great poems about kindergarten and teachers

Mom goes to work. And dad has a lot to do. So we need someone to look after us! Who will feed us porridge from a spoon, Who will read us a fairy tale, Who will put on our boots, Who knows poems and songs? Who will make peace, who will tell us, Who is our girlfriend and boyfriend, Who will show us tricks? Well, of course, teacher!

Irina Gurina

He always meets us in the Garden, teaches us and entertains us. If necessary, he will scold you and surround you with care. In a quiet hour she will put you to bed, like a caring mother. Very sweet and delicate Our favorite teacher!

You raised our children, put your soul into each one, instilled order in them, brought up personality in each one! We congratulate you on your graduation, we express our gratitude to you for your kindness, for your care and warmth!

You have to be born a teacher, so that you can love children. And have patience, don’t get angry, and be able to surround with care! You should be proud of the teacher! Be grateful, respect And when the time comes, say goodbye... But, always continue to visit!

Thank you, teachers, for your affection and love, for your work and charm, for your many kind words. For wiped noses, wiped tears, For fairy tales and walks, Classes and warm-ups. We will congratulate you on your graduation today and be sad, and in the fall we will go to first grade with a briefcase. We wish you inspiration and strength to create. We wish the new children to give their warmth.

Let’s say to the teachers: “Thank you!” For a happy childhood in the Garden For an abundance of affection and smiles! Here's to a series of fun days! Stay always young And meet other kids And during your everyday work Don’t forget to be more fun!

Teachers: “Thank you!” We speak from the heart. And we all want to congratulate you on your graduation today. You gave our children a piece of yourself to all of them. And surrounded them with care, raised them lovingly. May every new day give you happy moments. Get inspiration from your work. We wish you patience, strength, health, bright days. Understanding, respect, From parents, children.

Being a teacher is not easy, After all, there are many children, he is the only one to teach them as they grow, so that everyone suddenly becomes a child prodigy. Who should I pat on the head, and who should I punish? And know various tricks to be able to attract guys. Being a teacher is wonderful! Being a mother means thousands of children. And daily, hourly Become happier and wiser!

The work of a teacher is not easy - you need a whole cart of skills: to read books to children, to draw and play, to collect a bag of different toys and to know the plots of many fairy tales. On the street, rummage in the sand, run around in tag, don’t be lazy, feed and caress everyone, don’t even think about getting tired. Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do. You have a big heart. Thank you for the days in the garden, for your affection and kindness. We wish you inspiration, creative success, patience, well-deserved big salaries. Thank you for the kindergarten!

Even when I become an adult, I will always remember how Mom brought me to kindergarten as a whiny little boy. The most important inhabitant smiled back at me. The teacher forever left a mark in my heart! She taught me to eat with a spoon, to play different games, and not to give up when it’s difficult. Only act truthfully!

Educator – what a word! It contains light, goodness, warmth. Who will make the children happy with the game? Who will scold them not at all evil? Thanks to them, children grow up, knowing how to behave and live. Educators! There is no kinder person in the world! We wish you to be happy!

Dear teachers, Our mothers are second, Your chicks are now moving to first grade. We congratulate you on this, we really appreciate and respect you. Let your students be able to make our world more beautiful. Thank you for your work, for your kindness, warmth, care. From the bottom of our hearts we want to say, we wish you happiness in life!

The teacher is like a mother, She was there for our kids, And this is not strange at all, She found an approach to everyone! You taught them to be friends, to respect them, to read poetry, as you loved them as relatives, but you will have to let them go. Thank you for your concern, Matinees for children, We wish you many bright days at work! Happiness to you, love, good luck, Let children's laughter flow, So that there is a return for your contribution, You, for us, are the most beautiful of all!

Let’s say to the teachers: “Thank you!” For a happy childhood in the Garden For an abundance of affection and smiles! Here's to a series of fun days! Stay always young And meet other kids And during your everyday work Don’t forget to be more fun!

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