Games experiments in the 1st junior group - Experiments and experiments on the world around us (junior group) on the topic: Card file of experiments and experiments for the first junior group | download for free

Card index of games - experiments for children of the 1st junior group

Card index of games - experiments (younger preschool age)

Drawing artists

Goal: to create a desire to draw on a wet sheet, to find out that the colors are mixed and do not have a clear boundary, new colors are obtained.

Materials: a large sheet of paper for watercolors, moistened with water, oilcloth, paints and brushes.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

The sun is yellow in the sky Red flowers are blooming A fish is splashing in the blue sea Draw it all.

The process of painting with watercolors on a wet sheet can give you an unforgettable experience. To do this, lay an oilcloth on the table and wet a thick sheet of watercolor paper. Dip your brush into one of the paints and gently brush over the paper. Ask the children what will happen if we use other colors. Give the opportunity to play with colors. As if by chance, you can brush over the drawing with just water, without paint - the water will create delicate, blurry, light halftones on the sheet.

Something in the box

Purpose: to introduce the meaning of light and its sources (sun, flashlight, candle), to show that light does not pass through transparent objects. Material: Box with a lid with a slot in it; flashlight, lamp.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

Dad gave the bunny a small flashlight, the bunny liked to play with the flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and looked under the sofa, shining it inside the closet and in all corners. - Bunny, where is your ball? - Mom asked. - I'll go look! - said Bunny and went into the dark room. - I'm not afraid! - Bunny said cheerfully and lit a flashlight. The bunny shined a flashlight and found the ball.

The adult invites the children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to find out what is in it (look through the slot). Children look through the slot and note that it is darker in the box than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done to make the box lighter (open the slot completely or remove the lid so that light enters the box and illuminates the objects inside it). The adult opens the slot, and after the children are convinced that it has become light in the box, he talks about other light sources - a flashlight and a lamp, which he lights in turn and places inside the box so that the children can see the light through the slot. Together with the children, he compares in which case it is better to see and draws a conclusion about the meaning of light.

Sunny bunny

Purpose: to introduce a natural source of light - the sun.

Material: small mirrors, sunlight

Progress of the game - experiment

Having chosen the moment when the sun is peeking through the window, use a mirror to catch a ray of light and try to draw the baby’s attention to how the sun “bunny” jumps along the wall, across the ceiling, from the wall to the sofa, etc. offer to catch the running “bunny”. If the child liked the game, switch roles: give him a mirror, show him how to catch the beam, and then stand against the wall. Try to “catch” a speck of light as emotionally as possible, while not forgetting to comment on your actions: “I’ll catch you, I’ll catch you!” What a nimble bunny - he runs fast! Oh, and now it’s on the ceiling, out of reach... Come on, hare, come down to us!” etc. A child's laughter will be your best reward.

Who lives in the water

Goal: to develop cognitive interest and imagination.

Material: blue and cyan pencils or watercolors, album sheet

Progress of the game - experiment

Literary word Water men splashed in the river all day. And then they climbed into the basin for another swim.

Sandmen live in the sandbox, and water men live in the water (in the sea, in the lake, in the river, as well as in the bathtub and basin). The water men are also very fun to play with. They may look like the picture. But you can come up with water men yourself and draw them in an album. Give your child blue and cyan crayons or watercolors and ask him to draw his own water people.

Drink delicious juice dolls

Goal: to identify the properties of water and paints, the ability of paints to dissolve in water and change its color. Materials: watercolor paints, brushes, transparent plastic glasses with water.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

One day the bunny decided to show his mother a trick. He placed transparent glasses on the table. Then he poured water into them. Water flowed gurgle-glug. - Mom, close your eyes! - said Bunny. Mom closed her eyes and began to wait for what would happen. (And you close your eyes). - Open up! - Bunny commanded. When mom opened her eyes, she saw that the water in the glasses was no longer plain, but multi-colored - yellow, red, blue, green and orange. (And you show with your finger which one is which). - How beautiful! - Mom was delighted.

Invite the children to prepare multi-colored juice for the dolls, try to attract the child’s attention with an element of magic: “And if we put a brush with yellow paint in a glass of water, I wonder what will happen. What kind of juice is this?” Set the table, arrange the glasses, seat the dolls, and treat them to drinks. Red water will turn into tomato juice, orange water into orange juice, yellow water into pineapple juice, and blue water into blackberry juice.

A fairy tale about how a rainbow bathed in water Purpose: to introduce the production of intermediate colors by mixing red and yellow, blue and green.

Material: seven transparent cups with warm water, seven colors of gouache paints.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

In the summer, after rain, a bright rainbow appeared in the sky, she looked down at the ground and saw a large smooth lake there. Rainbow looked into it as if into a mirror and thought: “How beautiful I am!” Then she decided to swim in the warm lake. Like a huge multi-colored ribbon, the rainbow fell into the lake. The water in the lake immediately turned different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The kids came running with brushes and albums, dipped their brushes into the water and painted pictures. The rainbow had plenty of fun and flew away beyond the clouds. The water in the lake became clear, and the kids brought home beautiful and bright drawings.

Rainbows in water don't only happen in fairy tales. For example, you can color the water with paints, invite your child to dip his finger in the red paint, and then lower it into a glass of water. Do the same with the other colors one by one. You will get seven cups corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

A piece of ice is melting

Purpose: to introduce what freezes in the cold and melts in warmth.

Materials: candle, spoon, ice, transparent cups with hot and cold water.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

One winter, a little squirrel brought home a piece of ice, an icicle, he left it in a hollow, on the floor in the hallway, and he went to have dinner and then sleep. When I woke up, I immediately remembered about the piece of ice and ran into the hallway. The piece of ice was gone - nowhere to be found, but there was a glistening puddle on the floor.

Put a piece of ice on a spoon and heat it over the candle flame: “Look, here is ice. Let's heat it up on the fire. Where is the ice? Melted! What did the ice turn into? Into some water!” Pour hot water into a transparent glass mug or glass (it can be tinted), put in a piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how ice melts differently in water of different temperatures.


Purpose: to identify the properties of water: it can heat up, cool down, freeze, melt.

Materials: baths, water of different temperatures, pieces of ice.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

Winter - Winter has come, and the water in rivers and lakes has frozen. The water turned into ice. Following Winter, the red Spring arrived, melted the ice, warmed the water a little. We can launch boats. The hot summer has arrived, and the water is warm and warm. You can swim and splash. And then cool Autumn came to visit us. And the water in rivers, lakes and puddles became cold. Winter will come again soon. So they come to visit us in turn: after Winter - Spring, after Spring - Summer, after Summer - Autumn, after Autumn - Winter.

Take two wide cups. Pour cold water into one, warm water into the other. Cold water is “winter”, warm water is “summer”. Let the baby touch the water with his hand. “Where is the cold water? Where is our “winter”? Here in this cup. Where's the warm water? Where is our “summer”? Here". Then take four cups or small basins. Place a small piece of ice in one cup (“winter”), pour lukewarm water into another (“spring”), warm but not hot water into the third (“summer”), and cold water into the fourth (“autumn”). Teach your child to determine what kind of water is in the cups and what time of year it corresponds.

Counting table

Purpose: to introduce the properties of water: pouring, moving.

Material: bath with water, toys.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

We cook porridge for the little ones, (Twist the handle in the water, as if “stirring the porridge.”) We make dough for crumpets, (Knead the water like dough.) We treat you to sweet tea, (We take water into our palms and pour it back into the bath.) Well and then we relax! In the bath - splash!

Invite the children to play with water, pay attention to the fact that the water moves in the direction of movement of their hand, and it also shimmers and flows.

How the water went for a walk

Purpose: to give an idea that water can be collected with various objects - a sponge, a pipette, a bulb, a napkin.

Material: foam sponge, plastic syringe without a needle, rubber bulb, water bath.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

They poured some water into the basin and forgot about it. After a while, the water girl got bored: “I’m sitting here and I don’t see anything, but there are probably so many interesting things around!” She wanted to get out of the basin, but it didn’t work out - the water doesn’t have arms or legs. She wanted to call someone, but the voice of the water in the basin was quiet - no one heard her. And then my mother came and thought: “Why is there water standing here?” took it and poured it into the sink. Water flowed through the pipes and ended up in a large river, in which there was a lot of other water. And our water flowed along with the big river through the city, past beautiful houses and green gardens. “How beautiful, how wonderful! - thought the water girl. “If I were sitting in my basin and wouldn’t see this beauty!” Take a foam or other absorbent sponge, a rubber bulb and a plastic syringe (without a needle). Pour water into a small basin, prepare several empty containers (cups, bowls, etc.). Ask your child to dip the sponge in water and show how to squeeze it into the cup. Then take the water with a rubber bulb and pour it into another container. Do the same with the syringe.

Foam castle

Purpose: to introduce the fact that when air gets into a drop of soapy water, a bubble forms, then foam.

Materials: small container with soapy water, straws, rubber toy.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

Before our eyes, a castle will grow from the foam, We will blow with you into the tube, The prince will play on the pipe.

Pour some dishwashing detergent into a small container, add water and stir. Take a wide cocktail straw, place it in a bowl and start blowing. Simultaneously with the loud gurgling, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow in front of the child’s eyes. Give your child a straw and ask him to blow first with you, then on his own. Place a plastic or rubber toy inside the foam - this is “the prince who lives in a foam castle.”

Why don't the boats sail?

Goal: detect air, create wind.

Material: paper and foam boats, bath with water. Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

The boats are standing in the blue sea and just can’t sail. The captains began to ask Sunshine: “Sunshine! Help our ships sail! The sun answers them: “I can heat the water in the sea!” The Sun heated the water, the water became warm, but the boats still did not sail. Night has come. Stars appeared in the sky. The captains began to ask them: “Stars! Help our boats sail!” The stars answer them: “We can show you the way where you need to go!” The captains were offended: “We ourselves know where to sail, but we can’t move!” Suddenly the wind blew. The captains began to ask him: “Breeze! Help our ships set off!" “It's very simple!” - said the Wind and began to blow on the boats. And the ships sailed.

Invite the children to put the boats in a bath of water, ask if the boats float, and why? What needs to be done to make the boats sail? Listen to the children’s suggestions and bring them to the conclusion that wind is needed. Where to “get” the wind? Children blow on boats and create wind.


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the properties of water - it flows, you can strain it through a net.

Materials: a bowl of water, a net, a strainer, a toy colander, small toys.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

- Fisherman, what kind of fish did you catch for us for lunch? He answers with a smile: “It’s not a secret at all!” I managed to catch two holey shoes so far!

Pour water into a basin and give your baby a net for catching aquarium fish, a small strainer with a handle, or a toy colander. Throw a few small toys into the water. They can float on the surface or lie on the bottom. Invite your child to catch these toys with a net. You can ask him to catch some specific toys: “Catch a blue ball, catch a red fish,” etc.

Soap bubbles

Goal: to create a desire to blow soap bubbles, to introduce the fact that when air gets into soapy water, a bubble forms.

Material: soapy water, cocktail tubes, bottles with the bottom cut off, gel pen body.

Progress of the game - experiment

Literary word Vodichka does not like slobs and dirty people, She boils and swears: “Glug-glug-glug-glug!” But if we wash our hands and faces, Vodichka is happy and no longer angry.

Lather your hands until you get a lush, thick foam. Then separate your palms so that a thin transparent soap film forms between them. Blow on it and you will get a soap bubble. Let the child blow on the soap film in your palms, help him make his own soap bubble. To encourage your child to blow soap bubbles on his own, offer him, in addition to a frame from a purchased bubble, a variety of tubes - a cocktail tube, a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off, or roll and glue a thick tube from thick paper. To get a solid tube (kids often bite or bend cocktail tubes), you can disassemble the gel pen and take the body from it - a transparent plastic tube. You can make your own bubble water using dishwashing liquid.


Purpose: to give an idea that water can change the direction of movement.

Material: an empty basin, a ladle with water, funnels, grooves made from half a plastic bottle, from cardboard bent in the shape of a fishing line.

Progress of the game - experiment

Literary word Water is pouring from a great height, Splashes fly onto the grass and flowers. The kids around are buzzing animatedly, the waterfall is louder than the kids.

Encourage the children to play with the funnels and grooves. Let them try pouring water into the basin through funnels, and now through a plastic channel and a cardboard channel curved like a ladder. Combine these items: pour water onto the grooves through funnels. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the water is moving. Ask them what would happen if we held the grooves differently (the direction of the water would change).

The Tale of the Pebble

Purpose: to use an example to show that objects can be light and heavy.

Material: a bath of water, small heavy and light objects, pebbles.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word There was a small pebble lying on the shore of the lake. He looked at the beautiful lilies and water lilies that floated on the water and thought: “How happy they are, floating like little boats. I want to swim too!” a boy came to the shore of the lake, took a pebble and threw it into the water. Pebble was happy: “Finally my dream has come true! I'll swim!" But it turned out that he could not swim because he was too heavy. And the pebble sank to the bottom of the lake. At first he was very upset. And then I saw how many funny fish, other pebbles and beautiful plants there were around. The pebble stopped being sad and became friends with the fish. What can you do! Heavy pebbles cannot float. Take several small, light objects that can float (for example, a feather, a ball, a paper boat, a thin sliver) and several heavy objects that will lie on the bottom (for example, a pebble, a key, a coin). Fill the bathtub or basin with water. Give the child one of the objects and ask him to put it in the water. At the same time, tell him: “Look, the boat is floating! And the key sank - it’s heavy! The petal floats - it’s light!”

Who woke up the baby whale

Goal : to introduce the fact that there is air inside a person and to discover it.

Materials : bath of water, straws, soapy water in cups.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

The wind blows and blows, “Well, what does it look like! It raises waves in the sea. My baby whale can't sleep! The blue sea is seething, the wind is howling very loudly - the daddy whale is dissatisfied: He doesn’t give us all peace! The kitten agrees: “It needs to be quiet! Wind, wind, don’t whistle, don’t wake up our baby!”

Take a cocktail straw, place it in the water and ask your child to blow into the straw until the water begins to bubble. And if you prepare a soap solution in a ladle and blow into a tube, foam will begin to form and a lush soap “beard” will grow from the ladle.

Branch in a vase

Purpose : to show the importance of water in plant life.

Material: tree branch, vase with water, “living water” sticker.

Progress of the game - experiment

Artistic word

A powerful truck drove by and the twig broke. The twig fell into the snow and would have lain there, But a caring and gentle hand lifted it and carried it into the warm water to drink from the snow. We put a branch in a vase, all the buds will open, and green leaves will appear from them.

Cut or pick up a broken twig from rapidly budding trees. Take a vase and put a “living water” sticker on it. Together with your children, look at the twigs and buds on them. Then place the branch in the water and explain to the children that one of the important properties of water is to give life to all living things. Place the branch in a visible place. Ask children what will happen, develop the ability to make guesses. Watch every day, time will pass, the buds will burst and green leaves will appear.

Experimental activities at an early age

Dear friends, we are pleased to once again introduce you to Lyubov Vladimirovna Sukhanova, teacher at MBDOU “DSKV No. 46” in Bratsk, Irkutsk region. Today Lyubov Vladimirovna will kindly share her professional experience in organizing experimental activities at an early age. The article will be of interest to teachers of early age groups.

A short commentary on the article from Lyubov Vladimirovna:

“Kids love to experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are characterized by visual and effective thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-related characteristics. In preschool age it is the leader, and in the first three years it is practically the only way to understand the world.”

Useful reading...

Experimental activities at an early age

The desire to observe and experiment, to independently seek new information about the world around us are the most important features of normal child behavior. Research activity is a natural, biologically inherent state of a child. Every child is a researcher from birth. He is determined to understand the world. It is this internal desire for research that gives rise to exploratory behavior and creates the conditions for the child’s mental development to initially unfold in the process of self-development.

Many teachers and psychologists talk about the advantages of the experimentation method. But in reality, it is rarely used in the activities of young children. Despite many positive aspects, it has not yet become widespread.

Kids love to experiment. This is explained by the fact that they are characterized by visual and effective thinking, and experimentation, like no other method, corresponds to these age-related characteristics. In preschool age it is the leader, and in the first three years it is practically the only way to understand the world.

In the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently influencing in various ways the objects and phenomena around him in order to more fully understand and master them. As knowledge about the object under study accumulates, the child gets the opportunity to set new, increasingly complex goals.

When deprived of the opportunity to get acquainted with the world around him through experimentation, the child’s mental development is inhibited.

In the process of experimentation, the youngest preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to feel like a pioneer, a researcher.

The process of cognition is a creative process, and my task is to support and develop a child’s interest in research and discovery, and to create the necessary conditions for this.

Experience shows that elementary experimentation is already accessible to young children. They enjoy exploring objects. When choosing a method for introducing young children to the world around them, I chose experimental activities. Children should not only observe the objects they study, but also expose them to influences, modify them, and highlight new properties and qualities in them. A child should receive knowledge about a particular subject not as a bare fact, but as a result acquired in the process of searching and thinking.

To increase interest in experimental activities, I organized a laboratory where “Scientific Gnomes” conduct research. Children put on caps, turn into inquisitive characters and carry out joint experimental activities - making new scientific discoveries. Children believe in miracles and, at the level of fairy-tale reality, gain new rich knowledge and useful life experience.

The goal of the project is to create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

As a result of project activities, I try to solve the following problems:

1. Introduce children to methods of studying different objects (gradually connect all types of perception; help examine objects, highlighting their properties and qualities; encourage them to include hand movements in the process of getting to know the object, trace parts of the object with their hands, stroke them; perform actions of an experimental nature).

2. To form ideas about the properties and qualities of objects (teach to determine weight parameters, temperature qualities, material of manufacture; introduce the ability of magnets and obtaining intermediate shades when mixing paints, recognize objects by the sound they make, introduce sources of light and heat)

3. Develop analytical abilities (the ability to compare, correlate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to a common property, establish physical laws).

4. Include children in practical cognitive activities of an experimental nature (observations, conversations, experiments) together with adults. Perform actions in accordance with the task, use modeling actions.

5. Stimulate cognitive activity, observation, curiosity.

6. Develop attention and memory, auditory differentiation, tactile sensations, fine motor skills.

7. Develop communication skills and proactive speech in the process of interaction.

I work with 3-year-old children in the amount of 7 people in the afternoon in joint activities.

The subject-spatial environment in the group is equipped with the material and equipment necessary to develop children’s cognitive interest in experimental activities:

Various vessels: plastic, glass, metal;

Technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, nails.

Natural materials: pebbles, sawdust, feathers, sand.

Recycled material: wire, fabric, plastic, corks, caps.

Equipment: flashlights, electric lamp, rulers, syringes, tubes, sticks, containers, boxes.

Tools: magnets, magnifying glasses, mirrors, safety scissors.

Materials: paper, foil, fabric, sandpaper.

Items: small rubber and plastic balls, magnets, candles, wax pencils, wooden and metal spoons, buttons.

This project is aimed at bringing the child into contact with objects and materials. Elementary experiments with them make it possible to understand their properties, qualities, and capabilities; stimulate curiosity, a desire to learn more, and enrich them with vivid images of the world around them.

The experimental work is planned in stages, with subsequent complication. Initially, kids get acquainted with paper and fabric, learn to recognize things from these materials, and become familiar with the properties and quality characteristics. I suggest the children wash two dresses - one made of paper, the other made of fabric. Through practical actions, I bring the guys to the conclusion that paper is not intended for making clothes, it gets wet and breaks down in water, but the fabric retains its integrity. When conducting other experiments, children get acquainted with other characteristics of these materials: they learn that things are cut, wrinkled, absorbed, wet, stretched, torn.

In further research activities, children get acquainted with materials such as wood, metal, rubber, plastic, glass. They learn to recognize objects made from these materials and distinguish them by visual and tactile characteristics. During practical activities, children identify the surface structure of objects, their density, elasticity, thickness, flexibility, and thermal conductivity.

Children learn that the weight of objects depends on the material they are made of.

Thus, during the experimental activity “Masha and the Bear,” children group objects by weight (light – heavy) depending on the size of the fairy-tale character. Masha and the bear choose toys that each of them wants to take with them to their friends. There are several options for choosing toys:

• toys made of the same material, but different in size. I ask why Bear will take larger toys, and I check the children's answers by weighing the toys in their hands;

• toys are made of the same material, but some are hollow inside, while others are filled with sand. I ask what toys Masha will take and why;

• toys of the same size made of different materials. I find out who will carry what toy and why.

Then I invite the children to choose a “treat” in buckets that Masha and the Bear can carry, and I find out: how to find out which bucket Masha can carry and which the Bear can carry? We check the children’s assumptions by examining the contents of the buckets with them.

The “What Sounds” and “Sounds of Objects” experiments lead children to understand the causes of sound - the deliberate impact of a person on objects contributes to the occurrence of certain noise effects. Children learn to recognize objects by the sound they make and associate them with the sounds of nature and musical instruments.

The series of studies “Magic Rays” forms in children an idea of ​​light sources: natural and man-made. I introduce children to ways of using objects: a candle, a flashlight, a lamp. In the course of practical activities, I come to the understanding that illumination depends on the power of the source.

Experimental activities such as Hocus Pocus and Magic Power introduce children to the power of magnets. Practical actions help to identify objects that interact with a magnet and lead to the conclusion that a magnet attracts only metal objects.

Thus, in the course of experimental activities, a young child learns to observe, think, compare, answer questions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and follow safety rules.

The effectiveness of experimental activities is not possible without interaction with the family.

Consultations on “Experimental activities in kindergarten” and “Organization of children’s experimentation at home” contributed to increasing the information experience of parents. And the use of modern technologies (showing the presentation “Children’s Experimentation”, booklet “Young Researchers”) contributed to the emergence of interest in research activities at home.

Parents are actively interacting and information is currently being exchanged via email to create a World of Discovery photo album. I offered parents files of game-experiments for experimenting at home, and as feedback I receive photographs of the experimental activities carried out at home. There is a desire for further interaction.

Summing up my work, I came to the conclusion that by encouraging children’s curiosity, quenching the thirst for knowledge of little “whys” and by directing their active motor activity, we contribute to the development of cognitive activity, enriching children’s ideas about the environment in the process of experimental activities.


  1. Approximate general education program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraxes; M, Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014
  2. “Organization of experimental activities for children 2-7 years old, Thematic planning, recommendations, lesson notes” Authors - compilers E. A. Martynova, I. M. Suchkova Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.
  3. Tugusheva G. P. Chistyakova A. E. “Experimental activities of preschool children” SP: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2007
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