Project activity in the first junior group on the topic: “Visiting a fairy tale”

Project in the first junior group “Magic Water”.


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten 1 combined type” town. Zheshart Project in the first junior group “Magic Water”. Compiled by: Kuptsova Irina Anatolyevna

2 She is both in the lake and in the puddle She is circling above us like a snowflake, She is also boiling in our kettle. It even gurgles in our little river.

3 Project passport Project participants: children of the first junior group, teachers, music director, parents. The type of project is educational and research. Duration: medium term. Implementation time 2 weeks.

4 OBJECTIVE: Introduction to the properties of water; Formation of skills of experimenting with objects; Development of fine motor skills; Enrichment of vocabulary.

5 Relevance. Educational activities and games with water for a child open the door to the world of the unknown; water is an amazing object of knowledge. The first substance that a baby gets acquainted with with pleasure is water; it gives the child a pleasant feeling, develops various receptors and provides almost unlimited opportunities to explore the world and himself in it. This is especially important for the youngest children. Water is of particular interest to children. Water is very convenient for search and research activities. Water has psychotherapeutic properties: relieves stress and promotes relaxation. And there is water always and everywhere.

6 Educational objectives Artistic aesthetic development: Develop the initial skills of children's creativity. To instill in children an aesthetic taste for everything beautiful that surrounds us. Develop an interest in music. areas: Develop children's activity when singing along and singing. Encourage them to perform simple dance movements. Create a need for reading. Provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when reading familiar poems and nursery rhymes.

7 Cognitive development: Stimulate interest in playing with water. Develop basic research skills. Social communicative development: Develop the desire to communicate with peers during gaming activities; Develop the ability to communicate with adults and answer questions. Speech development: Develop the ability to answer simple questions and conduct a dialogue with an adult. Physical development: Maintain and strengthen children's health. Develop physical activity and fine motor skills of the fingers.

8 Stage I Stages of project implementation: Select methodological and fiction literature on the topic; Choose illustrations depicting water, snow, rain, sea. Design a subject-specific development environment. Selection of material for practical games and activities. Introducing parents to the objectives of the “Magic Water” project.

9 Subject development environment

10 Stage II: Organization, carrying out various types of activities:

11 Artistic aesthetic development: Non-traditional drawing technique: “Octopus palms” - drawing with a palm, “Rain, rain, drip, drip, drip” - finger painting, Application “Fish swim in the water”; Modeling “White fluffy snowflakes” - plasticineography. Listening to the sounds “The Sound of a Stream”, Listening to the musical piece “Rain” by G. Lobacheva, singing the song “Rain, Rain, More Fun”, dancing the game “Rain”.

12 Artistic aesthetic development: Reading p. N. s. "Snow Maiden". K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, A. Barto “Dirty Girl”;, B. Zakhoder “Rain”. Nursery rhymes: “Water, water”, “Open the faucet”, “The bunny began to wash himself”, “Oh, okay, okay, okay, we’re not afraid of water”, “The geese and swans were flying”, “Oh, the water is good”, “We’ll go for a swim” .

13 Octopuses, Octopuses It has eight legs

14 Snowflakes and golden pieces of ice are falling. They fall, spin, and lie on the ground.

15 There were clouds in the sky, But we took an umbrella with us. The cloud and the sun started playing hide and seek again. As soon as the sun hides, Cloud will burst into tears.

16 Cognitive development: Observing natural phenomena while walking; Conversation “What is water for? Observing fish in an aquarium. Experiments with water: “Water is liquid, it flows”, “Water is transparent”, “Sinking does not sink”, “Hot, warm, cold water”, “Ice is solid water”, “Colored water”, “Ice is lighter than water”, "Transformation into water."


18 . Water can be colored with gouache Water. turns to ice. Colored ice floes.

19 Our Tanya is crying loudly, She dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanya, don’t cry, The ball won’t drown in the river. Heavy objects sink in the water, stones drown.

20 Social and communicative development: Games for fun with water: “Hello, water”, “Fishing”, games with rubber toys, the game “Take the little frog for a ride in a boat”, “What floats”. "Bathing a doll." “We do the laundry, we help mom,” games with soap bubbles: “Whose bubble is bigger,” “Catch the bubble in your palm.” Finger games: “Here are bare feet running right along the path.”, “The fish are playing merrily.” Didactic games: “Snowflakes droplets”, “And the flowers are thirsty”

21 Exercise “Hello, water.” Invite the children to touch the water with one and the other palm. Stroke the water, touch the water with each finger, “Hello, water.”


23 I will wash Little Nastya’s hands, back and tummy, face and mouth. Games “Bathing the doll”, “Wash the doll’s clothes”. We wash, we wash We help our mother.



26 Games with soap bubbles. Blowing bubbles on your own. Game “Catch the bubble in your palm”, Whose bubble is bigger?”

27 Game “Take the frog for a ride on a boat”

28 Speech development: Speech games “In a clearing, on a meadow, a snowball is quietly falling,” “Rain, rain.” Conversation with children “Who loves water”, “Safety rules when playing with water.” Game "Captains" (blow on the boat, pulling your lips with a straw). Conversation on the topic: “Experiments with water.”


30 Physical development Physical minutes: “Rain, pour down”, “Swifts are flying over the water”, “Ice house”, “Let’s throw a fishing rod into the water”. Finger games: “Fish”, “Here are the bare feet running.” Game exercise “Wander through the puddles.”

31 Finger exercise in water: Fishes play happily in warm sunny water. They'll clench and unclench, and then they'll bury themselves in the sand. Offer to show how your fingers run through the water. Here are bare feet running, right along the path.

32. Don’t be sorry for the rain, you give us flowers. Water harder, More often, more fun!

33 Working with parents: Introducing parents to the objectives of the project. Consultation “Experiments with water at home”, “Games with water are interesting”. Making the “Aquarium” model by parents. Involving parents in replenishing the developmental environment with aids (floating toys, wind-up toys, fiction).

34 Layout "Aquarium"

35 Stage III Final Product of project activity: Exhibition of drawings “Magic Water”. Creation of an “Aquarium” layout by parents. Making a collage by parents together with children “Winter-winter”. Final event: entertainment for parents “Winter Walk”.




39 Everyone needs water: And the fish, and the birds, And the trees in the forest, And the flowers in the meadow. And kittens and tiger cubs, even little guys. Water helps us everywhere and always!

40 Thank you for your attention!

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