Project on health-saving technologies in the senior group “I want to be healthy!”

Project on health-saving technologies in the senior group “I want to be healthy!”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 72" of the city of Magnitogorsk

I want to be healthy!

Project on health-saving technologies in the senior group

Completed by: teacher

Sayfutdinova E.F.

Magnitogorsk, 2019

Relevance of the project and problem statement

In modern conditions, the social and pedagogical importance of

maintaining the child's health. Research in recent years states

deterioration of the health of the Russian population. Death rate increases, decreases

birth rate.

The level of human health depends on many factors: hereditary,

socio-economic, environmental, system activities


According to WHO, the ratio of conditions affecting health is as follows:

1. Conditions and lifestyle, nutrition - 50%

2. Genetics and heredity - 20%

3. External environment, natural conditions - 20%

4. Healthcare - 10%

Health is laid down in the human genome from the genes of the parents. To your health

also influence:


environmental quality

training (sports, physical education, exercises)

From these WHO data, it is obvious that the primary role in maintaining,

The formation and strengthening of health still belongs to the person himself.

But still, modern man in most cases shifts

Doctors are responsible for their health. He is virtually indifferent

attitude towards yourself, the health of your body. Currently,

health promotion should become the need and responsibility of everyone


Recently, the health of Russian residents, especially children, has deteriorated.

According to the Ministry of Health and Industry and the State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance of Russia, only 14%

children are practically healthy, 50% have functional deviations, 35–

40% have chronic diseases. Number of children who are already in

primary grades are unable to complete the allotted time and

required volume to master the program, ranges from 20% to 30% of

total number of students.

The deterioration of children's health is due to many reasons:

heredity; unfavorable environmental conditions; volume growth

cognitive information and mental load; decreased motor

activity, etc.

As a result, children become overtired and their

functionality, which negatively affects not only

the health status of preschool children, but also on the prospects for their development.

Preserving and strengthening the health of the child is the leading objective of the concept

modernization of Russian education, including its first stage -


Teaching preschoolers to take care of their health -

the main task not only of preschool educational institutions, but also of modern education.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

An approximate work plan for a creative group to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for students.

We invite your attention to use the work plan of the creative group to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle for students.

Head of the creative team:

  • Kolegova E.M., physical education instructor

The following teachers worked as part of the creative group:

  • Vasilenkova A.A.., PE instructor
  • Lopatina E.N., teacher - psychologist
  • Sorokina T.V., teacher,
  • Kandaurova Yu.N., teacher
  • Novikova G.A., teacher
  • Shabaeva L.V., teacher
  • Khizhnyak Z.F., teacher
  • Islamova R.A., teacher

To implement the annual task of the Institution to improve cooperation between kindergarten and family in solving problems of preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, their physical development, and introducing a healthy lifestyle to the creative group, the following directions have been determined:

  • increasing the professional competence of teachers to improve the organization of motor activity in the educational process
  • formation of high physical fitness of pupils through physical activity
  • use of active forms of cooperation with parents (legal representatives) of pupils
  • interactive interaction with parents using the section “Towards a healthy family through kindergarten” on the official website of the Institution

In order to increase the professional competence of teachers to improve the organization of motor activity in the educational process, the following activities were carried out:

Seminar-workshop “Children's initiative in motor activity” (November). We introduced teachers to the levels and indicators of manifestation of initiative in motor activity, and to the teacher’s task at each level of manifestation of initiative. Teachers were recommended to assess the situation as a whole for their group and, based on this, create conditions for the manifestation of children's initiative in physical activity. Also at the seminar, a physical education instructor introduced teachers to diagram maps, their use for the development and improvement of motor skills and abilities, as well as the manifestation of children's initiative in independent activities.

At the pedagogical council (January), together with teachers, using the example of junior, middle and senior preschool age, video material was provided on the manifestation of children's initiative in motor activity and the role of the teacher. Also, within the framework of the pedagogical council, teachers presented the work experience “Educational health path - an alternative to walking in kindergarten . This experience is aimed at improving the health of pupils, increasing the level of motor activity, and joint cognitive and research activities of children and adults.

Consultations were also held for teachers:

“A new format for health-improving work with children - geocaching . This technology allows you to organize and diversify health work with children. This is an innovative technology that will solve the problems of several educational areas at once: physical, cognitive, speech, social and communicative development. The consultation helped teachers in the further organization of summer recreational work.

“Advice from a teacher-psychologist: “How can a teacher communicate with a child who is a provocateur” (rep. E.N. Lopatina).

The following activities contributed to the formation of high physical fitness of pupils through physical activity:

In November, the kindergarten organized a traditional “Health Week” , every day the following events were held in all age groups: sports festival “Health Day” , “An exciting journey to the land of Health” (senior groups), Quest - game “Health is Great” ( preparatory groups), “Day of outdoor games” (junior and middle groups), intellectual game “What? Where? When?" on the topic: Experts for a healthy lifestyle (preparatory groups).

The Small Winter Olympic Games were successfully held in January. Each day of the week of the Olympic Games was dedicated to a specific sport, and pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups took part.

In February, an entertainment dedicated to February 23 “Heroic Battles” , with the aim of instilling a sense of patriotism and instilling in children pride in the glorious defenders of the Fatherland.

A lot of work has been done to prepare children with a high level of physical development for gubernatorial competitions. “GPE” (general physical training) club throughout the year Based on the monitoring results, it can be noted that physical qualities have doubled; two students of Andreeva Sofya and Derezenko Leonid are registered to take the GTO .

Also, children with increased physical abilities took part in the city race “Little Sprint” , where they were awarded medals for prizes, and the “Autumn Marathon” between kindergartens, where the pupils took 1st place. the Russian Ski Track was also organized .

Active forms of cooperation were used in working with parents (legal representatives) of pupils throughout the year.

For parents and children of primary preschool age, the parent club “Healthy Baby” , which is aimed at pedagogical education of parents in matters of children's health. 3 meetings were held within the parent club.

At the first meeting of the parents’ club on the topic “The role of outdoor games in children’s health,” a master class was held on organizing outdoor games aimed at improving and strengthening the health of children. Parents are offered a card index of outdoor games for use at home. The second meeting was held remotely, and a master class “Making non-traditional equipment for physical education at home” . The final meeting took place in the form of a consultation on the topic “Joint water games in the summer.

An effective, successful form of interaction with the families of pupils was the competition “Family of the Year” , which was held with the aim of developing the need in children and adults for a healthy lifestyle, in joint physical education and sports.

Also this year, interactive interaction with parents was implemented using the section “Towards a healthy family through kindergarten” on the official website of the Institution.

Parents receive timely and full information about the physical education and health work carried out in the preschool institution, its results and ways of improvement, recommendations on physical development and the organization of physical exercises for children in the family. Most parents are willing to actively participate in the physical development of their children, and the information on the site helps improve their physical literacy.

The work done by the creative group contributed to improving cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in solving problems of preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, their physical development, and introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

Head of the creative team: E.M. Kolegova

Next >

Technology for teaching a healthy lifestyle.

  • Morning exercises are carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, children develop rhythmic skills.
  • ECD “Physical Education” is held 3 times a week. They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in classes helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.
  • Self-massage during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired - this is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps normalize the functioning of internal organs, and improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is a prevention of scoliosis, colds, and vegetative dystonia. It promotes psycho-emotional stability to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body. Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day in the form of a five-minute lesson or in the form of a dynamic pause in class. Funny poems, bright images that play up massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, and the ability to use in different settings and at any time contribute to changing the child’s position from an object to a subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation and developmental work.
  • Walking barefoot on rugs

The track perfectly massages the baby’s feet, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

Technology of forming a responsible attitude of a preschooler to his health.

  • Correct posture.

    It largely depends on the teacher what kind of posture the child will have. Tell children in an accessible way about the importance of correct posture for health and good performance. To motivate the need for self-control over your posture, you need to use different techniques:

  1. aesthetic - a slender, upright person is pleasant to look at, it’s beautiful;
  2. medical - with an upright posture, all organs, the entire human body, work better. Choosing a profession, achieving a life goal - incorrect posture makes it difficult to choose a profession as an actress, officer, and interferes with achievements in some sports. The child must have a clear understanding of what correct posture is and how to cultivate it. For self-control, we can recommend that students observe their posture in the mirror;
  3. gaming - with the help of specially selected games, you can clearly explain to your child how important correct posture is.
  • Hand washing

    - a simple, but sometimes the main measure to prevent intestinal infections and, first of all, dysentery. But it turns out that teaching how to wash your hands is not enough; you need to explain when and why this should be done, and cultivate the need to perform this procedure. How to convince a child to wash their hands? It could be like this: “If you eat with dirty hands, you will get sick,” or even more categorically: “Eat with dirty hands, you will get sick,” or more reasonably: “Dirty hands carry microbes that enter the human body, and he gets sick.” For preschoolers, this explanation is unacceptable. From his own experience, the child already knows that he ate with unwashed hands and did not get sick. Observations have shown that “aesthetic motivation” is much stronger and more accurate in developing the internal need to wash hands: dirty hands are ugly, unpleasant, and disgusting. And the most important thing is to instill in your child the habit of washing hands as a norm of behavior. You cannot sit at the table with unwashed hands; you need to wash your hands after playing, after using the toilet, after working with animals, after walking.

  • Hardening.

    Particular attention should be paid to children who often suffer from colds. Hardening has not only health-improving, but also great educational significance. The child needs to regularly make certain efforts until the hardening procedures become common, the child sees concrete results: before, water of 30 degrees seemed cool, but now 19 degrees - warm. Children love to observe the readings of the water thermometer themselves. Achieving a result (hardening) can serve as an incentive to strive for other specific results: in studies, extracurricular activities, etc. The child develops a sense of self-confidence.

  • Teeth cleaning

    . Remind children to brush their teeth. Practice shows that recently, due to the release of special children's toothpastes, children have become more willing to brush their teeth than before with tooth powder. It is much more difficult to inculcate other skills. It is very difficult to wean children from gnawing nuts, sweets, and sugar. To convince the child not to do this, show photographs and drawings that depict damaged teeth. It should be emphasized that a child’s fragile teeth are easily injured when biting candy, nuts, etc. Use a method such as rinsing your mouth after meals. Pay attention to the fact that you need to brush your teeth for at least 2-3 minutes, then there will be a sufficient massage of the gums. It is advisable to show a table of the stages of tooth decay. This will help convince children of the importance of visiting the dentist regularly. In conclusion, we note that some parents have the incorrect point of view that it is not necessary to treat baby teeth. When working with parents, you should explain to them that baby teeth are very important not only for performing their main function, i.e. chewing food, clear pronunciation of words, but also as a basis for correct bite.

  • Vision protection

    . It is recommended to carry out targeted educational work with students on vision protection. For example, conduct a game with pupils on the topic “How to take care of maintaining good vision”, during which you need to tell the children that:

1. With the help of our eyes we learn about the color, shape, size of an object. Our eyes help us understand the world around us and learn to do various jobs. It is more difficult for a person with poor eyesight to become a pilot, a sailor, or achieve success in sports or on stage. Vision must be protected.

2. Vision deteriorates when working in poor lighting, at a short distance to a book (notebook), reading while lying down, watching television for a long time, or when working with a computer. Together with the children, we mastered the techniques of self-control of landing, gymnastics and rest for the eyes. We talk about eye care, we note that when washing your face in the morning, you should also wash your eyes; you should not rub or touch your eyes with your hands. The emergence in children of a meaningful and transformative attitude towards their own physical and spiritual health as a single whole; expansion on this basis of the adaptive capabilities of the child’s body.

Thus, each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and health-saving activities used in combination ultimately form the child’s habit of a healthy lifestyle.

When developing the “Be Healthy!” project, I strived to ensure that the system of health-improving work with children that we had developed, including innovative forms and methods, would organically fit into the life of the kindergarten, and, most importantly, would be liked by the children.

The project defines the main directions for improving the health of children in preschool educational institutions, tasks, as well as ways to implement them.

Health-saving technologies that I use in my work

1. Cascade of success:

- charging tales,

- rhythmic movements,

- motivational psychological attitude.

2.The joy of movement

: — dynamic pauses

3.Miraculous touches: -

"Su-jok - balls" "Su-jok - rings"

4. Joy of emotions: -

educational games

5.Source of strength and energy: -

physical minutes

6.Relaxer: —

autogenic training

The technology for preserving and promoting health includes:

  • Rhythmoplasty. Direct Educational Activities (EDA) are aimed at the harmonious development of personality, at developing dance skills in students, which helps to improve the general culture of the child. Dancing has great educational value and brings aesthetic joy. Having fun, while playing, performing various movements and exercises, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, promotes the formation of correct posture, and develops coordination of movements and orientation in space.
  • Dynamic pauses during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. During their implementation, elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger gymnastics and others are included, depending on the type of activity.
  • Outdoor and sports games as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small, with an average degree of mobility.
  • Relaxation uses calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature.
  • Finger gymnastics is carried out individually or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, reaction speed. Useful for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time.
  • Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load, helps relieve static tension in the eye muscles and blood circulation. During its implementation, visual material and a demonstration by the teacher are used.
  • Breathing exercises are carried out in various forms of physical education and health work. Oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its functioning as a whole.
  • Invigorating gymnastics is carried out after a daytime nap, 5-10 minutes. Her complex includes exercises on beds for awakening, exercises for correcting flat feet, cultivating correct posture, and extensive washing.

Innovative approaches to health conservation in preschool educational institutions

Innovative project: “Innovative approaches to health conservation and health enrichment of children and adults in the educational space of a preschool educational organization”

An innovative educational project was developed as part of the implementation of the Development Program of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 10” in the city of Zima, Irkutsk region.
Developers of the innovative project: Team of authors - head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" E.Yu. Komarova; Deputy Head for Educational and Methodological Work O.N. Kara; teacher - speech therapist E.M. Malyuchenko Relevance of an innovative project in the system of regional and municipal education. The health of the nation is one of the most pressing problems of modern society. The problem of optimizing the health and physical development of children in preschool educational institutions in modern socio-economic conditions of social development is such that a serious issue is the unsatisfactory state of health and physical development of a significant part of preschool children. Children's health indicators require effective measures to improve their health; many children need special technologies for physical development, which must take into account the entire complex of somatic, physical and intellectual problems. Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of seven that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body occurs, the main personality traits are laid, and character is formed. It is well known that health is determined by numerous internal and external factors and is characterized as a state of the body in which the absence of disease is combined with the physical, mental and social well-being of a person. As evidenced by most scientific studies, environmental factors are of primary importance in shaping a child’s health. Therefore, it is so important to create all the necessary sanitary-hygienic and psychological-pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions, because only a healthy child can successfully assimilate everything that is taught to him, cope with the demands placed on him, be active, efficient, and develop normally. This obliges preschool institutions to consider strengthening the health of children and preventing possible deviations in their development as a priority in their work. In the Federal Law “On Education,” one of the formulated principles of state policy in the field of education assumes “the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual.” The process of developing children's health is a difficult process, consisting of a huge number of parts and links. It intersects medical, psychological, pedagogical and social aspects. Pedagogical assistance in ensuring parity of education and health of children in the educational process involves identifying external and internal reserves for the health of preschoolers, creating conditions for the implementation of these reserves in the process of children acquiring the level of education. In recent years, research has been quite active on the problem of preserving the health of children. Particular attention is paid to this issue in the scientific works of doctors: physiologists and hygienists L.P. Bannikova, N.N. Danilova, A.A. Minha, N.I. Obreimova, L.E. Panina, R.S. Tulinskaya. N.A. Fomina. An important role is played by the research of scientists in the field of valeology I.I. Brekhman, G.K. Zaitseva, V.V. Kolbanova, M.G. Kolesnikova, T.V. Kruzhilina, N.I. Kuindzhi, T.F. Orekhovoy. L.G. Tatarnikova, as well as research on the development of health-saving technologies in education (B.B. Egorov, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, V.T. Kudryavtsev, T.A. Tarasova, L.S. Vlasova, etc.). In this regard, we can say that education has been presented with the largest social order, aimed at finding ways to preserve the Russian ethnic group, its health, its labor, reproductive, valeological sufficiency and, as a consequence, promoting health problems among the priority tasks of preschool education. Therefore, a preschool institution faces the question of improving work on implementing the principle of health-saving educational activities in the process of designing the content of preschool education. The implementation of the principles of health conservation in the organization of educational activities with preschool children raises the need to revise the content component of educational programs of preschool educational institutions. In order to meet the developmental needs of preschool children based on taking into account their potential capabilities and characteristics, there is a need to develop variability in the content of OOP CE, AOOP CE (in terms of the program formed by participants in educational relations). At the preschool level, it is necessary to work on systematically updating the content of education based on monitoring the developmental characteristics of children's audiences and parents' demand for educational services. Updating the content component of the program, based on the principle of individualization, leads to the emergence of systemic changes in the organizational aspects of activity (changes in the spatial subject-development environment, development of material and technical equipment and methodological support). Thus, it has become necessary to study modern innovative methods for strengthening and preserving children's health, and to specifically build a correctional and educational process that promotes the integration of children with disabilities. There is a need to increase competence in matters of physical development and health of children, including those with disabilities, to improve and update the developmental subject-spatial environment. Characteristics of an innovative project Structural components of an innovative project Regulatory and legal support for an innovative project - The legal documents for the development of an innovative project are the following documents at the federal, regional and municipal levels: The Constitution of the Russian Federation; National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation until 2025 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2000 No. 751); The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2008 No. 1662-r); State program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” for 2013-2020 (approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 792-r); Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2015 No. 497); Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ; State program “Accessible Environment” for 2011 – 2022; Professional standard Teacher (teacher, educator), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2013 No. 544n; The concept of socio-economic development of the Ziminsk city municipality until 2020 (approved by the decision of the Duma of ZGMO dated January 27, 2011 No. 155); Municipal program of the Ziminsk city municipality “Development of Education” for 2016-2018 (approved by the Decree of the ZGMO administration dated August 28, 2015 No. 1566). Characteristics of the focus of an innovative project - An innovative project has an integrated focus: educational, educational and developmental. The educational focus of the project is reflected in the improvement of the content of the educational program for preschool education (the main educational program of preschool education). The educational focus of the project is reflected in the improvement and development of the health-preserving educational environment of preschool educational institutions, the creation of conditions for the transformation of health-preserving values ​​in the tradition of family education. The developmental focus of the project is focused on creating conditions at preschool educational institutions for the development of additional education for children through physical education and children's sports.

Characteristics of the basic concepts used in the innovation project -

As part of the innovation project, we proceed from the following definitions of concepts. Health – we consider it as a complex category, characterized by experiencing a state of physical, mental, social and moral well-being (in the WHO interpretation). The main components of health: 1. physical – the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body; 2. mental – state of the mental sphere, mental comfort; 3. social – adaptation to the social environment, socialization of the individual taking into account age; 4. moral – a complex of characteristics of the motivational and need-informative spheres of life. Health-saving technologies - we consider them as a system of measures that include the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his learning and development. Health-saving educational technologies are a set of forms and methods for organizing the education of children without compromising their health, as a qualitative characteristic of any educational technology based on the criterion of its impact on the health of the child and the teacher (in the interpretation of N.K. Smirnov). Socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the individual’s assimilation of social experience by entering the social environment, a system of social connections; on the other hand, the process of active reproduction by an individual of a system of social connections due to his active activity, active inclusion in the social environment / G.M. Andreeva/. Adaptation to society is a person’s entry into the social environment and his adaptation to cultural, psychological and social factors. The most important microsociety, besides the family, is a preschool educational institution, which includes various spheres of children’s activities: communication in a children’s group, educational, play, motor, and labor spheres. The development of children in preschool settings occurs through the integration of the activities of preschool specialists and external educational structures through the organization of additional services.

Conceptual foundations of an innovation project

• recognition of the intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the life of a growing person, conceptual ideas about the interdependence of the processes of formation of children's health and ensuring their successful socialization and adaptation to society / V.P. Lebedev, V.A. Orlov, V.A. Yasvin, G.M. Andreeva/; • reliance on comprehensive humanities and natural sciences studies of child mental development and mental health in the context of cause and effect /I. Dubrovina/, definition of health as an educational product / V.A. Orlov, V.I. Panov/; • taking into account humanistic ideas /A. Maslow / on mental health as a pursuit of humanistic values; • reliance on the psychophysiological foundations of organizing educational activities, introduction of the principles of psychodidactics / V.I. Panova, E.D. Dzyatkovskaya, A.V. Simenovich, Yu.V. Mikaze/.

Relevance of the implementation of an innovative project at the preschool level According to monitoring of somatic health, physical development and physical fitness of preschool students. According to the results of a medical examination of pupils, health group I predominates, both in girls and boys. Girls 74%, boys 61%. With health group II there are 26% girls, 37% boys, there is one child with health group III 2%. When assessing physical development, it can be noted that in general, girls and boys have an average-normal level of development. Girls with an average-normal level of physical development make up 73%; a high level of physical development is represented in 16% of girls. Boys with an average-normal level of physical development account for 77%; a high level of physical development was found in 17% of boys. The level of physical fitness of children (according to diagnostic data of preschool educational institution graduates) ranges from 75-80% based on average indicators over 3 years. According to monitoring of psychological maturity, indicators of adaptation and socialization of preschool children. According to the data of a psychological and pedagogical examination, the following dynamics are observed in the dynamics from younger, middle and older ages. In early preschool age, during the period of children’s adaptation to kindergarten, normative indicators of psychological maturity are no more than 35%. These children demonstrate the difficulties of the formed group of children, the difficulties of entering into a social community with peers. In middle age, the indicator of psychological maturity increases by 10-15%. The main difficulties of children are manifested in immaturity of speech activity and a decrease in indicators of emotional intelligence. In older preschool age, the greatest progress in the development of the child is observed. Children showing indicators of psychological immaturity, difficulties in adaptation and socialization range from 5 to 15%. Most of the difficulties of these children are associated with immaturity of cognitive processes. According to monitoring data on the formation of the health-preserving position of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. Indicators of the formation of the health-preserving position of teaching staff are characterized by a stable interest in the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children as an educational result. At the same time, as the main difficulties, teaching staff note the problem of choosing effective methods and techniques that ensure the implementation of health-saving technologies at the preschool level. According to monitoring data on the development of the health-saving position of parents of preschoolers: Parents of preschoolers note the value of their own children’s health as the highest. At the same time, 70% of parents have not developed health-preserving competence, which is reflected in the paucity of knowledge of the rules for preserving and strengthening the health of children, poor orientation of the normative indicators of the psychophysiological development of children, and the lack of skills and experience in organizing a health-preserving space in the context of family education.

Contents of the innovation project

The educational project provides for the implementation of a series of interrelated educational, educational and developmental activities. A system of measures to implement the principle of health-saving educational activities in the process of designing the content of preschool education. In the context of this direction, the work of the teaching staff is envisaged to improve the content and system for assessing the quality of implementation of educational educational programs and educational institutions in the part formed by participants in educational relations from the position of strengthening the health-preserving and health-forming position. The development and implementation of a partial educational module “Healthy Children” is envisaged. As part of the development of this educational module, preschool children will be given the opportunity to master basic skills of self-regulation of functional states (fear, anxiety, decreased performance), skills in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior in kindergarten and at home. For children with disabilities, as part of the implementation of AOOP preschool education, the introduction of a partial module “Rhythmoplasty” is provided. Introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational process with preschool children: 1) technologies for preserving and stimulating health: stretching, rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, aesthetic technologies, finger gymnastics, eye gymnastics, breathing gymnastics, invigorating gymnastics, corrective gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics; 2) technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical education, problem-based games (game training and game therapy), communicative games, classes from the “Health” series, self-massage, acupressure self-massage, biofeedback (BF); 3) correctional technologies: art therapy, musical influence technologies, fairy tale therapy, color influence technologies, behavior correction technologies, psycho-gymnastics, phonetic and speech therapy rhythms. The system of educational activities is focused on the formation of health-preserving competence among all participants in educational relations. Working with children provides for the development and implementation of health-saving daily routines based on individual and group diagnostics of functional capabilities and performance indicators. Creation of PPRS of various functional orientations (relaxation zones, active activity zones, work zones, play spaces for various physical activities). In working with teaching staff, the implementation of the “School of Teacher Health” program. The goal is to form a conscious attitude towards the value of one’s health and the value of children’s health. Formation of skills and experience in maintaining and promoting health through accessible means. In working with parents of pupils, the implementation of the “Healthy Child in the Family” program on the basis of preschool educational institutions. The goal is to form a conscious attitude towards the value of one’s health and, as a consequence, ensuring the value of the health of one’s children. Formation of skills and experience in maintaining and promoting health through accessible means. A system of developmental activities. Creating conditions for the implementation of additional education programs for children through physical education and children's sports. Seasonal additional education programs: winter sports (elements of winter sports - snowboarding, skiing, figure skating, hockey, luge), summer sports (elements of summer sports - football, handball, athletics, cycling, tennis ).

Expected results of the innovative project 1) positive dynamics of health indicators of preschool children, a decrease in morbidity, an increase in indicators of adaptation and socialization of students in accordance with age characteristics;8) 2) development of variability in the content, forms, methods, means, technologies for organizing the educational activities of preschool children (the presence of variable educational models of health-saving orientation within the framework of basic general preschool education, additional education programs for different categories of children, intensification of basic education, introduction of variable health-saving technologies with taking into account the psychophysiological capabilities of children); 2) increasing the number of children (including children with disabilities) included in the development of additional education programs of various types, taking into account the needs, interests and capabilities of children; 3) improving the quality of children’s readiness for school (including children with disabilities); 4) development of network forms for the implementation of educational programs, with the involvement of educational, public organizations, cultural and sports organizations, healthcare, representatives of various business areas; 5) increasing the level of professional competence and professional qualifications of teaching staff; 6) increasing the number of teachers involved in the implementation of innovative activities of preschool educational institutions, including participation in professional competitions, generalization of experience in teaching activities; 7) satisfaction of participants in educational relations with the quality of preschool education; compliance of the professional activities of teaching staff with the requirements of the professional standard. 9) increasing the level of health-preserving competence of parents in matters of upbringing and development of children

Health saving project Topic: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Goal : to identify mechanisms and methods for introducing health-saving technologies with which it is possible to organize physical education in a preschool educational institution in such a way that it ensures harmonious development for each child, helps him use the reserves of his body to preserve, strengthen health and improve its level; introducing children to a healthy lifestyle.

Wellness tasks:

• protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

• improving the functions of the body, increasing its protective properties and resistance to diseases by means of movement, breathing exercises, finger games, massage, hardening;

• formation of correct posture and hygiene skills.

Educational objectives:

• formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics;

• creating conditions for the fulfillment of children's needs for physical activity;

• identifying the interests, inclinations and abilities of children in physical activity and their implementation through a system of health-improving work.

Educational tasks:

• nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle;

• developing the habit of following a regimen, the need for physical exercise and games;

• broadening your horizons, clarifying your ideas about the world around you;

• education of physical qualities necessary for the full development of the individual.

Project implementation : four weeks.

Expected results:

• reducing morbidity and increasing the level of health of children;

• active assistance and interest of parents in organizing work to improve the health of children.

Stage 1 . Selecting a topic.

Stage 2 . Work with children.

  • Conversations: “How to become Hercules”, “Simple water and soap make microbes lose their strength.”
  • Educational reading: “Talk about proper nutrition”, “Health Primer”.
  • Entertaining games: “Games with clothespins”, “Games with paper clips”, “Games with counting sticks”, “Finger games”, “Puzzles” (motor skills).
  • Exhibition of children's drawings: “Children and Sports”.
  • Didactic games: “Health Pyramid”, “Harmful - Beneficial”.
  • Collage: “Healthy Products.”
  • Photo exhibition: “How we eat.”

Parents' participation in the project.

  • Consultations for parents: “The first step on the path to health is hardening”, “Breathing exercises in the health of children.”
  • Together with children, compose fairy tales on maintaining hygiene rules: “The Journey of Soap Bubbles”, “The Tale of a Toothbrush” with drawings.
  • Selection of information in books on the topic of the project, search for illustrative material for compiling the collage “Useful Products.
  • Writing reviews about the project.

Practical value of the project.

  • Creation of a card index of finger games taking into account the age characteristics of children.
  • Update of motor skills games “Games with clothespins”, “Grain to grain”.
  • Design of the newsletter “Caring for the health of children is a common cause.”
  • Development and production of notes of conversations, business games on valueology.

Project results:

During the implementation of the project, a favorable health-preserving environment was created, allowing children to expand their knowledge about ways to improve their health.

Promoting valeological knowledge among parents contributed to their paying more attention to their health and the health of their children.


1. V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva “Comprehensive program for the development and education of children in kindergarten.”

2. E. Sokolova “Visiting Ryzhik” development of fine motor skills of the hand. Golden series of development and education of a child from 3 years old.

3. O.V.Uzorova, E.A. Nefyodov “Finger gymnastics”.

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