Long-term project “We will save health” for children of the senior group.”

Healthy lifestyle, health. Projects - Short-term project “Sledding is great!”

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Leading pedagogical idea

is that upbringing and education should be based on the activity of the child himself. That is, the approach is based on the application of the principle of awareness in working with preschoolers. Children’s knowledge becomes the basis for independent choice of a healthy lifestyle and conscious application of practical healthy lifestyle skills.

The process of introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle will be effective and can give full results if a child-adult community (children-parents-teachers) is created.


: maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, developing in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.



· Provide conditions for preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children in accordance with their age characteristics.

· Develop an activity algorithm focused on maintaining a healthy and safe lifestyle.

· Develop and test a system of pedagogical influences aimed at developing in older preschool children an understanding of health as the most important value.

· To study and introduce into the practice of preschool educational institutions modern technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of children’s health through the development of health-saving skills, the formation of the habit of thinking and taking care of their health.

· Foster the need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

· Develop the ability to act in accordance with learned rules.

· Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between one’s behavior and its possible consequences.

· Develop self-organization in motor activity.

· Develop friendships through play and communication in everyday life.

· Create a healthy microclimate, an appropriate subject environment to ensure the child’s physical activity.

· Enrich the emotional sphere with positive emotions.

· Activate the pedagogical potential of the family in the formation of health values ​​through the development and use of innovative forms of work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle.

· Organize advisory assistance to parents on issues of physical education and health improvement of children.


1. The principle of science

the use of scientifically based and proven programs of technologies and methods.

2. The principle of an individual approach and continuity
maintaining connections between age categories, taking into account different levels of development and health status of pupils.

3. Accessibility principle

– use of health-saving technologies in accordance with the age characteristics of children.

4. Systematic principle

– implementation of health and preventive measures constantly, systematically, and not occasionally.

5. Activity principle

– participation of the entire team of teachers and parents in the search for new, effective methods and targeted activities to improve the health of themselves and their children.

6. The principle of connection between theory and practice

develops in children the ability to apply their knowledge of maintaining and promoting health in everyday life.

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It is necessary to instill the habit of a healthy lifestyle from childhood. Preschool education plays a huge role in shaping children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Often, the correct organization of educational work with children and parents is more effective than a system of medical and hygienic measures.

In this regard, kindergarten and family are called upon to lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle even in preschool age, help them understand the value of health, and encourage children to independently and actively form, maintain and increase their health.

That’s why I developed the project “We Choose Health!”

The project was founded by:

— on creating a unified system of interaction between teachers and parents in the field of introducing children to a healthy lifestyle in order to create around them an atmosphere filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle;

- on the systematicity and complexity of activities of a health-improving and pedagogical nature;

— taking into account the age, psychophysical and psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age;

— on the basic principles of psychology and preschool pedagogy.

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On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education came into force, a document that all preschool educational organizations are required to implement. The new standard defines health as one of the most important results of education, and the preservation and promotion of health as a priority area of ​​activity of an educational institution. Thus, the project was developed due to the special relevance of the problem of maintaining health.

The project is based on the principles of health-saving educational technologies, which can be considered as one of the most promising systems of the 21st century and as a set of methods and techniques for organizing the education of preschoolers aimed at preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of children; formation of necessary knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle; use of acquired knowledge in everyday practice.

The project reflects effective approaches to a comprehensive solution to the issues of introducing children of senior preschool age to a healthy lifestyle in MBDOU; determines the main directions, tasks, as well as an action plan and their implementation during the academic year.


the project is:

— developing a system of direct educational activities to familiarize children of senior preschool age with the basic rules of organizing a healthy lifestyle, developing skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle,

- systematization of games, game tasks, entertainment,

— developing a system for working with parents and preschool staff.

The tasks of education, training and health improvement are interconnected and focused on each child, taking into account his state of health and level of development.


There is a large number of studies confirming the need to use health-saving technologies. So, according to data, a person’s health depends 50% on the lifestyle he leads. The relationship between lifestyle and health is expressed in the concept of “Healthy lifestyle”. A person’s attitude towards a healthy lifestyle does not appear by itself, but is formed as a result of a certain pedagogical influence. In the works, and it is noted that the formation of valeological culture is determined primarily by the process of education, pedagogical interaction between an adult and a child, and a wide range of pedagogical means and techniques. Adults must do everything possible to ensure that the sphere of childhood is valeological, that is, healthy.

The project is based on scientific and methodological developments and recommendations set out in the “Safety” program by the authors, which addresses the problems of a safe existence, on which the health of children depends. The main general educational programs are: The main educational program of the MBDOU Syavsky kindergarten “Bell”, “Approximate general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school” edited by , , . In addition to the main comprehensive programs, when organizing the project, the methodology for creating a healthy lifestyle for children, set out in the methodological guide “Introducing preschool children to a healthy lifestyle” (, , ), was taken as a basis, and the methodological guide “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions” was used.

The fundamental idea of ​​this project is the provision that upbringing and education should be built on the activity of the child himself. The approach is based on the application of the principle of mindfulness in working with preschoolers, i.e., children’s understanding of the independence of maintaining their health and independent choice of a healthy lifestyle.


The project is medium-term. The duration of work on the project covers an academic year and includes the following stages:

The first stage is preparatory (June-August)


Goal: To identify the level of development of primary knowledge in children of senior preschool age about a healthy lifestyle, plan work taking into account the results of primary diagnosis, collect the necessary information, and prepare equipment.

The second stage is the main one (September-April)


Goal: working with children, working with parents, preschool staff, equipping a subject-development environment.

The third stage is
the final stage (May).
Purpose: To identify the level of development of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle in children of senior preschool age, the effectiveness of using the acquired knowledge in everyday practice, the level of physical development and readiness for schooling; systematization of material.

At the final stage, an exhibition of posters and children's creativity “We choose health!” is organized.


After completing the project, preschoolers will be able to:

1. Name the rules of a healthy lifestyle;

2. Know the rules for maintaining and promoting health;

3. Explain the importance of health for a person;

4. Apply the rules of a healthy lifestyle in independent daily activities;

5. Give reasons for your attitude towards your own actions and the actions of your peers;

6. Maintain a favorable emotional state, communicate constructively;

7. Overcome negative emotional states (fears, anger, anxiety).


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