Social and personal development of children in a preschool setting

Social and personal development of children in a preschool setting

Bibliographic description:

Mangazeeva, T. N. Social and personal development of children in a preschool setting / T. N. Mangazeeva. — Text: immediate // Aspects and trends of pedagogical science: materials of the I International. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, December 2016). - St. Petersburg: Own publishing house, 2016. - P. 60-63. — URL: (access date: 01/25/2022).

Today, a difficult situation has developed in the field of preschool education. The new generation of parents with preschool children is acutely aware of the shortage of preschool institutions. In response to the needs of parents, all kinds of centers, schools, home kindergartens, etc. are appearing everywhere.

We are not new to the field of educational services, and have been working for 30 years. And yet, in conditions of fierce competition, the teaching staff of “Pochemuchki” has to constantly develop and meet the requirements of the time. Solving the problem of quality education for preschool children in preschool educational institutions forced us to reconsider the Development Program, forms and methods of working with children and parents.

Today I want to focus on only one aspect: the social and personal development of the child.

Social development (socialization) is the process of assimilation and further development by an individual of socio-cultural experience necessary for its inclusion in the system of social relations.

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage of a child’s socialization in the overall process of his assimilating the experience of social life and social relations. That is why, in accordance with the Concept of modernization of the content of education, the Development Program of our preschool educational institution is built in line with a personality-oriented approach, helping a child at an early stage of development to form as a successful personality.

We begin the school year by surveying parents, asking one simple question: “What do parents expect from the kindergarten, what should it give their child?” As a rule, today's parents form their order not only in the field of teaching specific disciplines, but also in the field of developing the child’s personal qualities. That is, they need to develop in the child those qualities that are so necessary in real life. When ordering such education, we understand that educational material no longer acts as an end in itself, but as a means and instrument that creates conditions for the full manifestation and development of a child’s personal qualities. With this approach, during the interaction between the teacher and the child, there is a transition from the formula “I’m teaching you” to the algorithm and “I’m interested in what you think about...”. In the classroom, the priority is to create friendly, trusting communication between the teacher and the children. Respect for the child’s individuality, his worldview, taking into account the different interests and psychological types of children. All this creates an atmosphere of dialogue, encourages creativity, activates imagination and the desire for self-expression.

Preschool age is the period of formation of the child’s inner life and his personality. Understanding that this is the age of active maturation of the child and his social and personal development, kindergarten teachers pay a lot of attention to this area.

Social and pedagogical activity in a preschool educational institution is work that includes pedagogical and psychological activities aimed at helping the child, teacher and parent in developing their own individuality, organizing themselves, their psychological state; assistance in solving emerging problems and overcoming them in communication; as well as assistance in the development of a little person in society. Preference is given to practical methods of organizing children's experience of communication culture and the active use of life circumstances.

The organization of various situations that ensure the development of positive experience and value orientations is one of the relevant means of social and personal development of children. Situations are constructed by the teacher as games, simulations, situations of real positive experience and conditional verbal situations. It is necessary that their meaning is clear to every child, close to his personal experience, evokes an emotional response and encourages active action.

In kindergarten, conditions have been created for the realization of children's interests in various creative games. Preschool teachers develop the ability to widely use the role of a game to develop a variety of plots, encourage children's initiative in using normative methods of conflict resolution. Children, together with their teachers, master many social roles that are significant for successful adaptation in society, and become familiar with the values ​​and traditions of our society.

In the kindergarten, work is underway to introduce children to the customs and traditions of the Russian people. Entertainment and holidays: “Maslenitsa”, “Christmas gatherings”, “Autumn in Rus'”, “Winter fun”, “Easter”, “Waking the Bear”, “Fun Fair”, “Russian felt boots holiday”, “Day of Family, Love and fidelity”, “The land of birch, the land of Yesenin” - have become traditional in the preschool institution. But recently, as part of the work on intercultural education of preschoolers, the kindergarten staff, without violating the child’s rights to name, family and nationality, has been working to familiarize children with the cultures of other peoples.

This work ensures that the child develops a humane attitude towards the world around him, love for his own family, home, region, Motherland, respect for people of different nationalities, and state symbols.

The work of teachers and all kindergarten specialists is based on an individual approach to each child and respect for him as an individual. Children enjoy visiting clubs: “Here is the beginning of my Motherland”, “The Palm of a Friend”, “Island of Safety”, “Learning to Communicate”, “Healthy Guy”.

In our kindergarten, we tried to properly organize the subject environment, which helps teachers ensure the harmonious development of the preschooler and his socialization, at the same time include all children in active cognitive and creative activities and, in an easy, relaxed manner, acquire and develop communication skills.

The preschool educational institution has: a room for psychological relief, a museum of decorative and applied arts with objects of folk life and samples of folk crafts, a pedagogical living room, and in groups, corners for the social, personal and emotional development of children. The following sections are concentrated in the corners:

  1. I - family - group ” - drawings, albums, emotions, structure of the human body. In the group room there can be family photographs in the form of exhibitions, collages, funny stories, models of age periods, photos of families on vacation, on hikes, excursions, doing things they love, doing something creative, etc.
  2. The rights of the child ” - these can be boxes with secrets, treasure chests, collections, exhibitions, albums with drawings, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, notebooks (“My dreams, desires”, “What makes me sad”, “What makes me happy”) , didactic games, group newspapers.
  3. The House Where I Live ” - collages on various topics, maps of the world, Russia, the Kemerovo region, the city of Yurga, flags, coats of arms, the Russian anthem, photographs of the President, governor, mayor of the city. Cards-schemes of a site, city, park.
  4. Nationality, age, gender differences ” - (albums, drawings of national costumes). Professions (didactic games, photography, etc.).
  5. Social skills ” - group rules, ways to resolve conflict situations. Rules for safe behavior at home and on the street, rules of etiquette, tables for cooking, any work, maps - schemes for performing work.
  6. Man-made world ” - products made with your own hands and by the hands of craftsmen, a corner of manual labor according to gender differences.
  7. Experimentation ” - descriptions of experiments, observation tablets, diagrams, natural materials, samples of paper, fabrics, etc.
  8. Box with substitute items ” - reels, clothespins, ropes of different lengths, switches, wooden blocks, rings, locks, plugs, etc.
  9. Plot -role-playing games ” - attributes, disguises, substitute items.
  10. " Household work and self-care "

In addition, in order to create a subject-development environment that promotes the formation of friendly relationships between preschoolers and peers, conditions have been created in groups for role-playing games, “Mood Screen”, “Mountain of Success”, which allow children to determine the emotional state of each child and highlight those who need support.

The group's theater corners house different types of theater. With their help, children and adults organize theatrical performances using scenes of Russian life, various versions of Russian gatherings.

In the activity corner, children have the opportunity to gain visual skills and the ability to draw folk crafts, get acquainted with the decorative and applied arts of the peoples of Russia, and the creativity of Russian artists.

In the ecological zone, children learn to consciously and carefully treat those natural objects that are near them; gain knowledge about nature and its phenomena.

In the music zone, with the help of elementary musical instruments, children of all ages sing Russian folk songs, dance in circles, and play musical games.

A variety of folk games are concentrated in the group play areas.

In order to develop in children a sense of love, responsibility and pride for the achievements of the country, to consolidate knowledge about their small and large Motherland, the formation of spiritual, moral, civil and patriotic qualities and ethnocultural traditions, corners “I am a Russian” have been created in kindergarten groups. My beloved Yurga”, “My dear Kuzbass”.

In raising children, the example of adults, especially close people, is of great importance. Therefore, teachers and older children had a desire to organize a mini-museum of military glory “Echo of War” in the group. It presents combat uniforms, equipment of various branches of the military, things that belonged to participants of the Second World War who went all the way to the front, military orders and medals, authentic letters from soldiers from the front and a funeral notice from 1943, clippings from front-line newspapers of the war years, certificates of honor for combat merit. In addition to the sections “Battle” and “Military Rarities”, the museum has sections: “My Genealogy”, “Heroes of Yurga”, “Postcards and Books”, “Collection of Songs about the War”, “Photo Albums “Technology and Weapons of the Second World War”, “Symbols” Victory", "Children - heroes of the Second World War", "Tomb of the unknown soldier", "Cities - heroes". Children visit the museum with pleasure and genuine interest, posting their drawings, crafts, and didactic games made together with their parents and teachers. On Victory Day, the institution hosts themed weeks, where students and their parents have the opportunity to participate in exhibitions, competitions, projects, and open events. In order to preserve in every family the personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War, our children joined the all-Russian action “Immortal Regiment”.

Working according to the folk calendar, associated with the seasons, helps you better feel and love nature, which allows you not only to learn to see the beauty of the world around you, but also to become an active transformer of it.

A new form of work with children in preschool educational institutions has become the “Calendar of Interesting Dates” project, the main goal of which is to develop a sense of belonging to national celebrations. So we have new holidays: “Children’s Invention Day”, “Children’s Book Day”, “Peace Day”, “Animal Day”, “Children’s Day”, “Greetings Day”, “Hug Day”, “Kindness Day”, “ Earth Day”, “Bird Day”, “Friends Day”, etc.

The low level of competence of parents does not allow them to take an active position in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. The consequence of this is not only their low activity, but also high levels of conflict and irresponsibility. Therefore, we tried to make the family not only our constant assistants in the social and personal development of children, but also to organize educational work with them in this direction.

We can proudly say that parents have become not outside observers, but active participants in the pedagogical process; They take part not only in holidays, but also actively discuss issues of social and personal education at pedagogical councils, parent meetings, seminars, and courses for parents. Together with their children, parents participate in exhibitions, educational projects, and competitions.

Only the combined influence of such factors as family, immediate environment, kindergarten, united into one educational system, will make it possible to instill in a child a sense of citizenship and patriotism, a tolerant attitude towards other nations and peoples!!!

The search for new forms of methodological work led to the organization of a city creative group “Formation of social skills and communicative competence in preschool children” on the basis of a kindergarten. Over the course of 10 years, a creative group of city teachers has developed a lot of material on this topic.

Analyzing the work of a kindergarten, we come to the conclusion: the implementation of the tasks of social development of preschool children is most effective in the presence of an integral pedagogical system, built in accordance with the basic approaches of the general scientific level of pedagogical methodology.


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Key terms
(automatically generated)
: kindergarten, child, Day, preschool age, parent, group, game, world around, teacher, development program.

What is the social situation?

In the most general sense, the social situation of the development of a preschooler is one of the fundamental components of a particular age period. It characterizes the main aspects of a child’s interaction with the people around him: family, peers, other adults. The social situation of each age period has its own distinctive characteristics. This is primarily due to the fact that interaction mechanisms are gradually expanding; the significance of the role of certain people changes. This allows you to observe the dynamics of changes in the social situation and choose the most appropriate method of interaction for a given case.

Social situation - manifestations

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