Thematic project “Colorful autumn” Middle group

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Information and research project “Autumn Leaf”

09/05/2015 2378 491 Grishaeva Anastasia Vladimirovna Information and research project “Autumn Leaf” Contents 1. Project passport 2. Relevance 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Abstracts

I. Project passport

Name of the project Project activity “Autumn Leaf” Main developers Teachers of the middle group: Grishaeva Anastasia Vladimirovna The purpose of the project is to enrich children’s knowledge about a natural object - a leaf of a tree, to develop an active vocabulary in children through the organization of various types of activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction, musical and aesthetic. Objectives 1. Give children a basic understanding of trees and their significance for the world around them. 2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting observations and research. 3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic. 4. Master various ways to depict an autumn leaf. 5. Develop emotional responsiveness to musical and literary works and vivid natural phenomena. Duration of the project One week, 21.10-27.10 Participants Group teachers Music teacher Children of the middle group Parents Evaluation criteria Expected results 1. expanding children's knowledge about the characteristics of trees and their role for the world around them; 2. enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through words: “multi-colored”, “yellow”, “red”, “sad”, “cold”, “happy” and others; 3. development of cognitive interest and observation skills in children; 4. taking active part in productive activities; 5. manifestation of emotional responsiveness. Stages of the project Stage 1. Organizational and preparatory: cognitive. 1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project. 2. Conversations with children to identify knowledge about trees. 3. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, chants, riddles, games, illustrative material, using tree leaves, development of GCD for speech development and familiarization with the environment. Stage 2. Basic: theoretical and practical. — organization of various types of children's activities: motor activity, cognitive and communicative activity, musical activity, productive activity, work with parents. Stage 3. Final: reflective-analytical. 1. Summing up the project. 2. Organizing an exhibition of children's creative works “Autumn Forest” 3. Holding the “Autumn” holiday. 4. Show parents the video “Week with an autumn leaf”

II. Relevance The relevance of the development and implementation of the project: in the fall, the leaves on the trees change color and fall off. We tried to draw the children's attention to this. And help them see the change in trees and show how autumn affects them.

III. Stages of project implementation Direction of work Forms of cooperation and their content Deadlines Responsible 1 block. Educational Information and advertising activities 1. Design of the “Vogogor Chozh” corner. (Seasons.) 2. Replenishment of the pocket “Learning by heart” with poems, songs, calls on the autumn theme. September, October, November Educators Work with teachers 1. Planning a project with a music teacher. October Educators Work with children 1. Conversation with children to identify knowledge of autumn signs. 2. Walks in the fresh air to get acquainted with the first signs of autumn. 3. Examination of the folder “trees of the Komi Republic” 4. Introduction to the NOD on artistic creativity with the figures of an oval and a circle. September Educators Work with parents 1. Conversations with parents about the necessary participation, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution. October Teachers 2 block. Practical Information and advertising activities 1. Children's works produced during the project. October Educators Work with teachers 1. ECD in music “Leaves are flying.” 3rd week of October Educators Music teacher Work with children 1. physical school, 2. complex of morning exercises “Hello, Autumn”, 3. outdoor game “Listen carefully 4. GCD for speech development in the first junior group “In the autumn forest”, 5. ECD for familiarization with the surrounding world “Leaf Fall”, 6. reading and learning poems, nursery rhymes, chants about trees with children, 7. didactic game “Whose leaf? " 8. artistic creativity (modeling) “Birch leaf”, 9. artistic creativity (drawing) “Aspen leaf”, 10. collecting autumn leaves for the herbarium, 11. artistic creativity (applique) “Carpet of leaves”. 12. learning the round dance song “Leaves are falling, falling.” 13. observation of leaf fall, 14. research during a walk “Which leaves fall from the trees first?”, 15. observation of the life of 1 tree during the week. 3rd week of October Educators Work with parents Making a “mystery leaf” for a miracle tree at home with children. 3rd week of October Teachers 3rd block. Creative Information and advertising activities Design of the exhibition of children's creative works “Autumn Forest”. 4th week of October Educators Work with teachers Organization of the autumn holiday. November 1 Educators Music teacher Work with children 1. Conversation to identify the knowledge gained over the past week. 2. Autumn Festival “Oseniny”. 4th week of October Teachers of Music. Head Work with parents Presentation of the video “Week of the Autumn Leaf”. November. Genus. meeting Educators

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