Riddles with answers for children 5-7 years old on the topic: Fairy tales

Riddles are a great way to have fun and usefully spend time with your family. Along with entertainment, they will help raise the educational level of children 6-7 years old and expand their familiarity with the world around them, and the game form will help keep the child’s attention and make this process entertaining.

Fast passage:

  1. Logic riddles for children with answers
  2. Riddles for children 3 years old
  3. Riddles for children 4 years old
  4. Riddles for children 5 years old
  5. Riddles for children 6 years old
  6. Riddles for children 7 years old
  7. Riddles for children 8 years old
  8. Riddles for children 9 and 10 years old
  9. Riddles about animals for children
  10. Riddles about vegetables and fruits for children
  11. Trick riddles for children
  12. Russian folk riddles with answers
  13. Video: Riddles for children

The most important thing is to choose the right riddle. If you make a wish that is too complex, it will quickly turn from an interesting activity into a boring event for him. When choosing children's riddles, first of all give preference to those to which the child can not only guess the answer, but also pronounce it. It is easier for a child to find answers among the objects around him and what interests him, so always try to ask children's riddles that correspond to the situation.

Logic riddles for children with answers

For the youngest children, keep in mind that their thinking, including logical thinking, has not yet been formed, therefore, all kinds of hints are especially important, be they visual (pictures-tips) or audio. And remember that the game comes first for them!

Answer: letter E

  1. It's all cast in gold and stands on a straw. (Answer - ear)
  2. Baba Yaga, with a pitchfork, feeds the whole world, but she herself always remains hungry. (Answer - plow)
  3. A pig was running, with a golden back and a flaxen tail. She ran into a hole and disappeared somewhere. (The answer is a needle)
  4. What is easy to wear, but difficult to count. Even with the help of strangers. (Answer - hair)
  5. The more I twist and turn, the fatter I get. (Answer - spindle)
  6. She was born in water, but she is afraid of water. As soon as it gets into it, it immediately disappears without a trace. (The answer is salt)
  7. She herself is naked, and her shirt is in her bosom. (Answer - candle)
  8. Balls of balls are rolling around near the barrel. One is huge, the rest are small. (Answer: pig and piglets)
  9. Where does the water stand in both winter and summer? (Answer - well)
  10. The oak-socked ganders fly, they fly and say: “That’s me!” That’s me!” (The answer is threshing with flails)
  11. Two twin brothers live across the street. But no matter how hard they try, they don’t see each other. (Answer - eyes)
  12. The sieve is built on four corners, on one hundred legs, on seven humps. (Answer - peasant hut)
  13. A living survivor sits on a living chair. (Answer: a child on an adult’s lap)
  14. He lives in this world, but as soon as he sees sunlight and breathes in air, he quickly dies. (Answer: fish)
  15. If you cut a forest, the forest will quickly wither and become food, but in a month a young forest will rise in the same place. (Answer - haymaking)
  16. He doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let him into the hut. (The answer is a castle)

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 6-7 years old

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 6-7 years old
Riddles based on fairy tales for children 6-7 years old:

I am handsome, strong, powerful, I am more menacing than menacing clouds, I am smarter than everyone, there are no words, - I have many heads. (Answer: Zmey Gorynych.)

When leaving, the mother asked not to open the door for anyone, but the children opened the door! The toothy beast deceived him and sang his mother’s song. Who ate the goats then? (Answer: Wolf.)

I am a queen from a country where there is neither summer nor spring, where blizzards blow all year round, where there is only snow and ice everywhere. (Answer: Snow Queen.)

The turtle is three hundred years old. She's no longer older. And she told the Secret, which she knew about and which she kept, and handed Pinocchio the key: “Here it is, the golden key. Open the door to the city of Happiness. I’ll stay here in the pond.” What is the turtle's name? (Answer: Tortilla.)

Guess, guys: Who, somewhere and once, plowed all the seas, walked down the ramp from the ship, and put Liliputov in his big hat? (Answer: Gulliver.)

I went to visit my grandmother and brought her pies. The Gray Wolf watched her, deceived her and swallowed her. (Answer: Little Red Riding Hood.)

My question is not at all difficult, it is about the city of Emerald. Who was the glorious ruler there? Who was the main wizard there? (Answer: Goodwin.)

Cinderella's leg by accident. She was not simple, but crystal. (Answer: Shoe.)

There is a hut in the forest, An old woman lives in the hut. Don't go into the hut: the old lady will eat you! (Answer: Baba Yaga.)

The telephone was ringing in the apartment. Papa Elephant spoke to me and asked for chocolate. More pood! Tell me, where did he call from? (Answer: From a camel.)

The sweet scent of apples lured that bird into the garden. The feathers glow with fire, and it’s light all around, like during the day. (Answer: Firebird.)

That goat was special: He hit the pebbles with his right leg, In the place where he stomps, a stone will appear along the way. Darenka keeps looking and is surprised. You can’t see him from afar, you can’t make him out, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t get close to him. (Answer: Silver hoof.)

Riddles about animals for children

  • Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but waking up the whole village. (Answer: rooster)
  • In the deserted taiga there is a pot. It is always boiling during the day, and quietly seething at night. (Answer - anthill)
  • Blackens all migratory birds, cleans the arable land of worms. Jump back and forth across the arable land, and the bird’s name is... (Answer - rook)
  • I’m not a tailor, I don’t sew clothes for anyone, but I’ve been walking around with needles all my life. (Answer - hedgehog)
  • The brothers stood on stilts, looking for food along the way. Whether running or walking, they cannot get off their stilts. (Answer - cranes)
  • There is a coalless hut, crazy people live in it. They work day and night. (Answer - beehive)
  • If I knock, my head hurts, but if I don’t knock, I’m hungry. (Answer - woodpecker)
  • It flies and howls, it sits and digs the ground. (Answer - beetle)
  • He helps us with the housework and willingly inhabits his wooden palace. Dark bronze... (Answer - starling)
  • He walks on the ground, doesn’t see the sky, nothing hurts, but everything groans. (Answer: pig)
  • An old woman is weaving canvas in a cramped hut. (Answer: bees)
  • There is an awl in front, a fork in the back, a towel on the bottom. (Answer - swallow)
  • White as snow, puffed up like fur, he walks on shovels. (Answer - goose)
  • It has wings, but it doesn’t fly, there are no legs, but you can’t catch up. (Answer: fish)
  • Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners? (Answer: ants)
  • A white animal wrote a message in the snow. The redhead read the message and easily found the white animal. (Answer - hare and fox)

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 4-5 years old

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 4-5 years old
Riddles based on fairy tales for children 4-5 years old:

One day a small mouse dropped an egg onto the floor. The woman is crying, the grandfather is crying. What a fairy tale, give me the answer! (Chicken Ryaba.)

in this house without worries , but then the Bear came to them and broke the animal’s house. (Teremok.)

He was able to escape from home. The wolf and the hare and the bear could not keep up with him. But the fox knows the deal - “Am” quickly ate it. (Kolobok.)

It's hard for Grandma and Grandpa to get Turnip out for dinner. Granddaughter, Bug, even the cat Helped them a little Who else came to the garden? Guess the riddle. (Mouse from the fairy tale Turnip.)

In the fairy tale, the trickster fox cleverly deceived the bunny, driving her away from the hut. The bunny cried day and night. But in trouble one brave cockerel helped him. (Zayka's hut.)

Angry birds dragged away my little brother from my sister, But my little sister, even though she was small, still saved the baby. What kind of birds were they in the fairy tale and who did they serve? (Geese swans and Baba Yaga.)

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose - He didn’t swallow anything and was left with his nose. (Fox and crane.)

They stick their noses into other people's business, they peck noses before going to bed, but Papa Carlo brought us one funny nose. (Pinocchio.)

Oh, you simple Petya, You made a little mistake, Didn’t listen to the cat, Looked out the window. (Golden comb cockerel.)

Walking along the path briskly, They carry the water themselves in buckets. (At the command of the pike)

There is no river or pond. Where can I get some water? Very tasty water In the hoof hole!.. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

The beautiful maiden is sad, She doesn’t like spring, It’s hard for her in the sun! The poor thing is shedding tears! (Snow Maiden.)

It hums with a motor and circles above the street. He flies higher and higher, He has a house on the roof. (Carlson.)

Russian folk riddles with answers

For some who are curious enough, ancient Russian riddles may be interesting. It is quite possible that you won’t be able to guess them right away, but by using logic you will cope with this interesting task.

  1. A piece of bread hangs above the grandmother's hut. (Answer: month)
  2. If you don't break the pot, you won't eat the porridge. (Answer - nut)
  3. White carrots grow in winter and disappear without a trace in spring. (Answer - icicle)
  4. When he comes into the house, you can’t drive him out with a stake, but when the time comes, he leaves on his own. (The answer is a ray of sunshine)
  5. The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground. (Answer: rain)
  6. The hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Answer: birds nest)
  7. They soaked it, beat it, tore it, twisted it and put it on the table. (Answer - tablecloth)
  8. It cheers in the spring, cools in the summer, nourishes in the fall, and warms in the winter. (Answer - tree)
  9. The log lies in the middle of the swamp - it does not rot, does not dry out. Only occasionally does it appear in the white light. (The answer is language)
  10. The fox ran close to the forest, jumped along the tops of the trees, didn’t set foot on the ground - couldn’t catch up, couldn’t see. (The answer is the sun)
  11. The iron nose has grown into the ground, digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Answer - plow)
  12. What you love, you can’t buy, and what you don’t love, you can’t sell. (The answer is youth and old age)
  13. She feeds everyone, both old and young, but she doesn’t ask for food, she just gives everything away. (Answer - earth)
  14. I was at a fire, I was at a circle, I fed a hundred heads, I became old - I began to swaddle, they threw me out the window - and did not suit the dogs. (The answer is a cooking pot)
  15. They drink my blood, they burn my bones, they beat each other with my hands. (Answer - birch)
  16. The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the brave son has gone to heaven. (Answer - stove, fire, smoke)
  17. Grandfather paved the bridge without an ax or a chisel. The bridge turned out to be strong, but it only lasted one winter. (The answer is ice)
  18. A steep-horned bull looks out from the high road. (Answer: month)
  19. The black cow conquered the whole world, drove people into courtyards and huts. White came and raised the whole world. (Answer: night and day)


Children's riddles about vegetables

Children's riddles about vegetables are very easy to guess! Explore these useful riddles together!

Riddle No. 30

She is the queen of all vegetables and is proud of her size. From a distance it looks like a melon, and it also looks like a huge red ball.

(Answer: Pumpkin)


Riddle No. 31

In the world of vegetable fashion, everyone shines with beauty. Purple caftan Wears…

(Answer: Eggplant)


Riddle No. 32

It grew under the ground, became round and burgundy. In the rain, the garden bed got wet and ended up in our borscht...

(Answer: Beetroot)


Riddle No. 33

We took her clothes and added a little salt. The tubs are no longer empty - They will ferment...

(Answer: Cabbage)


Riddle No. 34

She hides from the sun Under a bush in a deep hole, Brown is not a bear, In a hole is not a mouse.

(Answer: Potato)


See all children's riddles about vegetables

Children's riddles about fruits

Even a toddler can guess children's riddles about fruits, but this does not mean that older children are less interested in them! Guess these “delicious” riddles!

Riddle No. 35

The berry is delicious and red. She is hiding in the grass. He tells us: “Don’t be lazy, but bend over for me!”...

(Answer: Strawberry)


Riddle No. 36

A small tree: in the spring - a girl, She will throw on a veil - in white flowers, And when summer comes - she will be dressed in red beads, who is it?

(Answer: Cherry)


Riddle No. 37

It grew in the south and gathered its fruits into a bunch. And in the harsh winter, raisins will come to our home...

(Answer: Grapes)


Riddle No. 38

Black pearls hang on threads, Shine through the green leaves, It’s good when part of the summer has passed, And ripens in the gardens...

(Answer: Currant)


Riddle No. 39

She turned sideways to the garden bed and was filled with red juice. Her sister is strawberry. What kind of berry?

(Answer: Strawberry)


See all children's riddles about fruits

Trick riddles about fairy tales - a selection with answers

Trick riddles about fairy tales - a selection with answers
Trick riddles about fairy tales - a selection with answers:

-Where is your ball gown? Where is the glass slipper? - Sorry, I was in a hurry... My name is Scarecrow. (Cinderella.)

I've got some goodies for you! Come to me at least once, Master of all sorts of pranks, Best Karabas in the world! (Carlson.)

A girl sang in the dark forest: “I’ll bring pies to grandma!” The hat is like a raspberry! The girl's name was Malvina. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

All day in green leather, All day long everything is “croak” and “croak”. But hidden under the skin of all the wiser and all the more beautiful... Who? Princess Shapoklyak! (Princess Frog.)

He got leeches, sold them to Karabas, The whole smell was of swamp mud, His name was... (Answer: Pinocchio - Duremar.)

With blue hair and huge eyes, This doll is an actress, And her name is... (Answer: Alice - Malvina.)

She lives in a palace and sheds tears all the time. Oh, how the Tsar, the Father of Crying, wants to put an end to it! (Answer: Princess Nesmeyana.)

He scared the jackdaws and the crows, Now he sits on the throne. The ruler is wise, kind, sweet, but what is his name? (Answer: Scarecrow.)

Well, why, why is there such bad luck? My tail is gone, Beautiful tail On my birthday! (Answer: Eeyore)

I dress very fashionably, I’ll beat up anyone, I answer all questions: “Leave me alone, brothers, I don’t know!” (Answer: Dunno.)

Although he was steadfast and brave, he did not survive the fire. The youngest son of a tablespoon, He stood on a strong leg. Not iron, not glass, There was a little soldier (Answer: Tin.)

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 10-11 years old

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 10-11 years old
Riddles based on fairy tales for children 10-11 years old:

He put the magic shoes on his feet, and outpaced everyone on the sports track. The padishah tried to steal his shoes, but in the end he was left with his nose. (Little Muck.)

Everyone is familiar with the interesting fairy tale The Onion Boy. Previously unknown to many, he became everyone's friend. (Cipollino.)

His father was captured by Lemon, he threw his dad into prison... Radish is the boy’s friend, did not abandon that friend in trouble, and helped free the hero’s father from prison. And everyone knows, without a doubt, the Hero of these adventures. (Cipollino.)

I am not alone in the family, the third, youngest son. Everyone who knows me calls me a fool. I don’t agree at all - I’m not a fool, but a good-natured person. (Ivan the Fool.)

On her name day she became rich. She wanted to have a feast with her friends, But then the villain decided to destroy her, He decided to strangle her. This is a scandal, this is a nightmare. But a mosquito got in the way! (Fly Tsokotukha.)

The famous hero of that fairy tale wears an oil can-hat, he is made of iron! He is brave, brave, with an axe. But the only problem is, he’s afraid of Water. Just laughter! Hero - ... (Tin Woodman.)

He whispers: “I’m afraid, I’m afraid...” He is the King of Beasts and he is also a coward? Give Goodwin courage. Emboldened, the coward will begin to growl... (Lev.)

He went to the city with friends to get smart brains The obstacle was not scary. He was a daredevil... (Scarecrow.)

He is a lover of cleanliness. Did you wash your face this morning? If not, then he will give the order to the washcloths immediately, the Terrible Strict Commander Washbasin... (Moidodyr.)

Zhenya, pulling the petal, said: “Fly to the east, north, west, and south, and when you finish the circle, perform a miracle, petal!” What is the magical name of a flower? (Seven-flowered flower.)

The dishes endured for a long, long time and decided: “Let’s get out of here!” Even the spoons and glasses were gone, and only cockroaches remained. Everyone left her, indiscriminately. The name of this slut is ... (Fedora.)

She’s a small girl, and she’s all stately, and her black braid is so pretty. Dress the color of malachite, Red ribbons in the braid, Eyes like emeralds - Green, dangerous. (Mistress of Copper Mountain.)

This tablecloth is famous for the fact that it feeds everyone. That she herself is full of delicious foods. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

Obedient children are given a multi-colored umbrella, and naughty children are given a black one. He is a gnome wizard, he is known to many, and tell me what a gnome is called. (Ole-Lukoje.)

The young man's arrow landed in the swamp, so where is the bride? I'm eager to get married! And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head. The bride's name is... (Frog.)

Who carried Masha in a basket, Who sat on a stump and wanted to eat a pie? You know the fairy tale, right? Who was it? … (Bear.)

Who didn't want to work, but played and sang songs? Then they ran to the third brother to a new house! We escaped from the cunning wolf, But our tails shook for a long time! The fairy tale is known to every child, and it’s called... (The Three Little Pigs.)

All summer they had fun and played, And autumn came, they began to build houses, Two houses were demolished by a wolf - they all took refuge in one, And the three of them lived together in that house. (Three piglets.)

Oink-oink-oink - which three brothers are no longer afraid of the wolf, because that predatory beast will not destroy a brick house? (Three piglets.)

Folk sayings-riddles

Folk sayings-riddles
Folk sayings-riddles:

  1. Oh, don't touch me! I will burn you without fire. (The answer is nettle.)
  2. Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people. (The answer is pumpkin.)
  3. No arms, no legs, but he’s climbing uphill. (The answer is dough.)
  4. Without a tongue, without a voice, he will still tell small children an interesting fairy tale. What is this? (The answer is a book.)
  5. The white awl pierced the earth and dried it all up. (The answer is wheatgrass.)
  6. White peas on a green stem. They stand staggering in the wind. (The answer is lily of the valley.)
  7. White sheep run around the candle. (The answer is willow.)
  8. The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. (The answer is chalk.)
  9. A white animal wrote a message in the snow. The redhead read the message and easily found the white animal. (The answer is the hare and the fox.)
  10. In a small nut there stands, like a picture, a cheerful green beauty. (The answer is a Christmas tree.)
  11. In the field there are earrings on thin legs. (The answer is oats.)
  12. In the spring he lies in a colored sundress, in the winter he sleeps in a white shirt. (The answer is a field.)
  13. In the spring he dresses in green, in the fall he takes off all yellow. (The answer is forest.)
  14. It's all cast in gold and stands on a straw. (The answer is a colossus.)
  15. An ox roared a hundred villages away, a hundred rivers away. People heard and hid in the huts. (The answer is thunder.)

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 8-9 years old

Riddles based on fairy tales for children 8-9 years old
Riddles based on fairy tales for children 8-9 years old:

In Wonderland I am a famous cat: A deceiver, a beggar, a rogue. Catching mice is no fun, isn't it better to fool a simpleton? (Basilio the cat.)

An elderly man, with a short beard. He is a notorious villain - One-Eyed... (Barmaley.)

walks to school with an ABC book . Instead of school, he ends up in a linen booth. What is the name of this book? What's that boy's name? (Pinocchio.)

For him, a walk is a holiday, And he has a special scent for honey. This is a plush prankster, Little Bear... (Winnie the Pooh.)

We decided to go for a ride With the breeze in the car, They told you the truth in the fairy tale: We created it ourselves! After all, there is nothing like this anywhere: He drives on a gas pipeline, And there is syrup in it instead of lubricant. What fairy tale are we from, friends? (Vintik and Shpuntik.)

As a child, he was an ugly duckling, and as he grew up, he became the king bird. Well, who are we talking about here? Who is the hero of my riddle? (Ugly duck.)

She is the most important mystery of all, Even though she lived in the cellar: She helped grandma and grandpa pull a turnip out of the garden bed. (Mouse.)

You won’t spend much effort on my simple question Who made the boy with the long nose out of a log? (Papa Carlo.)

Now let's talk about another book. Here is a blue sea, here is a steep coast. The old man went out to the sea and cast a net. Who will he catch and what will he ask for? (Gold fish.)

I've never been to a ball. She cleaned, washed, cooked and spun. When I happened to get to the ball, the prince lost his head from love. And then I lost my shoe! Who am I? Who can tell me? (Cinderella.)

Know that no one can outwit this rogue: He managed to swallow the cannibal, like a mouse! What kind of animal walks in a fairy tale? His mustache bristles, his eyes squint, in a hat, with a saber in his hands, and in huge boots. (Puss in Boots.)

Video: Riddles about fairy tales and fairy tale heroes

On our website you can find many interesting riddles for fun:

  • Riddles about vegetables with answers - the best selection for children
  • Logic riddles - the best selection for children and adults
  • Trick riddles for adults - the best selection
  • Riddles for adults - the best selection with answers
  • Various riddles for children with answers.
  • Riddles about winter and New Year for preschool and school-age children
  • Riddles about spring for preschool and school children
  • Riddles about summer for preschool and school children
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