drawing notes on the topic “Sports Tales” (for older children)


Topic of the week: Healthy. Healthy lifestyle Sport

Notes on drawing in the preparatory group on the topic: “Gym. Athlete"

1. Introductory part. The teacher asks a riddle about sports:

- Who lifts dumbbells?

Does he throw the cannonball the furthest?

— What sports do you know? (children list... There are a lot of sports: swimming, jumping, running, wrestling, tennis, hockey, football, basketball, golf, volleyball, throwing, gymnastics)

— Why do people play sports? (To be strong, agile, strong, healthy)

- Who runs at full speed,

Sports drawing competition

Every preschool institution can hold the following sports-themed drawing competition:

  • Children can draw on any material, whatever they like best on the topic of sports. There is no need to limit children in anything so as not to lose their interest.
  • The work may also contain some elements of arts and crafts.
  • From each child you can only accept one of the best, in his opinion, work.

When the drawings are ready, they need to be hung in the most visible place, but at the same time difficult for children to reach. Place the ballot box next to the drawings. Let everyone who comes to kindergarten vote. To keep everything fair, do not sign the work on the front side.

Be sure to hold similar competitions in educational institutions in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, develop the creative abilities of children and form the correct model of behavior for each child. Don’t forget to lead by example so that results can be achieved quickly and efficiently!

OO Artistic and Aesthetic Development

Summary of educational activities for drawing with children of the preparatory group for school on the topic:

“Our family’s favorite sport”

Goal: To promote the formation of children’s ideas about the benefits of physical activity for the body.

Program content: Strengthen children's ability to draw a human figure in motion. Help children establish the relationship between physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Develop a conscious attitude towards your health.

Guys, do you like sports? What sports do you know? What sports do you like to play? What is your family's favorite sport? (Children's answers)

I suggest you play the game “Guess the sport”

On the table there are upside-down cards depicting various sports. The child comes up, takes one card, looks at it without showing it to others, and depicts the sport that is drawn in the picture. Children guess the sport and name it.

I suggest you draw your family's favorite sport. First, draw the figure of an athlete with a simple pencil, then carefully color it.

Physical education lesson Let's do morning exercises:

So that we grow strong, dexterous and brave (exercise “Strongman”)

Every morning we do exercises (walking in place)

We raise our hands to the sun, then lower them down, (according to the text)

We squat and stand up and don’t get tired at all. (according to the text)

The children return to their tables and continue to work. When the drawing is done, the children come out one by one and talk about their work and their favorite sport. An exhibition is being made of children's works.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Plan of drawing notes (preparatory group) on the topic: “Winter Landscape” using the non-traditional “Imprint” technique (drawing with vegetables).

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals; Objectives: Communicative and personal objectives: to activate vocabulary on the topic “Wild Animals”; learn to answer questions with complete answers.

Notes on drawing using non-traditional techniques.

Program content: Learn to depict various types of transport, their shape, structure, proportions (ratio of parts by size), consolidate the ability to easily draw an outline with a simple pencil and fill.

Program content: Learn to depict various types of transport, their shape, structure, proportions (ratio of parts by size), consolidate the ability to easily draw an outline with a simple pencil and fill.

Program content: • To form in children an aesthetic vision of nature in works of fine art, to evoke an emotional response to the beauty of nature in winter.


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