Methodological development “Lapbook “Winter” (from work experience)

Lapbook on the theme “Winter”

  • January 7, 2022

International and All-Russian competitions
All-Russian master class “Lapbook as a learning tool in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

Dear colleagues, the long-awaited spring has arrived. The sun is warming, lifting your mood. The cold, snowy winter is over. And yet, allow me to present to your attention a laptop on the theme “Winter”.

The purpose of creating a lapbook: To consolidate knowledge on the topic “Winter” in 3-4 year old students.


  1. Update and consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Winter”.
  2. Expand and enrich your vocabulary.
  3. To develop skills in working with lapbooks in individual, pair and subgroup activities.

Lapbook contents:

  1. Birds
  2. Feed the birds
  3. Sport
  4. Fun
  5. Fold a snowflake
  6. Find the figure
  7. Poetry
  8. Coloring pages
  9. Puzzles
  10. Tell me about the picture

The laptop is double-sided, that is, pockets with tasks are located on both sides.

Let's look at the first one.

In the center is a winter picture that you can look at and make up stories.

Underneath there is a “ Riddles ” pocket. Here are cards with riddles related to winter: New Year's attributes, sports equipment, weather phenomena. On each card there is a picture of the answer.

There are two pockets on the right half:

“Birds ” - cards with images of wintering birds. Children consolidate knowledge about wintering birds and their appearance.

Feed the Birds ” – cards with pictures of different types of bird food. Children consolidate their knowledge of what they can and cannot feed birds.

On the left half there are pockets, united by the theme of physical activity in winter:

Sport ” - cards for consolidating knowledge about winter sports, sports equipment, talking about your physical education activities or sports games.

Fun” - cards about winter fun; by looking at them, preschoolers can tell stories from personal experience.

Let's move on to the second side:

Here, as on the first side, in the center there is a winter picture for viewing and composing stories.

Underneath is a “ Tell me from the picture ” pocket. There are several pictures in it, the guys can choose any of them. The tasks can be different - answer questions based on a picture, come up with a short story, choose words to describe, etc.

On the right side:

Pocket " Poems ". It contains small cards - pictures with poems on winter themes. For reading to children, for memorizing, for independently telling each other familiar poems.

Second pocket: “ Coloring books ” on winter themes for the development of fine motor skills. Now it is empty, because... The kids love to color.

On the left half:

Task “ Fold a snowflake ”. During the game, tasks are solved: to teach how to put together a whole image from two parts, develops visual perception, fine motor skills and coordination of movements.

In the second pocket is the task “ Find the figure ”. Small cards depict various winter landscapes. Part of the picture - the landscape - is missing. The missing part represents a geometric shape (circle, square, triangle, rectangle). Children find this part, making up the whole image.

Materials used: all illustrations are taken from Yandex. Images.

Methodological development “Lapbook “Winter” (from work experience)

Bibliographic description:

Simon, S. N. Methodological development “Lapbook “Winter” (from work experience) / S. N. Simon, N. N. Bushmakina, E. A. Melnikova. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. — 2022. — No. 2 (39). — P. 48-51. — URL: (access date: 01/25/2022).

Every teacher is now in search of new forms of organizing educational activities. The result of such a search can be a thematic folder or laptop.

The laptop is a relatively new learning tool and is one of the varieties of the project method. Lapbook - literally translated from English means “knee folder” (lap - knees, book - book, or as it is also called a thematic folder). This is a small homemade folder that a child can conveniently lay out on his lap and view all its contents at one time. But, despite its apparent simplicity, it contains all the necessary

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Lapbook “Winter” for children ZRR

Didactic manual on speech development for children of senior and preparatory speech therapy groups.


  • teacher: Tarasova Lyubov Viktorovna
  • teacher-speech therapist: Trofimova Natalia Nikolaevna

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 116 of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Ufa 2022

A laptop is a small homemade folder with pockets, windows, tabs and movable parts, in which materials on one topic are placed. Helps the child better understand and remember the material. This is a good way to review the material covered. In it, everyone can choose a more interesting task that they can do. Helps with individual work with children. At any convenient time, the child simply opens the laptop and happily repeats what he has learned, looking at the book.

The methodological development reveals the functionality of using the didactic manual Lepbook “Winter” , when organizing the educational process on speech development, with preschool children in various types of activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. The methodological development presents our own pedagogical practice, which is used in working with children in the senior and preparatory groups.

The presented material may arouse interest and be useful to practicing teachers, educators, speech therapists and other pre-school specialists, as well as parents.

The manual allows you to solve many problems:

  • development of an active vocabulary on a lexical topic
  • ability to select words objects and objects, words of action, words of signs
  • ability to write sentences
  • the ability to correctly determine the course of action and compose a story based on a series of paintings
  • the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals
  • ability to form diminutive forms of nouns
  • use of prepositions in speech

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education has identified several directions for the implementation of educational educational standards. Important areas are speech development and cognitive development of preschoolers. The standard defines the following tasks when implementing this direction:

  • development of curiosity and cognitive motivation
  • formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness
  • development of imagination and creative activity
  • the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc., about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

The purpose of using this manual: speech development, formation of lexical and grammatical categories of the language; generalization and systematization of ideas about winter as a season.


  • speech development of coherent speech
  • development of lexical and grammatical categories of language
  • increasing children's cognitive interest
  • promote the development of memory, thinking, attention through games and exercises
  • intensify observation activities
  • develop fine motor skills
  • cultivate an emotional - positive attitude towards the beauty of the surrounding nature

Contents of the didactic manual.

The manual provides for the study of material on lexical topics. The speech therapy group, children need more careful study, reinforcement, and repetition of material. After getting acquainted with a certain topic, they consolidate the material in different types of activities.

The manual is made up of pages and is intended for children of older and preparatory preschool age.

The practical significance lies in the fact that this manual allows you to increase the efficiency of work in the educational process, ensures sustainable interest and stimulates children to form cognitive skills and develop speech.

1. "Signs of Winter".

Goal: to continue to expand children's understanding of winter as a season.

2. "Answer the question".

Goal: to continue to develop children’s passive and active vocabulary on a lexical topic. Learn to listen to a question and answer it.

3. "All year round".

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish and find the main signs of winter.

4. "Count the wintering birds".

Goal: to consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals. Continue to develop the ability to compare objects, establish their similarities and differences.

5. "Call me kindly".

Goal: to consolidate the ability to form diminutive forms of words.

6. “Arrange the pictures correctly and make sentences based on the diagrams”.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to correctly determine the course of action and compose a story based on a series of paintings;

7. "Tell me where..."

Goal: continue to strengthen the ability to use prepositions in speech.

8. Proverbs and sayings in mnemonic tables.

Goal: To develop attention, memory, thinking, the ability to compare pictures and words, and to activate children’s speech.

9. Coloring pages on a lexical topic. Labyrinth. Cut pictures.

Goal: to train the small muscles of the fingers, the development of visual and spatial concepts. Develop creative imagination and speech.

10. Riddles.

Next >

Didactic visual aid Lepbook “Winter”

A laptop is a visual, practical method of teaching, the final stage of independent research work. The laptop meets the requirements for a subject-development environment:

It is informative, multifunctional, promotes the development of creativity, has didactic properties, is a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, and introduces him to the world of art. The structure and content are accessible to young children and provide playful, cognitive, research and creative activity for participants in the pedagogical process.

The purpose of creating a lapbook: to expand and generalize children’s knowledge about winter, to develop cognitive activity, observation, creative thinking, memory; cultivate independence and love for nature.



— clarify and consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;


- develop thinking, coherent speech, attention, memory, perception, creative imagination, observation.


- to cultivate in children a respectful attitude towards each other, a sense of goodwill, responsiveness;

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Description: this methodological development is intended for young children.

The laptop “Winter” has sections: “Guess the riddle”, “Collect the picture”, “Winter fun”, “Winter. Signs of winter”, “Winter natural phenomena”, “Find a pair of mittens”, “Dress Katya and Kolya for a walk”.

As a result, children develop universal skills such as:

  • search for the necessary information, summarize it, systematize it;
  • independently provide explanations to questions that arise;
  • make your own decisions, based on your ideas and skills, make choices;
  • use oral language to express your thoughts, attitudes, desires.

For children, this is a bright, interesting book; they want to look at it and study it. A laptop encourages active verbal and communicative interaction with adults and peers.

Thus, LEPBUK is a universal manual that can be the result of a project-based, joint and independent activity of children, a thematic week provided for by the educational program of a preschool institution.

Can be used to implement areas, ensuring their integration.

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