Summary of the parent meeting in the preparatory group

Don't be afraid of managers!

If moms and dads have questions that only the head of the kindergarten can resolve, you should meet them halfway and try to organize a speech from a representative of the administration. In addition, issues that require financial investments from the parents and relate to the arrangement and repair of the kindergarten as a whole (including the purchase of the necessary equipment) must be resolved in the presence of the head or her deputy for economic affairs.

Protocol is everything

If a parent meeting is held in a kindergarten, the Federal State Educational Standard prescribes the mandatory keeping of its minutes. This document, compiled as a result of the event, indicates the date of the event, the topic, the number of those present, as well as a list of invitees indicating their positions and names.

The minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten must contain an agenda, all items of which are noted in order. Then a brief summary of the issue under discussion is given, indicating the position and name of the speaker, and the comments and wishes made, as well as the results for each item, are briefly outlined.

If there was a vote, this must be recorded in the protocol, indicating the number of those who spoke, both “for” and “against”, as well as those who abstained. At the end, the decision adopted by the meeting is given, indicating the deadlines for execution and those responsible for a particular issue, and the signatures (with transcript) of the chairman and secretary are affixed.

What else should a teacher remember?

When planning to go to a meeting, parents should know what awaits them there. However, the first step is to review the topic and thank those present for being able to come, especially if this is the first parent-teacher meeting.

If the teacher plans to organize additional classes and clubs, you should definitely share this information with parents. Check whether the innovations will be necessary and useful for children. It is also necessary to tell what activities children need to do at home, this is especially important for students in the preparatory group.

You should always start a meeting on a positive note. Be sure to praise your children for their successes; it is better to mention failures in passing and only in general terms, without listing them individually. No one should be cited as an example or compared with other children (both older and younger).

What are they needed for?

A parent meeting in kindergarten is very important for establishing contact between the family and the institution’s staff (primarily the teacher). This is one of the forms of feedback and an opportunity to voice current information, discuss important aspects of upbringing, and talk about the characteristics of child development.

In addition, as a rule, they invite psychologists, methodologists, doctors, speech therapists and other specialists whose activities are in one way or another related to raising children. The information that parents of their wards receive from them can be very valuable. A competent specialist is able to timely track subtle deviations in a child’s development and give the family the necessary recommendations.

How to conduct it

At the beginning of the meeting, it is necessary to talk about the children's successes and praise the students for their achievements. In the presence of the team, you should under no circumstances discuss the problems of an individual child.

The main goal of the parent meeting in kindergarten is to inform mothers and fathers about important moments of kindergarten life, enriching them with pedagogical experience and knowledge. If work with the family is well thought out and organized, the results of the educational process will not keep you waiting. Other less important issues are usually resolved routinely during daily parental visits.

Main questions

What organizational issues are usually decided at a parent meeting? This is the purchase of necessary supplies for the kindergarten (toys, stationery, household items), discussion of their quantity and cost. As well as the choice of a parent committee or a report from its representative on the work done, discussion of proposed excursions, entertainment events (for example, concerts or trips to a puppet theater), preparation for matinees and the purchase of children's gifts. In addition, organizing creative activities with children and purchasing everything necessary for this (paper, plasticine, felt-tip pens).

If a major event is planned, for example, a New Year's party, a list of issues to be discussed should be prepared in advance. For example, whether a general tea party will be organized, whether it is worth inviting a photographer, what fancy dress costumes the children will need. When discussing all issues, the active participation of the parent committee is assumed, so you just need to give the floor to its representative.

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