Every day, a kindergarten teacher, interacting with children and their parents, receives information about the characteristics of the psychophysiological development of children, the nuances of education, and some family problems. A parent meeting is a tool that will help expand contact between teachers and parents, involve parents in the life of the group and kindergarten, help the family in proper upbringing, and improve the pedagogical culture of parents.

The minutes of a parent meeting in a kindergarten are a special document recording the progress of the meeting, as well as the issues that were raised and the decisions that were made.

Thus, a parent meeting at a preschool educational institution is an opportunity to build a dialogue between parent and teacher, identify questions and problems, and find solutions to them. And the protocols will record these issues and decisions.

Protocols of parent meetings in kindergarten

How to hold a meeting in kindergarten

Parent meetings are held throughout the kindergarten and only in a separate group. In addition, depending on the issues raised at the meeting, the following can be distinguished:

  • current;
  • thematic;
  • organizational;
  • final.

Any type of meeting will require the organizers to prepare, search for approaches to parents, because it is necessary not only to share some information with them, but also to reach them, to try to “mobilize” them for some specific actions, for example, in analyzing behavior or raising a child. Sometimes it is even difficult to ensure the attendance of parents.

The presence of parents is mandatory when considering the following issues:

  • reporting information about the educational process and results;
  • innovations in the field of preschool education;
  • conflict resolution;
  • if cooperation with parents is mandatory, then making decisions on all functional changes in the work of the preschool educational institution.

At the end of the meeting, the minutes of the parent meeting in the kindergarten are drawn up and signed.

Stages of a meeting

During the meeting, the following key stages can be distinguished:

  1. Organization . At this stage, the organizers should notify the participants and ensure their attendance at the meeting, prepare presentations or other materials that will help clarify the issues being discussed. You can also write letters of gratitude for parents who take an active part in the life of the preschool educational institution. At the same stage, the room for the meeting is prepared.
  2. Creating a script and conducting meetings etc. The event should consider the achievements of children; preschool workers talk about the relationships between children in the group, without giving negative assessments to children and their parents. The mood of the audience should remain positive throughout the meeting. Also, the meeting should help parents and teaching staff discuss all issues of interest or problems that have arisen.
  3. Analysis of the event results. At the end of the meeting, you need to summarize all the conclusions that were made and outline the decisions. Next comes the preparation of the protocol and filling out questionnaires (if any) for parents.

A parent meeting can be considered well organized when the following principles are met:

  • the meeting did not take long;
  • new data were presented;
  • The meeting was not only theoretical, but also practical.

Methodology for organizing and holding parent meetings

Speech at the methodological association of class teachers

Methodology for organizing and holding parent meetings

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the educational system is the creation of a unified educational space in the family-school connection. The interaction of the teacher with the parents of students is aimed at creating a unified educational space. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child are successful only if they become allies. Thanks to this interaction, the teacher gets to know the child better, comes closer to understanding his individual characteristics, develops the right approach to developing abilities, forming life guidelines, and correcting negative manifestations in the student’s behavior.

It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each student, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests. The successful work of an educational institution is possible only when all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents - become one, large and cohesive team. Forms of interaction between the class teacher and students’ parents can be both traditional and non-traditional.

Traditional ones include:

  • parent meetings;
  • school-wide and class conferences;
  • individual teacher consultations;
  • home visits.

Non-traditional ones include:

  • thematic consultations;
  • parent readings;
  • parent evenings

It is important to inform parents in advance about the timing of parent-teacher meetings, and already during the first meeting to familiarize them with the schedule of general events for the school year. Such foresight of teachers greatly disciplines parents and makes it clear that the school is interested in family problems and pays great attention to cooperation with them.

Cool parent meetings.

Class parent meetings are held once every quarter, but can be held more often if necessary. The parents' meeting should become a school for educating parents, expanding their pedagogical horizons, and stimulating the desire to become good parents. At the parent meeting, there is a discussion of students' achievements in academic and extracurricular activities. However, the discussion at the meeting should not be about student grades, but about the quality of knowledge and the degree of intellectual effort that the student demonstrates. It is necessary to prepare exhibitions of students’ creative works for the meeting.

Recommendations for holding parent meetings.

-The parent meeting should educate parents, and not state mistakes and failures in their studies.

-The topic of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children.

-The meeting should be both theoretical and practical in nature: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

The meeting should not engage in discussion or judgment of the student's personality. Individual conversations between the teacher and parents, consultations, help to establish direct contact between the teacher and the student’s family members, to achieve greater mutual understanding in finding ways to jointly influence the child. But in the life of a class, there are often cases when a teacher calls parents to school for a conversation, but they do not always make contact. The main thing here is not to give up, continue to fulfill your duties with soul and warmth, and the result will not be long in coming.

You need to speak with parents simply, accessiblely, convincingly and reasonably, but always with a feeling of caring for the child. Remarks that hurt their pride, constant complaints about the child, focusing on his shortcomings - this can only alienate parents and delay the achievement of the desired goal. We must try to ensure that conversations for parents become a natural form of communication with the school and are not preceded by the expectation of an unpleasant meeting with the teacher, so that the student’s parents feel that they are invited to school not only to receive edifications and reprimands, but for specific help in raising their child. It is difficult for a class teacher to imagine his work without the regular, friendly help of parents. The main purpose of the parent meeting is to enrich parents with new knowledge and experience, and to help in organizing family education. But at the same time, turn the parent meeting into the joy of worrying about the successes and achievements of your child.

Functions of parent meetings

1) familiarizing parents with the content and methodology of the educational process at school (characteristics of the curriculum used, teaching methods, a story about extracurricular activities, electives, clubs, etc.);

2) psychological and pedagogical education of fathers and mothers, which can be expressed in informing parents about the characteristics of a particular age, the conditions for successful interaction with children, etc.;

3) involving parents in joint activities with children (extracurricular activities - competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.);

4) joint resolution of organizational issues (food, duty, discipline and other problems)

Parent meetings must meet the following pedagogical requirements:

  • promote the formation of a cohesive parent team, fostering the social and legal responsibility of parents for raising children;
  • be carried out systematically, to ensure the future in solving educational tasks;
  • to help ensure the unity of educational influences of school and family on students;
  • contribute to increasing the authority of teachers, schools and parents;

show parents the successes of their children in education and upbringing as a result of the activities of teachers.

Advice from psychologists to the class teacher:

  • Before starting a meeting, it is better to “leave” a bad mood at the door.
  • Allow no more than 1-2 hours for the meeting.
  • The most pleasant sound for a person is his name. Place a list with your parents' names and patronymics in front of you.
  • Before the parent meeting begins, announce the issues you plan to discuss.
  • Don’t forget the “golden rule” of pedagogical analysis: start with the positive, then talk about the negative, and end the conversation with suggestions for the future.
  • Warn parents that not all information may be shared with children.
  • Thank everyone who took the time to come (especially fathers).
  • Let parents know that you understand how difficult it is for your child to learn.
  • In a personal conversation, evaluate your children's progress relative to their potential.
  • Make parents aware that “bad student” does not mean “bad person.”
  • The parent should leave the meeting feeling that they can help their child.

Not worth it:

  • Compare the progress of individual students and different classes.
  • Give negative feedback to the entire class.
  • Overestimate the importance of individual objects.
  • Choose an edifying tone for communication.

Stages of holding a parent meeting

Stage 1. Organizing a parent meeting.

This stage, of course, begins with setting the agenda for the meeting and inviting all participants to it. Experience shows that it is further reasonable to conduct an interview between the class teacher and subject teachers. The purpose of this meeting is a personal discussion of educational achievements and behavioral characteristics of students in the classroom. The information obtained can be used to analyze and summarize the main trends in the participation of schoolchildren in the educational process, otherwise any reasoning by the class teacher on this topic will be in the nature of private comments.

When preparing the meeting, you should also consider organizing the attendance of parents. Practice shows that this part of the work is much more important than monitoring entries in the students’ diary. It is very important to create an atmosphere of anticipation for the parent meeting: invite parents in advance, send out personalized invitations, prepare albums and video materials covering the extracurricular life of children, and prepare letters of thanks in advance to those parents whose children took part in competitions and Olympiads. The organizational part of the preparation stage is completed by decorating the classroom for holding a parent meeting there.

Stage 2. Preparing the script and holding the meeting.

The script and conduct of the meeting is the subject of the teacher’s creativity. The class teacher knows the parents of his class well and is sensitive to their mood. However, any meeting should, in our opinion, include 5 mandatory components:

1. Analysis of the educational achievements of class students.

In this part of the parent meeting, the class teacher introduces parents to the general results of the class’s educational activities; From the very beginning, it is worth warning parents that they will receive answers to private questions only during a personal meeting.

2. Familiarizing parents with the state of the social-emotional climate in the classroom.

The class teacher shares observations about the behavior of children in situations that are significant to them (in class, during breaks, in the cafeteria, on excursions, etc.). The topic of conversation can be relationships, speech, the appearance of students, and other issues. It is obvious that parents, just like teachers, must understand the mission of the school as an institution of socialization, in which the child receives the most valuable experience of interacting with other people, no less important than the sum of scientific knowledge.

3. Psychological and pedagogical education.

This component of the parent meeting does not need to be a separate meeting item; it can be naturally incorporated into the structure of other components.

4. Discussion of organizational issues

(excursions, class evenings, purchase of teaching aids, etc.) consists of two components: a report on the work done and information about upcoming activities: note that it is best to discuss financial problems in advance with the parent committee.

5. Personal conversations with parents.

At this stage, the number one object of attention should be parents of children with learning and development problems. The difficulty is that very often these parents, fearing criticism, avoid meetings, and the class teacher should strive to provide them with a sense of security, to make it clear that they are not being judged here, but are trying to help.

Stage 3. Understanding the results of the parent meeting.

Summing up the results of the meeting begins at the meeting itself: it is necessary to draw conclusions, formulate the necessary decisions, provide information on preparations for the next meeting. It is important to find out the attitude of the parents towards the meeting, it is reasonable to prepare in advance the necessary questionnaires for the assessments and wishes of the parents; all this will subsequently become a subject of reflection for the class teacher. The subject of the analysis will also have to be the personal composition of parents who remained for a personal conversation, questions from parents during the meeting, the attendance of parents, reasons for absence, participation of parents in the discussion, etc. Information about the results of the parent meeting should be communicated to the school administration and fellow teachers.

How are the minutes of the parent meeting drawn up?

During the meeting, it is necessary to draw up minutes - this is done by the secretary of the event. It can be any preschool teacher. The secretary can develop and use a pre-created minutes template and complete it during the meeting. Templates and samples of protocols for parent meetings in kindergarten are presented at the end of the article.

Minutes of preschool educational institutions meetings:

  • record the progress of the meeting;
  • provide a report to senior management on the implementation of assigned tasks;
  • record existing orders;
  • provide the opportunity to receive a report on the execution of tasks;
  • help in resolving disputes.

The legislation does not oblige the use of certain frameworks for document execution. It can be drawn up on A4 paper and filled out manually or using a computer. The document header should contain:

  • name of the preschool institution;
  • theme of the meeting;
  • date and location;
  • number of participants.

The “Agenda” section should display the issues that will be discussed. They need to be formulated briefly.

The “Reports” section contains:

  • a summary of the participants' speeches;
  • questions from participants;
  • answers to them.

At the end of the meeting, the minutes should contain all the information about the various issues discussed at the meeting, all the reports, as well as the solutions reached.

The minutes of the parent meeting in kindergarten must be certified by the chairman and secretary of the meeting. Sometimes the protocol is also signed by members of the parent committee. If the purpose of the meeting was to inform parents about something important (For example: a flu epidemic, the danger from ticks, etc.), you can draw up a “Familiarization Sheet.” It is signed by all those present and added to the minutes of the meeting as an appendix.

Decisions made during the meeting are binding on all children and parents, regardless of their presence at the meeting. If an important decision was made during the meeting, it is necessary to familiarize all parents with it (even those who were absent). To do this, you can call or place an ad in the “parents’ corner.”

Sample minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten

Protocol No. 2

Parents' meeting in the middle group of MBDOU No. 3

dated August 8, 2022

Topic: “Tasks of education and training for the academic year”

Goal: Expanding contacts between parents and teachers; Improving the pedagogical culture of parents and literacy in matters of children's life safety. Involving parents to participate in the life of the group and kindergarten.

Objectives: To familiarize parents with the tasks and features of educational work, the tasks of the preschool institution for the new school year; teach parents to observe the child, study him, see successes and failures, try to help him develop at his own pace; intensify work on children's speech development. Forming in parents a sense of responsibility for the safety of their child. Preserving the life and health of children.

Chairman: Afanasyeva Yu.E. Secretary: Chubanova L.I.

Present: 17 people Absent: 6 people


1. Presentation of letters of gratitude to parents for their assistance in preparing the group for the new school year. – Krivina 3.N.

2. “Age and psychological characteristics of the development of children 4-5 years old.” Speech by V.N. Yurina

3. “Features of the educational process in the middle group of preschool educational institutions.” – Sinitsyna V.V.

4. Selection of the parent committee for the upcoming school year.


1. On the first issue of the agenda, the head of the MBDOU, Krivina 3.N., was heard. She congratulated parents on the start of the school year and presented letters of gratitude for their help in preparation.

2. Teacher V.N. Yurina spoke on the second issue. She told parents about the age and psychological characteristics of the development of children of middle preschool age. Parents received brief instructions “Age characteristics of children in the middle group” (4-5 years old).

3. On the third question, we listened to teacher V.V. Sinitsyn. She informed the parents about the group’s daily routine, the content of the educational process in accordance with the educational program being implemented, the class schedule, contact phone numbers of the MBDOU administration and teachers. Parents asked questions that interested them, expressing wishes and suggestions for improving the quality of the educational process.

5. On the fourth question, teacher Yurina V.N familiarized those present with the document on the Regulations of the parent committee in the MBDOU, read out the tasks of the parent committee, the organization and content of work, and the rules of parent committees. Parents proposed the candidacy of N.E. Davydova. as chairman of the parent committee. Parents proposed their candidacy for members of the parent committee: Petrova O.V. and Smiridonova I.V. Representatives of the parent committee suggested purchasing gifts for children's birthdays. The parents voted unanimously.


  1. Take note of the contents of the leaflet “Child 4-5 years old”
  2. Teachers and parents interact with each other, striving to fulfill the main task - creating favorable conditions for the development and upbringing of children in the existing team.
  3. Unanimously approve the composition of the parent committee: Chairman: Davydova N.E. Members: Petrova O.V. and Smiridonova I.V.


“for” – 17 people “against” – 0 people

Chairman: _____________ Afanasyeva Yu.E.

Secretary: _____________ Chubanova L.I.

Download this example

Sample protocol

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Development of the structure of a thematic parent meeting

Olga Petrovna Bashkirova, teacher, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 179”, Samara city district

Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Family and preschool institutions are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the comprehensive development of the child. Modern parents are quite literate, have access to pedagogical information, but often they use random literature, unsystematically, and therefore parents’ knowledge is chaotic [1, p. 28].

A positive result can only be achieved by uniting the family and kindergarten into a single educational space, implying interaction and cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout the child’s preschool childhood. Based on this, it follows that the issue of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most pressing today.

The purpose of the parent meeting: coordination and unification of the efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family in creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality and improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

Tasks of the parent meeting

  1. Establish partnerships between teachers, children and parents.
  2. To help parents understand their educational role in the family, their position in communicating with children within the framework of family education.
  3. Provide assistance to parents in mastering pedagogical knowledge about the development of a preschool child and the ability to apply it in communication.
  4. Select methods of influence on the child that are appropriate to his age and individual characteristics.

Pedagogical theory and practice have developed a large number of different forms of working with families. The main form of work between teachers and parents is parent-teacher meetings. During each school year, kindergarten groups usually hold two or three planned parent meetings. Traditional forms of parent meetings are a meeting at which there is a main speaker - a teacher and several co-speakers, specialized kindergarten specialists or representatives of the parent committee. The teacher can also conduct a survey or a short discussion with parents about any issue in the life of the children’s group [2].

The structure of a thematic parent meeting consists of three stages [3].

Stage I - Preparatory

  1. It is necessary to warn parents in advance about the parent-teacher meeting in kindergarten and about the topic that will be discussed. The teacher should post the date and topic of the parent-teacher conference on the information board. It's even better if each parent receives a personal invitation to a parent-teacher meeting.
  2. It is necessary to prepare well in advance for the parent meeting. Write a plan, prepare visual and information materials, print out the required number of questionnaires for parents.
  3. It is necessary to agree with other kindergarten specialists on the topic of the parent meeting, their role at this meeting and give time for preparation.

Stage II – Basic

The first or introductory part is designed to organize parents, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, and concentrate their attention (topic messages, forms of meetings using short games and activities).

The second part (disclosure of the topic of the meeting) begins with a speech by the group teacher, senior teacher or other preschool specialists, covering the theoretical aspects of the topic under consideration.

The third part - “miscellaneous” - discusses the issues of keeping a child in kindergarten, spending leisure time, organizing joint events between the family and the preschool educational institution.

The fourth part is the decision; the results of the meeting are summed up, listing the decisions made on each of the issues discussed, recorded in the minutes.

Stage III - Final (reflective)

Summing up, it is important to find out the attitude of the parents towards the meeting, it is wise to prepare in advance the necessary questionnaires for the assessments and wishes of the parents - all this will subsequently become the subject of reflection. The subject of analysis will also have to be the personal composition of parents who remained for a personal conversation, questions from parents during the meeting, the attendance of parents, reasons for absence, participation of parents in the discussion, etc.

When holding a parent meeting, you must follow all stages of its structure. This will help us not only maintain its function, but also convey the theme of the meeting, as well as the comfortable presence of all participants. This way, the parent meeting will be effective.

  1. Arnautova E.P. We are planning to work with our family. // Management of preschool educational institutions 2002, No. 4. – 66 p.
  2. Zvereva O. L., Krotova T. V. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution: Methodological aspect. — M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005
  3. Syagina N.V. Experience of interaction between family and preschool institution // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 23. — P. 518-521.
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