Message from work experience “Interaction with families in order to form the foundations of life safety in preschoolers”

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“Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on the safety of children’s lives”

“Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on the safety of children’s lives”

The first school for raising a growing person is a family. Here he learns to love, endure, rejoice, and sympathize. Any pedagogical system without a family is pure abstraction. In family conditions, emotional and moral experience develops; the family determines the level and content of the child’s emotional and social development. Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that the development of a child’s personality should not follow a spontaneous path.

Today, the potential capabilities of the family are undergoing serious transformations. Teachers note a decrease in her educational potential and a change in her role in the process of primary socialization of the child. Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, and lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology. The closest we are to a preschooler and the problems of his upbringing are preschool teachers who are interested in creating favorable conditions for the development of each child and increasing the degree of parental participation in the upbringing of their children. The full upbringing of a preschooler occurs under the simultaneous influence of the family and the preschool institution. The dialogue between the kindergarten and the family is built, as a rule, on the basis of the teacher demonstrating the child’s achievements, his positive qualities, abilities, etc. The teacher in such a positive role is accepted as an equal partner in education. Therefore, we need to take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child.

Not all families fully realize the full range of opportunities to influence the child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and still others do not understand why it is necessary. In all cases, qualified assistance from a preschool institution is necessary. The problem of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families has recently become one of the most pressing. The changing modern family (financial and social stratification, abundance of the latest information technologies, wider educational opportunities) forces us to look for new forms of interaction. Fathers and mothers need to remember that kindergarten is only an assistant in raising a child, and therefore they should not shift all responsibility to teachers and withdraw from the educational process.

The principles of interaction with parents are:

1) Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents.

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. In communication between a teacher and parents, categoricality and a demanding tone are inappropriate. The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be.

2) Individual approach.

It is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad. Here, both the human and pedagogical ability of the teacher to calm the parent, sympathize and think together about how to help the child in a given situation will be useful.

3) Collaboration, not mentoring.

Modern fathers and mothers, for the most part, are literate people, and, of course, know well how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge is unlikely to bring positive results today. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and family support in difficult pedagogical situations.

4) We are preparing seriously.

Any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared. The main thing in this work is quality, not quantity. A weak, poorly prepared parent meeting or workshop can negatively affect the positive image of the institution as a whole.

5) Dynamism.

A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests.

In order to plan work with parents, you need to know your students’ parents well. Therefore, it is necessary to start with an analysis of the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations of their child’s stay in kindergarten. Conducting surveys and personal conversations on this topic will help to properly organize work with parents, make it effective, and choose interesting forms of interaction with the family.

Parents of children attending preschool educational institutions today can be divided into three groups.

The first group are parents who are very busy at work, for whom kindergarten is simply vital. But, despite this, they expect from the kindergarten not only good supervision and care for the child, but also full development, health improvement, training and education, and organization of interesting leisure time. Due to their busy schedule, this parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations, seminars, and trainings. But with the correct organization of interaction, they will be happy to prepare family work at home together with the child for a competition, exhibition, and at a convenient time for them will take part in pre-announced events.

The second group consists of parents with a convenient work schedule and non-working grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full-fledged children's communication, games with peers, development and learning. The task of teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer; they must be involved in the work of the kindergarten.

The third group is families with non-working mothers. These parents also expect from the kindergarten interesting communication with peers, learning skills for behavior in a team, maintaining the correct daily routine, learning and development. The teacher’s task is to select energetic mothers from this parent group who will become members of parent committees and active assistants to educators. The teacher must rely on this parent group in preparing parent meetings, holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions, etc.

The content of work with parents is implemented through various forms. The main thing is to convey knowledge to parents. There are traditional and non-traditional forms of communication between teachers and parents of preschool children.

Traditional forms are divided into collective (parent meetings, conferences, round tables) and individual (conversations, consultations, home visits), as well as visual and informational (exhibitions, stands, screens, moving folders).

Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents.

1) Information and analytical. This includes identifying

interests, needs, requests of parents, level of their pedagogical literacy. Conducted with the help of socialist cross-sections and surveys.

2) Cognitive. Familiarization of parents with age and

psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills in raising children in parents. There are seminars and workshops, a pedagogical lounge, meetings in a non-traditional form, and a pedagogical library for parents.

3) Visual and informational. Introducing parents to work

Preschool educational institution, peculiarities of raising children. These are information projects for parents, organizing days (weeks) of open doors, open viewings of classes and other activities for children, and publishing newspapers.

4) Leisure. Establishing emotional contact between

teachers, children. These include joint leisure activities, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions, etc.

The upbringing and development of a child is not possible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate, and then everything will work out.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, long and painstaking work, requiring patient, unwavering adherence to the chosen goal.

It's no secret that the current social and environmental situation is causing concern among people all over the planet. Children are the most vulnerable part of the population. While learning about the world around them, preschoolers often find themselves in situations that threaten their life and health. This dictates the need to begin teaching children the rules of safe behavior from preschool age.

It is very difficult to determine whether a person behaves correctly or incorrectly in certain circumstances. After all, even an open conflict between a child and an adult or peer can in some cases be assessed positively - as a desire to defend oneself and the right to one’s opinion and action.

Any generally accepted norm must be understood and accepted by a little person - only then will it become an effective regulator of his behavior. It is necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety depend on this. To do this, it is very important to find an adequate way to explain these rules to children. And then monitor their implementation.

Safety is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but the ability to behave correctly in various situations. In addition, children may find themselves in unpredictable situations on the street and at home, so the main task of adults is to encourage them to develop independence and responsibility. In this regard, traditional forms of education adopted in kindergarten can be used only partially and more attention should be paid to organizing various types of activities aimed at children acquiring a certain behavioral skill and experience. After all, everything we teach children, they should be able to apply in real life, in practice.

In order to understand what exactly children know, think, feel, you can use conversations and discussions - this will avoid the transfer of knowledge that is already known to them or that which they cannot yet use because of its incomprehensibility or distance from real life. At the same time, relying on the knowledge and ideas that children already have, educators and parents will be able to identify those areas in which special training is necessary and choose an adequate methodology (activity, game, reading, conversation, cartoon).

The main task of teaching children “Basics of safety for preschool children” is to stimulate the development of independence and responsibility for their behavior in preschoolers. Learn to react correctly in various life situations, including dangerous and extreme situations.

All work on forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and health situation, teaching methods of self-preservation and survival in extreme situations is put at the forefront.

Every child should understand what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people. It is necessary for educators to talk about the dangers of contacts with unfamiliar adults, given that children have their own ideas about which adults can be dangerous and which ones cannot. Most children believe that people with an unpleasant appearance or unkempt clothes are dangerous.

For young and middle-aged children, it is advisable to use examples from fairy tales and literary works familiar to them (for example, in the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin, the evil stepmother sends her maid, who pretended to be a kind old woman, to give the princess a poisoned apple ; Cinderella was dressed in rags and stained with soot and ash, but she was kind; the Beast in “The Scarlet Flower” turned out to be a kind enchanted prince). With older children, it makes sense to organize a conversation with examples from their own life experience.

To reinforce the rules of behavior with strangers, you can offer children dramatization games, while to prevent neurotic reactions and the emergence of fears, images of fairy-tale characters or fairy tales about animals with a happy ending should be used.

It is advisable to practice defensive behavior during special training. Children should know that when danger arises, they need to shout loudly, calling for help and attracting the attention of others: “Help, help, stranger.”

The goal is to teach children, especially those who are shy in themselves, to behave correctly, so that those around them understand that violence has been committed and do not confuse it with ordinary childish whims.

It is advisable to role-play different situations: the child is alone at home; child at home with friends, brothers, sisters; child at home with adults.

In game training it is necessary to include various kinds of “persuasions” and attractive promises. Situations played out for children can be supported by appropriate fairy-tale plots, for example: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Children should also be made aware of the problems of environmental pollution. It is necessary to explain to children that fulfilling the usual requirements of adults (drink boiled water, wash fruits and vegetables, wash your hands before eating) these days can protect against illness, and sometimes even save lives. It is advisable to organize experiments with children using a microscope and a magnifying glass, which is contained in water. This contributes to the formation of a feeling of disgust towards “dirty” water.

It is necessary to explain to children that you can feed stray dogs and cats, but you cannot touch or pick them up.

Tell children about poisonous plants that grow in the forest, fields and meadows and that everyone needs to know. To familiarize yourself, use pictures and visual materials; children should be explained that they need to be careful and unlearn the bad habit of trying everything (berries, blades of grass).

To reinforce these rules, it is useful to use games - classifications, ball games in "edible - inedible", visual material, and in the summer season, walks in the forest, in nature.

Household items are sources of potential danger to children and are divided into 3 groups:

items that are strictly prohibited to be used (matches, gas stoves, electrical sockets, switched on electrical appliances);

objects that, depending on the age of the children, need to be learned to handle correctly (needle, scissors, knife);

items that adults should store in places inaccessible to children (household chemicals, food acids, medicines, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, cutting and piercing instruments).

The child must learn that only adults can use items in the first group. Here, as nowhere else, prohibitions are appropriate.

If necessary, prohibitions can be supplemented with explanations, examples from literary works (for example: “The Cat's House” by S. Marshak), and dramatization games. To teach children to use objects of the second group, it is necessary to organize special training sessions to develop the appropriate skills (depending on the age of the children). Problems of children's safety in connection with objects of the third group and the rules for their storage are the content of the work of educators and parents.

We also introduce children to the rules of behavior on city streets: we talk about traffic rules, and role-play situations of correct and incorrect behavior on the street. We introduce the rules of behavior in transport (the game “Ride on the Bus”).

Firefighters talk to children in preparatory groups about their profession and safety measures. The children were shown the structure of a fire truck, how to use fire hoses, and even had a ride on a fire truck.

All work on life safety consists of the very great importance of a positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, we should not only take this into account ourselves, but also pay significant attention to working with parents, with whom it is necessary to achieve complete mutual understanding. Parents must realize that they cannot demand that their child follow any rule of behavior if adults themselves do not always follow it (for example, it is difficult to explain to children that they need to use a handkerchief if parents do not do it themselves). And the different demands placed on children in kindergarten and at home can cause them confusion, resentment, or even aggression.

The following areas of work for educators with parents are possible:

Organizing meetings (general and group) to inform parents about joint work and encourage their active participation in it;

Familiarization of parents with the work of the kindergarten according to the proposed program (meetings, open classes, special exhibitions, thematic videos);

Organization of various events with the participation of parents (including using their professional experience as a medical worker, police officer, firefighter);

Familiarization of parents with the results of their children’s learning (open classes, various general events, information in “parents’ corners”).

The safety of children is almost always the work of their parents.

You need to be attentive to your child, be worthy of his trust - and most accidents can be prevented.

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Working with parents on introducing preschoolers to the basics of life safety

 When getting to know the world around them, children often face danger and often become victims of their ignorance and frivolity. Therefore, the role of an adult is so necessary for a child at the stage of becoming familiar with the basic rules of safe behavior, acquiring experience of safe behavior at home, in everyday life, on the street and in the event of any emergency. We build this work in close cooperation with the families of pupils, promoting the formation of good, trusting relationships “teacher - child - family”. Effectively organized cooperation between preschool educational institutions and the families of pupils makes it possible to achieve the desired results in the development and upbringing of children, and in our case, to attract parents to the issue of teaching the basics of safety.

In order to attract parents to joint cooperation, we try to use a variety of forms to make the meetings useful and interesting: parent meetings with open classes; family leisure with master classes; quest - games, quizzes, sports entertainment, competitions, projects, promotions, where every parent has the opportunity to be not only an observer, but also an active participant.

Joint drawing competitions were held on the theme: “On the way to kindergarten”, “Our assistant Traffic Light”, “The Journey of a Small Car”.

All groups have developed extensive material on developing a healthy lifestyle.

To do this, teachers regularly place in the parent corners for parents:

– advice to parents on protecting the life and health of children.

– Reminders for parents on teaching children traffic rules.

– leaflets “Safety at home for children and adults”,

– booklets “The basis of the safety of children’s lives”, taking into account seasonality,

– photo collages “For the safety of the whole family”, “Playing safe games”, “Following the rules...”.

As part of the project activities, parents and their children took an active part in the campaigns “Flicker for every child”, “Safe road home”, “Remember the driver - you are also a parent”, “Safety Week”.

Forming safe behavior skills in children contributes to the development of their own cognitive activity, creativity, thinking, imagination, and communication skills. In the process of collaborating with parents to organize this work, children not only acquired new knowledge and skills about generally accepted standards of safe behavior, but also applied them in practice.

A survey and survey among parents showed that as a result of the use of non-traditional forms of interaction with them, parents began to be more understanding of the work of the teacher, listen to the opinions of the teacher and other parents, and also participate in the life of the kindergarten.

I bring to your attention the scenario of an adventure game with the participation of parents and children of senior preschool age “Adventure Island”

Goal: to systematize the acquired knowledge on fire safety and traffic rules in an attractive, modern, accessible form for children.


– consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules and traffic signals;

– repeat safe fire safety rules.

– develop the need to comply with traffic rules;

– develop logical thinking, observation, memory;

– activate dialogic, monologue speech.

Progress of the game:

Presenter - pirate : - Hello children, parents, guests. I am a great traveler, I came to your island of adventure to gather a team for my next hiking trip, because everyone knows that traveling in the company of friends is more fun and safer. Anyone who is not afraid of difficulties, who loves adventure, then you should definitely join my team. Don't be shy, agree, come closer. I have a gift for you (shows a chest). What do you think is there? (Answers from participants). How can you find out which of you is right? (Answers from participants). Let's check it out, come one at a time. (Everyone takes turns taking a bandana out of the chest.) What can you do about it? Tie it the way you want. Who are you now? You are like my team. To cope with any difficulties along the way, the team must be friendly and well-coordinated, so we need to get to know each other better and test your cohesion. I suggest you take one spoon each and let’s form a circle. But we will hold the spoon with our teeth and pass the ball around until it reaches me. Everyone is ready, ready, let's start.

Game "Pass the ball without hands"

Well done, what a friendly team I have. But before you go on a hiking trip, you must help me, I found a piece of the map with which you can find where the treasures are hidden. But this is only a piece, there are some arrows, symbols (shows a piece of the map), you know your island of adventure better, and you can collect all the parts of the map and find treasures. We agree, then let's take a closer look at this piece (discussion, further actions).

There are two improvised containers with balls on the island, which means we need to split into two teams and get the balls from which you will make a traffic light. But it’s not so easy to get it. Each of you will take a stick and, pushing the sticks into the holes, you need to push the balls out through the top, collect them using tape in the correct sequence (red, yellow, green) so that you get a traffic light. Only if you make it in time (the time for completing the task is indicated on the map). We will get the next clue. Ready. I'm timing it, my team goes ahead.

Game "Traffic Light"

(the report begins, and the teams begin to complete the task, the teacher encourages, coordinates the time, encourages).

Helps for a long time

For children, our friend is a traffic light

Do you see red? Just waiting

Yellow color - preparing the legs,

We're going green!

So what does this mean? (These three colors should tell us where to find the next piece of the map) (suggestions are made, the second piece of the map is found at the bottom of the traffic light post).

What is indicated here? (They fasten two pieces, look at the map and determine what’s next).

If a flower is drawn, then maybe it should grow somewhere here, but it’s some kind of unusual flower, let’s look around carefully, maybe we’ll come up with something (they look around, find the core of the flower, the teacher pays attention to the petals flowers that hang on ribbons on the ladder). Yes, here you need to be careful and attentive to get to the petal. If you hit it, the bell will ring, which means... Everything needs to start over. You can step over and climb up. The main thing is to get to the ribbons. Pick one and bring it to the start and attach it to the core of the flower. Time is limited.

Game "Flower - multi-color"

(they crawl under the ropes, climb onto the ladder, tear off the ribbon, bring it to the start and attach it to the middle of the flower, at the end, on the back side of the flower they find a part of the card. Discuss the next task and how to solve it. After receiving each part of the card, it is attached to the first parts ).

What do you think a bow and arrow and a wall with balls could mean? (participant responses). I agree with you, probably a piece of the map is in some kind of ball. Well, you are the most accurate, let's get the card first.

Game "Hit the Target"

(each participant in turn needs to hit the ball with a dart and try to find pieces of the card in them that are in all the balls, then connect them and follow the direction)

Yes, the map brought us here, look, there is something incomprehensible in these buckets, and why is there a coin drawn? (Answers)

Children will look for coins in buckets filled with various odds and ends. Everyone must get two coins, from any bucket of their choice, in order to use these two coins to get a magical life jacket for their parent.

Game "Find the coin"

(at the end of the game, for every two coins from the child, the host gives the child a vest with letters for adults, which each parent must wear.)

Our little friends did a good job and were not afraid to find coins in buckets filled with various things. Now it’s your turn, our parents, to try and find another piece of the map. Look at your life jackets, they are unusual in that they have different letters written on them (1-зпнр; 2-ежл; 3-bochv; 4 –ргки; 5 – аоус). What do you think this is for? Right. To complete the next task, look at what needs to be done on the map. The children will help you find the hanging medals and solve the riddle, and you will show us the answer to the riddle by constructing a word from your letters, that is, form a word so that it becomes a word. Time is limited. So, the first medal (the participant rips off the suspended medal, reads the riddle, collectively find the answer and line up to form a word):

  1. Warms the air in the room
  2. In the cold it is a salvation for people. (Stove)
  3. The flames rise to the sides

Broadcasts about danger

Everything is enough, everything is taken,

The voice screams louder. (Speaker)

  1. From the tongue red, hot, bright

The hut turns black, right down to the coal (Fire).

  1. Under Seryozha's feet

Striped track

He walks along it boldly

And behind him are all the people (Zebra).

(The fifth medal contains a part of the map. They connect the parts of the map and discuss the next task).

Yes, fire is very scary in the forest, it’s clear why the bucket is drawn here. Since the map says that we need to put out the fire, then we will put it out. Look, the water and buckets are on one side, and the fire is on the other, and to get to it you need to snake around the hanging obstacles. Only when the ball rises to the surface of the vessel, only then will our fire go out and we will be able to get the ball, which probably contains the missing piece of the card.

Firefighting game

(take a card out of the ball)

Well, I’ve got a team, look, now I know where the treasure is. Of course, the treasure belongs to me, okay, don’t look at me like that, I’ll share it with you if you beat me at pebbles. Well, understand, I can’t just take and share K-L-A-D-O-M, the card is mine, mine. Okay, try to beat me, although no one has succeeded yet. There are two cups floating in the basin, into which we will place shells and pebbles. I will pour it into my glass, and you into yours. One shell per participant, alternately I and you. Whose glass sinks faster is the loser.

Game "Glass with shells"

Well, okay, what does the map show where to look for the treasure? (following the map, they go to the tree and remove the chest, take out treasures (reflective icons))

So what is this treasure, what are they for? Do you think we have found a useful treasure? Will it be useful to you? What time of day should they be worn? Okay, let's wear them in the dark. I invite you all to my next journey.

I am very glad that I have the most courageous, friendly, dexterous and fast tourists. I want to wish you all the best.

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