Open morning gymnastics in the junior group “Spring Walk”

Summary of preparation and conduct of morning exercises for children of the younger group of the classical form

Kharina Natalya Maksimovna

Summary of preparation and conduct of morning exercises for children of the younger group of the classical form

Program objectives: consolidation of motor skills, strengthening and maintaining health, increasing performance, daily exercise

Equipment: three-dimensional visual cues, rope, cubes.

Venue: sports ground.

Forming in a circle

The sun woke up and smiled at all the kids! Children, all of you come to me. Let's hold hands and make a big beautiful circle. We don’t step on the rope. Well done. They gave up.

Types of walking:

— normal (15 sec)

Now turn around and follow me. Let's go to the forest. We walk along the path. We raise our legs higher, everyone sleeps straight. The head looks forward. Like me! This is how we walk well!

— on toes (15 sec)

Now let's walk along our path on our toes. Quietly, as quietly as mice. We keep our backs straight, breathe through our noses, and head looks forward. These are the kind of mice we have!

— in wide steps (15 sec)

Children, it rained in our forest last night. And now there are puddles on the path. Let's step over puddles like me! We look forward, walk widely, our backs are straight. Well done!

Types of running:

- normal (15sec)

Now let's run along our path. We don’t bump into each other, we don’t overtake, we look ahead, we breathe through our noses. Like me.

— with a change in tempo (30 sec)

Guys, it's raining! Let's run quickly so as not to get wet. Don't push, look forward. And now the rain has stopped, let's run slower, like me. Our backs are straight, we breathe through our noses. Well done.

Jumping forward

2 – 3 meters

Now let's jump like bunnies. Let's jump after me! Girls and boys jump like bunnies. Jump-jump, jump-jump! The head looks forward, everyone’s backs are straight, we jump high. These are the bunnies!

Rebuilding to the outdoor switchgear complex

Now let's blow a big bubble! Let's hold hands and step back. That's how big our bubble turned out to be! They gave up.

Outdoor switchgear complex

3-4 exercise

3-5 times

1. Children, now we will show our hands. Place your feet in a narrow path, hands below, like mine. Now we raise our hands forward, look at our fingers. This is what everyone's hands are like. And they lowered it down. Once again. We keep our backs straight, raise our arms straight. Katya, well done. You're doing well. We finished the exercise.

2. Children, now are we going to find out where our knees are? Place your feet in a wide path, hands behind your back, like me. They leaned forward and extended their arms. We keep our backs straight and look at our fingers again. They put their hands on their knees. Here they are! And they straightened up. We breathe through our nose, do not bend our legs. Petya, bend lower, Olya, look ahead. Well done. We finished the exercise.

3. And our next exercise is called “Short and long legs.” They placed their feet in a narrow path, like me. Keep your backs straight. These are our long legs. Now let's sit down and the legs will turn into short ones. These are the kind of legs we have! No one is in a hurry, breathes through their nose, looks forward. Well done everyone. We finished the exercise.

4. And now we will jump like little balls. We placed our feet in a narrow path and straightened our backs. And we start jumping like me. We jump high, look forward. What wonderful balls we have! Petya, jump higher. Katya, don't lower your head. Well done guys. We're done.

Jumping alternating with walking


Now let's jump again. We jump high, backs straight, head looking forward. Now let's march like soldiers. We raise our legs higher, our arms work. Katya, raise your legs higher. Well done everyone. We finished the exercise.

Rebuilding and benefit collection

for the teacher

And now we will line up beautifully. Petya is near Sasha, Dasha is near Katya. We straightened our backs and stood up straight.

Intense running

10 sec

Children, everyone turned to follow me. And now you and I will quickly, quickly run. We don't bump into each other. We don't overtake. We breathe through our nose. Olya, keep your back straight, look forward. Well done kids, everyone is doing well.

Walking with breathing exercises

And now you and I will walk along the path little by little. They raised their hands up and took a breath. Lowered - exhale. Our morning exercises are over. Now everyone will become strong, agile and skillful.

Summary of morning exercises for young children

Summary of morning exercises for young children

Venue: games room

Equipment: Cubes, toy pet - kitten

Objectives: Continue work to strengthen and protect the health of children, develop skills in basic types of movements. Improve children's spatial orientation.

The content of the work Dosage Methodical techniques
Organization of children 2 minutes -Guys! Our kitten wants to play with you! You will be little kittens, and I will be your mother cat.-
Formation in a column 1 min Stand behind me one after another.


15 sec We'll go for a walk with you
On toes 4 m - We walk kittens on our toes so that the mice don’t hear us. We don't push each other. We walk carefully.
regular 10 sec Kittens, raise your legs high, don't lower your head.
Walking between objects 6 m Look, there are minks on our way. We walk carefully, go around the holes, don’t touch them.


10 sec We ran after each other in unison, without pushing each other.
On toes 15 sec Now let's run on our toes. Don't lower your head.
ordinary 10 sec And now everyone is running after the mother cat.


20 sec We walk exactly one after another, breathe through our noses, lower our hands.
Outdoor switchgear complex

1) Formation in a circle

1m Guys, let's hold hands and inflate a bubble. Look what a beautiful bubble we made!
2)I. Narrow stance, hands down.

B: raise your arms up, stretch, lower.

4 rub. Let's place our feet in a narrow path, like I do. And now we stretch, we stretch higher.
3)I. Same thing.

B: Turn to the right, arms to the sides, return to i. P.

4 rub. -Let's see, where are the mice? There are none here. Let's look again.
4) Squats 4 rub. -Let's hide from the mice. Sit down and cover your eyes with your palms. Where are our kittens? No kittens!
5) Jumping alternating with walking 20x2 The kittens want to play, let's jump high. Well done! We rest, we walk in place.
Intense running 10 sec And now the kittens are running!
Breathing exercise 4 m And now we follow each other, raise and lower our hands, breathe easily through our noses.

Walking one after another. Run. Walk on your toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises

1. “Butterflies are flying.” I. n.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Once you move your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them down. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Butterflies drink.” I.n.: same. Bend over, move your arms back, straighten up (Fig. 20). Repeat 4 times.

3. “The butterflies have settled.” I. n.: the same. Sit down, hands on knees,

straighten up. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after another.


Walking one after another. Run. Walk on your toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises

1. “Butterflies are flying.” I. n.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Once you move your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them down. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Butterflies drink.” I.n.: same. Bend over, move your arms back, straighten up (Fig. 20). Repeat 4 times.

3. “The butterflies have settled.” I. n.: the same. Sit down, hands on knees,

straighten up. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after another.


Walking one after another. Run. Walk on your toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises

1. “Butterflies are flying.” I. n.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Once you move your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them down. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Butterflies drink.” I.n.: same. Bend over, move your arms back, straighten up (Fig. 20). Repeat 4 times.

3. “The butterflies have settled.” I. n.: the same. Sit down, hands on knees,

straighten up. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after another.


Walking one after another. Run. Walk on your toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises

1. “Butterflies are flying.” I. n.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Once you move your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them down. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Butterflies drink.” I.n.: same. Bend over, move your arms back, straighten up (Fig. 20). Repeat 4 times.

3. “The butterflies have settled.” I. n.: the same. Sit down, hands on knees,

straighten up. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after another.


Walking one after another. Run. Walk on your toes. Formation in a circle.

General developmental exercises

1. “Butterflies are flying.” I. n.: legs slightly apart, hands down. Once you move your arms to the sides, wave them, lower them down. Repeat 5 times.

2. “Butterflies drink.” I.n.: same. Bend over, move your arms back, straighten up (Fig. 20). Repeat 4 times.

3. “The butterflies have settled.” I. n.: the same. Sit down, hands on knees,

straighten up. Repeat 5 times.

Rebuilding from a circle. Running and walking one after another.

Walking and running one after another. Walking on toes. Forming a circle.

General developmental exercises

1. “Wave the flag.” I. n.: legs slightly apart, flag below in the right hand. Raise the flag up, wave it, lower it. P6 repeat 3 times. Transfer the flag to your left hand and perform the same movements.

2. “Knock the flag.” I. n.: the same. Bend over, tap your knees, say “knock-knock”, straighten up. Repeat 3 times. Transfer the flag to your left hand and perform the same movements.

3. “Place the checkbox.” I.n.: the same. Sit down, put down the flag, stand up, sit down, take the flag, stand up. Transfer the flag to your left hand and repeat the exercise.

Run after each other. Calm walking.

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Summary of morning exercises in the second junior group “Good Forest”

Yulia Kuznetsova

Summary of morning exercises in the second junior group “Good Forest”

Summary of morning exercises in the second junior group Topic : Good forest

Author : Yulia Kuznetsova

Goal: to promote the health of children and awaken the body for normal functioning.

Software tasks:

1. Educational:

— exercise children in walking and running, strengthen motor skills;

-promote the formation of natural types of movements (walking, running)



— develop physical qualities and abilities;

-develop basic movements in exercises and independent motor activities.

3. Educational:

- give children an emotional charge for the coming day, help children relieve negative emotions.

Introductory part:

1.Walking: Good forest , old forest! Full of fabulous wonders! We're going for a walk now. And we invite you with us! Our feet walk along the level path, like this, like this, our feet walk. We follow each other, the forest and the green meadow.

2. Running, walking on toes: The bridge swayed to the sides. And under him the stream laughed, we’ll walk on tiptoes, we’ll get to the other bank. The motley wings flicker. Butterflies fly in the field. One, two, three, four - they flew and circled.

Educator: Children, we came to a beautiful clearing in the forest, and here in the clearing a bear lives. Guys, now you and I will turn into bear cubs. One, two, three, we circled. We turned into bear cubs. Now the cubs will do their exercises.

Main part: outdoor switchgear (without items)

1. Pull-up: In the morning, Little Bear woke up, Little Bear stretched towards the sun. Like this, like this, Mishka reached out to the sun. How great, what great fellows you cubs are.

2. Turns: The cubs lived in the thicket. They twisted their heads, like this, like this, they twisted their heads. How cool and correct you are doing the exercise, well done my cubs.

3. Bends: The cubs were looking for honey. Together they rocked the tree, like this, like this, together they rocked the tree. Like the bear cubs rocked the tree, like that, my guys, how smart you are.

4. Squats: Waddled around. And they drank water from the river, like this, like this, and they drank water from the river. Children, how did the cubs drink water, like that, well done, my cubs.

5.Jumping: Bears have fun playing. The bears want to play. One, two, one, two, the game is over. Guys, how the little bear cubs are having fun, like this, like this, well done my little bear cubs.

Educator: Stop! Charging has ended. Inhale and exhale for order. Goodbye, good forest ! Full of fairy tales and miracles! One, two, three - we circled. And they turned into kids.


Summary of morning exercises in junior group 1

Goal: to prepare for upcoming activities.

Objectives: 1. To consolidate motor skills in general developmental exercises.

2. Development of dexterity during general developmental exercises.

3. Development of the muscular system in children.

4. Strengthening all muscle groups by performing general developmental exercises.

− Guys, hello! Today we will go to the magical land of birds.

Pack walking (10 s):

- Let's walk around a little, like this. Fine.

- And now, in order to get to a magical land, let’s turn into birds and fly. They spread their winged arms to the sides and flew. Well done!

Pack walking (10s):

- Okay. You and I have arrived at the clearing. Let's walk around it and see how beautiful it is. Okay, we stopped. Let's show each other how birds can flap their wings.

1. “Birds flap their wings” (5 times)

I.p. legs slightly apart, arms down.

1-arms to the sides, wave

- The legs were slightly spread apart, the arms were lowered. We raised our arms to the sides, waved, that’s how good it was, and lowered them. They raised it again, waved, waved, and lowered it. Okay, well done. Let's raise our arms again, wave our wings and lower them. These are the kind of birds we have, how well they flap their wings. And the wings raised for the last time. They waved and dropped. Smart girls!

Summary of morning exercises in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Autumn

Summary of morning exercises in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions
Topic : “Walk in the autumn forest.” Goal: Continue to train children in rhythmic walking, strengthen large muscle groups, develop muscle strength, joint mobility, form correct posture and the ability to navigate in space. Maintain interest in doing exercises, develop dexterity, endurance, and bring joy and pleasure to children. 1. Formation in a line. Educator: The wind is blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing. The yellow leaves are torn from the tree. - When does this happen? Children: In autumn. Educator: What time of year is it now? Children: Autumn. Educator: I suggest you take a walk through the autumn forest, play with autumn leaves. They turned to follow the leader and everyone went into the autumn forest. (Walking, running in alternation 2 times). Educator: Don’t scare away the animals living in the forest. We walk carefully, on our toes, arms straight above our heads, stretching upward, growing. (Walking on toes, normal walking) The grass is tall, we walk, raising our legs high at the knees, hands on our belts. (Walking, raising your legs high at the knees, normal walking) Like there are many bumps in the forest, let’s jump forward from bump to bump, hands on our belts. (Jumping forward, normal walking) Stand in an even circle. (Building in a circle). 2. General developmental exercises with leaves. (The leaves are arranged in a circle.) Educator: Look at the beautiful maple leaves that fell to the ground. Let's take them and play with them. (Children take leaves). 1). "Let's wave the leaves." I.p. – legs hip-width apart, arms with leaves along the body. Raising our hands forward - up, we wave the leaves above our heads, lowering our hands down, etc. (4-5 times) 2). “The wind blows, the trees sway.” I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Raising our arms up from the sides, we sway left and right “strong, weak wind” (Swings left and right at different tempos) (5 times). 3). "Let's hide behind the leaves." I.p. – heels together, toes apart, hands with leaves behind your back. Squatting, we bring our hands with the leaves forward, hiding our face behind the leaves; taking i.p. We say: “Here we are!” The back is straight. (5-6 times) 4). “Let’s show the leaves.” I.p. - kneeling, hands with leaves behind your back. We bring our hands with the leaves forward, show them the leaves and say: “here.” Back straight, arms straight. 5). "Let's dance with the leaves." I.p. – kneeling, hands with leaves along the body. Light springs (3-4 times) lift the leaves up from the sides up above your head, spin around. Repeat 3-4 times. 6). Breathing exercise: “Let’s blow on the leaves.” Inhale air through your nose, exhale through your mouth: blow on the leaves. 3. (The teacher blows on the children’s leaves) The breeze blew, and the leaves flew in different directions (light running in all directions) The wind became quieter and quieter. (Walking behind the leader.) That's how many beautiful leaves we collected in the forest.

We recommend watching:

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the 2nd junior group. Pleshcheev “Autumn” Summary of OOD in the junior group with presentation. A Journey to the Autumn Forest Notes on social and communicative development in the 2nd junior group on the topic: Autumn Notes on social and communicative development in the 2nd junior group on the topic “Autumn has come to us”

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Summary of morning exercises for the junior group

Olga Sirotenko
Summary of morning exercises for the junior group

Complex of morning exercises .

Program objectives: Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on their toes, and consolidate motor skills. Develop physical qualities and abilities. Give children an emotional charge for the coming day, help relieve negative emotions.

Educator: Guys, today we are going to visit. Guess who:

A ball is rolling through the forest,

He has a prickly side

He hunts at night

For bugs and mice.

Educator: That's right, hedgehog. We will go to visit the hedgehog.

1. We walk through the forest (Walking in a column one at a time for 15 seconds)

2. We walk through the swamp (Walking on toes, arms to the sides for 10 sec.)

3. Running away from the fox (Running in a column for 15 sec.)

4. We approach the hedgehog’s house (Walk 10 sec.)

Part II. Formation in a circle.

Teacher: (shows a toy hedgehog)

. Look, here's a hedgehog.

Hedgehog: Hello, guys. I just woke up, let's do some exercises together.

1. I. p.: stand, legs slightly apart, ball in the right hand below. Raise your arms straight up through your sides, transfer the ball to your left hand; give up. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. I. p.: stand, legs apart, arms with balls to the sides. Turn the torso to the right, connect the balls in straight hands above the head. Return to starting position. The same goes to the left. Repeat 3-4 times.

3. I. p.: stance, legs slightly apart, ball in downed hands. Squat down, bring the ball forward, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. I. p.: sitting on the floor, legs apart, ball at the chest. Lean forward, put the ball between your legs, straighten up, hands on your waist. Lean forward, take the ball, bring it to your chest. Repeat 4-5 times.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The summary contains 35 complexes of morning exercises from September to May (with elements of kinesiological and breathing exercises and exercises for the prevention of poor posture).

Start with yourself and teach others: “Morning exercises – cheerfulness from the very morning.”

Summary of morning exercises.

Plan-summary of morning exercises in the younger group with flags.

Summary of morning exercises (middle, junior group).

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits.


Summary of morning exercises for the nursery group

Olga Gorkova
Summary of morning exercises for the nursery group

Summary of morning exercises for the nursery group.

- Wake up the child's body.

- develop coordination of movements.

Educator: Come, kids,

It's time for us to recharge! (gather children around you, attract attention)


One, two, three, four, five - let's go for a walk!

One, two, three, four, five - we will walk together! (flock following the teacher)


The children stop and turn to face the teacher.

Main part (ORU)


1. “Where are our pens? - Here they are!"

I. p. – legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your hands in front of you, lower them. 4 times.

2. “Let’s hide the pens - here they are!”

I. p. - the same. Pull your arms back, return to i. p. 4 times.

3. “Pen up, pen down,

And another one - don’t be lazy!”

I. p. – feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Alternate raising of hands. 4 times.

4. “The children will sit down and sit,

Hands will fall, lie down!”

I. p. – legs slightly apart, arms down. Sit down, put your hands on your knees, stand up, lower your hands. 4 times.

Educator: Let's walk, let's walk,

All! Tired! Let's relax! (walking in a flock behind the teacher, stopping)


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