Calendar and thematic planning in the first junior group for January

Summary of GCD on the topic: Winter for children of the first junior group

Summary of the GCD in the first junior group “Poem by O. Vysotskaya “Sled”.”
Baskakova Lyudmila Pavlovna, teacher of MDOBU combined type kindergarten “Teremok”, Sibai
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities to familiarize children with fiction in the 1st junior group on the topic: “Acquaintance with the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Sleds. »» This summary is intended for teachers of younger groups. This material allows you to consolidate with children knowledge about winter, its signs, winter fun for children, and also instill a love of artistic expression.

Summary of direct educational activities in the first junior group on the topic “O. Vysotskaya’s poem “Sled.”
Integration of educational areas: “Communication,” “Cognition,” “Reading fiction,” “Socialization.” Goal: to introduce children to O. Vysotskaya’s poem “Sled.” Objectives: Educational:
Continue to expand children's knowledge and ideas about winter, its signs, winter fun; revive in children's memory their own impressions of sledding, encourage children to emotionally express their thoughts and feelings.
Develop speech, observation, attention, thinking.
To foster a culture of verbal communication, to instill a love for the artistic word.
Demonstration material: Subject pictures: “Sledding,” “Snowball fight,” “Making a snowman”; easel (magnetic board), Olya doll, sled for the doll, Snowman, letter, leaves for snowballs. Preparatory work: Looking at pictures about winter, reading poems and fairy tales about winter, observing nature and the people around you on walks. Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, story, looking at pictures, physical exercise game, surprise moment, encouragement.
GCD move.
Organizing time. Educator: Children, come to me, stand in a circle and see who came to visit us today. This is Olya doll. She wants to hear what we know about winter. Sit down, Olya, on the chair and listen. (the doll is on the chair next to the teacher, the children sit on their chairs) Conversation based on the paintings. Educator: Children, what time of year is it now? Children: Winter. Educator: How did we know it was winter? Children: There is a lot of snow, it’s cold and frosty outside. (name the signs of winter) Educator: How do we dress? Children: It's warm. Educator: Well done children! They said everything correctly. But winter is not only cold. There are many different things to do in winter! Do you like to walk? What do you and I do on a walk? Children: We play snowballs, dig snow, make snowmen... (children's answers) Educator: Look, children, at the picture ("Making a Snowman"). Who is shown in the picture?

Children: Children, snowman. Educator: Children are making a snowman. Let's say together “Children are making a snowman.” Well done! Lena, what are the children doing? (individual repetitions) What kind of snow is easy to sculpt from? Children: From damp, wet. (Help if the children have difficulty) Educator: We also have our own Snowman in the group. (there is a snowman on the table) How are the children dressed? Children: They are wearing warm clothes. Educator: Look, our doll Olya is also dressed warmly. What's on Olya's head? What else is there? (list what the doll is wearing) Well done! And in this picture, what do you see? (The picture “Snowball Fight” is exhibited)

Children: Children play snowballs. (all the children’s answers are listened to) Educator: Yes, children, it’s very fun to play snowballs in winter. How do we make snowballs on a walk? (we imitate making snowballs - we get up from the chairs, bend over, pick up snow with our hands and sculpt lump with palms.) Well done!! Physical exercise game “Snowballs”. Educator: Let’s play snowballs now too. Only the snow won’t be real. Take pieces of paper and crumple them. Look how I do it. Happened?! That's great. And now: 1,2,3-game start! (Children throw paper balls)

That's how fun we played. We're tired, and now let's rest on the chairs. And we'll give snowballs to our Snowman. (Put the snowballs in a basket) Well done!! They quietly flew like snowflakes to their places. Educator: Look at the next picture. (“Sledding”) Who do you see? What are the children doing?

Children: Children go sledding. Educator: Correct. Repeat “Children are sledding.” Let's show how we sled down the mountain. (We show with our hand from top to bottom and say "oooh!!!" several times) Well done!!! Guys, our Snowman received a letter. Let’s read it together with the Snowman. (we open the envelope, and there is a piece of paper with a poem) Introduction to O. Vysotskaya’s poem “Sledge.” Educator: What's in the envelope here? I can’t wait to look. Oh, there’s a piece of paper with a poem on it. Listen carefully. How do we listen? The legs are on two tracks, the arms are on the knees, the backs are straightened. The poem is called “Sanki,” and it was written by O. Vysotskaya. (read aloud by the teacher) Educator: Well, did you like the poem? Who went sledding? Children: Doll. Educator: How should you sit on a sled? Children: Okay, hold on tight. Educator: Let's take our doll Olya for a ride on such a beautiful sled. (I show the sled for the doll) Olya will be very happy. (We put the doll in the sled, the children take turns rolling the doll, and the teacher reads the poem several more times.)

Reflection. Educator: Children, look how happy our friend was. She says thank you to us! Did you like playing with Olya? Did you like the poem? What else did you like? You see how fun it is outside in winter. Guys, Olya liked it so much with us, maybe we can invite her for a walk? Well, let's go for a walk. (The children take turns pushing the doll on a sled during a walk).

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