Ritual Russian folk games and fun at Christmas time

The Great Veles Christmastide began after the winter Solstice and continued until Vodokres. Our ancestors believed that at this time the line between the worlds becomes very fragile, and by performing certain rituals, we can ask the Grandfathers and Gods for help.

That is why Russian folk games and fun in winter were supplemented with special ritual games. They were called upon to appease powerful helpers and protect people from evil forces.

Folk games and fun of mummers carried a deep meaning

Modern masquerade costumes, which children and adults dress up for the New Year, are a tribute to ancient Slavic customs. Only then did the mummers take their attire much more seriously and attach deep meaning to it.

Frightening masks, faces smeared with soot, clothes turned inside out, and the strange behavior of the mummers were intended to quickly send the old year into the past, to make way for the birth of a new Sun.

Everyone, young and old, took part in the ceremony. Children in masks rushed around the villages during the day, young people had fun in the evenings, the most difficult burden fell on the adult mummers at night.

Ritual Russian folk games and entertainment were accompanied by the singing of carols and dancing. At this time, it was not forbidden to perform full-fledged performances and simply be mischievous.

What the Slavs played from Kolyada to Vodokres

In ancient times, carols were not simple cheerful songs that helped collect holiday treats from fellow villagers. The mummers' festivities were accompanied by real performances.

The magic that Russian folk games and amusements carried within them promised a fruitful year, prosperity in the house and an addition to the family.

The goat and the bear often became symbols of the change of seasons and the renewal of nature. In them, young people transformed, putting horns on top of the mask for the first character and turning a sheepskin coat inside out for the second. The cheerful dance of this couple was unexpectedly interrupted by the fact that the “goat” unexpectedly “died”, falling to the floor. Her “resurrection” a few minutes later meant the return to life of the sun, which began to arrive every day.

Read books of fairy tales about Slavic Gods!

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The same meaning was attached to dressing a guy as an “umrun”. The main character was dressed in white clothes, flour was sprinkled on his face, and then “buried” in compliance with all rituals and chants. His unexpected resurrection first frightened everyone, and then became a reason for unbridled joy.

Musical ritual games

Games are universal fun: they cannot be attributed to any specific period and thereby limit their lifespan. This chapter, which includes special musical games, confirms this. They were played with pleasure in Rus' at a time when there were no radio tape recorders, no players, no discos in the world. Rituals in Rus' have always been interesting and important. Rituals of brides, grooms, initiations and many others can become the basis for games in this block. This was many years ago and perhaps readers have some idea about the games described from the words of their grandparents. There is no doubt, for example, that no one will have a question about what a round dance is. Everyone knows how he was led, as well as the fact that songs were always sung in round dances. But this is far from the only game of our ancestors. They gladly participated in the fun, which was accompanied by songs, dances and other manifestations of a cheerful and joyful mood. We invite readers to take part in musical and ritual games in modern conditions, remember the original Russian traditions, and cheer themselves up with catchy songs. These are games for older children, since they are more complex and develop not only musical, but also creative abilities, and are also very well suited for children's parties organized during folk festivals. Surely all this will appeal not only to young, but also to adult participants in the games. Perhaps the presented games will become associated with a real holiday in the best traditions of the past.


Everyone is divided into pairs. The driver in this game is called “burning”. Then all the couples stand one after another, forming a line, and the “burning” one stands two steps ahead of everyone else. He shouldn't look back. Next, the game participants sing the following song:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out. Stand at your hem - Look into the field. There are trumpeters riding and eating rolls. Birds are flying, bells are ringing! Look at the sky - The stars are shining, The cranes are screaming - Gu, gu, gu, I'll run away. One, two, don't be a crow, run like fire.

After finishing this song, the “burning one” should immediately look at the sky. At this time, the back pair separates and runs, with one participant running on one side of the line of players, the other on the other. The partners of one pair must connect again ahead of the “burning” one. If a couple of players succeed, then the “burning” player continues to lead. If the “burning” one catches someone, then the player left without a pair takes his place. He is the new “burning” one, and the newly formed couple takes a place at the front of the line. The game continues according to the principle already described.


Everyone stands in pairs one after another and joins hands. The driver stands at the front of the line and holds a handkerchief high above his head.

The players sing in chorus: Burn, burn, oil, Burn, burn, oil. Look at the sky, the birds are flying!

With these words, the players standing last in the ranks must quickly run forward and try to take the handkerchief first. The one who succeeds is allowed to stand with the leader of the first pair in the ranks, and the remaining player is “on fire.”


At the beginning of this game, a “sorcerer” is chosen. He must touch some player, and if he succeeds, then the player must stop and spread his arms to the sides. The player will be considered bewitched. Other players can disenchant it. To do this, he just needs to touch. The difficulty is that the “sorcerer” does not allow other players to get closer to the bewitched one. The “sorcerer” can place the bewitched one where he wants, and he has no right to leave this place. The rest of the players try to save the bewitched one - and at the same time they sing: “Sorcerer”, “sorcerer”, stop casting a spell, let him go, let him go for a walk. And you wake up, wake up quickly, come running to us yourself, deceive the “sorcerer”.


The “wolf” and the leader are selected. The “wolf” immediately moves away and hides somewhere nearby. Players draw a line beyond which there is a “safe zone”. Next, the presenter and players exchange song phrases. Host: – Where are you rushing, friends? What do you want to do? Players: - We’re going into the dense forest, we’ll pick raspberries there. - Why do you need raspberries, children? - To make jam. - Maybe a wolf will meet you in the forest. - We will run away from him. The players approach the place where the “wolf” is hiding and sing in chorus: “I’ll pick berries and make jam, there will be a treat for my dear mother.” There are so many raspberries, I can’t pick them all, And there are no wolves here at all, not at all. After these words, the “wolf” runs out of his hiding place and chases the players. Everyone quickly runs to the area separated as safe. If the “wolf” manages to catch up with one of the players, then they change roles, and after that the game can continue.


Before starting, a “wolf” and a “master” are chosen. The rest of the players will portray “geese-swans”. The “wolf” retires to some place designated for him. It is called "mountain". The “owner” also moves away to some distance and draws a circle of large diameter around himself, delimiting his “home”. “Geese-swans” first stay in the “house” of the “owner”, and then go for a walk. After a while, the “owner” sings: “Geese-geese, geese-swans, fly home quickly!” “Geese” answer him: “The evil wolf is under the mountain!” “Owner”: – What is the wolf doing? “Geese”: – He’s nibbling on the grass. “Owner”: – So hurry up and run home! After these words, the “geese” run towards the “house”, and the “wolf” catches them and takes them one by one to their “mountain”. When he catches all the “geese,” the “owner” heats a “bathhouse” especially for him and asks him to wash himself. The “wolf” goes to wash himself, and when leaving the “bathhouse” the “owner” takes a stick and, showing it to the “wolf”, sings: “Wolf-wolf-wolf!” I'll give you a cow! I'll throw it to you, little wolf! The “owner” throws the stick, the “wolf” runs after it, and the “geese-swans” meanwhile run “home” to the “owner”.


Everyone stands in a circle. Then they begin to sing the following song in chorus: And the horses were walking along the street, Why were they confused? Golden fetter Under the hoof. The bunny is walking, tearing up the grass - What he throws up is in a bunch. As soon as the players finish singing this song, they must immediately sit down. Those who do not have time leave the game.


From among the players, a “drake” and a “duck” are chosen. Then the players form a circle, in the middle of which they place a “duck”. The “Drake” remains behind the circle and tries to break into it in order to catch the “duck”. The players sing:

The drake caught a duck, the young one caught a gray one. - Go home, little duck, go home, little gray one. You have seven children, the eighth is a drake.

If the “drake” manages to break into the circle and catch the “duck,” then they change roles.


A “bear” is chosen from among the players. The rest of the players go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and sing:

I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest! And the bear is sitting, growling at me! I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest! The bear has cooled down - It's frozen on the stove!

At these words, the “bear,” who had been dozing until now, quietly tosses and turns, stretches and, as if reluctantly, goes towards the children who are running away from him. Then the “bear” runs faster and catches one of the players running away from him. The one caught becomes a “bear”, and the previous “bear” becomes an ordinary player.


A leader is selected and stands in the center of the circle. Players in a circle join hands, dance in a circle and sing:

As on the car's name day, we baked a loaf. Such a height! Such lows! That's how wide it is! These are the dinners! Loaf, loaf, choose who you love!

Singing is accompanied by certain actions. Each time the players show the size of the loaf they have baked, they must stop and raise their hands up or squat down and lower their hands, widen the circle or narrow it. When the last phrase of the song is sung, the circle expands to its previous size, and the player who stood in its center must choose someone from the circle and sing the following words: - I love you all, but he (indicate) more than anyone else! The round dance repeats these words several times. The game continues until all players have been named.


The guys form a circle and place a chair in the middle. “Drema” is selected and sits on a chair in the middle of the circle. The rest lead a round dance and sing:

Sit, Sandman, Sit, Sandman, Choose, Sandman, Choose, Sandman, Take, Sandman, Take, Sandman!

“Drema” gets up from the bench and chooses someone from the circle. This person becomes “Dream”, and the one who was him stands in a circle. Game continues.


The guys sit on a long bench in a row. The player sitting first lights a thin splinter, and then it is extinguished. While it is smoking, it is passed from hand to hand. The player for whom it stops smoldering must complete some task. While the torch is being passed, the following song is sung:

Once upon a time there was a Smoking Room, Once upon a time there was a Strangler. Already at the Smoking Room, Already at the Choke Room, Small legs, Short soul. Don't die, Smoking room, Don't die, choke! Already at the Smoking Room, Already at the Choke Room, Small legs, Short soul. Alive, alive, Smoking room, Alive, alive, choke. "BOYAR GAME"

This game is best played in winter, but this is not essential. So, to begin with, everyone is divided into two teams - “host boyars” and “guest boyars”. The size of the playing area should be discussed in advance. Members of both teams stand on opposite sides in a row and join hands. Next, the “guest boyars” sing:

Boyars, we have come to you, Young people, we have come to you.

Members of the singing team first walk to the middle of the platform, and then step back. Then the “master boyars” come into play and sing in response:

Boyars, why have you come? Young people, why did you come?

They are answered:

Boyars, we choose a bride, Young, we choose a bride. * * *

Boyars, which one is dear to you? Young people, which one is cute to you? * * *

Boyars, this is dear to us, Young people, this is dear to us. * * *

With these words they point to someone.

Boyars, she is a fool among us, Young people, she is a fool among us.

“Nothing,” the “boyars” answer, “this one will suit us.” - With these words, one of the “guest-boyars” tries to break the chain of “host-boyars” with a running start. If he succeeds, then he has the right to take with him one player from those whose hands he broke. After this, the guests and hosts change roles, and the game continues again. You can play this way until there are two guys left in each chain.


A large company of more than 15 people can participate in this game. They are divided into two teams, and pairs are formed within the teams. Couples face each other and hold hands to form a “gate.” The remaining players form a chain. They hold hands and try to all go through the “gates” as quickly as possible. “The Gate” meanwhile sings:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, We open the gates, the Golden Gates, Hurry up everyone here, We let you in once, we let you in twice, And the third time - We won’t let you through.

Having chanted this phrase, the players representing the goal lower their hands. Those who did not have time to pass must change them. If the "gate" manages to catch all the players, they are considered the winners.


Participants in this game must form a circle and hold hands. You should choose the “cat” and “mouse” in advance. The “mouse” is inside the circle, and the “cat” is outside and tries to catch it. But the players protect the “mouse”. The “cat” should try to break the circle of players or somehow get into the circle and get the “mouse”. The “mouse” is allowed to run away from the “cat” in every possible way, and when it penetrates the circle, the “mouse” has every right to run out of it. The players forming a circle and protecting the “mouse” sing:

You, little gray cat, don’t go to the cellar for sour cream or cottage cheese. Our son-in-law is coming soon, but there is nowhere to get sour cream. Little cat, little gray forehead, don't get into the sour cream, leave it to Stepan.

When the “cat” catches the “mouse,” they stand in a circle, and then everyone chooses a new “cat” and “mouse.”


Participants should split into two teams. One of them forms a circle, holding hands. This is a “mousetrap”. The remaining players play the role of “mice”. They do not fall into the circle, but run and jump outside of it. Then the mousetrap starts working. The players dance in a circle, and the “mice” walk around the circle. "The Mousetrap" sings:

Oh, I'm tired of the mice, there are too many of them to count. They all gnawed, they all ate, They strive to be on time everywhere.

As soon as they sing these words three times, they should immediately raise their clasped hands up. Then they continue to move in the same direction as before (with their hands raised), and at the same time they sing:

Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you. As soon as we set a mousetrap, we’ll catch everyone right away!

Players must chant this three times. After this, the “mice” must run in and quickly run out of the “mousetrap”. As soon as the last words are spoken, the players forming the “mousetrap” slam it shut, lowering their hands down and crouching. As a result, several “mice” are caught and they must stand in a circle. Thus, the “mousetrap” grows and its strength increases. The game continues until all the “mice” are caught. When this happens, the players must switch roles. The game also has additional rules. So, for example, if the players forming a “mousetrap” slam it before they sing the specified words three times, then the “mice” are not considered caught. While the “mousetrap” is open, the “mice” must certainly run into it. If they stand quietly on the sidelines, they are considered caught.


First, choose the "owl". The player stands in the middle of the playing area, and the rest sing:

You, little owl, are a big head. The day comes, the owl falls asleep, and everything immediately comes to life!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the players must scatter around the playing area. They can run after each other, jump or dance. “The Owl” stands motionless at this time, but soon she gets tired of it - and she sings:

Night falls, everything freezes, the owl flies out. Someone's about to get caught!

All players must stop and freeze in the positions they were in at the moment when the “owl” finished singing. They must stand still, moving or laughing is prohibited. If a player cannot stand it and laughs or moves, then the “owl” takes him prisoner. When she takes him to her home, she returns to the place and catches the next one. The game continues until the “owl” catches all the players.


Players choose a “lamb”, form a circle around it, dance in a circle and sing:

You, little gray lamb, with a white tail! We gave you something to drink, We fed you, Don't butt us, It's better to play with us, Well, come on, catch up!

When the players finish singing, they scatter around the playing area. The “lamb” runs after someone and tries to catch him. If he succeeds, he switches roles with the caught player.


The number of people wishing to take part in this game must be odd. Players must divide into pairs, stand opposite each other, hold hands and raise them high above their heads, forming a kind of tunnel. One player who has no partner stands at the beginning of this tunnel and goes through it. The remaining players at this moment sing:

A trickle, a trickle! Leisya, leisya, stream! Take some water from the river so we can drink. Flow smoothly, like a stream.

A player who passes through a tunnel can pull any player out of it and form a pair with him at the very end of the tunnel. Then the one who is left alone must change roles with him. This is how the game continues. There are no winners or losers, and the players agree among themselves about the time during which it will continue.

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