Abstract of the GCD “Decorative drawing on a rectangular sheet based on Dymkovo painting” in the middle group

Set of educational cards “Dymkovo Fairy Tale”.

Set of educational cards “Dymkovo Tale”

Rugacheva Olesya Vladimirovna,

teacher of the highest qualification category

Explanatory note

Educational area:

artistic and aesthetic development (visual activity).

Topics reflected in the cards:

elements of Dymkovo painting; color variety of painting elements; the difference between Dymkovo painting and Gorodets painting; material necessary for making the Dymkovo toy; elements of Khokhloma, Gorodets and Zhostovo ornaments.


children 5-7 years old (senior preschool age).

Type of lesson:

studying, consolidating and systematizing the material.

Child knowledge and skills required for work:

knowledge of the history of the Dymkovo toy; the ability to name the species diversity of toys; knowledge of painting elements; the ability to distinguish Dymkovo painting from Gorodets, Khokhloma and Zhostovo; ability to compare, analyze and reason.

Expected results:

consolidation and systematization of knowledge about Dymkovo painting; developing the ability to distinguish it from other types of painting; developing the ability to create your own ornament when working with a Dymkovo toy, selecting appropriate colors and elements.


laminated cards measuring 11*16 cm (10 pieces), a damp cloth, felt-tip pens of different colors.

Instructions for using cards

1. “Which toy is the odd one out? Why?"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to find a Dymkovo toy based on the elements of the painting.

Procedure: invite the children to carefully examine the card and circle the extra toy, explain their decision, name all types of painting (the extra one is a wooden horse in Gorodets painting).

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

2. “What patterns will we decorate the lady with?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select elements of the Dymkovo ornament.

Procedure: invite the children to carefully examine the card and use arrows to connect the lady with the ornamental elements used by the Dymkovo masters. Explain your decision, name all types of painting (Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Gorodets, Zhostovo).

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

3. “Repeat the pattern”

Goal: to strengthen the ability to draw elements of Dymkovo painting.

Procedure: invite children to carefully examine the elements of the painting and repeat them according to the model.

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

4. “Find your soulmate”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to find the other half of a toy.

Procedure: invite the children to carefully examine the card and use arrows to connect the halves of the Dymkovo toys.

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

5. “What color should we paint the toy?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select colors for Dymkovo painting.

Procedure: invite the children to carefully examine the card and use an arrow to connect the toy with a geometric figure of the color that the craftsmen used to paint Dymkovo toys (all colors on the card are suitable).

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

6. “What is the toy made of?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to find and name the material necessary for making a Dymkovo toy.

Procedure: invite children to carefully examine the card and use an arrow to connect the toy with the material used to make it. Explain your decision, name all types of materials (paper, fabric, clay, woolen threads, wooden boards).

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

7. “What should we decorate the horse with?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select types of Dymkovo painting ornaments that were used to decorate a horse.

Procedure: invite the children to carefully examine the card and use an arrow to connect the toy with the types of ornaments that are used to paint the horse. Explain your decision, name all types of ornaments and their use (the lady’s skirt was decorated with a cage and a wave).

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

8. “Name the toy”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to recognize and name the main types of Dymkovo toys.

Procedure: invite the children to carefully look at the card and name all the toys (rider, turkey, horse, lamb, water carrier, bird).

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

9. “Complete the pattern”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to complete the elements of Dymkovo painting.

Procedure: invite children to carefully examine the elements of the painting and complete them according to the model.

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

10. “Color the pattern”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to paint elements of Dymkovo painting according to plan.

Procedure: invite children to carefully examine the elements of the painting and color them according to plan.

Time allotted for working with the card: 3-4 minutes.

Dymkovo fairy tale DOCX / 2.3 MB

Dymkovo horse

Municipal preschool educational institution "Nursery-kindergarten of a combined type No. 352 in Donetsk"

Lesson summary “Dymkovo horse” (decorative drawing)

Middle group

Responsible: Zadvornaya I.N., teacher of the second qualification category

Date: 07.12.2020


: to form children’s interest in Russian folk art, to cultivate patriotic feelings - respect for folk traditions, pride in their people.



continue to introduce children to the Russian folk toy - the Dymkovo horse;

develop skills in comparing modern and folk toys, the ability to identify their distinctive features;

promote the development of speech, attentiveness, and observation when describing toys;

expand children's knowledge about folk toys, the features of Dymkovo toys (material, types of patterns, color variety), teach them to identify patterns familiar to children and see their beauty.


develop children's creative abilities through exposure to folk art and applied arts;

continue to develop the ability to apply patterns in the form of circles and lines on the image of a horse, navigate the sheet, and perform the work sequentially in two stages.


cultivate a love of folk art;

develop a caring, sensitive attitude towards toys;

promote patriotic education of children,

instill a sense of pride in our people.

Materials and equipment:

table, magnetic board, magnets, parcel with a Dymkovo toy, a letter, a plastic toy horse, illustrations of “Dymkovo toys”, samples of step-by-step drawing “Dymkovo horse”; album sheets with images of Dymkovo horses (according to the number of children), gouache paints of different colors, cups of water, brushes, mats, napkins, stands for brushes.

1. Organizational moment

Surprise moment


Guys, look, today a package arrived at the kindergarten. Examination of the parcel.

Game “Guess who the package is from?”

— Guys, who do you think could send us the package? (Santa Claus, bear, friends, fairy, snowman, etc.)

The teacher reads the sender's address on the parcel (Russia, Dymkovo settlement), as well as the recipient's address (Donetsk city, Kalinka kindergarten, Bees group). This means the package has been sent to us, you can open it. - Guys, I don’t know who sent the package.

Opening the package: What do you think they might have sent us in the package? (Toys, gifts, candies, balls, pencils, books).

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